2022-03-18 Thread John Eric Gomes
Just laws must be enacted by legislatures, passed by Parliament,
adjudicated by lawyers and Judges,implemented by government, and accessible
to the public all without prejudice or favor. This requires that those
entrusted with justice delivery be people of honesty and integrity. Look at
the state of the world today. Nations internally twist and bend laws
depending on status, vested interests, power and wealth. Externally we see
the UNO and ICJ are powerless to regulate the powerful nations. Right now
there is a controversy of the ICJ calling for immediate halt of Russian
invasion of Ukraine wherein the Russian and Chinese judges voted against
and the Indian judge voted for the motion.The MEA had to state that is not
the *Indian position, but the judges individual decision! Powerful
governments do not follow the law in letter and spirit and democracy which
requires strict implementation of the law is diluted and civilization
suffers!* It is inhuman to kill and displace millions of families, disrupt
lives, ruthlessly invade and bomb a weaker nation to submission to impose
your will! Surely justice must prevail!

Re: [Goanet] Is Parliament run by Modi alone?

2022-03-18 Thread E DeSousa

Eddie D'Sa  writes:



"These days the atmosphere inNew Delhi makes one choke. It is not easy to 

breathe freely. "




It is true that the pollutionand congestion levels in New Delhi are quite high. 
Anybody who has traveled toNew Delhi would agree with that.


It is however good to see that majorsteps are /have been taken to resolve these 


Please view this presentation on YouTube about the Massive New Railway 
reshaping the world’s most pollutedmega city. 









Egas DeSousa



2022-03-18 Thread Aires Rodrigues
To ensure highest standards of judicial independence at all times and to
ward off even the faintest trace of governmental influence on the
judiciary, there needs to be at least a two year “cooling off period" for
retiring judges before they accept any post retirement position. This would
help maintain public confidence in the impartiality of the judiciary.

We have been witness to the manner in which even Supreme Court Chief
Justices and High Court judges have been rewarded with post retirement
postings. But this most recent one may be the first of its kind where even
before the Judge retired, the order of his post retirement nest was issued.
The order appointing retiring Chief Justice of Delhi High Court DN Patel as
Chairperson of Telecom Disputes Settlement and Appellate Tribunal (TDSAT)
was issued on 4th March, eight days prior to his retirement on 12th March
so that he could take charge of his “ golden” retirement nest egg
 immediately on 14th March with a monthly salary of Rs 2,50,000 for four
years or till he turns 70. So the 62-year-old Justice Patel could serve for
a term of 4 to 8 years. Needless to say he hails from Narendra Modi’s

Whilst we watch with anguish such greed of some retiring Judges, let us
take a bow to those brave Judges who do not fall prey to such immediate
retirement postings and maintain highest and upright standards which are
expected from all judges dispensing their verdicts without tilting the
scales of Justice.

Adv. Aires Rodrigues

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com

You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



[Goanet] Ukraine and the Lessons of History (Dhaka Tribune, 18/3/2022)

2022-03-18 Thread V M

On a plaque at the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland, is this by
George Santayana: “Those who do not learn from history are condemned to
repeat it.”

It may be a universal sentiment – some scholars credit it as
“unattributable” – with reverberations of its wisdom in everything from
Plato to the oeuvre of “piano man” Billy Joel.

In our contemporary reading, however, the phrase mostly refers to the two
World Wars instigated in Europe in the first half of the 20th century, that
wrought unimaginable destruction across the planet. Everyone was affected,
and even here in the subcontinent – which was mercifully spared the brunt –
there are locations like Kohima which witnessed epic carnage of the kind no
one in their right mind might want to revisit.

So difficult then, for any student of history, to watch the west tie itself
in knots while hand-wringing impotently over what exactly to do after
Vladimir Putin’s Russia has invaded Ukraine. We have seen precisely this
before, and Europe is doing it all over again nonetheless.

In his daily video address on 16th March, Ukraine’s president Volodymyr
Zelenskiy called Putin “a war criminal” while directly addressing the
Russian people with the pointed question, “how does your blockade of
Mariupol differ from the blockade of Leningrad during the second world war?”

Zelenskiy’s thrust is clear – there is no difference.

He is implying that Russia will eventually break itself apart in the face
of heroic resistance, just as the Wehrmacht foundered, weakened and
retreated from Leningrad despite its all-out siege that famously extended
for “two years, four months, two weeks and five days.”

