[Goanet] Bible verse for the Day

2020-08-26 Thread Devak Argham
Memorial of Saint Monica

Luke 7:12-15

12  As he drew near to the gate of the city, a man who had died was being
carried out, the only son of his mother, and she was a widow. A large crowd
from the city was with her.

13  When the Lord saw her, he was moved with pity for her and said to her,
“Do not weep.”

14  He stepped forward and touched the coffin; at this the bearers halted,
and he said, “Young man, I tell you, arise!”

15  The dead man sat up and began to speak, and Jesus gave him to his


2020-08-26 Thread Claron Mazarello
DATED: 26 August 2020


98% recovery shown as between 55% to 70% on Goan Dailies since May, happening 
all over India
(Active Contractions included mistakenly in Recovery Rate % calculation)

If the word in the headline was left up to your imagination, it reflected on 
the ethic of the journalist writing it, even if not meant in a bad way at all. 
This is also how stigma works. WORDS MATTER ! (Missing alphabets mentioned 

If all media houses without ETHICS, call us cases, COVID patients, victims, 
suspects and stigmatise us till death, what stops us from writing whatever we 
want ? Being sensitive is about journalistic ethic, and has nothing to do with 
any restriction on any freedom of speech, but Goa's media houses ignored this. 
So will freedom of speech back their published calculated figures of 60 to 70% 
as recovery rate ? Mathematics with their own figures and correct variables 
doesn't back this up. No doubt we were focusing more on increasing contraction 
when we should be curbing deaths that may happen with our 1 or 2 % as the 
priority, as these very media houses with figures reported.

These very figures are still glaring at us from these very dailies (Times, 
Navhind, Herald, Goan, Goa News and all others who publish such reports), even 
now. Their very figures say 98% only if calculated. But for all those who read 
as was published (60 to 70%), the concern was OBVIOUSLY the remaining 40% and 
hence the panic. We apparently blindly accepted this in our anxious moments 
maybe; funny as it is.

The concept of understanding the math to get percentages is something we learn 
in school. Its no different here. This needs no expert. See for yourself, this 
is not an opinion, its math - common to the whole world. No one can argue 
otherwise. Here, the required figures were clear, just that the wrong ones were 
used to calculate the percentage.


Just dividing Total recoveries from Total contractions will NOT give recovery 
rate. This is the misinterpreted calculation giving us 60 to 70. Simply because 
from the Total Contractions, one has to carefully subtract the currently active 
contractions as these have NOT recovered. Once these are taken away, we get 
'Closed contractions' (only the fully recovered).

The division can then take place where Total Recoveries are divided by Closed 
Contractions to give you the percentage of recoveries.

While the source websites do not give the percentages, this obviously points to 
the calculation. The error is missing the variable of active contractions. 
These bogus figures apart from 98, are printed by default since April, simply 
due to faulty variables in calculation.
Had we known this earlier, would it have saved us some trouble is a question 
left to answer to all those readers who saw, maybe even quoted these, yet did 
not mentally register this. This proves a possible 'Fear Pandemic' given our 
mental health status. Thankfully, numbers don't lie; rest assured !


All deaths in Goa are with comorbidity as per media. To catch the bull here by 
its horns, at least now, if anti body tests are done, this plasma bank can help 
save lives, also claimed by the Health Department. This also means, while 
'increasing' was the worry, FROM NOW onwards, the more the increase the more 
beneficial this is for plasma donations. Here, the 98% confirmed recovery 
game-changer actually REVERSES the worry to a benefit instead.

The rest is helping everyone to fight this, with one's mind and positivism, and 
to create this environment from all aspects. Our diet and general health 
lifestyles are all that we can add to this. Condescending tones may have to go.


- Vaccine rat race pharma drama ends here !

>From just one particular region in Goa, "already about 500 over 70 years with 
>all sorts of comorbidity have FULLY RECOVERED" was confirmed by ward 
>counsellors. A lab reported a 70-year-old with bad lungs due to chronic cough 
>since 8 years, diagnosed with COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) 
>recorded three times the minimum required anti body count. Doctors confirmed 
>that vaccines would be of no use for all such recovered anyways. A 
>misconception to be cleared respectfully here, is that vaccine is only an 
>immunity booster and NOT a cure. Plasma therapy can safely be relied to get us 
>through as per our own medics.

To be in a position here to judge this better, it would be nice to note here, 
that in the very ethics document provided to all Goan media editors from a 
notification from W.H.O. on ethical journalism and use of sensitive words, was 
this line clarifying that vaccin


2020-08-26 Thread Aires Rodrigues
We are all bound to function and abide strictly by the Rule of law at all
times. Those in power should lead by example and at no time be in breach of
law. They cannot be a law to themselves. If the law makers contravene the
rules and regulations nothing better can be expected from the common man.

