[Goanet] Undeclared War Has Started!

2022-09-26 Thread Joao Barros-Pereira
The war between the activists and the proponents of changes to the Town and
Country Act has begun and needs to be sorted out in a democratic way.

Not something resembling a bulldozer operation at a time when the tourism
season has just begun: we do not want to scare off the tourists at the
start of the season, do we?

As you all know Goa is the drug and operation capital of the country with a
lot of crime and murders too. Not at all a welcome poster for the state.

Nowadays the biggest sport in Goa is not soccer but Jumping Frog with MLAs
crossing the floor of our Legislative Assembly as if it is an established
dance similar to jive or chi cha.

No this dance is much more shocking than the entertainment provided by the
sleaziest spots in town. Disgusting!

The discussion has to be held in the open for all to see as it appears to
be coming from the brains of a few people.

The Regional Plan was a a long and hotly discussed potato, and for this
reason we cannot take the changes to TCP Act lightly.

The people of Goa will not take things sitting down especially after our
MLAs have stood up and walked across the Assembly floor fully exposed.

They have so far not slipped on any banana skins but the dance has not
ended. Not yet.

And please remember how we can see on a clear day forever. No pollution,


2022-09-26 Thread Aires Rodrigues
It is on account of the gross dereliction of duty by the Public Works
Department (PWD) that the killer Ribandar-Chimbel junction has claimed yet
another precious life. A cyclist Devu Mardolkar was snuffed away on the
spot by a speeding Kadamba bus at this junction which has been a death trap
for far too long. Our departed brother Devu who was a labourer at the
Corporation of the City of Panaji, had for the last many years been
dedicatedly cleaning the streets of Ribandar.

How many more precious lives will have to be lost for the authorities to
awaken? Ironically, Chief Minister Pramod Sawant regularly zooms across on
this very road which sees heavy flow of traffic and chaos at the same
junction which is very accident prone. It is about time that the work of
this pending flyover is expedited in earnest. Will Mr. Property Sawant at
least now please intervene?

At many busy intersections across Goa we see vendors and hawkers squatting
and making the roads further chaotic. There is a need to relocate them to
avoid accidents at these junctions.  Stray cattle and dogs even on the
highways are also the cause for a lot of accidents.

Proper road engineering to ensure safety is of paramount importance. The
Government’s first duty and highest obligation is public safety. Safety
does not happen by accident. It is the solemn duty of everyone to take
their own safety and the safety of others seriously. Goa which is already
known as a gambling, prostitution, drug and crime haven is not lacking
behind as an accident destination too.
Adv. Aires Rodrigues

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com

You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



[Goanet] Time to retire idlers

2022-09-26 Thread Nelson Lopes
Time to retire  idlers
It is praiseworthy that Govt has recognised the malaise in the functioning
of  its Govt. Staff by  resorting  to extraordinary  steps
It is hoped that it is  not a  gimmick to provide new employment at a
There is a system of annual confidential reports  of employees by Heads of
Dept,  which should form undisputed  basis of any   disciplinary action,
including  forced  , termination or voluntary  retirement
Accordingly the employee is to be cautioned, disciplinary action
recommended, withholding of annual increments before the final drastic
steps. If  such a process is  being followed,  identification and action is
just a normal procedural formality. The employee  has the right to defend
any adverse remarks which must be communicated in writing for  time bound
explanations How does the authority  suddenly come to the conclusions  of
non functioning of staff without proof of documentation?
The Heads of Dept prefer to overlook, play safe about  direlection of
duties ,  absentism  etc rather than face music from godfathers.  The
appointments   are recommended by influential politicians, who have a
vested interests  for support.
It is wise to introduce  FIRST compulsory periodic evaluation which can
form the basis for such drastic action  that may lead to litigation of
arbitrary process that will be contested fiercely by employees
organisation,  grinding the process to a halt.
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Fwd: Lt. Gen. Eric Vas & his famous 'Chapati Letter'

2022-09-26 Thread Gabe Menezes
From: eric pinto 
Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2022, 10:08
Subject: Lt. Gen. Eric Vas & his famous 'Chapati Letter'

*Lt. Gen. Eric Vas & his famous Chapati Letter*

Lieutenant General Eric Alexander Vas, with ancestral roots in Saligao, was
born in Karachi in 1923. He was an alumnus of St. Patrick's High School
(some years senior to LK Advani and many years to General Pervez Musharraf but
attended the famed Jesuit run high school after many famous men like
Valerian Cardinal Gracias, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and Cincinatus Fabian
D'Abreu, the legendary Goan administrator of Sind). His father was a
prominent medical doctor in Karachi.

Lt. Gen. Vas was commissioned into the Infantry in 1942 and posted to the
Baluch Regiment. During Partition, the then Governor of Sind tried his
level best to retain him but he chose to be away from a theocratic state
and opted for secular India.

Assigned to the Gorkha Regiment, he took part in the 1947-48 J&K Ops. He
later commanded the 1st Battalion, The 9th Gorkha Rifles (1/9 GR), one of
the elite regiments of the Indian Army. He saw active service during
successive operations in J&K, NEFA (North East Frontier Agency) and Sikkim.

Colonel Anil Athale, co-author of official history of Sino-Indian border
conflict of 1962, wrote: “The year was 1960, the ‘Hindi-Chini Bhai-Bhai’
slogan had lost much its sheen. There were clashes on Ladakh-Tibet border.
Having gracelessly removed General Thimayya and superseded General SPP
Thorat, Krishna Menon [then Defence Minister] and his chosen coterie ruled
the roost. In a bizarre twist to the drama, some armchair Generals thought
of a ‘brilliant’ idea of pressuring the Chinese on the Eastern front in
Arunachal Pradesh [the erstwhile NEFA]. It fell to the lot of Eric Vas,
then a Lieutenant Colonel in command of first Nine Gorkha Rifles battalion
to be the first regular battalion to be inducted in Towang area. Earlier
the border was sparsely manned by the Assam Rifles men, a para-military
outfit. The journey to Towang and the border was over 300 kms, mainly mule
tracks through one of the toughest terrain.

“Vas was given the ‘task’ of defending Towang district, having area larger
than the state of Kerala [the Defence Minister’s home state], and with less
than 400 men at the end of a long, tenuous line of communications. There
were shortages of all kinds, from boots and warm clothing to ammunition.
Eric Vas decided to do something about it. Since there was shortage of even
paper to write on, he wrote a letter on a ‘*chapati*’ to the higher ups
highlighting the shortages and warning that the Indian army was in no
position to take on the Chinese unless these were rectified.

“At a time when ‘the Chinese will not attack’ was a mantra that substituted
for realistic strategies, Vas became a marked man for speaking the truth.
There was furore in Parliament, opposition MPs (who were to turn 180
degrees later) raised the issue of lack of ‘discipline’ in the army! Eric
Vas was moved from his command and posted to Mumbai in NCC, regarded as a
punishment posting.”

[Maj Gen SCN Jatar recalled that Lt Gen Vas was a person of strong
convictions, not afraid to stand by them. "I have known him for over five
decades and served under him in Punjab in 1974-75. His conviction and his
straight forward attitude set him apart from his peers.” Fellow Goan, Air
Chief Marshal H Moolgavkar said, "I have known him for a long time. An
educated person, he formed the ‘Group of 12’ which now has 18 members who
meet every month and organise discussions on various subjects. He was a
gallant officer.”]

As a Brigadier during the 1965 Indo-Pak war, Lt Gen Vas commanded an
infantry armoured brigade in action. He was later GOC 12 Infantry Division. In
the 1971 war, he was reserve Commander of two infantry divisions (11 and
12) in the Rajasthan desert. As Lt Gen, he was a Corps Commander in Punjab
in 1974 and was appointed Adjutant General of the Indian Army in 1977.

To him goes the credit for establishing the prestigious College of Combat
at Mhow in Madhya Pradesh (now known as the Army War College). Commandant
of the College from its inception, he crafted the army's Higher Command
Course. He abolished grades and encouraged student officers to question
doctrines and dogma. The aim was to make them think out of the box.  He
even introduced the controversial system of students grading the teachers! He
was known in the Indian Army’s top brass as *“**The Thinking General*”
(which became *“**The Original Thinking General*” after Gen. SF Rodrigues
was later called “*The Thinking General”*).

In his illustrious career spanning almost 40 years, he was General Officer
Commanding-in-Chief, Eastern Army Command. Lt Gen Vas was elected to the
prestigious position of Colonel Commandant of the 9th Gorkha Rifles
Regiment. He was also President, the Gorkha Brigade.

Lt Gen Vas ought to have been the COAS in June 1981 (it would have made him
the first Goan-origin chief of the India

[Goanet] Yahoo emails getting through now, it seems...

2022-09-26 Thread Gabe Menezes
Eric Pinto's emails got through.