In fact, that kind of result is highly unlikely.

Either the Russians will methodically grind through Ukrainian defences, to
an inevitable military victory (which cannot possibly be delayed longer
than the extent of the coming summer months). Or, it’s possible there will
be cease fire, which may be close after both sides say they have already
agreed on the main elements to compel truce.

That happenstance – which we must pray will occur as soon as possible -
will still leave major questions, each one loaded with ingredients for
resumed conflict.

Paramount amongst these is the problem of Putin himself – can he be
restored to the kind of status quo that existed just a few weeks ago, as
just another “normal” world leader? Can the likes of Biden – who just
recently called his counterpart “war criminal” – afford comity after this
supposed point of no return?

Even more important, but perhaps less immediate, is the nature of
settlement imposed on the region. Will Russia be forced to retreat to
pre-war positions, and are future generations of Ukrainians to be allowed
substantial freedoms to pursue their own destiny?

There are fiendishly difficult conundrums, with endlessly thorny
implications. Thus, for just one example, it should not be lost on anyone
that the costly settlement forced upon Germany at Versailles in 1919
directly laid the ground for the rise of Alolf Hitler and the Nazi Party.

Whatever happens next, it’s already clear that the old world order –
inequitable, exploitative, flawed and bloody as it was – has been
effectively demolished. We already live in another paradigm altogether.

As the highly perceptive geopolitical analyst Bruno Maçães wrote in *The
New Statesman* earlier this week, “we now live in the middle of a great
recession” where “American power is everywhere retreating, leaving behind
vacuums that others strive to fill.”

In Ukraine, that decline “is magnified by the incipience of European power,
creating a combustible mixture, a propitious landscape for a war of worlds.
[Here] the end of the American empire is taking an even grimmer form than
in Afghanistan: a war of genocide whose declared goal is the extermination
of Ukrainian nationhood.”

What’s next? Martin Wolf laid out one set of scenarios in the *Financial
Times*, starting with this summation: “A new world is being born. The hope
for peaceful relations is fading. Instead, we have Russia’s war on Ukraine,
threats of nuclear Armageddon, a mobilised west, an alliance of
autocracies, unprecedented economic sanctions and a huge energy and food
shock. No one knows what will happen. But we do know this looks to be a

Wolf says that after “the battle Austerlitz in 1805, William Pitt the
Younger said, presciently: “Roll up the map [of Europe]; it will not be
needed these 10 years.”

He concludes, “Russia’s war on Ukraine has similarly transformed the map of
our world. A prolonged bout of stagflation seems certain, with large
potential effects on financial markets. In the long term, the emergence of
two blocs with deep splits between them is likely, as is an accelerating
reversal of globalisation and sacrifice of business interests to
geopolitics. Even nuclear war is, alas, conceivable. Pray for a miracle in
Moscow. Withou

[Goanet] Schedule for Saturday 19th March 2022

2022-03-18 Thread CCR TV
Channel of God's love

You can also watch CCR TV live on your smartphone via the CCR TV App
Available on Google PlayStore for Android Platform.
Click the link below.
Email ID:  ccrgoame...@gmail.com

