Re: [Goanet] MP Interview

2008-04-06 Thread KAMALAKSH CHARI

Anesimo Fernandes said:
 In one of my earlier posts I said that this interview is important for
all Goans and specially the Catholics.We have been fed with completely
distorted image about Manohar Parrikar. In fact, I have never seen one
man being so much viliified.The press which is controlled by the Mining
and Building lobby,which inturn controls the Government, has been the
main culprit.One should read the pre-election news items on him. He
was portrayed as the SATAN who would destroy the very fabric of goan

MP's interview taken by Rajanbab with efforts made by Anandbab, Anilbab 
deserves a big applause.
This 54mins + 1hr 13mins video interview covered most of the things related 
to Goan politics, Goa's future, Goans, and many other things related to Goa 
during interaction with MP.
As Anesimobab said MP has been portrayed as SATAN not only by mining  
building lobby but by many others. Looking at present scenario  present 
circumstances only MP deserves to be chairing CM's post, which has been 
presided over by wrong  inefficient people in the past 38 months. Result is 
as expected, inefficient Governance(I doubt if any Govt exists in Goa at 
present looking at daily headlines), day today items getting sky rocketed, 
No control over administration, internal conflicts between ruling MLA's, 
ministers, etc... what not.
May be at the time of next assembly elections Goans will realise their big 
mistake in 2007 assembly poll  try to correct it by bringing back MP to 
power. I hope Goans dont fall prey to drinks, money or any other influence 
by these corrupt congress  co. candidates during that time which I think 
was the main reason that we got inefficient, corrupt  demented Govt at 



[Goanet] Thanks Digu!

2008-02-27 Thread Kamalaksh Chari
It really gives me a pleasure to thank our beloved CM for giving me an 
opportunity to see Bihar in Goa itself without spending pie.
It is indeed a good and great opportunity for Goans to realize the conditions 
and status of the day today activities occuring in Bihar.
But this man Digu with a great vision has made this facility available to Goans 
to see the scenario of bihar in Goa.
If anyone has any doubt then he or she may kindly refer to newspapers, dailies 
of past 3-4 days and he will get to know the details.
Indeed our CM has this great vision to showcase all that is happening in 
Country to duplicate it in GoaSEZ, landscams, attack on police, Bandhs, 
morchas, Burglary, Raasta Roko, attacks on ministers, assault on women, 
No CM in the history of Goa has done so many things within a short span of time 
as CM. He proved all  that he promised on day one of is Oath ceremony that his 
Govt will do anything for aam aadmi and he did it. Only few things are left to 
be seen i.e. Bomb-blasts, terrorist activities(which will soon sprout if the 
same routine continues). Digu is trying his all efforts to do that and will 
definitely come out with good results. I think he got blessing of all 
Gods/godesses he worshipped so far after he as soon as he chaired as CM.
Three cheers for Digukaka...May you always remain the CM of Goa, so that we can 
realize the horrible life of JK, terrorist activities along border, and all 
that which was never in the dreams of Goans.



Re: [Goanet] Will BJP act silly in Goa?

2008-02-16 Thread Kamalaksh Chari

Edward Desilva wrote:

Hi Goanetters,
Here is another BJP madness:

BJP calls nationwide stir against petrol price hike.
Petrol prices are going up worldwide, should India be in a turmoil and
stop production?
Stir? what stir? and who does it hurt in the end?
Has the BJP people got their brains in the right place?

It seems you are the one who needs to put his brain in the right place 
first. Because you are favouring the price hikes of UPA alias Congress govt, 
which has been doing it since it came to power from 2004. No citizen would 
encourage any hike in petrol prices unless he owns a pterol pump or gain 
good profits from petrol price hikes. This Congress led UPA Govt has done 
one thing consistently since it came to power i.e. increasing prices of 
goods and commodities which aam admi needs everyday.
Why only BJP? every aam admi will oppose it or is it necessary that every 
now and then he should come on roads to protest against such price hikes?
It is the duty of Govt which is elected by the people for the people and of 
the people to maintain control over such price hikes else why do we need 
Govt? for which we spent crores of Rupees for elections. Why we need such 
MPs, Ministers who cannot use their brains(if they have one) to curb such 



Re: [Goanet] Pamphlet Circulated for Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha - protest against MF Husain

2008-02-09 Thread Kamalaksh Chari
Lets forget about his paintings of nude Hindu gods and someone may 
still see it as an modern or some other art or may be MF taking undue advantage 
of Hindu tolrance.
But he went to the extent painting his own mother India nude? He was so 
obsessed in nudity, vulgarity that he didn't even left mother India from being 
a part of his so called art.

Why don't he paint his mother or sister or his own gods in the same manner?
Where are all secularists hiding now? Or their secularism limited only to 
particular section of society?



Re: [Goanet] Where are all the Parrikar baiters, haters gone?

2008-02-05 Thread Kamalaksh Chari
Miguel Braganza wrote:

Were you in Panaji between May and November, 2004? Trees were cut at
nights, roads were dug up, there was dust and noise all in the name of
IFFI. Carnival lasts just three days ... not months!! Forget about the
poor, what did the middle class, the rich, the sick and the old in
Panaji do during those months? Di the then CM care? No prizes for
guessing who the CM was then!

I think you have not witnessed any such event like IFFI before. It was first 
time that Goa had that honour of hosting it.
There were no foundation to organize such big events before. Parrikar made sure 
that everything is put in place by making his presence during the IFFI works.
No other CM in the history of Goa is devoted to work to such an extent. 
There were no multiplex theatres in Goa and INOX was the need of the hour. 
Old GMC complex was given a new look and it is one of the best attraction for 
tourists during IFFI.
Roads were built, Govt offices and buildings were renovated, hardly any CM 
other than him even bothered to paint Govt buildings.
All this gave rise to new look of Panaji Bus-stand, DK even forgot to do 
patchwork of roads inside Bus-stand during 2007 IFFI, might be because he never 
uses them.
But tell me onething if all these classes were disturbed then why didn't they 
come on roads, or was it because of hot sun due to cutting down of trees(as you 
Why were no morchas or strikes took place then

Can you tell me atleast one new structure built by Govt for IFFI after 2004?? 
Still crores of Rupees were wasted..why and where??
Prize winners of IFFI contests are still awaiting their prizes..did DK looked 
into this matter through his aam admi specs??



Re: [Goanet] Where are all the Parrikar baiters, haters gone?

2008-02-04 Thread Kamalaksh Chari

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Anil Desai wrote:
It is now three days since Manohar  Parriker threw down the gauntlet. He 
asked our Digambar Chief Minister to substantiate the allegation that, he, 
Parriker had held a meeting with SEZ promoters in Mumbai and plotted the 
downfall of the Congress government.

Wouldn't it be better if Anil or other BJP supporters obtained an affidavit 
from MP stating that he will resign and retire from public life if the 
allegation is proved? MP has a record of not keeping his word. Remember his 
statement before the elections that he would not bid for office unless his 
party secured a majority on its own. No later than a few months after the 
Congress took office, there he was at his pet game of toppling an elected 
government with scant respect for the verdict of the electorate.

Marshall Mendonza


I think you are not aware of the numbers of 2007 Goa assembly elections.
No party was voted to form government nor congress was voted to form govt. 
Congress-NCP alliance which was formed before elections got altogether 19 
seats( 16-Congress, 3-NCP)

which is not majority at all.
Also it is the duty of opposition party whoever it may be to raise voices 
against non-performing government.
looking at the past 7 months of DK govt, i think it is at its worst and no 
one needs to prove it.
It seems DK  his company seems more interested in admiring semi-nude beauty 
in Carnival than providing shelter, clothing to the much needed aam admi  
aam aurat.



Re: [Goanet] Open letter to Rajan - re RKN and Bhandare

2008-02-02 Thread Kamalaksh Chari

From: Mervyn Lobo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bhandare/Bhandari wrote:
Like yourself, I am a stickler for facts too..something that many 
goanetters cannot come to

terms with..

On the premise that Bhandari checked and then re-checked his factual 
statement before he posted the above, I had to find out what stickler 

Here is how Wikipedia describes it:
The stickler syndrome is characterized by a distinctive facial appearance, 
eye abnormalities, hearing loss, and joint problems.

?Facts are many, but the truth is one.?
- Rabindranath Tagore -

You are totally confused about meaning of stickler and relating it with 
stickler syndrome.

What you referred to is stickler syndrome and not stickler.

Stickler means Someone who insists on something:
Example: a stickler for promptness
Also I would like to bring to your notice that wikipedia has got meanings 
not for everything.
I guess you searched stickler on wikipedia and could not find it but instead 
found stickler syndrome.

I hope you wont confuse one word with another next time. Because Facts are 
many, but the truth is one.



Re: [Goanet] Thoughts to Kamalaksh_was_ An Open Letter To

2008-01-28 Thread Kamalaksh Chari

Reena Martins  wrote:

I don't know where Chari and his response comes from. But no, I'm no 

Its just that, in Pune, where I spent my childhood, we had a Chari family
(Tamilian) who lived next door to us.
As simple as that.

Just take these few thoughts or suggestions:
Firstly wikipedia's content cannot be treated as final verdict, as anyone 
can edit and and write on it.
I do not know who has written there about chari community, might be someone 
ilk minded of your's. God knows.
Secondly, I have mentioned in my response to you earlier that chari 
community is spread thoughout the nation and there are chari's in tamil too, 
we have no relation with them, only thing is we'all worship the same god 
lord Vishwakarma.
Lastly your surname is also quite familiar in Portugal so can i call you a 
Portuguese???hahahajust giving a taste of your own medicine..



