[Goanet] Schedule for Monday 30th October 2023

2023-10-29 Thread CCR TV
Channel of God's love

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Schedule for Monday 30th October 2023

12:00 AM
Rosary - Joyful Mysteries

12:23 AM
Psalms  143 - Read by Alfwold Silveira

12:30 AM
Alcoholics Anonymous Presentation

1:00 AM
Mass in Konkani for Sunday

2:00 AM
Saibinnichi Ruzai - Sontosache Mister

2:22 AM
Devachem Utor - Gitantlem Git  Avesor 08 -Vachpi Orlando D'Souza

2:27 AM
Hymn : Mary, You are the Honour - Irene Rocha

2:30 AM
Presentation on Inter-Religious Dialogue - Rachol Seminary

3:00 AM
Agree or Disagree - Regularization of Unauthorised Constructions Act
 hosted by Ashley do Rosario

3:56 AM
Hymn -Sakramentant Ravlolea - Fr Seville Antao OFM(Cap)

4:00 AM
In conversation with Nevil Alphonso  by Daniel

4:39 AM
Ximpientlim Motiam - Bhag 285 - PICASSO - Fr Pratap Naik sj

4:45 AM
Synodal Journey with Mary - Fedora Lia Dias

4:54 AM
Bible Project - Jewish Meditation and Literature

5:00 AM
LSS Holy Spirit Day 3  Victor Pereira

6:25 AM
Devache Dhonniponn amchea Jivitant - Talk by Orlando D'Souza

6:49 AM
Our Song of Hope

6:54 AM
Saint Teresa of Avila - Quote

6:55 AM
Sokalchem Magnnem  -  Somar Wk 2 & 4

7:00 AM
Praise and Worship -   Magno Menezes - Purgatory and Hell - SJVRC

7:29 AM
Morning Prayer  - Monday Wk 2 & 4

7:32 AM
Devachem Utor - Zannvaichem  Avesor 01 -Vachpi Orlando D'Souza

7:37 AM
Beatitudes 5 and 6 - Kirona Noronha

8:00 AM
Music - Spiritual Music 1  followed by Povitr Atmeak Dispottem Magnnem

8:30 AM
Conversion of St Paul - Talk by Dr Brenda Nazareth Menezes

8:56 AM
Our Father - in Punjabi

9:00 AM
What Makes us Catholic  (K) - Fr Saturnino Colaco

9:42 AM
Apovnnem - Sem Melito D'Costa

9:46 AM
Role of St Joseph - Fr John Peter

9:52 AM
Little Flower of Jesus H.S. , Calangute

10:00 AM
Broadening the horizons of your minds - Providence, CCR, Holiness -Fr Fio
Mascarenhas sj

10:33 AM
The Resurrection of Jesus and its significance in our life - Edith Melo

10:56 AM
Laudate Si - Talk by Fr Savio Fernandes

11:20 AM
Intercessions - English

11:27 AM
Angelus - English

11:30 AM
Mass in English

12:15 PM
Daily Flash

12:18 PM
Song - Stay Safe - Sisters of Auxilium Convent, Shillong

12:20 PM
In conversation with Nevil Alphonso  by Daniel

1:01 PM
Health Matters - Women's Healthcare - Dr Eugene D'Silva

1:30 PM
The Earth - Our Home - Wild Otters in Goa

2:00 PM
Guilt and Self Hatred - Talk by Fr Abraham sj

2:29 PM
Bhokti Lharam- Bhag 7

2:34 PM
Poem - Are we free? Really? - Larissa Rodrigues

2:38 PM
Hymn - I Believe

2:42 PM
Biblical Hidden Heroes - Eps 5 - DCBA

2:46 PM
Prayer for India 3

2:49 PM
Pope's inention in Konkani

2:52 PM
Prayer : Benedictus

2:55 PM
Music - Carmu Saibinnim - Victor Da Costa "

2:57 PM
Saint Claire of Assisi - Quote

3:00 PM
Show me your ways O Lord - A talk by Edmund Antao

3:29 PM
Hymn - Noman, Noman Marie- Fr Seville Antao OFM(Cap)

3:30 PM
Deivik Kaklutichi Magnneam

3:47 PM
Kids Programme Eps 2 - The right way -  Manners while playing  games

3:50 PM
Pastoral Letter 2023-2024 - Dr. Aida A. P. Dourado in Konkani

4:00 PM
Rosary - Joyful Mysteries

4:23 PM
Ximpientlim Motiam - Bhag 285 - PICASSO - Fr Pratap Naik sj

4:29 PM
Saint Teresa of Avila - Quote

4:30 PM
Senior Citizens Exercises - 5

4:46 PM
Synodal Journey with Mary - Fr Ashley Alphonso

5:00 PM
Career Guidance -Mass Communications - St Xaviers College

5:30 PM
Promising Talent of Goa - Keanne Cotta by Merchita D'Souza

5:55 PM
Saint Claire of Assisi - Quote

5:56 PM
Aimorechen Magnnem

6:00 PM
Mass in Konkani

6:45 PM
Katholik Quiz - Sant Francis Xavier conducted by Shenaya Pereira

7:00 PM
Maka Bitorli Pekovnni Zai Mhunn Koxi Kollta - Talk by Orlando D'Souza

7:30 PM
Saibinnichi Ruzai - Sontosache Mister

7:52 PM
Consecrated Life - Daughters of St Paul

8:00 PM
Power of Faith - Gourish Naik

8:46 PM
What is the Immaculate Conception ? - Rev. Clive Diniz

8:51 PM
Devachem Utor - Zannvaichem  Avesor 02 -Vachpi Orlando D'Souza

9:00 PM
Adoration - Fr Aaron Magalhaes

9:42 PM
Ratchem Magnem

9:57 PM
Hymn - Noman, Noman Marie- Fr Seville Antao OFM(Cap)

10:00 PM
Concert - Child's play

11:10 PM
Prayer - You are My Refuge Lord

11:15 PM
Activists of Goa - Auda Veigas  interviewed by Daniel F. de Souza

Donations may be made to:
Beneficiary name : CCR GOA MEDIA.
Name of Bank : ICICI Bank
Branch Name: Panaji Branch
Savings Bank Account No : 262401000183



[Goanet] A thought for the departed

2023-10-29 Thread Nelson Lopes
A thought for the departed

The departed  seem to be more precious in their absence."Living are more
important than dead ".Nevertheless our sentiments are more spontaneous
towards the demised.It does not matter in any way.Probably it is a guilt
complex of having ignored in their waking life.It is  an innate fear of
retribution, not genuine love or compulsion by social traditions.The
rituals that are followed conform to social expectations to keep ourselves
insulated  from criticism  of ingratitude.People who have in their life
time never prayed,  relatives ,loved one are obliged as substitutes  to
offer solace of prayers.How long should we continue?.Some faith resort to
perpetual burses , while others tone down the intensity  after 3 years.How
many of us really can  recall  our grand and great grand parents.? May be a
photo hangs on the  wall as  a dead reminder.In fact very soon or the next
generation none will occupy the space in the minds of dear
ones."Immortality is living in the hearts and minds of people." Catholicis
have a day ALL SOULS DAY , designated for prayers to the departed.Will the
prayers redeem those who are eternally dammed?  The Question of hell or
heaven or rebirth  are beyond limits of human comprehensions.These concepts
are believed in faith and understood in comparison of earthly references
.Gratitude demands that we honour our predecessors, young and old
.Monuments, naming, niches , ceremonies, films, books, social programmes,
decorating graves ,schemes , sports events, seminars, awards, charity etc
are means to reach the dead somehow and show our respects  and
indebtedness.The departed are immune to all these traditions, customs which
is a soothing balm to  the living  to be at peace for neglecting  ,
ignoring our duty of concerns.The practices enjoined  on us are deliberate
designs to bind us to the religious  stronghold  or be outcasts ,
ostracized for defying  traditions or questioning  the veracity of
truth.The thought of uniting in earthly relationships is a
fallacy.Catholics belief in resurrection  based on His  teachings ,
assurances and his own exampple.The mortification route on this earth with
the hope,  belief  of eternal award of bliss is purely speculative.Our life
here is either heaven or hell  and entirely of our own freedom choice  and
free will..The force of obligation with fear and guilt
complex,:reconciliation are  misplaced thoughts for the dead.We have had
enough opportunities to touch the lives of others  to wait untill death to
compensate  for our ungrateful  acts of behaviour,   thoughts and words
that may have pierced  the living . Any forms of customs of  compensatory
nature be it prayers , charity or spiritual rituals are  for personal
satisfaction to be at peace with our conscience and in a way repent  and
ask for forgiveness for inhuman  begaviours.The only redemption lies in our
changed attitude of heart and mind  not to repeat our indignities in the
rest of our life   Free will and destiny will not change  course  of our
fate to the inevitable consequences if any .It is a business to control and
bind the faithful to standardized  practices and traditions  for the safety
, survival of the establishment and order

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

[Goanet] Never Again? (O Heraldo, 29/10/2023)

2023-10-29 Thread V M

Soon after daybreak on Simchat Torah – an important Jewish holiday
signified by “rejoicing under adversity” on October 7 earlier this
month – the British-Goan-Israeli artist Solomon Souza was startled to
hear the relatively rare sound of air raid sirens blaring across
Jerusalem. He says “I came into the kitchen to see my wife and babies
looking out the window. We wondered - it must be a test run, but why
on Shabbat? Taking no chances, I hurried them into our shelter just as
the rockets started falling.” This was the surprise beginning of
“Operation Al-Aqsa Flood” launched by Islamic Resistance Movement (aka
Hamas) from the intensely crowded little Palestinian enclave of Gaza
on the Mediterranean Sea next to Egypt, about 75km away from Souza’s
home, where “the incoming barrage continued relentlessly throughout
the day.”

It took some time for the world to realize this 5000-rocket fusillade
from Gaza City – which is exactly the size of Dharbandora, the
smallest taluka of Goa – was just cover for an unprecedented
co-ordinated assault on the heavily militarized fences which keep the
Palestinians separated from Israel. With drones, paragliders, trucks,
bulldozers, speedboats and a fleet of motorcycles, hundreds of armed
militants sped across the border after the Hamas military commander
Mohammed Deif’s call to “kill the enemy wherever you may find them.”
The resulting bloodbath lasted almost an entire day, in which the
gunmen killed over 1400 people, mostly civilians, including guest
workers from Thailand (at least 30 dead), Nepal (10), Philippines (4)
and Sri Lanka (2), and seized over 200 hostages.

All this would be extraordinary trauma for any society – remember
India after 26/11 – but even darker thoughts awakened in Israel. The
spectre of the Holocaust, when Germany and partners effectively wiped
out the Jewish presence in most of Europe, murdering millions. But
also, unavoidably, the post-war Nakba, the human catastrophe in which
the same countries responsible for WWII imposed a new Jewish state in
Arab-dominated Palestine, and hundreds of thousands of Palestinians
were forced from their homes to become refugees, including 70% of the
population of Gaza. The central premise of modern Israel is those
facts on the ground will remain impregnable, now shaken to the core
when descendants of the expelled came rushing back. The shock has been
primal, existential, the worst nightmare come alive.

After that another litany of horrors, as the Israeli war machine is
unrestrainedly flattening Gaza, with civilians bearing the brunt. It
was clear this would happen immediately after Israel closed the gates
on Gaza again, as Sara Bashi of Human Rights Watch warned Isaac
Chotiner of The New Yorker two weeks ago: “International-law
obligations are nonreciprocal. If the other side commits war crimes,
that doesn’t mean you can commit war crimes. We don’t make comparisons
between different kinds of war crimes. Hamas killing civilians
deliberately on a massive scale, taking civilians hostage, and even
threatening to execute civilians—those are war crimes. That doesn’t
justify the Israeli government committing its own war crimes. And I’m
very concerned. I’m worried that the United States is appropriately
condemning the horrific acts committed by Hamas, but is then
forgetting that those same principles of protecting civilians also
apply to the Israeli military operation in Gaza.”

Bashi also voiced another long-dormant terror: “For many of the
refugees in Gaza, especially the elderly who remember 1948, this feels
like a replay of what Palestinians called the Nakba, when they were
told to leave or they fled and they were never allowed back. And the
fact that the Israeli military has also called upon Egypt to open its
border and has called on civilians in Gaza to flee to Egypt just ramps
up those fears.” Everything that has happened since has underlined the
validity of those anxieties, as Adam Tooze asks in his invaluable
Chartbook: “What kind of place is Gaza, that it can be subject to such
instructions? How can a territory that is home to more than 2 million
people be disposed of in this way? Why are there no powerful interests
that react against the ruthless logic of a military campaign that
simply designates a city for destruction? How did Gaza and its people
become so isolated, so absolutely objectified?”

These vital questions are being drowned out by manipulative propaganda
on social media and television, and I appreciate how Professor Oded
Na’aman of Hebrew University of Jerusalem describes it: “This moment
is characterized by a widespread conviction that recognition can only
go in one direction: that any show of empathy toward Israelis is
tantamount to supporting the oppression of Palestinians, and that any
show of empathy toward Palestinians is tantamount to supporting the
massacre on October 7. Those who subscribe to this dichotomy see
attempts to recognize