Schedule for Saturday 19th March 2022

12:00 AM
Rosary - Joyful Mysteries

12:23 AM
Abundant Life -Trust God in Times of Trial - Prof Nicholas D'Souza

12:55 AM
Gaionancho Jhelo - Jezu amchi Xanti - Monica Fernandes

1:00 AM
Mass in Konkani for Friday

1:45 AM
Devotion to  St Joseph - Fr John Peter

1:55 AM
Gethsemane - Song by Rebecca de Souza

2:00 AM
Saibinnichi Ruzai - Sontosache Mister

2:26 AM
Devachem Utor - Lokgonnti - Avesvor 34 - Vachpi Orlando D'Souza

2:31 AM
Adoration 4 - St Anthony Church, Siolim

3:00 AM
Goal Post Ep 5 - Bruno Coutinho interviewed by Jovito Lopes

3:28 AM
Biblical Web Series - Eps 2 - DCBA

3:32 AM
Parkhonnim -  Interview by Daniel de Souza

4:04 AM
Health Matters  - Twins - Dr. Lynette Fernandes

4:22 AM
Bhagevont Zuze Vazachem Novena Magnnem

4:24 AM
The Golden Brigade - Sr Philomena D'Souza

4:56 AM
Hymn : Boro Samaritan - Fr John Albano Fernandes

5:02 AM
Our Father - Tamil

5:06 AM
Jezu - Bhakitant ani Itihasant - Talk by Adv. F.E. Noronha

5:33 AM
Hymns - St Lawrence HS - Agassaim

5:39 AM
What is Spiritual Freshness?  - Talk by Alfwold Silveira

6:08 AM
Ximpientlim Motiam - Bhag  146  - Shivam Solanki - Fr Pratap Naik sj

6:15 AM
Koxtt - Talk by Gaurish Naik

6:49 AM
Hymn - Yeshu Ki Jai Ho - Savina & Leon Gonsalves

6:55 AM
Sokalchem Magnnem  -  Koresmacho

7:00 AM
Praise and Worship -   Magno Menezes - SJVRC

7:32 AM
Morning Prayer  - Lent

7:35 AM
Music - Vakhann'nni 2  followed by Povitr Atmeak Dispottem Magnnem

8:05 AM
Devachem Utor - Lokgonnti - Avesvor 34 - Vachpi Orlando D'Souza

8:12 AM
Chukom Hanv Bapa - Orlando DSouza

8:40 AM
Prayer for the Synod 2023 - Konkani

8:44 AM
Kristan Vadd ani Jivitachi Dekh - Victor Mascarenhas

9:12 AM
Prayer to St Joseph By Pope Francis (Konkani)

9:14 AM
Falling in Love -Modesty - Hosted by Judie D'Cunha

9:43 AM
Rosary of St Joseph Vaz

10:06 AM
Song  - Thankful

10:10 AM
Prophets and Prophetic Literature 1 - Fr Michael D'Cunha

10:27 AM
Hymn -Xelliank Hanv Dar - Fr Seville Antao OFM(Cap)

10:30 AM
Wisdom Reflections -10 - Rachol Professors

10:55 AM
Youthopia - Alina  Anceeta D'Souza - Boxer interviewed by Mysticka Deniz

11:11 AM
Tell Me a Story  - Eps 54

11:18 AM
Intercessions in English

11:26 AM
Angelus - English

11:30 AM
Mass in English from Panjim  followed by Daily Flash

12:15 PM
Health Matters - Dental - Dr Ida Ataide

12:36 PM
India needs the Church and Church needs India - Talk by Sr Saral

12:49 PM
Bible Project - Jewish Meditation and Literature

12:53 PM
Music - From Jazz Goa - 3rd Anniv

1:12 PM
Our Father - Sadri

1:16 PM
Katholik Quiz - Manevont Pri. Agnelo de Souza conducted by Shenaya Pereira

1:30 PM
Mando - Original - Old Goachi Porzolit Fulam, Old Goa

1:46 PM
What's Cooking? Season 2 Episode 4

2:15 PM
Documentary - Road Safety

2:21 PM
Sustainablee Ripples / Eps 1 - Paddy Cultivation/ Moira, Goa

2:45 PM
Hymn - Teri Upasthiti - Savina &  Leon Gonsalves

2:52 PM
Magnificat (English)

2:54 PM
Bhagevont Zuze Vazache mozotin Bhurgeancher Magnnem

2:56 PM
Bhurgeanlem Angonn - Bhag 9

2:58 PM
Prayer for Vocations

3:00 PM
Deivik Kaklutichi Magnneam

3:17 PM
Ximpientlim Motiam - Bhag  185  - Tansen - Fr Pratap Naik sj

3:30 PM
Concuding Mass at Synod

4:40 PM
Senior Citizens Exercises - 3

5:10 PM
Literally Goa- Victor Rangel-Ribeiro interviewed by Frederick Noronha

5:40 PM
Rosary - Joyful Mysteries

6:03 PM
Aimorechen Magnnem

6:06 PM
Bhavarth - Fr Anthony Lopez CSsr

6:40 PM
Hymn -Keep up the Faith - Cassini Suiam sj

6:44 PM
Lenten Journey  -  Day 18 - Shirley Gonsalves

6:56 PM
Pride - Talk by Dr Silvia Noronha

7:30 PM
Saibinnichi Ruzai - Sontosache Mister

7:56 PM
Poem - A Heart Like no other - Larissa Rodrigues

8:00 PM
Short Reflections for Lent - Episode 1

8:03 PM
Outreaches and Offshoots of the CCR - Bishop Francis Kalist

8:45 PM
Understand your faith - Randomly opening the Bible - is it right? - Rev
Melito D'Costa

