[Goanet] Schedule for Monday 25th December 2023

2023-12-24 Thread CCR TV
Schedule for Monday 25th December 2023

12:00 AM

Christmas Midnight Mass Contd

1:40 AM

4th All Goa Carol Singing 2023 Part 1

2:45 AM

Rosary - Joyful Mysteries

3:10 AM

Beatitudes 5 and 6 - Kirona Noronha

3:32 AM

Fr Rob Galea - 6th Anniversary of CCRTV

3:50 AM

Saibinnichi Ruzai - Sontosache Mister

4:12 AM

4th All Goa Carol Singing 2023 Part 2

5:14 AM

Carols - Candeia Stars of Pomburpa

5:25 AM

Hymns with a Difference at Christmas

5:46 AM

Timely Medical Response - Dr Jorson Fernandes interviewed by Jovito Lopes

6:27 AM

Choir - Divine Harmony - Conducted by Jason Quadros

6:50 AM

Consecrated Life - Sr Joeyanna D'Souza DSP

7:00 AM

Praise and Worship - Magno Menezes - SJVRC

7:33 AM

Devachem Utor - Sirak Avesor 38 -Vachpi Orlando D'Souza

7:42 AM

Bhajan - Manusya Devachara Bandi - Fr Glen D'Silva sfx

7:50 AM

Pope's Intercessions K

7:53 AM

Ximpientlim Motiam - Bhag 24 - Noxib - Fr Pratap Naik sj

8:03 AM

Prayer - Alone with none but Thee, my God

8:05 AM

Cost of Discipleship - Fr. Saturnino Colaco

8:40 AM

Fr Rob Galea - 6th Anniversary of CCRTV

8:56 AM

Bhokti Lharam - Bhag 8

9:00 AM

Aimorechen Magnnem

9:03 AM

Couples Prayer - English

9:06 AM

Jesus help us to love You - Fr Joseph Silva

9:30 AM

Carols - Sanctus - Majorda

9:40 AM

Pope's Intercessions E

9:43 AM

Angelus - English

9:45 AM

Vakhann'ni - Talk by Gaurish Naik

10:16 AM

Tell me a story - Christmas

10:42 AM

Kuznantlim Zogddim - Eps 1 - Amlet - Meena Goes and Julius Mesquita

10:51 AM

Christmas Song - Natal Pai - Milagres Fernandes

10:57 AM

Prayer of children for their parents

10:59 AM

Hymn - No man can live as an island - Fr Seville Antao OFM(Cap)

11:01 AM

Internet Addiction - Talk by Sr Joeyanna D'Souza fsp

11:30 AM


1:30 PM

Daily Flas/Jivitacho Prokas

1:33 PM

Timely Medical Response - Dr Jorson Fernandes interviewed by Jovito Lopes

2:12 PM

Perpetual Succour Convent H.S., Navelim

2:17 PM

Prayer : Benedictus

2:20 PM

Song - A Goan Christmas - Alfwold Silveira

2:23 PM

Gaddie-Vahonan Vechea Vellar Bhagevont Zuze Vazache Mozotin Magnnem

2:25 PM

Prayer while travelling - St Joseph Vaz

2:27 PM

Mother Teresa of Kolkota - Quote

2:30 PM

Internet Addiction - Talk by Sr Joeyanna D'Souza fsp

3:00 PM

Deivik Kaklutichi Magnneam

3:10 PM

Why did Jesus become incarnate , crucified and resurrected? - Talk by Dr
Sarita Nazareth

3:43 PM

Carols - Candeia Stars of Pomburpa

3:54 PM

Carol - Peace Child - Don Bosco Choir Panjim

4:00 PM

Rosary - Joyful Mysteries

4:23 PM

Carlos Acutis - A song by Fr Eusico Pereira

4:30 PM

Senior Citizens Exercises - 3

5:00 PM

Spirit of Forgiveness - Talk by Fr Seby Mascarenhas sfx

5:34 PM

Cribs - Talk by Br Melito

5:39 PM

Song - Jezu Tujem Nanv - Ivor D'Cunha

5:45 PM

St. Francis of Assisi - Christmas Crib - Fr. Valerian Ferrao OFM

5:56 PM

Prayer - You are My Refuge Lord

6:00 PM

Mon'xak koslo adav? (Mark 8:38 )- A talk by Cassino D'Costa

6:26 PM

Magnnem - Talk by Orlando D'Souza

7:11 PM

Rocking Carols- Fabiola Lopes

7:30 PM

Saibinnichi Ruzai - Sontosache Mister

7:52 PM

Ximpientlim Motiam - Bhag 301 - BottalleKansov - Fr Pratap Naik sj

8:00 PM

Breaking Barriers Through Dialogue - Road Safety - Hosted by Jovito Lopes

8:46 PM

Devachem Utor - Sirak Avesor 39 -Vachpi Orlando D'Souza

8:55 PM

Catholic Undestandinf of Drean Catcher - Fr Melito D'Costa

9:00 PM

Adoration - Fr Oscar Nazareth op

9:20 PM

Ratchem Magnem

9:36 PM

Christmas Street Play 2022 - Fr Leslie Rego

10:10 PM

Youthopia - Ivo Gonsalves interviewed by Sammy Coelho

10:38 PM

Commitment to Holiness through Prayer - Fr Fernando da Costa

11:22 PM

Divinity of Jesus Christ - Talk by Sheela Alvares

11:44 PM

What's Cooking? Season 2 Episode 5

[Goanet] What Child Is This (O Heraldo, 24/12/2023)

2023-12-24 Thread V M

Today of all days we cannot turn away. This evening at midnight, countless
millions of people in every part of the world will celebrate the birth of
“whom shepherds guard and angels sing.” That is Palestine, where there will
be no Christmas celebrations in the original Manger Square in front of the
nearly 2000-year-old Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. “People are
grieving and sad about what is happening in Gaza,” the parish priest
told *Deutsche
Welle *earlier this week. “This is the first time that the place where
Jesus was born, I see it empty like this.”

Father Issa Taljieh is a Bethlehem native who has served the famous
pilgrimage site for 12 years, where he’s responsible for the Greek Orthodox
premises (by ancient agreement, the church is shared with the Catholics and
Armenian Apostolic Church). Today, it is under the loose administrative
control of the Palestinian National Authority headed by Mahmoud Abbas, at
the heart of an envelope of territory hemmed in by two bypass roads and 37
separate enclaves for the exclusive use of Israeli settlers. Just like
every other part of the occupied West Bank, these are tense environs
shrouded in an atmosphere of violence, and it has remained that way for a
very long time.

I had the opportunity to experience this fraught “holy land” way back in
1984, when my family was granted special permissions to visit Israel that
came printed on little slips of paper that were meant to be discarded after
we left Ben Gurion Airport on the way home. In those years, like all other
Indians, our passports carried this prominent proscription: “Not Valid for
Travel to Israel, South Africa and Southern Rhodesia”. Since then, it has
become relatively common for many of us to make similar trips, and tens of
thousands of Goans have undertaken pilgrimage tours to all the iconic
Biblical sites: Jerusalem, Nazareth, the Sea of Galilee. But that was not
the case 40 years ago, and we had known no one else from our backgrounds
who had made it out there for the apex event that is Midnight Mass in
Bethlehem, in what is most likely the oldest Christian site of worship in
the world.

Unbeknownst to us, that very same Christmas Eve turned out to be an
important turning point for Palestine and the Palestinians. The territories
of the West Bank had been originally seized from Jordan in 1967, after the
so-called Six-Day War, when Israel decisively defeated an Arab coalition
(and simultaneously occupied the Golan Heights from Syria, and the Gaza
Strip and Sinai Peninsula from Egypt), but were left relatively alone and
handled comparatively gingerly until Midnight Mass in 1984, when my family
and everyone else was entirely shocked when Shimon Peres suddenly showed up
– the first Israeli leader to ever visit the iconic shrine – and popped up
onstage in Manger Square to exhort us: “I bring a greeting of peace to all
those who seek peace.” It’s an indelible memory: Peres delivering promises
that sounded like threats, with an army of snipers standing out against
cloudless dark skies on all the surrounding rooftops. The holy night became
tinged with menace.

What happened since then – the massive expansion of settlements, Intifadas,
constant violence and the steady devolution of Israel into an apartheid
state – has directly led to the war of extermination being waged against
the Palestinians in Gaza, enabled by an increasingly obviously
ethnonationalist coalition of the west led by the USA. To the stark horror
of yet another generation of young people who expected better from the
world, we are seeing exactly how the “rules-based international order”
applies only selectively, with some lives valued more than others.
Arundhati Roy described this terrible moment in time at an award function
in Kerala earlier this month: “Something in our moral selves will be
altered forever. Are we going to simply stand by and watch while homes,
hospitals, refugee camps, schools, universities, archives are bombed, a
million people displaced, and dead children pulled out from under the
rubble? The borders of Gaza are sealed. People have nowhere to go. They
have no shelter, no food, no water. The United Nations says more than half
the population is starving. And still they are being bombed relentlessly.
Are we going to once again watch a whole people being dehumanised to the
point where their annihilation does not matter?”

A couple of days ago on Twitter, the outstanding writer and public
intellectual Priyamvada Gopal (she is a professor at Cambridge University
in the UK) posted that “I’m dreading the evening we think about a baby born
in Bethlehem. Too painful to contemplate.” I agreed at first, but now it
seems to me this Christmas Eve is perfectly timed precisely because we are
firmly enjoined – via scripture, tradition and historical circumstance too
– to think and talk about Palestine. And of course, it’s not only about
Palestine but the future tar

[Goanet] Christmas 2023

2023-12-24 Thread Pratapananda Naik, SJ
Christmas 2023

On behalf of 3L, their poor families, and Friends of 3L, I wish you and
your family members a peace, joy, and grace filled CHRISTMAS🎄.

Jesus the Prince of Peace, may heal the broken and wounded world with his
divine peace and joy.
Jesus the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity who was with His Father
and Holy Spirit, and was sent to redeem us from the bondage of SIN through
his suffering and shameful  death on the cross, may grant you and your
family members His love, peace, grace, and mercy.

The Christmas Season begins on the 24th December at the sunset and ends on
the Sunday celebrating the Baptism of the Lord. However, for us Friends of
3L (least, last, lost students and their families), Christmas is extended
to 24x7 of the entire calendar year. The focus and centre of Christmas  is
Jesus and not Santa Claus (Christmas Father) or anything else.  Without the
focus on Jesus, Christmas is a meaningless ritual and commercialized
hedonistic festival.

The message of Christmas is centred on loving, caring, and sharing. Hence,
throughout the year, we Friends of 3L reach out to 3L for their educational
and other basic needs to make their life meaningful, joyful, hopeful, and

For us:
The hut with asbestos or tin sheets of 3L is the Crib.

The youngest 3L represents Baby Jesus.

Their parents are the replica of Mother Mary and St. Joseph.

The donors are the angels who bring the Good News.

The well-wishers who pray for them take the role of the shepherds.

The ordinary lamp in their huts is the Christmas Star.

The tree in the vicinity of their dwelling place is the natural Christmas

The open sky with the moon, planets, stars, and other terrestrial bodies
are the Christmas Decorations.

Cattle, dogs, cats, goats, pigs which roam around their huts are members of
the Stable.

The songs which 3L sing while beating the empty tins become the Christmas

Various sounds produced in the vicinity of 3L, become the Christmas
Instrumental Music.

3L dance with joy in their own style the Christmas Ballet.

The pictures which they draw in mud are the Christmas Cards.

Clapping of hands with joy by 3L are the Jingle Bells.
The provisions provided by the generous persons become the Christmas

The people of good will provide the Christmas Hampers.

The extraordinary generous persons come as Magi with gifts.

I as a coordinator, take the role of the Christmas Father to coordinate the
entire Mission of 3L throughout the year.

3L do not take part in any Christmas competition.
They live a life of cooperation,  coordination, and solidarity.

Where there is loving, caring, sharing, and praying done for 3L,  there
CHRISTMAS becomes a reality each day.

This year we provided New Clothes to 22, 3L students and their
mother/father. 2 boys and their mother  who were out of Goa will be
provided new clothes in the New Year. We distributed to 20 families
Christmas Hampers with lovely strong jute bags. 9 families were helped for
Christmas meal. We wanted to reach out to many more. But where our vision
visualizes, unfortunately our hands do not reach!!!

If others wish to join the family of “Friends of 3L”, they are most welcome
at any day to contact me.
With loving regards,
Pratapananda Naik, SJ
 Coordinator of 3L
24th December 2023
7.00 pm
Mobile: 9850658565
Email: pratapnai...@gmail.com