Re: [Goanet] Thoughts to Kamalaksh

2008-01-28 Thread Kamalaksh Chari

From: Radhakrishnan Nair [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Reena was absolutely right in mentioning that Charis are from Tamil
Nadu. Here, Charis are brahmins.

The Viswakarmas, on the other hand, are called Acharis in Tamil Nadu and 


Whatever efforts you and Reena put together won't deny  my Identity as a 
true Goan.
Getting names on RationCard, EPIC, Driving licences in Goa doesn't prove to 
be a Niz-Goenkaar.

Also that won't help you in becoming a Niz-goenkar either.
Chari's are spread all over Goa, you can ask any Goenkar regarding Chari, 
they won't deny our origin as Goenkar.
We are Goans for generation serving the Goans doing carpentary, blacksmithy, 
artwork and have made good names in all those fields.

May be Reena has lost the topic(battle) completely regarding surnames.
By the way i happen to search wikipedia and found these about Martins, There 
were no single word relating them to Goa.How about this.
Below is about Nairs

Nowadays all ghatis are proving niz-goenkars as outsiders and calling 
themselves as Goenkars. May be because they are marching towards being a 
majority, with the blessings of Digu kaka.



Re: [Goanet] An Open Letter To Rajan

2008-01-25 Thread Kamalaksh Chari

 Symposium on Pre-Primary  Primary School Education  
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:

Reena Martins [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

Kamalaksh Chari wrote:
Well I must say one must be a Goan to identify Goan surnames.

And here I always thought Chari was a Tamilian!

The problem with you people(RKN, Reena  likeminded co.) is that you click 
on send button before veryfying the facts about your posts  when you know 
tou made a big mistake you people HONESTLY admit it,  then you are 
applauded for admitting that you made an mistake and you become Heroes or 
Heroines on goanet.
Secondly it is also because lack of knowledge about Goan culture, history, 
etc due to which you tend to make statements  predictions which are totally 
false. This inturn raises questions, queries, doubts in the minds of people 
on goanet, creating the endless lists of unnecessary posts.
Regarding Chari community, well it is spread all over India not only 
restricted to particular region or state. In Mharashtra, Gujarat, we use 
Sutar or Panchal as our surnames. In other parts Vishwakarma is used as 
surname, and other surnames in rest of India. In Madras(or TN or Chennai or 
south India) we are known by Chari surname. So that might have created a 
doubt in your mind that Chari's are Tamilian. Any ways from next time 
onwards please verify your statements in your posts before clicking on send 



Re: [Goanet] Sorry, Dr Virgincar! and being human /to Chari

2008-01-25 Thread Kamalaksh Chari

 Symposium on Pre-Primary  Primary School Education  
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:

Selma Wrote:
Something you might want to learn, Chari, is that itis possible to like people 
across cultures, religions,states, nationalities and ideologies. It is 
possibleto respect the person even if one does not agree withtheir views. Just 
ask yourself one question Chari,what is it that makes us fundamentally human?

First ask yourself one BIG question what does it mean to simply make mockery of 
one's surname without going deep into the matter?
Is it CORRECT to assault one's surname(vigincar) by relating it to virginity of 
a women? I didn't expect such response or support to a person who used vulgar 
language relating to the surname of Virgincar atleast from a lady.
It is NOT possible for me to agree with views which doesnt have base of truth  
are simply made without any deep knowledge of that subject  I don't respect a 
person who has no respect to other people  their surname's. Hope you have got 
my point.



Re: [Goanet] An Open Letter To Rajan

2008-01-24 Thread Kamalaksh Chari

 Symposium on Pre-Primary  Primary School Education  
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:

Radhakrishnan Nair [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

Dr Anand Virgincar  :-)  Never came across a Virgincar in Goa.
Must be another fake id.

Let me hazard a guess. What does that surname means? Someone who loses
his virginity only in the back seat of a car?

I've come across many Chodankars though. Khushwant Singh once wrote in
his Malice column after a holiday in Goa that one could not live
anywhere to the north of the Vindhyas with the name Chodankar :-)


Well I must say one must be a Goan to identify Goan surnames.
I have heard virgincar surnames many of the times and its not any fake 
Only I can say is Think twice before you pen down your opinion about anyone.
And regarding taking out meaning of virgincar in english is foolish act, as 
it is a Goan surname it has hardly got anything to do with English.
Hope you know that? its a very cheap level of criticizing anyone on their 
surnames. If I step into your shoes I would say better change your name to 
RadhaKrishna Liar.
Anyways congrats for joining the group of posters on goanet who try to label 
fake for the posters who doesn't match with their opinions or views.



Re: [Goanet] Sorry, Dr Virgincar!

2008-01-24 Thread Kamalaksh Chari

 Symposium on Pre-Primary  Primary School Education  
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:

Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

RKN made an honest mistake. I see the entire BJP
coterie is out in full force to pillory him. As far as
I'm concerned the Nair, Sen Guptas and Gagdils on this
list make far more sense than all the Kars put
together. Excluding Helekar ofcourse :-)

The Kars of Goa should learn something from the fairly
more broad-minded and liberal thinking South Indians.



Good joke Ms/Mrs Selma,  an honest mistake
Atleast you said he made a mistake. Mistakes are not honest or dishonest, 
they are mistakes whoever do it Goan or South Indian.
It seems you got a lot of love to such BROAD MINDED ones who TRY to make 
MISTAKES and then honestly admit them. Good going.
Onething you said correctly Kars(Goenkars) of Goa should learn something. 
But I would add to it saying Kars of Goa should learn everything from these 
fairly more broad-minded and liberal thinking South Indians including 
poderponn. As most of these people have deeply grounded their roots in all 
traditional businesses of Kars(Goenkars).
Thanks for not supporting fellow Goan and praising mistakes done by 

Keep it up.



Re: [Goanet] foul missionary literature

2008-01-10 Thread Kamalaksh Chari

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 For RR; modern/clean amenities; serene, healthy and wholesome location

Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Frederick [FN] Noronha wrote:

(Incidentally, NDTV reports that the clashes were between Dalits and
Adivasis, with the saffronites entering the fray and fishing in
troubled waters. There is also the issue of benefits claimed by the
Dalits, post-conversion.)

Regarding NDTV, it is funded by Gospels of Charity in Spain which supports 
Communism. Recently it has developed a soft corner towards Pakistan because 
Pakistan President has allowed only this channel to be aired in Pakistan. Its 
Indian CEO Prannoy Roy is co-brother of Prakash Karat, General Secretary of 
Communist party of India. What else can you expect from a media which is highly 



Re: [Goanet] torture of christians in Orissa

2008-01-10 Thread Kamalaksh Chari

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

 For RR; modern/clean amenities; serene, healthy and wholesome location

Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

 Marshall Mendonza: wrote

 Please note the most literate states in India are those where the 
 christian missionaries have been most active eg: Kerala, Goa, 
 North -East,Tamiil Nadu, Karnataka This is the kind of contribution that 
 the christians have made to the nation. Please do not underestimate the 
 role and contribution of christianity to the nation.


 Marshall Mendonza


Marshall thanks for putting your views about Christian Missionaries in India.
If any country which needs most of it is I think our neighbour Pakistan where 
missionaries have not spread their roots like they did in India. Pakistan badly 
needs service, preechings of Missionaries looking at present scenario there  
it will be nice if MISSIONaries succeed in their MISSION there. They should 
start  there mission looking for tribal areas in Pak. Definitely they will find 
another Orissa or North-East over there.
Also some missionary schools dont allow Hindu girls to put on Bindi(one that is 
placed on forehead). Your own words go wrong here about freedom of religion.



Re: [Goanet] Why I'm keeping my Poder's bicyclette

2008-01-08 Thread Kamalaksh Chari

Carvalho wrote:

Anti-people and anti-environment projects?
RESPONSE: Else people would not have been seen on roads to protest. Grabbing 
miles of land and deforesting it to build concrete jungle or any structure, 
is that environment friendly?

How do they know?
RESPONSE: Why only they? Everyone knows it. If you are unaware, Please 
google search or read any Goan daily.

Have they vetted them financially and economically? Have they done a 
feasibility study to

determine the cost of such projects to the environment?
RESPONSE: This question should have been asked for Digu Baab first who has 
got the habbit of studying for the Exams after they are over.

Has someone done an opportunity-cost analysis? Has someone at the GMAS sat 
down with a vast

cross section of Goa's population and asked for their opinion?
RESPONSE: No need to go for any opinion poll. Please walk out of your four 
walls and ask them whether they are with SEZ or anti-SEZ movement. You will 
get appropriate answer.

Has someone held town hall meetings to try to understand and pose 
appropriate questions about these
projects? Indeed they don't even know what exactly these projects are 
going to be and already we have
the hint of that stick being wielded. Why don't we just build a big wall 
around Goa. See how well that worked out for China.
RESPONSE: Govt has no time to build a parallel bridge across river Zuari 
which may hardly extend 500mts, and you are talking of BIG wall? yes they 
might have to build one outside their own Bungalows now, starting with 
Margao  Loutolim.

I have always maintained that Goa needs an economic think-tank, an 
independent agency that properly vets
projects and then most importantly a good Public Relations Agency who will 
explain the project and its benefits to the people.

RESPONSE: Two Agencies? may be, but at whose expense?

Now excuse me, while I go and blow on my poder's piluk. I need the 
RESPONSE: Its too late now,  by the time you learn to blow poder's piluk, 
Digu's aam admi from monte hill  gandhi market will be masters of poderponn 
 would probably get Special cycles under some govt scheme along with 
electronic piluk.



Re: [Goanet] Valmiki's SEZ Ramayana

2008-01-07 Thread Kamalaksh Chari

Rajan P. Parrikar wrote:

Valmiki Faleiro wrote:

You are damned if you do, you are damned if you don?t.
That sums up the unenviable situation for Goa?s Chief
Minister, Digambar Kamat.
Digu did.