8:50 PM
Devachem Utor - Lokgonnti - Avesvor 35 - Vachpi Orlando D'Souza

9:00 PM
Adoration 12 - St Anthony Church, Siolim

9:24 PM
Ratchem Magnem

9:41 PM
Testimony - Govaiki - Rosy Afonso

10:11 PM
Priesthood - Fr. George Kumblumoottil

11:15 PM
Career Guidance -Indian Navy

11:50 PM
Capuchins OFM - Vocation Promotion

Donations may be made to:
Beneficiary name : CCR GOA MEDIA.
Name of Bank : ICICI Bank
Branch Name: Panaji Branch
Savings Bank Account No : 262401000183

[Goanet] Life Goes ON .....ask any IRISH even remotely Irish

2022-03-18 Thread Adolfo Mascarenhas
I am referring to my response from the one and only Unique JBP in

In Message: 2  Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2022 10:01:52 +0530  ID

After I sent my response I realized that yesterday was St. Patricks
Feast... I attended several of the Feasts at the Irish Embassy in Dar es
Salaam where Ophelia was on special development duties ... I know ...I kept
away from imbibing too much of Irish whiskey However I did
encounter *Leprechaun or two including one in a speeding car in
Ribandar ...that creature tossed firecrackers

 Firecrackers Horrible stuff   but LIFE GOES ON



2022-03-18 Thread Adolfo Mascarenhas
In Message: 2  Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2022 10:01:52 +0530  ID
cahg__j425965+z52mrkahogso6sqzq40boewgmicw2zveuc...@mail.gmail.com> From:
Joao Barros-Pereira 

I read the message with dismay. Yesterday in one of the Major Research
Institutes,  we meaning Professors, Ambassadors, Ministers, Students we
were discussing the ONE YEAR om office of our Lady President   despite the
demise ...of President John Pombe Magafuli,(RIP) So much has happened,
changed for the better  YES LIFE GOES ON to think otherwise is not only
cynical ,Couple of tots of FENI would liven you but it is best not to
OVERDO Feni drinking or veiled attacks against organized religion.

Life Must go ON. and ON ...Children, grandchildren and great, great great
children .back to the APESand OLDUVAI


Waiting for a tot of Chilled Dodoma Wine

To: goanet 
Subject: [Goanet] Life Goes On!

Life Goes On!

[Goanet] Liar

2022-03-18 Thread Joao Barros-Pereira
no remember

one lie


ten more

original story
no more

in head

gone gone

what does joao want to say?

Re: [Goanet] My Asia Times Piece (Anish Esteves)

2022-03-18 Thread Anish Esteves

"The Congress has a strong ground-level organization in many states and
cannot be written off. However, the road ahead will be tough", I write for
Asia Times...

Anish Esteves

Follow: @AEthejourno


2022-03-18 Thread Nelson Lopes

MR PARIKAR formed the Govt within a day when he had absolutely no
majority.He engineered defections and  poached on gullible MLA's  with
Today when BJP has clear ,undisputed majority, the party is propagating
unscientific  belief of auspicious days.Uneasenes at the bottom is boiling
though surface is calm
The elections were held under the leadership of incumbent Pramod, whose
rise and selection as the CM was the bolt from the blue BJP membersc
swallowed the bait as the chosen one by Parikar
There are many leaders waiting in the wings.The high command prevails just
as in the Congress.The culture  of  Congress is adopted by BJP too
There are rublings and posturing among the elected members abd rightly so,
but in the end all will meekly submit to the supreme order.The humility and
obedience of present CM  will win him the vote of high command.The
arrogance and boisterousness will not be rewarded.The best is to bargain
for second alternative and that will happen slowly but not definitely on
demand and under pressure
BHIVPACH GHOROZ NAM  , as he has given enough evidence of adjustment and
taking everyone along and has not given any indications of concerns.He seem
to enjoy good relations with high command as under his leadership the
elections have been won  Any takers?
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim