[Goanet] Re. Carmo Mascarenhas - The Lone Viscount

2020-06-28 Thread Francis Rodrigues
Hi Linken,
I was in and out of India as a student in the '70's, toured much
of the country. I spent quite a bit of time in Mumbai, and of course
many of the Goan enclaves from Nariman Point to Karjat. It's three
decades since I visited Matharpacady (quaint then and now), where
I knew a few folk, and where distant relatives once lived. The late Lt.
Cmdr Henry Azevedo's family also were musical saw virtuosi, I guess
the late Trilby mentioned in the article was possibly their relative.

But you enquired of the late Carmo Mascarenhas, or "Carm" as he
preferred to be called. Born in the late 1940's, his family was from
Arossim (Cansaulim) in Goa, though he grew up in Matharpacady,
where music became a passion. Like many young Goan hopefuls
of the time he started music early on with the harmonica, but gave
it up at the age of 15, due to a lung weakness. Luckily his sea-faring
father bought him an electric guitar, which he took to with gusto!

"Day by day I grew to love music more than anything else, and I
found it to be my only source of joy and happiness," he once said.
In the India of the late '60's, Carmo found playing Western pop music
a hard gig, and lamented the lack of encouragement and opportunity.
He formed his first pop 'beat group' with friends, calling themselves
the "Easy Beats". But he only ever achieved success as a solo artiste.

He performed with a drummer accompanist, giving rise to his nickname
the "Lone Viscount". He snatched every opportunity to perform solo,
particularly over All India Radio for the Young Musicians Series, and the
Cadbury Amateur Hour, then re-broadcast over the very popular Radio
Ceylon of the time. Visiting Goa, he was locally accompanied by drummer
Steve Sequeira (part of Remo's "Beat 4"). Here are very grainy pics of both:


His first pop composition was called "Loving Word". His influences were the
icons of the time - the Beatles, Bob Dylan, Tom Jones; Peter, Paul and Mary.
Despairing of his folksy style succeeding in India, he emigrated to Canada in
the early 70's. He found some success here, recording a seminal album of
his original compositions in 1975, in Winnipeg, called "Someday Soon". The
style is of the time - lyrical, mildly introspective, outwardly non-commercial.


Carmo met Chrystle, a young Canadian some years his junior, at University
where both were taking Asian Studies. They married, had a son and daughter.
En route a trip to Goa in 2003, Carmo unfortunately drowned in the deep end
of a pool in the Far East, attempting to save his son - fortunately rescued by
his daughter. The Lone Viscount now plays his guitar to the celestial spheres.

Date: Sat, 27 Jun 2020
From: Linken Fernandes 
To: goanet , Roland Francis

Subject: [Goanet] Meet the Ghosts of Matharpacady Past -
Matharpacady Village

An important omission, to my mind, in the ghosts of Matharpacady web page
are a mention of the eight or so Goan residential clubs and the Goan
families (mine being one) in the lane that I like to call Club Lane. It is
these residences which staged those little candle-lit processions which
took a round of the village's two main lanes to hymns sung loudly in
Konkani whenever Our Lady visited. I don't know about now, but as recently
as twenty years ago there were no less than ten clubs in and around
Matharpacady. Some clubs staged tiatrs in the lane adjacent to Cross lane
and there were occasional dances and feast celebrations too. Christmas
gained that special silver-golden glow from the parade of paper stars the
clubs hung jutting out into the lane.
As for music, the loudest noise, apart from Joe Perry's bongos perhaps, may
have come from Carmo Mascarenhas in  the Arossim Club, up a flight of
stairs opposite our house. (That is, much before he took off for Canada and
his tragic death later -- about which I would appreciate some detail from
people here who may know more). Carmo may have been the first to get an
electric guitar into the village (thanks to his seafarer Dad, of course)
and rock the wooden beams and rafters in the houses in and around Club
lane. As Olinda, a fellow-tenant in 31 Matharpacady, would laugh and say,
"Carmon start kelem, rang-tang korunk!" I, of course, all ten-years-old of
me, would have already bounded up those wooden stairs to watch at close
quarters, as Carmo, with his Elvis Presley puff, strummed the strings and
crooned in an impossible-sounding, Westernised falsetto, which impressed me
no end!!


2020-06-28 Thread Stephen Dias
Editor Herald

Thank you very much for publishing my letter in Citizen Herald today 29th
June Monday that whole Goa will read Herald and know how bad Panjim has
Hope the CCP, PWD AND TALEIGAO PANCHAYAT and MLA of Panjim and Taleigao
WILL RESTORE PANJIM soon especially our roads which have gone worst in my
life to see them. We are unable to drive our vehicles.

I was awake to see my letter been published.
THANKS FOR PUBLISHING it  in full in Citizen Herald and i read it on line
at 2 am itself.
Probably because of space you could publish more  photos,  but does not
matter message is gone to whole Goa and world what Panjim has very much
deteriorated this year.
I have already sent to Sarpanch of Taleigao , MLA's of Taleigao and Panjim
and Commissioner of CCP , PWD and Panjim Mayor this letter who are
responsible for deterioration of this city of Panjim.
Let them work hard to restore Panjim soon.

Stephen Dias

[Goanet] Locusts in Goa?

2020-06-28 Thread E DeSousa
Unusual locust swarming activity in India being blamed on climate changes 
affecting Saudi Arabia and west Asia.

Locusts attack India: Global swarming explained

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Locusts attack India: Global swarming explained

Desert locusts run after rains and greenery. They follow the wind patterns to 
cover a vast stretch from the Rab'...



[Goanet] Is Class Or Race The Real Culprit In Brazil

2020-06-28 Thread Roland Francis
As a Goanetter in a comment to one of my posts rightly pointed out: “Racism is 
everywhere” - so also in Brazil. But the differences in Brazil were thought to 
be mainly class differences, not racially-based inequities.

Now, the Washington Post seeks to find out whether those “class differences” 
were actually based on racial structures.

Brazilian black lives matter anti-racism protests for Miguel Otavio Santana - 
The Washington Post.




2020-06-28 Thread Aires Rodrigues
The continuing so pathetic and very appalling working conditions of our
police constabulary in particular is an issue that needs to be dealt with
as a top priority to bolster their morale. In rank violation of law, our
police in Goa are made to work very long hours which needless to say is
taking a heavy toll on their personal and family lives. We have all been
witness to a spate of incidents that has exposed the stress related
fragility affecting the force. Some of them get a break after many days. On
account of long hours of work related stress, a lot of our helpless cops
are unjustly grappling with health problems like hypertension, diabetes and
depression. The working and living conditions of the staff at some of the
police stations and barracks is so very inhumane to say the least. This
uncaring treatment meted out to the police force is a clear and blatant
Human Rights violation. Like all other government employees there is no
reason why the police should also not get an eight hour shift which would
infact increase their efficiency and work output.

Goa infact has more than enough police, but they are not being rightly
deployed. Hundreds of them are assigned to protect and serve politicians
and other VIPs beyond their official permissible entitlement. Today our
police have no time left for proper investigation of crimes and street
policing which infact is their basic duty.

The Government seems to have lost sight that our police have a personal
life too.  A human body can only do so much. One cannot be expected to work
over eight hours a day. Even an animal requires rest and, for that matter,
not even a machine will function unless it is rested adequately. The
Government cannot be a cause for ruining the health and lives of the police
force. These genuine grievances and pathetic working conditions confronting
the police must be looked into in right earnest. Otherwise, instead of
focusing on building bridges and roads, the Government may have to set up
as a priority more hospitals to take care of our over worked police
constabulary, if not more crematoriums, cemeteries and khabrastans for
perennial rest of their spent bodies.

Over the years I have championed the cause of the police force, and this
battle will continue till our Police are rightly treated as humans with due
respect and their deserved dignity with no room left whatsoever for slavery
to perpetuate. More importantly, the police morale will keep falling as
officers feel undervalued and overworked and overstretched with worrying
consequences for their health and well being.

No modern civilized democratic society should find it acceptable that
politicians who legislate and create laws should be immersed in all sorts
of luxurious privileges, financial benefits and working conditions while
those that are employed to uphold and enforce those laws and protect our
citizens namely our hard working police are at the opposite end of the
spectrum overstretched and earning a pittance while toiling in poor

Sir Robert Peel who created the London Metropolitan police force, the first
in the world  believed that ‘the police are the public and the public are
the police; the police being only members of the public who are paid to
give full time attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen in
the interests of community welfare and existence’.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



[Goanet] Bible verse for the Day

2020-06-28 Thread Devak Argham
Matthew 16:16-18  Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles

16 Simon Peter said in reply, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living

17 Jesus said to him in reply, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah. For
flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father.

18 And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my
church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it.

[Goanet] From the Joseph Naik Vaz Institute

2020-06-28 Thread George Pinto

PRESS RELEASE -   Joseph Naik Vaz Institute launches “Truth, Racial Justice, 
and Racial Reconciliation” initiative

Statement on Racism and “Black Lives Matter”


The Joseph Naik Vaz Institute worked for the canonization of St. Joseph Vaz 
since 1978. H.H. Pope Francis canonized St. Joseph Vaz in January 2015.  The 
Institute is committed to inter-religious harmony and peace among all 
communities, especially racial justice in today's world.  We are pleased to 
launch our St. Joseph Vaz Inter-Racial and Inter-Religious “Truth, Racial 
Justice, and Racial Reconciliation” initiative to heal the racial divide.  More 
information on this initiative will be made available in the coming months.

1. As followers of an Indian Saint, St Joseph Vaz (1651-1711), better known 
as “Apostle of Kanara (Mangalore) and Sri Lanka”, we strongly condemn the 
string of violent killings of African Americans at the hands of law enforcement 
in the United States.  

2. St. Joseph Vaz was a priest who served people of diverse races, 
languages, cultures and traditions.  He  resisted racism and casteism within 
the Church while being a great Christian missionary.

3. He was a non-colonial missionary who entered Sri Lanka, disguised as a 
laborer, and came without colonial armies and resources to minister to 
Catholics who were left without priests and religious rites when the Portuguese 
were defeated by the Dutch in the 17th century.  He did not come to conquer and 
subjugate anyone.

4. He respected and served people of all races, castes, and religion in his 
humanitarian service during the small pox epidemic in Kandy as well as 
throughout his ministry.  He won the admiration and protection of the Buddhist 
King of Kandy, Vimaladharma Surya II.

 5. Among the Catholics persecuted by the Dutch authorities in Sri Lanka 
whom he ministered to and served, were African slave converts whose mixed-race 
descendants today still maintain devotion to him.  

 6. We believe that All Lives Are Sacred, but in the present circumstances 
we respect the movement known as “Black Lives Matter” for the protection of 
African Americans from being killed through unnecessary violent police action.

 7. We support all peaceful protests for a change in public and private 
policy toward African Americans and people of color, ensuring them equality in 
jobs, economic opportunities, housing, education, and compassionate treatment.

8. We send our compassionate greetings to our African American brothers and 
sisters as we work for respect for diversity and inclusion of native cultures 
and traditions.  We invite everyone to support and participate in an inclusive 
St. Joseph Vaz Inter-Racial and Inter-Religious “Truth, Racial Justice, and 
Racial Reconciliation” initiative to see what we can all do to repair the 
damage done to people of color, especially to Native Americans and descendants 
of African slaves.

Joseph Naik Vaz Institute

[Goanet] Re AWAL KARKUN -

2020-06-28 Thread godfrey gonsalves
The issue involves an individual who has submitted a document in proof of 
educational qualification from an unrecognised University at the time of 
Following this he has been axed from the list of selected candidates to the 
vacant/new post of Aval Karkun Govt of Goa
The next step would be for the Govt to file a case against him for 
misrepresentation of facts. Similar action should also be taken against those 
both on the shortlisting panel / interviewing panel who relied on the document
If the concerned authorities refrains from doing so; the same can be
brought to the notice of CS for necessary action, or the Governor, or the Court 
of Law either by a public spirited citizen or any of the interviewees who did 
not qualify
There appears to be no reason to draw the incumbent to the office of Deputy 
Speaker despite his personal relation with the individual unless there is a 
figment of proof that he indeed corroborated with the government officials to 
overlook this irregularity.
Godfrey J I Gonsalves social activist Borda Margao Goa +91 98221 58584 (24 hrs)

[Goanet] [Photo Blog by Rajan Parrikar] Light in Strandir

2020-06-28 Thread Rajan Parrikar
Photo Blog by Rajan Parrikar has posted a new item, 'Light in Strandir'

Yogic calm.

The first rays during summer's early hours in Strandir, Iceland. A better
setting to meditate would be hard to find.

You may view the latest post at


Warm regards,

Rajan Parrikar

[Goanet] Unreliable USA

2020-06-28 Thread Roland Francis
This CNN article says it all.

If Modi thinks that his rapport with Trump will make an exception for India, he 
is like the Arab Sheikhs who think they can depend on oil forever.

The US is more alone than ever, just at the moment the world needs its 


[Goanet] Fish traders, vendors in Goa will now have to register with the Fisheries Department

Do GOACAN a favour, circulate this email to your
family members, relatives, neighbours and friends.
Help other CONSUMERS to be better informed.

Fish traders, vendors will have to register with Fisheries Department


The Navhind Times 28/6/2020

[Goanet] Schedule for Monday 29th June 2020

2020-06-28 Thread CCR TV
Channel of God's love✝

You can also watch CCR TV live on your smart phone via the CCR TV App
Available on Google PlayStore for Android Platform.
Click the link below.
Email ID:  ccrgoame...@gmail.com

Schedule for Monday 29th June 2020

12:00 AM
Rosary - Joyful Mysteries

12:25 AM
Hymns - O.L. of Perpetual Succour - Cortalim

12:30 AM
Gonvllik Citticher 2020-21 Boska 2  - Fr Kenneth Teles

12:54 AM
Hymn - Magnnem - Denzil Rodrigues

1:00 AM
Mass in Konknai for Sunday

2:00 AM
Saibinnichi Ruzai - Sontosache Mister

2:25 AM
Hymn : Rochnar Atmea - Winston Colaco

2:30 AM
I am the Resurrection and the Life - Talk by Sheela Alvares

2:57 AM
Music - Jesus Bendito - Victor Da Costa

3:00 AM
Called to Excel - Talk by Savio Mascarenhas

3:55 AM
Differ to be Different - Talk by Sr Saral

4:10 AM
Tell me a story -  Jonah followed by Keys & Strings Children's  Hymns

4:37 AM
Hymn -Xelliank Hanv Dar - Fr Seville Antao OFM(Cap)

4:40 AM
Povitr Zaunk Apovnne - Talk by Victor Mascarenhas

5:10 AM
Sessions 2 - Pastoral Letter 2020-21 - Fr Kenneth Teles

5:30 AM
What is CanSurvive - Dr Eugene and Fr Savio

5:50 AM
Youthopia - Sanger Serrao - Saxaphone - interviewed by Richa Carneiro

6:07 AM
Health Matters - First Aid  CPR - Dr Jorson Fernandes

6:47 AM
Ximpientlim Motiam - Bhag 75 - Kelleavalo - Fr Pratap Naik sj

6:52 AM
Hymn -I will sing - Choir Praise Adonai

6:57 AM
Morning Prayer  -  Monday Wk 1 & 3

7:00 AM
Mass in Konkani followed by Jivitacho Prokas

7:40 AM
Bhajans 5

8:02 AM
Music - Glory to You  followed by Povitr Atmeak Dispottem Magnnem

8:32 AM
Seby Wings -Gazzlo

8:35 AM
Our Father - Marathi

8:40 AM
Gonvllik Citticher 2020-21 Boska 2  - Fr Kenneth Teles

9:05 AM
Charisms - Mary Healy

9:42 AM
Hymn -Sakramentant Raviolea - Fr Seville Antao OFM(Cap)

9:45 AM
Maria Mai - Talk by Mathew Fernandes

10:00 AM
Bhagiancher Niyall V - Br Malvino Alfonso  ocd

10:13 AM
Hymn - Zoi Jezu amchea Raia - Fr Seville Antao OFM(Cap)

10:15 AM
Media Track - Eps 45

10:45 AM

11:10 AM
Bhurgeanlem Angonn - Bhag 12

11:13 AM
Hail, Hail St Paul - Pauline Sisters

11:20 AM
Intercessions (Engish)

11:30 AM
Mass in English followed by Daily Flash

12:10 PM
Health Matters - Women's Health - Dr Sophia Rodrigues

12:41 PM
Learning from the Sonship of Jesus - Leela Moraes

1:05 PM
Museum of Christian Art (Conservation)

1:28 PM
Hymn - I  have decided to follow Jesus - Fr Seville Antao OFM(Cap)

1:30 PM
Wealth out of Waste - Jewellery

1:41 PM
Literally Goa  - Maria Do Ceu Barreto  interviewed by Frederick Noronha

2:10 PM
Konkani Bhas - Bhag 8 - Fr Pratap Naik sj

2:29 PM
Hail, Hail St Paul - Pauline Sisters

2:35 PM
Magnificat (Konkani)

2:40 PM
53rd Mando Festival - Don Bosco College, Panjim  - Traditional

2:51 PM
Magnificat (English)

2:55 PM
Couples Prayer - English

3:00 PM
Career Guidance - Western Music-  Kala Academy

3:22 PM
Ximpientlim Motiam - Bhag  95 Amchem Jivit  - Fr Pratap Naik sj

3:28 PM
Music - Coracao Santo 2 - Victor Da Costa

3:30 PM
Divine Mercy Chaplet

3:40 PM
Sessions 2 - Pastoral Letter 2020-21 - Fr Kenneth Teles

4:00 PM
Rosary - Joyful Mysteries

4:24 PM
Reflection on the Gospel - Dominicans

4:30 PM
Senior Citizens Exercises - 14

4:55 PM
Psalm 51 - Read by Alfwold Silveira

5:00 PM
Praise and Worship - Fatorda 1 followed by Daily Prayer to the Holy Spirit

5:30 PM
Devacher Viswas - Talk by Orlando D'Souza

6:00 PM
Angelus - English

6:02 PM
Call to Religious Life - Talk by Sr Saral

6:13 PM
Hail, Hail St Paul - Pauline Sisters

6:20 PM
Intercessions (Konkani)

6:30 PM
Mass in Konkani followed by Jivitacho Prokas

7:30 PM
Saibinnichi Ruzai - Sontosache Mister

7:54 PM
My Music Videos - Golden Sunset - Kevin Mendes

8:00 PM
Youthopia - Priyanka Sawant - Special Needs Educator interviewed by Elisha

8:20 PM
Fruit of the Spirit 1 - Talk by Kenneth D'Sa

8:53 PM
Hail, Hail St Paul - Pauline Sisters

9:00 PM
Adoration 8 - St Anthony Church, Siolim

9:30 PM
Ratchem Magnem

9:45 PM
Structure of the Judiciary & Jurisdiction of Courts  - Adv Cleofato

10:40 PM
What's Cooking - Episode 9 - Rechado, Mocktail, Linen Art

11:10 PM
On the Third Day  - Brinjal Cultivation

11:35 PM
Parish of the Week - Verna  3

Donations may be made to:
Beneficiary name : CCR GOA MEDIA.
Name of Bank : ICICI Bank
Branch Name: Candolim Branch
RTGS/NEFT Code : ICIC0002624
Savings Bank Account No : 262401000183

[Goanet] Traffic police source of revenue generation

2020-06-28 Thread Nelson Lopes

Goa Traffic police enhance Govt revenues 
The revenues of States have dipped due to covid pandemic. Goa state has 
borrowed 100 crores each 3 times in last few months to meet its obligations. 
The Govt has  been advised on  the need for serious austerity measures by  
Governor  who himself showing the way
The traffic police has come to rescue of Govt by collecting one crore in fines 
on  violations like spitting, not wearing masks, other traffic violations  etc 
as per laws in force  Traffic police is believed to. be  under pressure  from 
authorities unofficially to   meet the daily quota of collections  of fines 
and thus augment the shoring finances of Govt in distress .Hence the Traffic 
police go on a rampage at odd hours and even on holidays  maintaining watch by  
cleverly hiding .They indiscriminately halt every vehicle demanding one 
document after another till they hook you up .There is a directive not stop  
smooth flow of traffic and inconvenience motorists on a fishing inquiry  .The 
rumours of duplicate challan books and fictitious  e challan are doing rounds 
.The purpose of Traffic police appears to be reinvented as a lucrative activity 
for all concerned including motorists ,traffic violators to resort to bribery, 
The  scope of  list of violations can be  enlarged to include garbage dumping, 
public smoking, drinking , urinating in open spaces, speaking on mobiles while 
driving, roadside cooking by show string budget tourists .Rarely  do traffic 
police take note of overcrowding in public transport It is not understandable 
why  drunken driving which is much more life threatening is not a priority 
There favourite pastime is catch scooterists   not wearing helmets
Why not make budget provision too
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

Sent from my iPhone
Sent from my iPhone

Sent from my iPhone


2020-06-28 Thread Tony de Sa
Dear Editors you are found napping on your watch yet again. This is
obviously  spamt.

Yet there are many gullible among us and those not wise to the ways of the
world who would believe this crap.

Please don't let this junk pass through.

>>> Attention: Beneficiary

>>This is to officially inform you that your email was short listed by the
Central >>Bank Compensation Award Committee setup to compensate the huge
losses >>of the victims of the internet scam/fraud; you are also warned to
disengage >>from future pursuit of unlearned transaction.

>> Yours truly,
>>Mr John Mba

--Tony de Sa

[Goanet] AIFF REPORT: Women’s football has the potential to showcase the ‘unity in diversity’

2020-06-28 Thread Media Dept
Dear colleagues,

Please find the report below.


*Women’s football has the potential to showcase the ‘unity in diversity’*

NEW DELHI: Indian Women’s National Team Goalkeeper Aditi Chauhan
highlighted the “unity in diversity” in the current Indian Senior Women’s
National Team maintaining it to be a true representation of secular



*Videos: *https://fromsmash.com/izki~BbaHv-dt

Request you to follow our OFFICIAL accounts:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/IndianFootball
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheIndianFootballTeam
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/IndianFootball
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjiPxzIyNtfQ2HZZ1eVjZlg


Best Regards,

Media Department, AIFF.
Alternate: me...@the-aiff.com
Website: www.the-aiff.com



2020-06-28 Thread John Eric Gomes
I was shocked to read orders issued with immediate effect without consultation 
with those concerned! Fees per year for Fish Traders Rs2 Lakh and security 
deposit of Rs 20,000/-.using two wheeler Rs500/-, four wheeler Rs5,000/-. With 
Corona and great difficulty in carrying on the fish business, they having to 
pay SOPO and other agents too, the people are the ultimate sufferers and we 
will not be able to afford the little we are managing now! Does this government 
know anything at ground level about labor or care for the people before issuing 
orders?  For example my house worker's husband goes early to the jetty around 
4.30 AM to procure fish for family and sale on his two wheeler to make ends 
meet. Yes the governent has to care for the least of my bretheren! Petrol 
prices are increasing everyday! Being honest, he hardly makes much money 
selling the fish. It is reported that most of the fish vendors know nothing 
about this development. Is the CM in charge of "pumping in revenue"  into 
government coffers at the dire cost of the people instead of helping them in 
their great hour of need?!

[Goanet] The Whiteness Disease

2020-06-28 Thread Adolfo Mascarenhas
In this day and age of CORVIN 19 do you realize that people are dying
because of a new disease called WHITENESS.  Do Goans naturally Cherish
Whiteness::: or perhaps its the media   The Grass Must Be Green The
Other Side Never mind, the lilies, the Mayflower Tree (Acacia Avenue of
DSM in December ) The tiny blue vested robin.

Just Thinking In Script


In Quepem

Stimulated by Vitamin D from the cloudy noon