Digambar Kamat truly deserves applause ? and continued
public support.

Why only applause?  Let us mark a new festival to celebrate
the triumphant return from Dilli of the victorious King Digu
after vanquishing SEZasura with his own bare hands.  Goans,
light a lamp in your home and do a little pooja of the valorous
King Digu, he who put his life at great risk so that you and
your children could have a better future in Goa.

Warm regards,


The moral of the story is Aam Admi's plea will be heard only when he will 
come on raods to protest against Govt steps which are against aam admi.
Digu's words remind me of sacrificial goat, which is worshipped, garlanded 
before taking for sacrifice. The same story is of Goans these days. We are 
promised of many things, development, vows, employment but the outcomes are 
SEZ, RP2011, price hikes, land grab scams, law and order( now out of order), 
erratic supply of water  electricity, and many more.
One may get impressed by Digu's words  speeches but what Goans want is 
peace, Employment, law  order, Freedom from anxiety or fear, cheap lands 
which Goans can afford in Goa etc...which will only be seen in dreams by 
Digu's Aam Admi.



Re: [Goanet] Benazir Bhutto Assassinated and so will others be

2008-01-01 Thread Kamalaksh Chari

selma wrote
They were meant to evoke a reaction. However, if youare serious about 
communal harmony then you'll startby restoring it on Goanet. A lot of 
communalbitterness has seeped onto Goanet with the arrival ofcertain 
posters. All we hear is how terrible Muslimsare, how our saints are 
fanatics, ad nauseam.

Selma Bai, tell me one thing, will you fireup your house if anything goes 
wrong in your house just to see how your family members react to it??

Please never again use such tectics, you will get nothing, but ASH.



Re: [Goanet] Minguel and SEZ

2007-12-30 Thread Kamalaksh Chari

From: nelson ferrao [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
dear goanet readers
Looks like Minguel is  working beyond his capacity to make sure that the
fight against Sez doesnt take a violent turn. Poor fellow, he has been
having sleepless nights specially to make sure that all our tourists are 

harmed  during festive season.
He has been also busy counteracting every statement by  GMAS, MATHANY and
He has the answers and PAPER solutions to every problem facing GOA.
He thinks that  GBA only can solve the SEZ problem(  i dont know why they
woke up from their slumber only after Mathany  started the movement  and 

not take the initiative on their own as in december 2006.) and  looks like
the  sole custodian and  chief spokesperson  of  GBA.
If Gandhi was alive today, I am sure he would have advocated the use of
force first as we are not deal with rational, civil and honest beings 

Minguel and his likes can wait  and talk peace till Goa is completley sold
and there is turmoil all over and we have 15lac. outsiders  settled in 
By that  time he will  not have  Goan  Politicians to  Talk to, he will 
to go to UP, BIHAR or KARNATAKA and have added burden of learning all 

  By the way, the tourists wont need Mathanys warning to stay away from
Goa. Many of them have been commenting on the inability of govt. :.who is
raking in crores from tourism, to deal with problem of GARBAGE, STRAY

CRIME RATE, HARRASMENT BY COPS FOR BRIBES and ugly hutments with people
openly defecating and urinating in public places.
I suggest all the advocates of Mahatma come out with practical solutions 
these problems.Aam admi had enoughof empty talks, meetings and promises 

all sides.
 mog asu di

RESPONSE: Rightly said Nelson. I fully agree with you.
Looking the rate at which the population increase in Goa every year, 
ofcourse of Non-Goans, there will be hardly anytime when Goans(Niz Goenkars) 
will turn into minorities and there will be no ears who can hear our plea to 
save Goa as most of the politicians or authority will be under the control 
of Non-Goans.
I don't know why Minguel and his likes are against the step taken up by 
Mathany to Save Goa from turning into a SEZ Goa. I hope he knows the 
outcomes of SEZ's as most of the Newspapers have atleast one article 
focussing the outcomes of it daily.
Instead all Goans should support his stand without any cobwebs in their mind 
regarding tourism, tourists, because If Goa needs to be remained as tourist 
destination SEZ idea should be dropped from Goa else Goa will loose its 
uniqueness as tourist destination. Mathany is a leader who has been working 
hard for Goa in many issues throughout his life and was the most honest 
politician in the past assembly. If Goans cannot stand with such person who 
has always been sweating for Goa than why cry for Goa??

Mog Asundi


Re: [Goanet] No freedom of religion for Muslims in Goa?

2007-09-25 Thread Kamalaksh Chari
 TRI Continental Film Festival - Dona Paula, Goa, Sep 28 - Oct 2, 2007

For public viewing. Registration at  The International Centre Goa.  (Ph: 
+91-832-2452805 to 10)

  Online Media Partner:

 From: Vidyadhar Gadgil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote;

 India is an overwhelmingly Hindu-majority country, and the religious
 rights of Hindus are rarely threatened. But the religious minorities
 face such problems on a regular basis, and secular persons naturally
 stand up for their rights. If that makes them 'psuedo-secular' in your
 view, it is your perspective that is at fault.


Looks like you have forgotten the history of India. Right from the time 
mughals ruled India to British rule..the most threatened were Hindus..Both 
rulers tried to demolish Temples and places of worship of Hindus. This is 
just a reply to your above made comments Mr. Gadgil. Just a reminder iff you 
have deleted your History from your memory. Forget about whole India...take 
Goa's example...How many temples have been destroyed and changeover to 
Churches.. What are your comments about this It is majority 
community which has been facing problems on regular basis. Hindus in India 
are getting raw deal. Look at Kashmir. What you say about kashmiri pandits? 
are they Muslims or Christians?? they are almost on the verge of extinction 
in Kashmir. All involved in the killings of Kashmiri Pandits are scott free. 
Isn't it??Mr. Gadgil.

What about recent incident which took place in Bambolim where ganesh idol 
and shivaling has been damaged badly.? Did it damaged minority's religious 
idols? The persons involved in that case haven't been caught yet? Had 
that incident occured in church or madrasa, I bet all minorites including 
yourself would have not kept quiet and readily would have blamed RSS or BJP 
or other saffron(Hindu) organizations.

India ofcourse is an overwhelmingly Hindu-majority country, and majority 
itself has been threatened to a great extent till date.

Regarding your so called secular persons standing up for their rights, its 
not for their rights but for getting minority votebank.

Can you tell me why only most of the temples in Maharashtra are been 
captured and taken charge by present maharashtra govt?? why not Churches or 
Masjid's Is this what you call Secularism? It is only to get funds 
and fill up the Govt.  their MLA's  personal Treasury. I think you better 
check your perspective before making such comments about Hindus being not 
threatened. Your statements sounds like Congress MLA's who think themselves 
as lone secular creatures present on this Earth.

 Look at the data on communal violence in India. The overwhelming
 majority of those killed in such violence have been Muslims. Then again,
 look at what happens after such violence. Those who have been involved
 in killing Hindus are generally brought to book, whereas those involved
 in killing members of minority communities go off scot-free.


Can you give me an example where in how many Muslims have been killed and 
compare it with killings of Hindus from ages in such violence.?? looking 
forward to your numbers. Give me couple of examples where in Hindu killers 
have been brought to book and minority killers have not.  And why do you 
treat Indian population on majority and minority basis??? Aren't all Indian 
equal in your perspective? Or do you treat Hindu as different Indian and 
minority from India as another Indian??? People like you should stop 
dividing Indians on minority and majority basis as done in past by British. 
Atleast they had reason to do so, but why people like you divide Indians on 
Religious basis? I don't know

 It is in this assymetrical and unjust situation, where minority rights
 are trampled upon and justice denied, that secularists stand up for the
 rights of minorities.


Your secularists actually stand up for minorities votes not for their 
rights, else situation would have been bettered with the present govt in 
centre and in state which outcries too much about minority segment but do 
nothing for them.

Finally to wind up, being an anti-Hindu does not mean secularist, nor 
defending Hindus means communal...Mr.Gadgil.

Regarding Muslims in Goa, I do not see they are given any unfair treatment. 
They do enjoy all facilities as others community. I too have many Muslims as 
my Best friends and they did not complain about any unfair treatment. look 
at vegetable seller or Cloth shop, majority are Muslims  they're doing good 

I wonder why there is a question raised regarding Freedom of Muslims in Goa.



Re: [Goanet] Konkani-cho Mog Asundi

2007-08-25 Thread KAMALAKSH CHARI

Follow the online presence of the Museum of Christian Art, Old Goa
 Contacts: Tel: +91 832 2285299  Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Kamalaksh says:  Marathi is most written, read and used language in Goa 
 compared to Konkani.
  Pravin says: Really? Marathi does have its following as does English, but 
 to claim that it is used more than Konkani is far from ground reality...
RESPONSE: You misunderstood me Pravin, Marathi is used more interms of 
letter writings, literature, press as compared to Konkani, but Why did you 
introduced English in this topic? I just replied to Dr. Carmo's hatred 
towards Marathi. And as far as English is concerned, its uncomparable to any 
regional language, also it is International language.

  P says: If you are talking of circulated newspapers, English leads the 
 pack in terms of number of newspapers. If you are counting real Goa based 
 Marathi newspapers, the number is less than 10.
RESPONSE: Again you are bringing English in between, the topic has nothing 
to do with English. But with marathi  konkani. I was referring to all 
Marathi dailies which are available in Goa. It may be originated from 
neighbouring states.