It was shocking to read the file noting by the Women & Child Development
Minister Vishwajit Rane directing the Director of the department to issue
an order immediately constituting the State Commission for Women without
routing the file through the Chief Minister. The Chairperson was ordered to
be appointed without her bio-data being on record and without consulting
the registered Women’s organistions as required by law. The Minister
directed that his chosen person be appointed as Chairperson despite he
personally knowing very well that she was not proficient in Konkani and
Marathi which was by law a mandatory requirement for the post.

The question that arises is why did the Minister want that the file not to
be routed through the Chief Minister. Only Vishwajit Rane would have the
answer to this.

It is the bounden duty of every officer to strictly ensure that there is no
deviation of the laid down procedure. There are standing instructions that
every file pertaining to the constitution of statutory bodies needs the
final approval of the Chief Minister. So how dare did the Director of Women
and Child Development issue that order constituting the State Women’s
Commission without the Chief Minister having perused the file as required.
All bureaucrats need to strictly function within the framework of law and
should at no time put up with illegal directions by their political

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



[Goanet] Sorrowing lies my land book

2020-08-26 Thread Bernado Colaco
 I wonder if there is sequel to the book mentioned below, something like - 
"Sorrowing Lies My Land Six Foot Deep?" Since the author has lived  and is 
living both the colonial periods.
B. Colaco

It took me time to get hold of Sorrowing Lies My Land by Lambert
Mascarenhas. It gave me a different perspective of the 1950s Goa, written
by a Goan who loved his land and could not see it under colonial rule. It
is extremely readable and interesting to readers even today, almost 70
years after it was first published.

[Goanet] The 2020 Goa BookCovers Campaign - Karmelinby Damodar Mauzo

2020-08-26 Thread Maria Fatima Pais
The 2020 Goa Book Covers Campaign

Day 7: Book 7  #2020GBCC

*Karmelin **b**y Damodar Mauzo*

*Translated from Konkani to English by Vidya Pai*

The author presents a sensitive character study in his much acclaimed
Konkani novel *Karmelin* (1981), aptly named after its protagonist. The
novel chronicles the life of Karmelin, a lower middle class Goan from
childhood to womanhood, tracing her relationships with the various men in
her life.  He subtly interweaves explorations of the grey areas of
sexuality, femininity, and patriarchy in the narrative.

When published, Mauzo’s novel was like a breath of fresh air in a culture
that suppressed liberating discourse and treated sex as taboo. While
society has progressed, patriarchy has remained constant to a certain
degree. Thus, in the character of Karmelin, we find a microcosm of the
experiences of women across the country.

*Karmelin *won the prestigious Sahitya Akademi Award for Konkani literature
in 1983. Since then, it has been translated to English and multiple Indian

Maria Fatima Pais

New Delhi

[Goanet] A India Portuguesa

2020-08-26 Thread Antonio Menezes
If one wants another side of the story, a rather pedestrian one,
then it is worth reading a rumbling and jumbly account of what
happened during the Portuguese colonial rule of Goa.
vide:  https://sites.google.com/site/thoantgoa/

[Goanet] Book 7 and book 8 of GBCC

2020-08-26 Thread vidyapai06
 from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

[Goanet] Richard F Burton, Speke and even Rodrigues

2020-08-26 Thread Adolfo Mascarenhas

2020 Goa Book Cover Challenge-Day 7: There is no doubt that Richard F
Burton was a a renaissance man. Author. linguist, explorer. He visited Goa,
was shocked that Goan Women were bold etc. From Zanzibar he moves in search
of the great lake. They take a Rodrigues as barman/cook and but he also
nursed. Eureke we found Lake VICTORIA of course


Great hours of Blue skies

Naisy with crackers immersion heading towards the dam of the Big River

[Goanet] The Greater Tragedy- Book8

2020-08-26 Thread Armenia Fernandes
The Greater Tragedy

By Lambert Mascarenhas

2020 Goa Book Cover Challenge-Day 8

This play is a sequel to Sorrowing Lies My Land. It speaks of freedom
fighters’ disillusionment over the state of development in post-Liberation
Goa. Also highlights names of “unknown and unsung” freedom fighters.


Best regards,

*Armenia Fernandes*

Mobile: +91 9822696807
Email:   armen...@gmail.com

[Goanet] HAPPENING SHORTLY: Rival Mission, Rival Science? By Prof. Dr. Ines Županov

2020-08-26 Thread XCHR Info
Dear Friends,

Xavier Centre of Historical Research, Porvorim cordially invites you to attend
our first *Online* History Hour programme on Wednesday, 26th August 2020 at
7.00 pm IST (3:30 pm CET, 9:30 am ET)

*Prof. Dr. Ines Županov *will speak on the topic  *"Rival Mission, Rival
Science? Jesuits and Pietists in the 17th -18th c. South India".*

All of you, along with your friends and colleagues are cordially invited to
join the lecture. Kindly refer to the attached flyer and poster for further

*Topic: * "*Rival Mission, Rival Science? Jesuits and Pietists in the 17th
-18th c. South India".*

* Speaker: *Prof. Dr. Ines Županov

* Date: *Wednesday, 26th August 2020

*Time: *7:00 pm IST (3:30 pm CET, 9:30 am ET)

*O**nline platform: *Zoom

*Zoom meeting ID:* 999 1993 8630

Direct Link to the Meet:  https://bit.ly/32kCPXm

*Rival Mission, Rival Science?*

*Jesuits and Pietists in the 17th-18th c. South India*

*By Prof. Dr. Ines **Ž**upanov*

Two European missionary teams, one Catholic and the other Protestant,
encountered each other in the Tamil country in the first decade of the
eighteenth century. They acted and thought that their goals were
irreconcilable, even if the Protestants in Tranquebar admitted that the
Catholic Jesuit proselytism in the region had been efficient as “*preparatio
evangelicae*” for the Protestant mission. Jesuits and Pietists were not
only rivals, they also collaborated, uneasily and unequally, in collecting,
processing and disseminating knowledge. Missionary linguistic and
medico-botanical expertise was considered an indispensable proselytizing
tool, in addition to showcasing their “scientific” achievements, admired
and envied in Europe. Both Pietists and Jesuits of this period were
fighting the early Enlightenment atheists, while feeding them the materials
from the missions. Both missionary groups were also victims of the
Enlightenment historiography.

This lecture is an exploratory effort at connecting historiographies and
histories of the missionary agents that have for long been considered in
watertight compartments created by their hagiographers or detractors. My
aim is to open a dialogue between these missionary experiences and work out
visible and invisible links between the Pietists and Jesuits in South India
during the early eighteenth century.

*Županov, Ines *is Senior Research Fellow at the CNRS in Paris and a former
director of the *Centre d’études de l’Inde/l’Asie du Sud *(CNRS-EHESS).
Currently she is a Fellow at the Center for Social Sciences and Humanities
in New Delhi.  She is a social /cultural historian of Catholic missions in
South Asia and has also worked on other topics related to Portuguese
empire.  In addition to other two books, her latest monograph co-written
with Ângela Barreto Xavier is Catholic* Orientalism; Portuguese Empire,
Indian Knowledge, 16th-18th centuries* (OUP, New Delhi, 2015). She edited
ten books and her articles in various languages are published in edited
books and journals (*Annales*, *Representations*, *Indian Economic and
Social History Review*, *Archives de sciences sociales des religions*, *Journal
of Early Modern History,* *Journal of Economic and Social History of the
Orient*, *RES: Anthropology and Esthetics*, *Comparative Studies in Society
and History*, etc.)


Wednesday, 26th August, 2020

at 7:00 pm IST (3:30 pm CET, 9:30 am ET)

Online Platform: ZOOM

Zoom Meet ID: 999 1993 8630

 Direct Link to the Meet:  https://bit.ly/32kCPXm


Anderson Fernandes SJ

Administrator, XCHR

Re: [Goanet] {Dilip's essays} Flying snakes, those guides from beyond

2020-08-26 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Dilip,Nice article. Congrats!

Virginia Tech has always been on the cutting edge of decoding nature.

My roommate there, a veterinarian student, was part of a team of twelve 
doctoral students that monitored three pigs 24 hours a day. Each pig was worth 
a million dollars and every bodily function was measured and recorded. They had 
spliced human DNA into the pigs and a side effect of the research was that the 
pigs had a fever and running stomachs most of the time. The purpose of splicing 
human genes was to research on insulin harvesting. 

There also were cows that had about ten inches of the skin on one side removed 
and replaced with a clear material. You could see into it’s stomach/intestines 

And this was 30 years ago.


On Friday, August 21, 2020, 1:06 AM, Dilip D'Souza  wrote:

Aug 21

I've been thinking about it. I have to say the idea of a snake flying
through the air and landing on my shoulder, say, has grown on me.
Especially if it is Chrysopelea paradisi, the gorgeous creature in the
attached photograph. No, it's not venomous. It merely flies. Glides,
actually. Wouldn't you like to have it land on your shoulder? (Let me know).

And some years ago, several paradisi specimens flew about in an enormous
building in Blacksburg, Virginia. My Mint column for today tells you what
that was about.


I was delighted that I managed to include some lines from Rumi! And please
visit flyingsnake.org for some videos.

And again, your reactions welcome!
