[Goanet] Spicy Goa sausage has global potential: Vikram Doctor

2010-06-11 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक रोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
Spicy Goa sausage has global potential: Vikram Doctor
FN +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
Updated: http://goabooks.wordpress.com

Re: [Goanet] Meeting... and adding a face to the name (and the emails)

2009-12-29 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक रोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا

Isn't this true of Bombay, Rangoon, Kampala, Nairobi, Aden, Calcutta,
Colombo, and especially the 'White Town' in Pondicherry? This is true
of cities which remained inegalitarian colonial paradise as long as
their policies encouraged a priviledged few to enter and stay there in
relative luxury.

Could this state of affairs be maintained after the decolonisation process?

And did not these islands of splendour in colonial nations depend on
the immiseration of vast areas of the hinterland?

Yes, these cities did crash in the 'sixties and thereafter (perhaps
less perceptibly in the 1950s). But, to blame the inherent inability
to maintain cleanliness on post-colonial times and a lack of the
cleanliness gene in non-Europeans is unfair.

True, there was a shortage of resources then (remember what happened
when the rupee was not longer valued at seven to dollar?) It's easy to
keep a city pristine when we have financial or other restrictions on
the poor entering. Just as it's easy to keep a five star hotel clean
as long as the prices keep out the average folk.

I think if we want more such places that seem to be an oasis of
luxury, we can hope to get the same soon. The nearest that reminded me
of it was watching the airconditioners on six-storey monstrosities
called hotels in the Calangute belt. These places never seem to have
power failures, while we in neighbouring villages not only face
regular power cuts at peak tourist season (Christmas was terrible!)
but also get the tourist garbage dumped on our hillocks. FN

2009/12/30 philip pereira :
> I left Karachi in 1959 - some 50 years ago and went back just a couple of 
> times -
> once in 1972 and the 2nd in 1989.  Prior to partition in 1947, Karachi was an
> absolute paradise with just some 250,000 people.  Had it remained this way, I 
> would
> never have left.  However, after partition, the population jumped to over 
> 3,000,000
> and, now, it must be close to 18,000,000.  When I went there in 1989, it was 
> a total
> disaster - overcrowded and filthy - and I vowed to never go back again - 
> which I
> have not.
FN +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
Updated: http://twitter.com/fn

Re: [Goanet] Virgin coconut oil...

2009-12-03 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक रोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
Floriano, how dare you make such unScientific statements on
Scientific-Goan-et :-) FN

2009/12/3 J. Colaco < jc> 

> 2009/12/3 floriano 
> VCO is a miracle as it is saturated with  LAURIC ACID which is the
> number one immune booster of the human body. You will not believe it
> but it seems Magic Johnson ( the US star Basket Ball Player)  is cured
> of HIV simply by drinking VCO
> Dear  Floriano,
> ? ? ?
> jc

FN +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
Updated: http://goabooks.wordpress.com

[Goanet] Stuti, the Goa Choral Ensemble... at the Mae de Deus Church (Saligao)

2009-10-12 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक रोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Stuti, the Goa Choral Ensemble... at the Mae de Deus Church (Saligao)
Stuti - Goa Choral Ensemble performs in Saligao, October 2009. Please
note, these are extracts, and not a continuous performance...
FN +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
Updated: http://goabooks.wordpress.com

Re: [Goanet] WhzzUpGoa... early October 2009

2009-10-02 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक रोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا

Anthony, thanks for your comments. I'd look forward to any inputs I
could receive from others so as to make this a collaborative venture,
and try to sustain it.

The tiatr plays get well advertised in the Herald (in season, but
specially on the weekends). Unfortunately I'm not sure that this gets
reflected on the newspaper's website, but could be wrong. The bus
stops details -- but not timings -- exist online, with the Directorate
of Transport listing the same in their transport handbook. [1]  Here's
a list of taxi fares from Dabolim airport, incidentally [2]

Here are some plane timings for you [3] though a few months old. I
have the train timings up there too, but can't find it on my cluttered
flickr.com space[4]. Best, FN

[1] http://www.goatransport.com/directory2007.pdf
[2] http://www.flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/379158590/
[3] http://www.flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/3529204465/
[4] http://photosfromgoa.notlong.com

2009/10/2 AF :
> Amazing, Frederick!!... you keep giving us information about Goa that is truly
> nostalgic, and as a potential home-coming toursit, always very useful if 
> only
> you can tell us the tiatr players, the margao to colva bus times, the vasco 
> to londa
> slow-train schedule..and of course, where can i rent a self-driven car in 
> Goa.
> thanks. anthony

FN +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
Updated: http://goabooks.wordpress.com

[Goanet] Obit: Valeriano Luis Azavedo (in http://goanvoice.org.uk)

2009-09-30 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक रोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا

Condolences to Arlette Azavedo, a Goanetter who has contributed to
this network with her writings, on the death of her husband Val:

Deaths 29 Sept: Porvorim/Mapusa, Goa. VALERIANO LUIS AZAVEDO (Born
1954; Ex-Sesa Goa, Sirsaim). Beloved husband of Arlette. Loving father
of Aldrin & Aldryk. Brother of late Gilberto, Eufemio/Veronica,
Anita/Greg, Irene/Allen, Prakash/Cynthia, Ancila/Victor and
Roscilda/Arthur. Brother-in-law of Adolfo/Terezinha, Astrid/Alfredo,
Celestino/Nicolette, Alirio/Maria, Augusto/Adelaide, Asterio/late
Anna, Aurio/Mary Ann and Fatima/Raphael. Funeral on 30 Sep. at Mapusa.

FN +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
Updated: http://goabooks.wordpress.com

Re: [Goanet] Indian colonialism - FN

2009-09-29 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक रोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا

Alternative Publishing - Is it viable to traditional publishing?

WHERE: Art Lounge - Sunaparanta, Near Lar de Estudantes, Altinho, Panaji

WHEN: September 30, 2009  -  5:30pm


Ah ha! This is something only the one and only JC can do! He will
avoid "needlessly injecting" something into the debate, and then go
right ahead and raise precisely those very questions which he "wants"
to avoid raising :-)

Welcome to the party

I note that JC has neatly side-stepped the substantial issues of my
post (my view of the reasons for 1961 looking less of a Liberation
today, the scapegoating of others -- specially migrants -- as an
excuse for all our ills, Lusostalgia, wanting the benefits of a big
market but not the price, the fact that many Goans -- whether
Catholic, Hindu or Muslim or whatever -- did feel suffocated under
Portuguese rule and didn't shed a tear on its demise, apart from other
points raised to Arwin about the famed Supreme Court judgement of Goa
becoming part of India due to "invasion" or "annexation" or whatever).

JC's idea of debate, of course, is firing a Kalashnikov full of
questions in answer, or to at least cloud up the context! To take this
debate further, I'd need to answer some of the 16 (hope I counted
right) wide-ranging and unending queries, raised below!

Since lastwordism isn't one of my virtues, I'll end my (non-legal :-))
submissions here. But, before that, let me disappoint JC on one
specific issue -- one of the many assumptions he makes while "finding"
any "evidence" whatsoever to defend his thesis.

2009/9/29 J. Colaco  < jc> :
> Even though Frederick Noronha has needlessly injected his parents'
> personal decisions into this e-discussion, I will AVOID involving them
> is this - as it will mean asking questions like:
> a:  Most people who were disgusted by Salazar's dictatorship left Goa
> and went to nearby places. Why did you travel to Brazil ? - Isn't
> (Wasn't) Bombay or Poona closer?

Closer to what? You would surely know the levels of Goan outmigration
during pre-1961 times, and a statement of this kind could well be
making some wrong assumptions.

Secondly, I didn't travel to Brazil. I only returned from there :-)

Thirdly, the decision of my folks to move to Brazil had zilch to do
with Lusostalgia, or anything remotely related to that. In fact, it
had more to do with the Third World economics and US capitalism's
history of those times.

To be specific: a US firm (Kaiser's) had finished their contract in
building or restructuring the Tata's steel plant in Jamshedpur, and
had a similar project coming up in Santos, Brazil. My dad was offered
a job there, and that was the reason for his migration. Had the
economics and manpower needs worked different, he might have gone to
Timbucktoo instead, as a nun from Moira-Net
[http://groups.google.com/group/moira-net] has recently done.

Sorry to disappoint and question the logic of your assumptions. Over
to you for the last word. Or last many words :-) FN
FN +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
Updated: http://goabooks.wordpress.com

Re: [Goanet] Goan attitude towards molestors

2009-09-28 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक रोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا

Alternative Publishing - Is it viable to traditional publishing?

WHERE: Art Lounge - Sunaparanta, Near Lar de Estudantes, Altinho, Panaji

WHEN: September 30, 2009  -  5:30pm


Samir, At the risk of repeating myself:

This is bad logic. You (and one or two earlier) are arguing against
the views in a Navhind Times editorial by pointing to the editor's
alleged involvement in an earlier molestation case.

Completely illogical. The two are quite separate issues.

2009/9/28 Samir Kelekar :
> It is unfortunate that Frederick Noronha is silent
> about the act of a molestor (put in there alleged
> if you like), and in fact is appreciating his editorials.
> This is a shameful moment for Goa.

Nowhere in my posts have I appreciated the NT editorials, but just
pointing to the poor logic behind such arguments!

> He actually is saying that if tomorrow Hitler or
> Osama makes some good
> points about Goa's vision, we should listen to
> them. And that if we attack
> Hitler or Osama, it is adhominum attack.

This sounds like "Changing The Subject (Digression, Red Herring,
Misdirection, False Emphasis)." By bringing in Hitler and Osama here.

> Fred, let me tell you that there is no more
> sacred thing than to do
> ad homimum attacks on criminals. I believe

ad hominem  is bad when used against anyone. OPENQUOTE A fallacious
objection to an argument or factual claim by appealing to a
characteristic or belief of the person making the argument or claim,
rather than by addressing the substance of the argument or producing
evidence against the claim; an attempt to argue against an opponent's
idea by discrediting the opponent himself. ENDQUOTE

> that it is duty of a citizen
> to ensure that law and order is followed,
> and if criminals are moving
> scot free, it is the duty of citizens to shout
> from the top of their voices.
> It is unfortunate that I have to teach a
> journo like you this simple thing
> in a democracy.
> Let me ask you --- what exactly is your
> position on the molestation
> by a fellow journalist?

You are shifting the issue from an ad hominen attack to wanting to
know my stand on a particular issue.

The debates on this issue are all there, and public, at

My view is that a 'trial by press' (or 'trial by mailing list') is
unfair and unbecoming of any civilised society. This, I have
protested. At the same time, we know the ability of influential
persons to manipulate the police investigations, and that is a matter
of concern too. Take a look at the many cases involving influential
persons in Goa, post-1961 or pre!

Whatever, it does not justify an ad hominen attack. FN
FN +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
Updated: http://goabooks.wordpress.com

Re: [Goanet] Indian colonialism

2009-09-28 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक रोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا

Alternative Publishing - Is it viable to traditional publishing?

WHERE: Art Lounge - Sunaparanta, Near Lar de Estudantes, Altinho, Panaji

WHEN: September 30, 2009  -  5:30pm


> From: Arwin Mesquita 
> http://www.oheraldo.in/pagedetails.asp?nid=27786&cid=13
> *Indian colonialism"  by Ashburn and Leron Pereira, Porvorim
> [ According to the landmark judgment delivered by the Supreme Court,
> Goa was conquered by India and not liberated from the Portuguese.
> Also,
> according to the UN resolution 1514 (XV), Goa is listed as invaded. We
> have now undergone 47 years of corrupt Indian colonial rule over our
> Goa.]

Which Supreme Court case is being referred to here?

Is it  Rev. Mons. Sebastiao Francisco Xavier dos Remedios Monteiro v.
The State of Goa, Supreme Court of India, 26 March 1969 All India
Reporter 1970 SC 329.

And, if so, is this an attempt to confuse things? Are we mixing up
legal interpretations of the meaning of the terms "occupation" and
"annexation" in international law (and also other legalese such as
"true" annexation and "premature" annexation) with the
commonly-understood political and layman's understandings of the

This matter, which much is being made of today for political purposes,
came up just tangentially in the case. It was held in the judgement:
"The Geneva Conventions ceased to apply after December 20, 1961. The
Indian Government offered Rev. Father Monteiro Indian nationality and
citizenship which he refused and retained his Portuguese nationality.
As a Portuguese national he could only stay in India on taking out a
permit. He was, therefore, rightly prosecuted under the law applicable
to him. Since no complaint is made about the trial as such, the appeal
must fail. It will be dismissed."

The debate certainly wasn't between being "conquered" or "liberated",
as Arwin's post suggests. It was a legal question over whether someone
holding a Portuguese passport had the right to demand to stay on in
Goa on his terms, or follow the changed law in force here.

The term "annexation" has been used in the Gosalia vs. Agarwal case
too. But why make so much about a legal term (when the courts can't
obviously use a political term like Liberation)?

And why quote just one UN resolution, when the entire tone in those
times (as now) was against the continuation of European colonalism
across the globe right into the late 20th century? (Okay, you could
argue that other forms of colonialism, within our countries and within
our states, do continue to rule, but that's another debate... and
shouldn't be used as a justification of the past form of colonialism.)

2009/9/29 J. Colaco  < jc> :
> No sensible person believes the "Liberation" propaganda. India won,
> Portugal lost .and went home. That is what the losing party does.

JC is as far as the truth as the distance between the Bahamas and Goa
when he says "no sensible person believes in the 'Liberation'
propaganda". A large bulk of Goans, including all those who had been
actively excluded (or deprived) of been part of the tiny priviledged
classes in colonial times have accepted the demise of Portuguese rule
in Goa without as much as a tear.

My brother was being born on this day, in Brazil. An Italian doctor
told my mum, even as she had delivered, "Your country is free." My
parents were among those who returned back, enthusiastic. Of course,
they soon found a Goa where jobs were scarce, there was still no
electricity in the villages (it came only in the 1970s), and the
infrastructure was far more terrible as it is now. But that's another

It is another fact altogether that a growing number today would like
to have the fruits of economic growth and consumerism and being part
of a wider 1-point-something billion strong market -- without paying
the costs for it.

It cannot be denied that the current debate is also shaped by the
misrule and corruption/communalism of local politicians (and the
lobbies who are the tails which wag the political dog, whether local
and national and global), together with the growing Lusostalgia. This
makes the past look "good and old" over time is also  making a growing
number complain and assume that the problem can be wished away by
scapegoating (mostly poor) migrants, fuelling communalism, or
whatever. FN

FN +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
Updated: http://goabooks.wordpress.com

Re: [Goanet] PaltadachoMunis (The Man Beyond the Bridge)

2009-09-28 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक रोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
Didn't the word 'poltodi' come from pre-bridge days? So, wouldn't it
mean The Man From Across The River?

But then, does one have to be very literal in translations, always?
Okay, ask the "rancid pickles" guys and Parrikar. (Incidentally, the
word Parrikar actually used was the Hindi/Hindustani-influenced
'kharab', not 'pidear' as mentioned in a section of the media.)

Of course, all of us think that *we* and only *we* are right. We
overlook the fact that Goa is full of diverisity, linguistic and
ethnic and more.

2009/9/28 Oscar Lobo :
> The actual meaning of Poltodcho Munis is "The man from the other side of the 
> bridge"
> and not "The Man beyond the Bridge"
> If we cannot get this right in Konkani, what kind of Goans are we??  Kesoleh 
> Goenkar
> reh ami?

If you use the word "kesoleh", if I'm not wrong (and I claim no
linguistic skills here) it suggests that your language is
Salcete-influenced :-) Bardezkars and up northerners would use the
more-direct 'kosle' :-) Someone who knows better, and there are many
on this forum, could correct me.

So much for diversity and intolerance in a small region :-)
FN +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
Updated: http://goabooks.wordpress.com

[Goanet] WANTED: Musical Instruments, any condition

2009-09-28 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक रोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
Joaquim Pacheco is looking out for "any old working or non working
musical instruments (non electrical)" in Goa and says, "I will be glad
to pick them up."

This is one of the notes that came out recently via the Freecycle
Network of Goa. More about it at

A nice place to share what surplus you have, and ask for what you might want. FN
FN +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
Updated: http://goabooks.wordpress.com

Re: [Goanet] Treating state treasury as personal piggy bank

2009-09-27 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक रोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
The Goa government has been doling out subsidies left, right and
centre. Some deserved, others not. We have subsidies for buying
computers by college kids (even if their parents have the means, and
even if three siblings in the same home have already benefitted in the

We have subsidies given to non-existant poor, and to rich kids wanting
to go abroad for some elite studies. There have been subsidies to
industries wanting to set up their base here, never mind if it's a
form of jobless growth!

There is a Goa Scheme for Financial Assistance for Films 2006
offering manna for film-makers in the name of promoting Konkani, local
culture or whatever.

So why make a hoo-ha when Shetgaonkar gets some State patronage for
his work? The problem with Goa is that our response depends on *who*
gets the award/subsidy whatever, and not whether it is deserved or

Is it that Shetgaonkar just doesn't belong to the small charmed circle
of cultural czars (more a mutual admiration circle) who define what is
Goan, what is culture, what is film and what isn't in today's context?

Floriano goes one step further by castigating the government for
*both* slighting the film initially and then giving it a cash reward!
It could be one or the other, not both! Either the film deserves
support, or it doesn't! There should be limits on playing to the
galleries. Or is this just rudderless opposition for opposition's

2009/9/27 floriano :
> This  government of Goa is repenting its mistake in slighting the film
> 'Poltodcho Munis' initially by dishing out tax-payer's money as prize money.
> ???For what??? is the right question asked by Rajan.

Rajan Parrikar wrote:

> One, what public good is served in throwing this vast
> sum of money
> in the direction of one individual? Since when is
> it the government's
> job to dole out cash to winners of a private award?
> The Directorate
> of Culture in Goa has been writing hefty cheques
> to cronies of the
> Chief Minister and the Director for a while now.
> Where is the accountability?

The Directorate of Art & Culture (not Directorate of Culture) has a
number of schemes for subsidies and grants, which are listed on its
Citizens' Charter (available online).

I have encouraged several potential authors I know to apply for the
Directorate of Arts & Culture scheme for prospective authors, and I
have too.

The issue of politicians' supporters being given subsidies is an old
one, and has been going on in almost every regime in Goa over the
decades. Not all subsidies go to undeserving people. To have it raised
in the Shetgaonkar case is surprising, given that nobody can make a
case that his work reached Toronto on the grounds of him being a
"crony" of the chief minister! FN
FN +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
Updated: http://goabooks.wordpress.com

Re: [Goanet] Funnies from bhailo rascal

2009-09-27 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक रोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
What is your point? You can't dismiss an argument by arguing against a
person. FN

2009/9/27 Rajan P. Parrikar :
> To Goanet -
> >From the department of "laugh-him-out-of-town" - we now
> have a bhailo scum dispensing advice to Goans on the
> course Goa should take.  This is the same fellow, mind
> you, who would be in jail if the law had been allowed to
> take its course.
> Dear bhailo slumdog, get over it.  You don't get to tell Goans
> what to and what not to do.  Go back to your Indian sewer.

An ad hominem argument, also known as argumentum ad hominem (Latin:
"argument to the person" or "argument against the person") is an
argument which links the validity of a premise to a characteristic or
belief of a person advocating the premise

FN +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
Updated: http://goabooks.wordpress.com

Re: [Goanet] let us call a spade a spade!

2009-09-26 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक रोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
AF raises some important questions. We always think that *we* and not
The Other is more Goan!

And we fail to recognise the diversity within a Goa. Ironically, all
(or most) groups here tend to do the same and be exclusivist! FN

2009/9/26 Mario Goveia :
> Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2009 00:36:51 -0400
> From: "AF" 
> well, well..., i gather i am not the only one confused about what is a goan!. 
> specifically, is a catholic goan more of a goan than a hindu or muslim goan? 
> is a pro-portuguese goan more a goan? is a blue-blooded supporter of the 
> original UGP a true goan? Is is konkanim or is in konkanee? is it pedro, 
> anton, rosa, piedede rather than vijay, babush, narender, is it a 
> football lover or is it a cricketer?.
> Mario responds:
> I don't know about anyone else, but
> your comments prove that you are
> thoroughly confused about what is
> a Goan, because every one of the
> people you mentioned could also be a Goan.

FN +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
Updated: http://goabooks.wordpress.com

[Goanet] Request for permission to broadcast Goan Konkani music

2009-09-26 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक रोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
Dear all: My friend, Anzil Ferns, a young
student from Goa in Mangalore, tells me about the recent launch of
Sarang 107.8 MHz, a community radio station by St Aloysius College.

See  http://http://www.thehindu.com/2009/09/24/stories/2009092458810300.htm
for details. This is managed by the post-graduate department of
masters in communication and media studies at St Aloysius College, an
autonomous institution.

This is not a commercial station, and currently broadcasts six hours
of programming daily -- in Tulu, Konkani, Kannada, English, Malayalam
and the Beary languages. They hope to soon increase the number of
hours of broadcast.

Anzil says the the director would like to broadcast some Goan Konkani
music, with permission from the producer or copyright holder. Writes
Anzil: "This will help thousands of Mangalorean Konkanis to listen to
Goan music in general."

Being a community, non-commercial station, they are unable to pay, but
will offer due credit. If you could help in any way, do get in touch
with Anzil. I've been a supporter of community radio in India and
believe it's a good cause.

Meanwhile, on an unrelated point, please see some rough cuts of
Konkani music online here:
You can come across the versatile Roque Lazarus' spirited Konkani
medley (he plays 27 different instruments, if I got the number
right!), Nandinho de Lobato Faria, 13-year-old Anthony Lopes, Rui
Lobo's Konkani renditions on the classical guitar, the Indian Navy
band, and even some unusual sounds from Goa recorded by Andrew
Mascarenhas. --FN
FN +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
Updated: http://goabooks.wordpress.com

[Goanet] Photos from Sunaparanta this evening: http://www.flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/sets/72157622440759570/

2009-09-23 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक रोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
Some photos from Sunaparanta - Goa Centre for the Arts
 from their event of September 23, 2009:


There's an event at Sunaparanta every Wednesday 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm at
63/C-8, Near Lar de Estudantes, Altinho, Panaji Ph:2421311

This week's Art Lounge saw a discussion panel on artistic freedom
which includes Venita Coelho, Subodh Kerkar, Geoffrey Witte, Vidyadhar
Gadgil and Margaret Mascarenhas.

E-meet with some names you've read on Goanet. --FN
FN +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
Updated: http://goabooks.wordpress.com

Re: [Goanet] Check out this Wikipedia entry

2009-09-23 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक रोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
2009/9/23 Tony de Sa :
> While surfing the net, I came across this Wikipedia entry:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francisco_D%27Souza
> Can anyone throw more light on this gentleman who seems to be of Goan origin?

Francisco D'Souza is the son of Goanetter Placido D'Souza, former
ambassador to many countries, and posted on behalf of the Indian
Foreign Service to at least two dozen countries.

If I'm not mistaken, Francisco's sisters are very early Goanetters.
Herman could confirm.

They trace their roots to Anjuna, but Placido grew up in Pune. He
mentioned that he was inspired to join the IFS because of another Goan
who got in before him, Peter Lynn Sinai. --FN

Eddie Fernandes' post:
Francisco D’Souza was born in Nairobi in 1968, the son of Sushila and
Placido D’Souza (born in 1933, ex-Anjuna, Goa ex India’s Consul
General in New York and High Commissioner in Port of Spain, Hong Kong
and Nairobi). His sisters are Jacinta, Lucia and Maria. Francisco
attended University of East Asia, Macau and Carnegie Mellon
University, Pittsburgh. He is married to Ines, a Brazilian. For more
info about him and the family see GVUK 2006-14

Placido D'Souza, ambassador to West Indies, Panama, Zaire, New York,
Port of Spain, Hong Kong and Nairobi.

Placido D'Souza (b.1933) was ambassador to a large number of
countries, including in the West Indies, Panama, Zaire, New York, Port
of Spain, Hong Kong and Nairobi. Another diplomat of Goan origin,
Peter Lynn Sinai (b.1933) topped the competitive exams in 1956.
Anthony Lancelot Dias, ICS (b.1910) was praised for negotiating
India's foodgrains with "great ability and success". He was appointed
Lt. Governor of Tripura in 1970 and later Governor of West Bengal.

FN +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
Updated: http://goabooks.wordpress.com

[Goanet] Portuguese books... available online for free

2009-09-23 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक रोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
Portuguese books... available online for free
FN +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
Updated: http://goabooks.wordpress.com

[Goanet] Volunteers Clean the World's Beaches

2009-09-23 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक रोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
Volunteers Clean the World's Beaches

WASHINGTON, DC, September 18, 2009 (ENS) - The Ocean Conservancy's
International Coastal Cleanup, the world's largest volunteer effort to
help protect oceans and waterways, gets underway Saturday with
hundreds of thousands of volunteers expected to pick up trash on
beaches around the globe. The volunteers keep track of every piece of
trash they find and report it to the nonprofit Ocean Conservancy,
which uses that information to produce an annual country-by-country,
state-by-state index of marine debris.

FN +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
Updated: http://goabooks.wordpress.com

Re: [Goanet] Svettor Kori

2009-09-22 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक रोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
Hi Eddie, I do understand this is a huge task, and I'm not asking any single
individual to do it alone. Maybe some individual could give the lead, with
other volunteers joining in.

Being influenced by Free Software ideas, I think collaborative functioning
is the way to go

Btw, though the task is not as large (but involves a bit of data entry), I'm
keen to get every one of the Goa-related books up on the openlibrary [

That's a dream. Whether it becomes reality is left to be seen

There must be around 2000+ books on Goa (though this would be an
underestimate, given the number Eddie Fernandes himself has in his personal
collection). If some volunteers could add a few books, we could have a
significant number (not all) being mentioned online.

I had made this suggestion on GoaWriters, and have begun entering a few
books (not many). May I also request anyone who has written a book (or even
has a favourite Goan book in their collection), to please enter it in the
above URL? Anyone can enter the details, as this is a wiki-type of
editable-by-all operation.

One day we might get there

Best, FN

2009/9/22 Eddie Verdes 
> Here I am struggling to form a list of 4000 songs and you are asking 25,000
> songs? which is
> highly impossible.
> Right now I dont have the time to make the list of 4000 songs, my first
> priority is to digitalise
> the 150 audio cassettes that I have for my personal use. Each audio
> cassette takes 2-3 hrs
> and you have to have free time for that. Probably once I have all the songs
> then I can go for the list

FN +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
Updated: http://goabooks.wordpress.com


2009-09-22 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक रोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
Strange! This echoes the Hindutva argument that crypto-Christians
attempt to hide their identity by adopting "Hindu" names!

I wonder what conspiracy theory could be built about Christians in
India with Portuguese (or British) names!

Incidentally, my kids have Arabic and Nigerian first-names (and
double-barrel, Portuguese-influenced surnames). Could someone build an
urban legend on the motives behind this please? FN

> Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2009 13:02:20 +0530
> From: Jorge Dias 
> Those Christians in India who are operating
> with Hindu names are doing this to protect
> their skin from Hindu facist forces. May God
> give these christians the courage that they
> do not hide their christian faith.

FN +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
Updated: http://goabooks.wordpress.com

Re: [Goanet] Goodbye Goans ahoy ghantis

2009-09-22 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक रोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
Hi Arwin, Of course I don't have all the "answers". The response was
to a very specific comment by Ole Xac/Bernardo about "uncontrolled"
migration and what I see as the out-migration link to that (which
nobody wants to talk about for obvious reasons).

Of course, corruption and lobbies taking over governance is a serious
problem -- though I would not see it only in terms of illegal
conversions and mega projects.

As far as 'vote banks' go:


The term vote-bank was first used by noted Indian sociologist, M. N.
Srinivas (who also coined the terms Sanskritisation and dominant
caste), in his 1955 paper entitled The Social System of a Mysore
Village. He used it in the context of political influence exerted by a
patron over a client. Later, the expression was used by F. G. Bailey,
a professor of anthropology at the University of California, San
Diego, in his 1959 book Politics and Social Change[3], to refer to the
electoral influence of the caste leader. This is the usage that has
since become popular.

Thought the term originally referred to voting along caste lines, it
was soon expanded to describe votebanks based on other community
characteristics, such as religion and language.


The only vote-banks in today's Goa certainly aren't migrants. There
are Hindutva, minority (Cristao, and Muslim in pockets), women,
Konkani, Marathi, caste-based, New Conquest, Old Conquest,
industrialists, BPL (below poverty line), and other groups.

Why pick on migrants alone, while being unwilling to discuss the
others? And are all migrants one monolithic block? Are there no other
segments of the poor, who see the politician, howsoever corrupt, as
their succour?

When you say "Goans being denied employment due to high level of
corruption", do you see the problem as ethnicity or corruption?

I personally agree with some of your diagnosis of some problems, but
not necessarily with the priorities you assign to each. Also, your
solutions seem simplistic to me, as Augusto Pinto too has also pointed
out here and elsewhere.

Lastly, I don't think Goans can merely claim victim-status
perennially. This may be a good formula for some parties to rise to
power (Shiv Sena, TDP, even the BJP) but it hardly sorts out any
problems of a long-term nature, in my view. FN

2009/9/22 Arwin Mesquita :
> FN.
> You seem to have all the answers/excuses to support uncontrolled migration
> into Goa. Surely you will also appreciate that there are other factors which
> make the situation worse e.g.
> (1) illegal conversion on Land to bring in Mega-Projects and with the
> migrant workers and settlers from other part of India.
> (2) Migrant Vote-Banks fueled politicians.
> (3) Goans denied of employment due to high level of corruption, I personally
> know many who had to leave because they could not afford the huge bribes
> required by the corrupt government
> I have missed you views on the above 3 points; kindly let me know

FN +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
Updated: http://goabooks.wordpress.com

Re: [Goanet] Svettor Kori

2009-09-22 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक रोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
Francis, Agreed, this is too vast a project for one person to
undertake. How about a collaborative project then? Wonder if anyone
else would be interested.

It could be on the lines of the (still rather modest)
http://wikiwikiweb.de/MailingListsInIndia or even an attempt to list
more Goa-related books on the Open Library

The comparison between a  listing of publicly-known song titles, and a
list of email addresses where privacy issues are involved is, to my
mind, not appropriate. There are two separate issues here as I see it
(i) the amount of work involved (ii) the openness to sharing
information. Both are legimitate concerns, but are separate issues
imho. FN

2009/9/22 Francis Rodrigues :
> You gotta be kidding me, right??
> Post 25,000+ song-titles on Goanet?? Perhaps Eddie Verdes
> or Isidor Dantas might be able to help you out here (having
> confirmed the figure), one or other may have the time to post!
> Even if 25 titles were posted every day, you're still looking
> at 1,000 posts i.e. 3 YEARS of unceasing DAILY POSTS! I think
> only JoeGoaUK has that kind of horsepower and work-rate!:-)
> I'll make you a deal though - my song-list database in exchange
> for your Goanet mailing-list database (your list is half our size).
> Both equally sacrosanct! Do we have a deal?!:-)

FN +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
Updated: http://goabooks.wordpress.com