  K says: Marathi has brought laurels to Goa by producing great singers, 
 artists, writers and is also deeply rooted in Goa's culture as well.
  P says: Goans have flourished in and with Marathi.
  But to deny Konkani its rightful place is being as bigoted as the Dr. who 
 wants to banish Marathi lovers...
RESPONSE: I never denied Konkani, konkani ofcourse is the most spoken 
language by far. I only responded to Dr. Carmo's double standards for 
I too have good respect for konkani, but to deny Marathi is not in good 

  The reasons for Konkani's slow growth in terms of readership are:
  1. The Brahminical standardisation of Konkani
  2. The denial of writing in the Romi-script
  3. The educated Goan's tendency to be ashamed of even acknowleding one's 
 own mothertongue.
RESPONSE: I think the point no 3 is most responsible for konkani's slow 
growth. Educated Goan's do use English just to show off they are highly 
educated and knows Hi-Fi English  sideline konkani. Also konkani is written 
in two scripts i.e. devnagri  romi, that might also be another reason for 
its slow growth.

  To deny Konkani is to deny our umblical cord.
RESPONSE: I never denied Konkani. Konkani is my mothertongue. But is it 
justified to say there is no place for marathi lovers in Goa?
Then how come Dr. Carmo staying in Florida? He should be right here in Goa 
to show his love towards Konkani. He would have tasted his own medicine if 
Florida people have said the same words to him  konkani lovers have no 
place in Florida, they should relocate themselves to Goa.hahaha

  To justify Marathi, there is no need to crucify Konkani
  'maushi-cher mog kelear zata, punn avoi-k pois kori naka...
RESPONSE: I think you are referring to Dr. Carmo and like minded people.

I request you Pravin not to misunderstand me. Even I don't like people 
having double standards in any regard like Dr. Carmo.



Re: [Goanet] Goa is for Konkani Lovers Only !

2007-08-23 Thread KAMALAKSH CHARI

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 Way To Go !
 We should not have any Marathi Lovers in Goa ! The Marathi lovers in Goa
 should all be sidelined. Goa should be for Konkani lovers only ! Marathi
 lovers should relocate to Maharashtra !

 * Shiv Sena protests Goa government's state rewards announced   recently,
 saying the list contained an overwhelming number of Konkaniwadis (die-hard
 Devnagari Konkani protagonists)
 while sidelining Marathi lovers. (GT)

 Dr. Carmo D'Cruz
 ex Velim, Goa
 now Indian Harbour Beach, Florida

From: Floriano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

This is Hitlerr's stand.

Marathi is a fully developed  language by itself.
And Marathi is used by most people in Goa, may it be the news papers, may it
be religious rites etc.
Why should it be excluded from the State Awards??
State Awards are not restricted to any language. You mean to say Remo always
sings in Konkani?
Therefore, Dr. Carmo, you are blatantly wrong.
Art and culture is the mainstay. Not the Language in which it is expressed.
Just because Konkani is Goa's State Language, it cannot be considered

Just my thoughts



Yes floriano, Dr. Carmo is totally wrong regarding his language perspective.
Marathi is most written, read and used language in Goa compared to Konkani.
Dr. Carmo, If you don't know about ground reality, then let me tell you, there 
are more then 10 marathi newspapers circulated all over Goa compared to Konkani 
newspaper, which is lone i.e. sunaparant and that too has only 4 pages. This 
is really sad story, that those who shout about Konkani has hardly got one 
newspaper to read written in Devnagari script. 
Marathi has brought laurels to Goa by producing great singers, artists, writers 
and is also deeply rooted in Goa's culture as well. 
What you mean by your statements  We should not have any Marathi Lovers in Goa 
! The Marathi lovers in Goa should all be sidelined. Goa should be for Konkani 
lovers only ! Marathi lovers should relocate to Maharashtra !
Does that apply to Portuguese lovers in Goa too??
Those who love Portuguese should relocate to Portugal, Dr.Carmo Is that 
what you want to say?
Dr. Carmo, please think twice(or may be thrice) before you write anything.
Remember one thing both Konkani  marathi are taught in Devnagari script in 
It is upto people of Goa to choose from the two. You need not have to shout who 
should opt what.
And regarding State Awards, there is biasing in that regard as marathi was 
Finally what about your IITian batchmate Parrikar, he also learnt marathi and 
loves marathi, should he move to Maharashtra? And announce you as his 
heir for CM's you too are IITian??
But for that to happen you have to come back to Goa, you cannot remotely 
control Goa from florida.. also contest  win elections(votes polled by 
konkani as well as marathi lovers).


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[Goanet] RSS rescued 80 christian missionaries in orissa (JOE)

2007-08-17 Thread KAMALAKSH CHARI

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Joe Dias.(NRI) wrote:
Hi,1. So when you last went to India you traveled between 1.00 and 1.30 pm.I 
did the same in Saligao and I found young sudents drinkingfeni in the bus, one 
lady was giving them dirty looks, they askedher auntie tuca jai illi feni? 
so what do they teach in Goa schools?to drink feni!2. Out of respect to the 
old nuns you 
give them your seat. - Good on you.Are you saying that, if an old dalit woman 
was standing, you would notgive her a seat out of respect for old age?Do you 
have double standards? or just picking on catholics indirectly - again.
Plz, plzplz...plz..Don't put your words in my mouth dear. Last time 
Frederick did the same trick saying i am insulting priests, Now you say I have 
double standards. By the way you both are good at playing your tricks.
Well i just pen down some facts regarding Frederick's response. 
Also there are no words like dalit, brahmin, upper caste, or lower 
caste in my dictionary. Are you living with the same thoughts in this 21st 
century Mr. Joe.
Come on wake up, grow up man. Wipe off all these differences, it wont take you 
I remember my Sir giving a lecture to us on this particular topic, on how to 
behave in the buses. 
He said always have respect towards pregnant women, elderly persons, physically 
handicapped person while travelling in the bus. Treat them as your mother, 
grandmother, brother and give them a seat. And i follow his words till date. 
But he never uttered anything like dalit or brahmin.
Please for God's sake mind your tongue. If you're not aware about what is going 
on in Goa, then better shut your mouth rather then listening to hearsays.
First check out your double standards, then point your finger to others. 
Goa...Resident Indian(RI)
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Follow the online presence of the Museum of Christian Art, Old Goa
 Contacts: Tel: +91 832 2285299  Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


[Goanet] Biggest Goanet LIAR...MR. GABE MENEZES

2007-08-15 Thread KAMALAKSH CHARI

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 For RR; modern/clean amenities; serene, healthy and wholesome location

Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

 From: Gabe Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [Goanet] RSS rescued 80 christian missionaries in orissa
 (George Pinto)

 On 13/08/07, Victor Rangel-Ribeiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear Kamalaksh Chari,
It is of course scientifically possible that Mr.
 Bhandare has been cloned and that you are it, but I
 will not go there. Let me just say that the two of you
 sound much alike.

 RESPONSE: This something that Selma and several others had figured
 out. Just to make assurances doubly sure, I ran a software, which
 informed me that Bhandari and Chari are one and the same and most
 probably female. Bhandare as we know, is working in I.T., in chicken
 country. Probably Bhandari is his (Bhandare's) wife...but most
 certainly a female, who also uses the name Kalmash Chari.

 I am sure Bhandare is embarrassed that Bhandari is spewing, such
 bleating imploring posts. I would like to think, that there are many,
 more than savvy people on Goanet, who rightly saw right through the
 machinations of the RSS bigots and their modus operandi. Trying to win
 hearts and minds, as well as sympathy for the utterly despicable RSS.

 The RSS have an ideology..this ideology is a Hindustan Country, for
 Hindus. All other Religions have to conform or get annihilated or get

 Gabe Menezes.
 London, England
Hi All Goanetters,

The following post shows Mr. Gabe is the biggest liar on Goanet.
Mr. Gabe Menezes said i(Kamalaksh Chari) and Bhandare are one and the same
Also he added to it that he ran a software,  which informed him that
Bhandari and Chari are one and the same and most
probably female.
So I would like to ask him which is that software that he ran to find out me
and Bhandare are the same..?
Also how he came to know that me and Bhandare are couple? Are you throwing
stones in the dark...fator laglyar laglo
So in this regard I want to challenge Mr. Gabe Menezes to prove that i and
Bhandare are same with legal evidences on this forum.
Also pass the proofs of Software which proved it...sorry he won't be
able to do so..because whatever he posted is totally false.
Me and Bhandare are on different parts of the world. I am still residing in
Goa and not serving any britishers or foreigners like Mr. Gabe do.
It just shows the level which Mr. Gabe can cross, just for the hatred he had
in his mind for me and Bhandare, by spreading rumours.
Now, Will Mr. Gabe voluntarily get out of the cobwebs of his 3rd class
mentality and prove what he said.

Else..APOLOGIZE for his postings, which are creating unnecessary
tensions and questions among all Goanetters.
You are questioning my self-esteem.

Mr Gabe I am not a fool or illiterate to believe what you bark on this
forum. You can't even write my name properly.

How can you find out whether two persons on the globe are same?
Only one way is knowing their IP(Internet Protocol) addresses, and that too
you can only know if we(me and Bhandare) have personally emailed you or
shared some links with you or else had a chat with you via net.
Now this is your duty to post the relevant proofsELSE Apologize

You have to prove the following if not apologizing:
1. Prove me and Bhandare are same.
2. Me and Bhandare are Husband and Wife.
3. Prove i am female.
4. Which software you used so that all goanetters know it.

Since you said that your assurances are doubly sure, you should be able to
post it on Goanet Forum so that goanetters know what is the truth.
I guess you are hired by Britishers or working for them to spread delusive
remarks and rumours against those who contradict your statements.

I am awaiting your proofs  evidencesif u can't reproduce then
Apology...on this forum.

Kamalaksh Chari
Amche Goi...a.k.a. Goa


Follow the online presence of the Museum of Christian Art, Old Goa
 Contacts: Tel: +91 832 2285299  Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: [Goanet] RSS rescued 80 christian missionaries in orissa(George Pinto)

2007-08-14 Thread KAMALAKSH CHARI 

   International Cuisine Conference on Traditional Asian Diet 
Panaji, Goa, September 2-5, 2007  -
  Online Media Partner:

 From:  Frederick [FN] Noronha *   ??? 
 Subject: Re: [Goanet] RSS rescued 80 christian missionaries in
 orissa(George Pinto)

 Scientifically speaking it is also possible to  stuff  80 priests in a
 truck, its not impossible.
 Even local minibuses take 70-80 passengers in Goa at ease, and its 
 If minibuses can take so many passengers in Goa, which is amongst the 
 educated state in India, why can't it take place in Orissa, and its a
 truck( referring to the news).

 Looks like Kamalaksh has taken to insulting priests, by suggesting
 that they cannot afford a more humane form of transport! Or, maybe I'm
 wrong and he's actually complimenting their selfless approach towards
 service! One never knows --FN


Mr. Frederick, I didn't made any statement in my any of the post which 
insulted any priest.
I am not here to affront any christian priest, i too hold the same respect 
as you for catholic priests.
But you can take whatever meaning you want to from my posts, its upto you, 
you can even go to the extent saying the truck was driven by me and i 
purposely drove it into the forest. Even if i do not possess heavy motor 
driving license.
I haven't said or suggested that they cannot afford more humane form of 
transport, but its you who said so. Don't put your words in my mouth.
Read my post carefully before making such irrelevant statements.
Secondly, to tell you, while travelling from Margao-Panaji via KTC, students 
of Fr. Agnel Ashram Pilar, catch these buses and their behaviour seems to be 
irritating, bothering, annoying to the passengers in the bus. Even they 
don't hesitate to make mockery of senior citizens present in the bus.
And when questioned about their behaviour, they inturn fire bad words at 
I wonder what is actually taught there, education or they are mastering the 
students in other sense. Ofcourse if you have any doubt please travel in KTC 
bus which passby pilar at around 1.00pm to 1.30pm.
Not only that, even sometimes aged sister, nuns which travel by those 
crowded buses, no one bothers to give them a seat.
In such circumstances i am the first to vacate my seat to offer them.
So please don't question my respect towards any priest of any religion.



 Enjoy Goa cartoonist, Alexyz Fernandes, daily take on contemporary issues


Re: [Goanet] RSS rescued 80 christian missionaries in orissa(Floriano)

2007-08-13 Thread KAMALAKSH CHARI 

   International Cuisine Conference on Traditional Asian Diet 
Panaji, Goa, September 2-5, 2007  -
  Online Media Partner:

 From: Floriano [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 And i expect the same kinda views from your much hyped secular company

 Dear Mr.Kamlaksh Chari,
 With reference to your above one liner, do you want us to believe that 
 are defending  ' a much hyped COMMUNAL' company?

 Jai Hind


Mr. Floriano,

I am not defending anyone, nor i agree with your comment of RSS being 
If they were, then wouldn't have promptly reached the places of natural 
disaster, calamities or any other incidents taking places in India, without 
anyone asking for their help. It just shows the volunteer present in them. 
Its upto you to name anyone as communal or secular. When they rescue anyone 
from such calamities, they are least bothered about their caste, religion, 
nationality...etc..etc... So i cant find any communalism in them looking at 
their readiness to help out victims.
Also i don't want you or anyone to defend RSS, but their voluntary work 
should not be made a subject of laughter.
Secondly, is it the Thumb rule that each and every incident taking place, 
should get the focus of media or become a part of Headline?
Are all incidents published in the newspapers, or are covered on news 
If some incidents fail get the proper attention of media, do you disagree to 
what has happened? Is it so?


 Enjoy Goa cartoonist, Alexyz Fernandes, daily take on contemporary issues


Re: [Goanet] RSS rescued 80 christian missionaries in orissa(George Pinto)

2007-08-13 Thread KAMALAKSH CHARI 

   International Cuisine Conference on Traditional Asian Diet 
Panaji, Goa, September 2-5, 2007  -
  Online Media Partner:

 From: Victor Rangel-Ribeiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Dear Kamalaksh Chari,
   It is of course scientifically possible that Mr.
 Bhandare has been cloned and that you are it, but I
 will not go there. Let me just say that the two of you
 sound much alike.
   I tried to get 90 Christian priests to climb into a
 single truck, but though I could find a large truck I
 had trouble rounding up 90 Christian priests who would
 all be willing to be together at one time. Even
 telling them it was a wedding/marriage party did not
   However, let us suppose that 90 Christian priests
 did climb into a truck together to attend a marriage
 party, and then felt it was safe to go through RSS
 territory. Surprise! The truck had an accident and 10
 of the priests died.
   Now it is the law in India---has been for some
 decades---that all deaths should be registered with
 the proper authorities. Could you or Mr. Bhandare or
 the RSS or the New Ind Press or whatever please
 publish the names of those who died, as I would like
 to inform the next of kin?
   Your cooperation in this humanitarian enterprise
 will be greatly appreciated. No doubt the death
 certificates will also describe the cause of death and
 the exact location of the accident.
   With very best regards,
   Victor (Rangel-Ribeiro)


Scientifically speaking it is also possible to  stuff  80 priests in a 
truck, its not impossible.
Even local minibuses take 70-80 passengers in Goa at ease, and its Orissa. 
If minibuses can take so many passengers in Goa, which is amongst the most 
educated state in India, why can't it take place in Orissa, and its a 
truck( referring to the news).
Now as you have named me as Bhandare's clone, what should i name you? Well 
that's not the topic of discussion, but i have been never taught namecalling 
subject in my school. I didn't know about your school. But namecalling or 
referring as clone  of another should be avoided, and responses if any 
should be pertaining to the topic of discussion. But you too sound like Gabe 
Menezes interms of labelling others, So are you Gabe's clone or Gabe yours? 
He too labelled me Bhandari II.
Can you please put some light on this matter? ofcourse in co-operation with 
Gabe(British Servant)..sorry..i just now inherited this labelling art from you, 
so am i your clone now?
About Bhandare, he has been always facing a raw deal for all his posts.
Regarding the evidences, well i responded to what was posted on this forum. 
Even i would like to see the proofs and evidences.

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 Enjoy Goa cartoonist, Alexyz Fernandes, daily take on contemporary issues


Re: [Goanet] RSS rescued 80 christian missionaries in orissa (George Pinto)

2007-08-11 Thread KAMALAKSH CHARI 

   International Cuisine Conference on Traditional Asian Diet 
Panaji, Goa, September 2-5, 2007  -
  Online Media Partner:

 From: George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 This story sounds like an urban legend and I doubt it is true. I have 
 never heard or read of 90
 priests in a marriage party. Maximum 5 or 6, but 90! There are rare 
 instances when 80 or 90
 priests get together, but for a marriage party! And in Orissa! And in a 
 forest! And in one truck!
 Come on, tell a believe story, especially if propaganda

 George 'skeptical' Pinto

 --- Bhandare [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 While we constantly read of incidents of violence
 against christian missionaries by hindutva activists
 and such incidents are circulated almost on a daily
 basis it is really surprising that the same media
 carefully hides incidents which show the RSS in good

 All those people on this forum who consider them well
 informed should ask them selves if they knew of this
 particular incident and if not should honestly
 question the lack of transperency and the biased
 nature of indian english media and these phony

 Furthermore if possible theyy should also look at te
 RSS without their blinkers on

 NEW DELHI: Activists from the RSS recently rescued 80
 Christian priests who had met with an accident in the
 forests of Sambalpur in Orissa.

 A marriage party, comprising 90 Christian priests was
 returning by a truck to Goudpil from Jamankeri when it
 met with an accident. Ten of them died on the spot and
 80 others were seriously injured, a report in the
 latest issue of the RSS mouthpiece, Organiser, said.

 An RSS activist heard their shouts and brought in as
 many as 50 Sangh volunteers to help them. They rescued
 the priests, admitted them to a nearby hospital and
 donated blood, the report said.

 The weekly quoted Bishop Samal as saying, ?These boys
 have given us a new life. We are grateful to them. May
 god bless them.''

 RSS state secretary B B Nanda said they had helped the
 priests on humanitarian grounds, as all were children
 of God.


Well said George. Such response was always expected from you on this news. 
Anyways the story does sounds like an urban legend, and even if you have 
heard it you would have smartly said i never heard or read. Because you 
try to read what matches with your ideology else you deny those topics which 
doesn't match with your thinking, even if its true.

About the newspapers and media, well no media(paper or electronic) would 
like to be stamped as Communal or Saffron by posting such topic or news.
They would have made it headline or breaking news if it was converse, and 
even you and your company would have given it some publicity.
But when such incidents happen, forget about thanking RSS chaps but you make 
it a topic of jocularity.

Now where you lost your secular feelings, are they blown away by winds or 
floating in the floods, which struck in some parts of Goa a week back.

Well, what i learnt from your response is your one sided views about RSS.

And i expect the same kinda views from your much hyped secular company.

But one thing you mentioned correctly, 'skeptical' between your name.



 Enjoy Goa cartoonist, Alexyz Fernandes, daily take on contemporary issues


Re: [Goanet] Latest News ----- Manohar Parrikar Lost and Digamber Kamat Win

2007-08-01 Thread KAMALAKSH CHARI

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From: Vivian D'Souza [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 No winners and no losers except the people of Goa.  Are we Goans so naive 
 elect the same old crooks over and over again. ?  When will the cycle end 
 When will good upright individuals stand for election and be elected ?  A
 sad and shameful state of affairs indeed.
 No dignity, no truth, no conscience.  Everyone out to enrich themselves.
 The majority of voters are so poor that their votes can be bought either
 with money or with favors.  This goes on from the grass-roots level, at 
 Panchayat level and goes up to the very top.


I totally agree with you Vivian. Reap what we sow.

Blaming only politicians for their corruption, making remarks on them, 
pointing out fingers on them wont do anything good for Goa. It is the 
electorate(we) who should be blamed  held responsible for this present 
scenario of political melodrama taking place in the state assembly.

To cut down this tree of corruption fully, we should always focus our 
attention on root and not just slice the branches or limb. In elections what 
we sow is criminal, characterless, nondescript candidates  as expected the 
outcome is corruption, instability, etc.. and the root cause which is 
overlooked is voter. And it is not only that poor voters votes are bought, 
but well educated, moneyed voters do fall prey to the false propaganda, 
promises of candidates. It is only then we will get good governance, free of 
corruption when voters maintain their dignity, truth  conscience.

Re: [Goanet] Pesidents Rule - response for sachin/orlando

2007-07-31 Thread KAMALAKSH CHARI


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 Bhandare writes:
 isnt it a fact that christian priests actively take
 part in goan politics? arent directions given to the
 laity to vote for particular candidates?

 I've not heard any priest 'give directions' to vote for any particular


From which planet are you, Orlando?

Mars or Jupiter? But if you're from planet Earth  keeping an eye (forget 
about hearing) on what is happening and happened in Goa, then let me remind 
you about my constituency, where priest have given directions to vote 
particular candidate.

Fr. Conceissao appealed to the people of Cortalim Constituency to come Out 
in support of Mauvin and get him elected. He was speaking after

inaugurating the election office of the Congress Candidate Mr. Mauvin 
Godinho at Thana-Cortalim. (Gomantak Times). Large picture also published 
while Fr.

Conceissao giving speech with a microphone in his hand.

Same day, Fr. Conceissao also inaugurated Navelim election office for 
Luizinho Faleiro, blessed his candidature and spoke in length on the

Work undertaken by Luizinho Faleiro saying `it is now our turn to elect him' 
(Navhind Times) Fr. Conceisao picture also published amongst others.

In 2002 elections, church played major role in Mathany Saldhana's victory in 
Cortalim, who was the most honest MLA in last assembly, but controverted him 
in 2007 elections.

Is this not another kind of politics?

Jagrut goem  blacklisted these politicians e.g. Mauvin Godinho, Babush, 
Narvekar, Madkaikar, Visvajit Rane etc

I hope your doubt about priests giving directions to any particular 
candidate is clear by now.

Re: [Goanet] reply to Kamalaksh - RSS Fear mongering

2007-07-19 Thread KAMALAKSH CHARI

My only point to Kamlaksh is: You and Bhandare have shifted your argument. 
You previously posted that RSS will only respond physically in retaliation 
to violence and will not be the first to take action.  Your new stand is: 
RSS and its cadres will take action to prevent problems,  in the 
possibility these may occur in future.

Can you tell me: Who appointed you as Goa's Top Cop or Security Chief?
If you are lost for a reply, please say, The next BJP-RSS government.:=))


Bhandare's writing aren't factual to the people who will encourage terrorist 
organisations to settle down in Goa and create communal riots spoiling Goa's 
integrity. Recent example is the eve teasing in Margao market by a gang of 
some muslim community members originally migrants outside Goa.

Will you tolerrate Pakistanis or Bangaldeshis to infiltrate here and build 
mosques n madarsas. Why not, definitely, coz you said so? And if whatever 
goes wrong, like riots or tensions due to these madarsas there are always 
RSS or other saffron organizations to put blame on, see sanvordem-curchorem 


Hi Gilbert,

Your replies happens to be unrelated to my post in any manner. You seem to 
be  guessing and dead reckoning. I was expecting your response on my 
questions, but you  queerly avoided them. I have no idea whether you studied 
for history and answered geography in your schools. Is it so? But please don't 
blame me for that. I think its you who lost a reply of my question.

Now responding your last two lines, take for example if my house is burned 
by some terrorist(may be by your beloved Saudi or Hubli people) or by anyone 
else, my first responsibility is to put it off, isn't it Mr. Gilbert? Or 
should I wait for fire brigade to reach my house, may be even by that time 
my house is burnt down to ashes. I reckon you'll opt for latter. In this 
scenario I'll be Security Chief of my house and try my best to extinguish 
it, the outcome might be the same as latter one, but I'll put my efforts to 
stop it rather watching it burn. Look, no one appointed me top cop in that 
situation, it is the state of affairs that made be step into top cop shoes. 
May be if you were also present on the spot, had helped me in extinguishing, 
by giving me a gallon of water gifted to you by your Saudi friends without 
realizing its petrol,  not water,  then would have proudly said you helped 
me saving my house, but it was I who ignited it again..

The same thing applies when such incidents happen in my village, Goa or my 
Country India. My reaction will be the same..  if I could not make it to 
reach the affected area in time, tell you what, RSS halfpants or khaki 
chaddi or saffron people or communal people (that will help you understand 
better) will be seen helping victims( they won't even know whether they're 
rescuing Gopal, Gilbert, Gurwinder, or Rehmatullah). Instead of all this you 
won't fall short in saying RSS is culprit behind that fortuity. You can 
refer Floods in Orissa, Latur Earthquake, train incident which took in the 
past, RSS was the first to hear their cry and reach for their cause.

You have own predictions regarding RSS, Saffron(i know you  ilk minded use 
it cleverly instead of using Hindu in its place, because it will unwrap 
your hidden communalism) Organisations. But i doubt is it really you, or 
someone devised you to crafty manoeuvre to outwit RSS.

Kamalaksh Chari

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 2, Issue 592

2007-07-17 Thread KAMALAKSH CHARI


and he dint touched even a single

cross, or ghumti, or
chappel or any mosques which created nuisance to
free flow of traffic.


It is quite a curious fact that atleast two or maybe
even three posters on this forum spell the contraction
didn't as dint.

Perhaps it is not so curious when one considers the
possibility that cyber avatars can be easily created
to produce the effect of multitude and hence lend
reinforcement to a certain ideology.



Hi selma,

Thanks for letting me know dint has got some other meaning. It was didn't 
that i wanted to use. Its the consequence of internet which gave birth to 
many short words. But there are other posts too which got plenty of such 
errors, but you seem to be more interested in pointing out errs in my post 
which shows you are biased.

Perhaps i would have been more happy if you had also commented on my post 
matter rather than focusing on just grammatical mistakes.

I learnt that you always try to dug out issues by means of response to post 
which has got nothing to do with the posted matter at all. oops sorry except 
grammatic mistake.

Re: [Goanet] reply to kamlaksh

2007-07-16 Thread KAMALAKSH CHARI

From: Gilbert Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is what Bhadare writing below a fact? Or is it RSS fear-mongering with 
madarsas mushrooming in goa?
What is wrong with residents building their palace of worship - be it 
Temples, Mosques or Churches?

We condemn Goans of the Middel Ages for destroying temples (that the 
Portuguese did). Is this (action against Mosque-building) not an extension 
of the same harassment of a minority community?

Frankly I would encourage the Muslim community to spend a  few hundred 
million dinars of Saudi money (pocket change) in Goa to build a very 
beautiful mosque, which also serves as a great tourist attraction.  Now 
everybody wins ... through cooperation.

Kind Regards, GL

-- Bhandare

Dear Kamlaksh:  You are right. In Ponda, margao fatorda cortalim vasco st 
cruz and margao the migrant muslims are the
congress's solid votebank. Also there is massive infiltration of 
fundamentalist muslims like tablighi jamat and u will soon find
mosques and madarsas mushrooming in goa.  The important question is what 
are we doing to stop this?


Well Mr. Gilbert, Bhandare's writing aren't factual to the people who will 
encourage terrorist organisations to settle down in Goa and create communal 
riots spoiling Goa's integrity. Recent example is the eve teasing in Margao 
market by a gang of  some muslim community members originally migrants 
outside Goa.
There is nothing wrong with residents building their temples, but u said 
RESIDENTS( which means people staying in that particular area). Will you 
tolerrate Pakistanis or Bangaldeshis to infiltrate here and build mosques n 
madarsas. Why not, definitely, coz you said so? And if whatever goes wrong, 
like riots or tensions due to these madarsas there are always RSS or other 
saffron organizations to put blame on, see sanvordem-curchorem example.

If you can recollect your History in middle ages, it was majority community 
whose holy places were destroyed Mr. Gilbert (may become right hand of 
Terrorist organisation in near future). Not only they destroyed majorities 
holy places but commuted them into their holy places. Have any mosque or 
church been destroyed and converted into temple in recent past? can you plz 
provide me with an example where such thing has taken place recently.? In 
what sense the minorities have been harassed? What happened when tulsi-vivah 
was carried out near Fulancho-Khuris at bambolim. Dint they try to stop that 
tulsi-vivah? What will you name this as? Isn't that fulancho khuris took its 
giant state without any interruption from RSS. Or was it destroyed Mr. 
Gilbert. Aren't chapels growing up like mushrooms from Cross to a big roofed 
housing. Are they destroyed by RSS? Shouldn't you introspect yourself before 
posting such illegal and senseless things.
And let me recollect, Mr Parrikar has announced long back that holy places 
causing destruction to traffic will be demolished. But a lot water has flown 
below the bridge, and he dint touched even a single cross, or ghumti, or 
chappel or any mosques which created nuisance to free flow of traffic. they 
are all safe n sound till date. Coz if any holy statue would have been 
removed, communal riots n tensions would have been definitely brocaded.

Why do you always cry for minorities? Aren't Kashmiri pandits slaughtered in 
JK without no reason. Should majority community come on roads that time and 
cry out coz minorities in JK are insecure? Why should we always 
discriminate among us as minorities and majorities? When will we treat 
ourself as Indians. But with the presence of Gilberts and ilk minded people 
its too far to see peaceful India. They'll always support Islami-terrorism 
and outcry in the name of RSS or saffron brigade.

And lastly you said you'll encourage to build Mosque in Goa with saudi aid. 
Ofcourse its good idea. But how far will it remain tourist attraction before 
turning into Islamabad's Red Mosque, which was attacked recently, many 
students loosing their lives.
Can you guaranttee that it would remain tourist spot forever without turning 
into Islamabad's Red Mosque.

Re: [Goanet] We Need Manohar Parrikar as CM of Goa !

2007-07-15 Thread KAMALAKSH CHARI 

   International Cuisine Conference on Traditional Asian Diet 
Panaji, Goa, September 2-5, 2007  -
  Online Media Partner:


 What was the point you were making Kamalaksh? I agree Gadgil might
 have misconstrued you, but what I understood from what you said was
 equally bizarre.

 Are you suggesting that Parrikar's being representative of Panjim
 somehow kept it more Goan than the other towns? If so, could you
 explain how exactly? Do you see migrants into Goa as a vermin, or some
 kind of a problem? If so, how are they different from the lakhs of
 Goans (literally) who migrate across the globe and to the rest of
 India? Please explain how is your view any different from those of the
 FN (National Front, not me!) or the Enoch Rivers of Blood Powells of
 the Sixties?

 Lastly, what is the approach of a national party like the BJP
 towards internal migration within India and beyond? While the
 saffronistas in cyberspace are quick to identify issues that could act
 as bees in the Christao bonnet (and maybe translate into votes) don;t
 we all remember the long queues formed outside government offices in
 Parrikar's Goa when the migrant poor were promised plots of their own
 in this State (not that it's a bad thing in itself, but from the
 blow-both-ways approach it seems like just mean to fool both the
 migrant voter and the local populace at the same time, with the
 promise of plots and the bogey of the outsider!) --FN


Hi Federick,

Atlast you agreed that Mr. Gadgil miscontrued me. Well you'll always treat 
my postings as bizarre.

Now answering to your response, you are putting your words in my mouth. I 
never said Non-Goans a vermin, you might think so.
But let me tell you one thing if it continues the way Goans population is 
decreasing( i.e. non-goans flooding in Goa), Goa will be Mumbai in few years 
time thats for sure. So you want that to happen?  Do you want Goans fighting 
for their Goenkarrponn in Goa as Mumbaikars do in Mumbai for their 
Mumbaikarponn due to increasing number of Non-Mumbaikars there?

Are there Zopadpattis in Panjim area? Do you see Non-Goan labours crowd in 
Panjim which is observed in porvorim, vasco during early hours of the day? 
Is there Monte hill or Gandhimarket like area in Panjim which forms the 
votebank for secular(just for sake) parties?

Goa is not that big to absorb all migrants. There should be some restriction 
on that count. Else Goa will loose its dignity as a tourist spot. Atleast 
Goa should not be treated as any other part of the world for that matter. 
Will you treat Jammu  Kashmir same as Goa? Can you buy a piece of land in 
Kashmir  easily n readily as in Goa? Haven't you heard Devegouda demanding 
for kannada language status for Goa? Do you speak kannada too? Its just a 
matter of time when we'll have Goans searching a piece of land for their 
future  that all will be entrapped by Non-Goans. About goans migrating 
across the globe, its for their luxury they do so. I cant find any major 
reason behind their immigration except to improve their lifestyle  
exception might be those taking education there. Instead serving foreigners 
it would have been great if they would have stayed back in Goa and found out 
some ways to improvise on this wretched Goa's state.

Finally Nor BJP neither any party can do anything on migration of citizens 
within India. Anyone in India can stay wherever he wants to. But do you want 
to see Goa stepping into Mumbai's shoes in terms of Non-Local population? 
And plz Dont ask me about BJP's view on matters, coz BJP hasn't got anything 
to do with me nor i am its spokesman. It was what i saw in some 
constituencies which got BJP seats and having minimal Non-Goan population.

Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
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Re: [Goanet] We Need Manohar Parrikar as CM of Goa !

2007-07-13 Thread KAMALAKSH CHARI 

   International Cuisine Conference on Traditional Asian Diet 
Panaji, Goa, September 2-5, 2007  -
  Online Media Partner:

Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 20:55:54 +0530
From: Vidyadhar Gadgil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Lovely equation you have worked out here:

 'Goan' = pro-BJP/Parrikar
 'non-Goan' = anti-BJP/Parrikar.

 As they say, it's always these [EMAIL PROTECTED]% bhaille causing trouble in 


Its your mindset Mr. Gadgil. I haven't said that Non-Goans are 
anti-BJP/Parrikar and Goans are pro-BJP/Parrikar. You are here only to 
misguide the postings in your own sarcastic way. If that is the case than 
most of the goanetters posting against BJP/Parrikar are Non-Goans? Is that 
what you want say? Good Joke Mr. Gadgil( sorry Mr. Non-Goan). And ofcourse 
by posting misleading responses you are causing trouble in Goa. right?

PS: Non-Goans i mean migrants which are now settled down in Goa, but are not 
born-goans. Vasco, mostly army  navy officials are surplus, 
which according to law are goans now. In Margao, the market is run by 
majority of Non-Goans, which is the votebank for congress.
So please dont misguide the rest Goanetters by your speculative response.

Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
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by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 

Re: [Goanet] We Need Manohar Parrikar as CM of Goa !

2007-07-11 Thread KAMALAKSH CHARI 

   International Cuisine Conference on Traditional Asian Diet 
Panaji, Goa, September 2-5, 2007  -
  Online Media Partner:

Stephen Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Goans,
well Parrikar is a good CM, but not in
BJP? let him join SGF n bring all from Bjp n Form the
Govt, otherwise we will be non goan when we are Goan.


Hi Stephen,

You said Parrikar is a good CM, then what he has to do with party if at all 
he's a good CM.

SGF is a regional party and has formed only due to internal fights  
conflicts between SGF chief and some congressman. while on other hand BJP is 
National party and has spread its roots in entire nation. SGF itself is a 2 
(or may be 3 in future) member party in Goa assembly which has got no clear 
agenda and i doubt whether it will survive next 5 years as a party( coz 
chances of merging it with other party are very high).

Anyways parties are just the tools for contesting elections, and for that 
matter elections can be contested independently and won, take the example of 
2 independent MLA's who won in recent elections with a good margin.

Now giving good governance depends on person, and Parrikar is the lone 
person who can do so atleast in Goa.

Changing parties doesn't change the attitude and behaviour of the person, 
coz moserrate, madkaikar, dhavalikar, kamat have changed their parties and 
from those some have changes parties like clothes, every elections, but that 
hasn't changed them, they are still the same person with same attitude(some 
dont even have that).

Even If Mr. Parrikar joins any other party, his way of working the govt. 
will remain same, he's capable leader and handles the situation much better 
then anyone else in 40 member house. But the question in such situation will 
be, whether the other MLA's in that other particular party will support Mr. 
Parrikar in his good givings to Goa or not.

The party in which Mr. Parrikar is, is the most stable party among all 
parties in Goa with no internal conflicts like Congress. Taking that into 
account Parrikar can serve Goa well rather than joining other parties.

And lastly it will also take some time for Mr.Parrikar to settle down if 
incase he joins other party, to get familiar with those circumstances and 
with the nature of their MLA's.

Lastly, if you aware, just have a walk to Mr. Parrikar's constituency and 
see. You'll see more Goans in his constituency then other Urban cities in 
Goa..example. Vasco, Margao, Ponda which are highly populated with 
Non-Goans. And for that matter non-BJP constituencies are the one which are 
mostly crowded with Non-Goans.

Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim  internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 

Re: [Goanet] God is MY buddy/ response to Santosh

2007-06-26 Thread KAMALAKSH CHARI


Launching Goanet-sports - Dedicated to Sports in Goa and Goans in Sports

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Alba Fernandes wrote:


Instead of constantly picking faults on Christian/Catholic religion, the
church and its saints, it is time you do an introspection of your own
religion - your own Ramayana  Mahabharata - where Rama, Lakshimana and the
rest have all indulged in mass murder (using bows  arrows) only to suit
their survival.  And still they are your Gods/saints.  Its better you mind
your own business and religion rather than divide a united Goa, where
Hindus, Christians and Muslims co-exists.  If you cannot do any good, don't
do any bad either.  Better still, stay out.  I hope the message is loud and



Your words reminds me of believers. They too speak the same thing
about Hindu gods and goddesses  treat their own religion as supreme
to provide salvation.
Its better you introspect yourself first on what you wrote then tell
others to do so.
Rama, Lakshimana and the rest never killed anyone only for their
survival but to save others from evils and satans. If you are still in
doubt plz watch Ramayana  MahaBharata again and then let me know.
I think you dropped history subject in your schooldays.
Please learn to respect others religion too, then only you can see all
Hindus, Christians and Muslims co-existing in Goa.
Your response to bhandare too won't do anything good for the survival
of secularism in Goa.
You can't just stop anyone's voices on the net. This is Democratic
Country  everyone here has the right to speak, right to vote, etc.
You can't dictate your terms on anyone here.
And finally speaking about any religion, each has got its own faults.
It will be great not to see the postings on criticism on any religion
or organizations henceforth to keep this forum clean, however
moderator should first take initiative in this regard should foresee
that any post put in this forum wont land up in religious crisis.
I myself won't be posting anything from today on any matter pertaining
to any religious organization. Because what I learnt from past month
is such religious postings or clarifying some doubts about any
organization has made this forum to switch to religious debate. Such
debates won't take us anywhere but will create hatred among each
others on this forum. There are lots other things that should be
looked upon like unemployment, erratic electricity, water problems,
land prices in Goa, increase in non-goan population, etc. Its my
appeal to all here to stop criticizing other religions and shift our
direction on matters which will help make Goa good.

Thanks all in advance

Kamalaksh Chari.

Re: [Goanet] Bhandare's plight

2007-06-25 Thread KAMALAKSH CHARI


Launching Goanet-sports - Dedicated to Sports in Goa and Goans in Sports

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selma  her copartner Gabe wrote:

Gabe Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  C0MMENT: It is a bad, bad weekend for Miss Bhandare
 and her
 co-sympathisers, Khoro Goenkar and self confessed,
 fully paid up
 member of the RSS Chari.
selma wrote:
dear Gabe,
To that list, I add barad, jeevan and kamalaksh, all
cut in the same cloth. I'm told the reason they are
suddenly out in full force is because they've lost the
election and they have to forment trouble somewhere,
so they've chosen Goanet. For all we know it may just
be one person taking on different aliases.
Hi Gabe  Selma,
U r totally wrong in your judgement  in your posts and also in judging us.
Nor I am a belonging to any party nor i have anything to do with any
parties loss or wins to write and forment trouble in goanet. My
replies were to your posts regarding the improper and incorrect
information you posted, it may be RSS or Mr. Parrikar. The writings on
RSS topics depicted not the facts but the anger towards Hindu
Mr Gabe dint forget to metion about Curchorem riots, Gujrat violence
babri masjid, but overlooked what happened before these incidents took
place. RSS or any Hindu organizations never initiate any violence by
their own Mr. Gabe, but once anti-national activities start
protruding, they always oppose it, and you always highlight their
oppose but neglect what made them to do so. That is the point you
always ignore to focus on.
The election results is not only favouring me, but not does it favour
Goa's Progress and development.
Its the same Govt responsible for RP2011, supporting Russian
Mafiagiri, went on to sell Goa too but couldn't succeed due to the
protest and voice raised by some organisations.
Goa needs leader like Mr. Parrikar who got foresight of developed Goa.
Why was it so that not even one MLA in Parrikar party got corruption charge?
But selma and her ilk minded never fail to put RSS mark on Parrikar
and calling him communal or khakiwala just to keep him aside from his
Development works.
He is RSS, but the same RSS man progressed Goa more than anyone.
Now dont again highlight abt curchorem, which took plae in Congress govt tenure.


2007-06-21 Thread KAMALAKSH CHARI 

   International Cuisine Conference on Traditional Asian Diet 
Panaji, Goa, September 2-5, 2007  -
  Online Media Partner:

Averthanus L. D'Souza wrote:

Non Hindus are
allowed to live here only by sufferance and at the mercy of the RSS. They
have no political rights and can claim no privileges.

I am surprised with these words.
Can you give me the incident from which you have been suffered by RSS.
I hope Mr. D'Souza knows Congress Govt. is in power now in Goa and not RSS 
and that the govt which decides about the policies for the state and its 
RSS doesn't hold any position in Govt. affairs.
How many Non Hindus have been pained by RSS?
Why there is so much outcry about RSS?
Have any churches or mosques or any other Non Hindu structure been 
demolished by RSS?
Have they killed or tortured any Non-Hindu?
Have you been denied of your rights and duties by this RSS?

If yes, then bring it to my notice we'll take them to the court, 
If No, then please stop this hatred towards RSS for no reason.
And RSS won't gain anything by showing the So-called communal VCD.
Its just some people dont like to see the cruel tortures made by Portuguese 
who were Christians by religion on Goans(mostly Hindus who opposed Impelled 
conversions). Because of this Some christians think that the VCD is 
anti-catholic, but the truth is its anti-portuguese.
Its not movie makers(whom you called rabid RSS movie maker)  mistake that 
Portuguese too were Christians, he cant manipulate those facts.
And merely opposing BJP, RSS, VHP and other Hindu Organisations does not put 
any one in the category of Secualrism.
And opposing to that VCD is praising Portuguese rule(destruction of temples, 
impelled conversions, tortures, etc).

Re: [Goanet] Since we were talking about the RSS... a review

2007-06-18 Thread KAMALAKSH CHARI
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
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please go through this link Mr.FN
Ur doubts will be cleared about RSS

[Goanet] Catholics support Congress

2007-05-31 Thread KAMALAKSH CHARI
Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

Oh my God
I cant believe a christian saying such things about his own community 
So it wont be surprising to see many emails in this topic pointing out in 
your name as communal, or how many $ have been deposited in you bank account 
by BJP (or communal party) etc etc.
I really cant understand the mentality of some Goans(mostly catholics and 
some hindus) who never think Goa as their motherland or birthplace but are 
mostly inclined towards portuguese regime or culture and thats what reflects 
in their words when they say BJP as communal even without having strong 
backing or proofs to say so or  any anti-minority or communal incident which 
took place during BJP's tenure.
Goans today know whats wrong and what needs to be changed to get back Goa to 
right track, but they wont do so because they dont wont peace and harmony to 
stay in Goa and so they will simply shout in the name of communalism to keep 
away BJP off power which is the lone source which can enlighten Goa.
Can anyone in this forum bring to my notice a single incident wherein a 
christian or muslim lost his life or got any sort of damage to his property 
during 2000 to 2004 when Parrikar was holding CM's chair?
 No such communal incident took place during Congress Government?
If YES, then i will apologise it Else Plz be sincere enough not to use 
communal word for BJP or Parrikar henceforth.
Some even cross their limits saying Portuguese ruled far better then BJP. Is 
it So? dint they demolished Hindu Temples? Dint they converted Hindus to 
Christianity FORCIBLY? Dint they harass our poor Goans that time? dint they 
killed many Goenkars without any reason just because they were against 
Portuguese Rule?
Dis your so called SECULARISM came to SAVE those temples,?to save the lives 
of poor Hindus being killed or converted without any reason? Where were 
those people hiding their faces when these incidents were taking place who 
just shout now in the name of secularism?
Plz think on these issues. This is not Political Forum nor Religious Debate 
Centre but the place where all our Goenkars brethren can unite ourselves to 
bring back good governance to power.

J. Miranda wrote:
Hey guys, excuse me for my poor Hinglish, my mother tongue is still
Konkanim. I am having great time reading your emails specially the ones on
elections. Everyone has the right to share  his own views on a candidate or
a party, however biased or honest he/she may be.  In my opinion, most of the
articles are biased, which you may disagree.

What is not right is to discredit people because he/she may be supporting a
candidate which you do not like or vice verse. It appears that there are lot
of people in this forum who support Congress whose leaders are very corrupt.
May be because this forum is mostly catholic.  I agree there are lots of
opportunities for the Catholics if Congress comes to power. They  will have
easy access to the ministers to bribe them to do their dirty work. Imagine
if there was no Congress in the last 2 years. What would have happened? I
hate to say it, but catholics need corrupt people in power to survive
because corruption has become part of our culture. Save Goa Front led by
Catholics was formed to serve as an alternative to Congress; many of its
candidates are contesting elections for the first time. I would have
imagined that Catholics would be happy to support this new party. But no,
they want to vote for the corrupt. They will not even vote for the
independents, some of whom are honest persons. Why vote for them when they
will not do our dirty illegal work. It only confirms that corruption is now
embedded in our DNA. It does not matter that Goa lands are sold to outsiders
by the corrupt politicians in the form of Regional plan or SEZ, etc, as long
as my wishes are fulfilled. Goa already has sizable portion of migrants that
prompted former PM Deve Gowda's party (Janata Dal) to field 2 Kanadigas for
the elections, and even went to the extent of demanding Kannada as a second
language, though he later back tracked. But he has already poisoned the
minds of the migrants. It is only a matter of time that Kannada will be a
second language.

It is also amazing to see that some people who supported GBA protest on
Regional Plan 2011 are now supporting Congress. What happened? Very soon,
Goans will be ruled by the migrants, thanks for the voters who led us there.

J. Miranda 

Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, 

[Goanet] BJP- The Real Enemy.

2007-05-24 Thread KAMALAKSH CHARI
Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

I think despite of targetting BJP, its the time for Goans to think of which 
party will take Goa to Bright future.
What i have observed for the past days is just 
BJP-communal..communal..communal  communal.
Has anyone bothered to compare the last 2.5yrs of Congress  previous 2.5 
yrs of congress and then come to conclusion.
So lets compare past 2.5 yrs of both Govt.  decide in whose tenure there 
were communcal crisis.
Communalism is not the Issue. What we have to think is unemployment due to 
which thousands of Goan Professionals have to work in neighborung states 
inspite of their talent. When will this stop. who will stop this? Cong or 
Congress hasn't yet decided their Chief Ministerial candidate, in this sort 
of mindset will they give us better governance?
Congress Govt is like Indian Cricket Team, they are good only on papers and 
Advt, but when its time to show their acts  put their words into reality, 
just what we notice is foundation stones and nothing else.
What matters for Goa is not words, but WORK.
BJP might be communal in their words and way of talking, but they haven't 
brought that communalism in their governance.
I think we have to decide between whether to vote the party which is good in 
giving false promises or the one which is good in its WORK.
So i request all of you to share your comments or thoughts on past 2.5yrs of 
both Govts. i.e. 2.5yrs of congress led and 2.5yrs of BJP led govt.


Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
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