[Goanet] Is Obama a nightmare for India?

2009-10-10 Thread Mario Goveia

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

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Date: Sat, 3 Oct 2009 09:41:02 -0400
From: MD mmdme...@gmail.com

North Korea and Iran issue has not cropped up after the new US admisnistation.

Mario responds:

You obviously have no idea that N. Korea and Iran have both accelerated their 
nuclear programs recently because they have nothing to fear from the new 
Europeanized administration - only Israel now stands in their way.

MD wrote:

Bill Clinton visited N. Korea and brought back the US female journalists jailed 
there for illegal entry.  Would the US Military might have
accomplished this?

Mario responds:

Prior to this administration the US did not negotiate with terrorists.  This 
only leads to more terrorism.

MD wrote:

The current US adminstration is working on Iran in coordination with its
previously ignored Eurppean Allies. 

Mario responds:

Like the blind leading the blind.  Iran has nothing to fear from these weak 
kneed people - they only fear Israel.

Here is one journalists view of the new president:


MD wrote:

Out of the whole haystack, I found one die hard supporter of Bush, Guess who

Mario responds:

If you looked at the facts perhaps you would support Bush too, and not Saddam 
Hussein or the Taliban.

Only because of Bush do 50 million innocent Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan 
have a chance for freedom and democracy.

The delay is because of people like you, and the rest of your haystack, who 
sympathize with and provide immoral support to those who want to destabilize 
these countries and prevent freedom and democracy from being consolidated.

Only because of Bush was Kosovo able to become an independant country.

Only because of Bush was India able to get a special nuclear agreement against 
the opposition of many other countries.

[Goanet] Is Obama a nightmare for India?

2009-10-06 Thread MD

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible


Please do not indulge me.  You are the expert on American Politics,
world politics
and almost any thing under the sky and beyond.  Do not ask,but
enlighten us.  Save
our time.  North Korea and Iran issue has not cropped up after the new
US admisnistation.
Diplomacy: Bill Clinton visited N.Korea and brought back the US female
journalists jailed
there for illegal entry.  Would the US Military might have
accomplished this?  The current
US adminstration is working on Iran in coordination with its
previously ignored Eurppean
Allies.  Out of the whole haystack, I found one die hard supporter of
Bush, Guess who

Best regards
May your key board be mightier!!


Message: 8
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2009 10:03:25 -0700 (PDT)
From: Mario Goveia mgov...@sbcglobal.net
To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet]  Is Obama a nightmare for India?
Message-ID: 347110.51491...@web80505.mail.mud.yahoo.com
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2009 01:09:34 -0400
From: MD mmdme...@gmail.com

As India can never become a superpower in its real sense, Obama may
have realised India?s potential in limited spheres!!

Mario observes:

Unfortunately for this theory, India is one of the world's major
nuclear powers and capable of enhancing their nuclear capabilities
without aid from anyone else.  President Bush, who is far smarter than
Obama, was quick to recognize this, and as a leader of the other major
democracy Bush became the most pro-Indian US President in history.
Obama is not that smart if he cannot see India's capabilities.

I think he is just more sympathetic towards the Muslim nations in
general, even though most of these countries refuse to accept Israel's
right to exist and the primary financing for terrorists who claim to
be Islamic comes from these countries.

Obama has also become a nightmare for the US as his dropping
popularity since he became President demonstrates:


MD wrote:

I see nothing unusual if President Obama swings widely at that direction,
he has American National Security in his mind.

Mario responds:

In that case why is Obama investigating the CIA while shutting down
Gitmo and insisting that captured Islamic terrorists be treated like
honored house guests?

Why did he shut down the missile defense plans in the Czech Republic
and Poland against a nuclear Iran?

Why are all the enemies of America like N. Korea and Iran, now
accelerating their nuclear capabilities and missiles, with no fear of
any retaliation, just as Obama is pushing for nuclear disarmament?

Other enemies are forming anti-American alliances like Venezuela and
Libya.  At the UN, Obama reacted to the news of a secret Iranian
nuclear facility, by threatening to talk to them about it.  This led
an exasperated Nicholas Sarkozy to lecture America that it must be
more resolute?

Even India is now looking to enhance their nuclear weapons realizing
Obama as an unrelieble ally.

Israel is now becoming the leader of the free world's security:


[Goanet] Is Obama a nightmare for India?

2009-10-02 Thread Mario Goveia

Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2009 01:09:34 -0400
From: MD mmdme...@gmail.com

As India can never become a superpower in its real sense, Obama may
have realised India?s potential in limited spheres!!  

Mario observes:

Unfortunately for this theory, India is one of the world's major nuclear powers 
and capable of enhancing their nuclear capabilities without aid from anyone 
else.  President Bush, who is far smarter than Obama, was quick to recognize 
this, and as a leader of the other major democracy Bush became the most 
pro-Indian US President in history.  Obama is not that smart if he cannot see 
India's capabilities.

I think he is just more sympathetic towards the Muslim nations in general, even 
though most of these countries refuse to accept Israel's right to exist and the 
primary financing for terrorists who claim to be Islamic comes from these 

Obama has also become a nightmare for the US as his dropping popularity since 
he became President demonstrates:


MD wrote:

I see nothing unusual if President Obama swings widely at that direction,
he has American National Security in his mind. 

Mario responds:

In that case why is Obama investigating the CIA while shutting down Gitmo and 
insisting that captured Islamic terrorists be treated like honored house guests?

Why did he shut down the missile defense plans in the Czech Republic and Poland 
against a nuclear Iran?

Why are all the enemies of America like N. Korea and Iran, now accelerating 
their nuclear capabilities and missiles, with no fear of any retaliation, just 
as Obama is pushing for nuclear disarmament? 
Other enemies are forming anti-American alliances like Venezuela and Libya.  At 
the UN, Obama reacted to the news of a secret Iranian nuclear facility, by 
threatening to talk to them about it.  This led an exasperated Nicholas Sarkozy 
to lecture America that it must be more resolute?

Even India is now looking to enhance their nuclear weapons realizing Obama as 
an unrelieble ally.

Israel is now becoming the leader of the free world's security:


Re: [Goanet] Is Obama a nightmare for India?

2009-10-02 Thread Carvalho

--- On Thu, 10/1/09, Mario Goveia mgov...@sbcglobal.net wrote:

 I think he is just more sympathetic towards the Muslim
 nations in general, even though most of these countries
 refuse to accept Israel's right to exist and the primary
 financing for terrorists who claim to be Islamic comes from
 these countries.
 Obama has also become a nightmare for the US as his
 dropping popularity since he became President demonstrates:
Mario, isn't it true that even if Jesus Christ himself came down to earth, and 
took up the presidency of the US, you'd have a problem with the man seeing that 
Jesus is a bleeding heart, socialist, liberal democrat? :-)



Re: [Goanet] Is Obama a nightmare for India?

2009-10-02 Thread Mario Goveia

Mario Goveia wrote:


 Obama has also become a nightmare for the US as his dropping popularity 
 since he became President demonstrates:

Date: Fri, 2 Oct 2009 05:39:38 -0700 (PDT)
From: Carvalho elisabeth_...@yahoo.com

Mario, isn't it true that even if Jesus Christ himself came down to earth, and 
took up the presidency of the US, you'd have a problem with the man seeing that 
Jesus is a bleeding heart, socialist, liberal democrat? :-)

Mario responds:


Haven't I been teaching you to line up your facts first, then analyzing them 
logically before arriving at your conclusions?:-))

No, it is not true, because Big JC as we like to call him in the 'hood would 
never be a Democrat - have you ever perused their skanky platform where the 
un-born and the long-born are dispensable and everyone in between is a 
potential member of a special interest vote bank?

Where did you get the idea that Big JC was a liberal socialist?  He wanted 
nothing to do with Caesar, tax collectors - the foundation stones of socialism 
- were anathema in his day, he preached about personal responsibility and 
maximizing one's gifts and putting millstones around the necks of child 
predators before throwing them into the sea.

Big JC today would be a bleeding-heart libertarian-conservative Independent or 
a Republican if he wanted to run for office, because he believed in personal 
responsibility and PEOPLE, not Caesar, helping those who cannot help themselves.

Big JC would dismantle Iran and N. Korea's nukes and change the hearts of the 
murderous insurgents delaying freedom and democracy in Iraq and Afghanistan 
with one sweep of his staff, have Chavez, Castro, Morales and Ortega grovelling 
before him and begging forgiveness, and get the radical Palestinians to finally 
accept Israel's right to exist so that they can get on with some serious 

The Ten Suggestions would go back to being the Ten Commandments.

He would make a great US President with Sarah or Bobby as Veep:-))

[Goanet] Is Obama a nightmare for India?

2009-09-30 Thread MD

Alternative Publishing - Is it viable to traditional publishing?

WHERE: Art Lounge - Sunaparanta, Near Lar de Estudantes, Altinho, Panaji

WHEN: September 30, 2009  -  5:30pm


As India can never become a superpower in its real sense, Obama may
have realised India’s potential in limited spheres!!  Even now it
relies on foreign powers including Israel for its defence equipment
procurement.  Given the current ‘All Indians born in India are Hindus’
type of thinking, naturally Obama being the President of the only
world superpower, may have realised emergence of a Hindu Hardliner
India, may try to misuse its nuclear arsenal.
Furthermore,  Obama is a Politician, he has seen the alarming rate of
domestic unemployment, therefore if ‘profit’ is not the only
criterion, may opt to keep the jobs at home, providing jobs to
Americans rather than outsourcing, thereby, he will provide more jobs
locally and increase his vote bank...this is called killing two birds
with one stone.  As for AfPak, it is quite natural to eliminate the
breeding ground of potential terrorists that can be a threat to
America’s national security.  Bush won on these same grounds two terms
but did not eliminate the breeding ground for terrorists.  I see
nothing unusual if President Obama ‘swings’ widely at that direction,
he has American National Security in his mind.  I also heard there are
many Americans of India origin in his administration.


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 16:16:01 -0700 (PDT)
From: Mario Goveia mgov...@sbcglobal.net
To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet]  Is Obama a nightmare for India?
Message-ID: 710865.22684...@web80502.mail.mud.yahoo.com
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8



He may not relish the comparison but it is now becoming increasingly
obvious that Mr Barack Obama is the most hostile American President
for India since Richard Nixon. In the eight months he has been in
office, Mr Obama has snubbed India more than once. He has sent
repeated signals that New Delhi is not integral to his Asian security
architecture. Partly as a result of his country?s economic crisis, he
has bent over backwards to accommodate China. His open advocacy of
protectionism has been most visibly targeted at outsourcing of
technology jobs to India. He headlined anti-trade legislation by
saying it would punish those who created jobs in Bangalore rather than
Buffalo, a special mention that was extraordinarily impolitic and did
not go unnoticed in India. In contrast, the tariff war against Chinese
tyres has not been posited in such stark bilateral terms. This past
week, the Obama team reversed a decade of American nuclear pragmatism
and went back
 to an outdated non-proliferation agenda that should have died,
really, in the 1990s. Once more, India has been asked to give up its
nuclear weapons and sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty as a
second-tier power. Most alarmingly, Mr Obama has swung wildly on
Afghanistan-Pakistan (AfPak). At various points his diplomats and
Generals have said different things. Yet, in all this the overarching
political message has been missing.
[end of excerpt]

Re: [Goanet] Is Obama a nightmare for India?

2009-09-30 Thread Santosh Helekar

--- On Wed, 9/30/09, MD mmdme...@gmail.com wrote:
 As India can never become a superpower in its real sense, Obama may have 
 realised India’s potential in limited spheres!!  Even now it relies on 
 foreign powers including Israel for its defence equipment procurement.  
 Given the current ‘All Indians born in India are Hindus’ type of thinking, 
 naturally Obama being the President of the only world superpower, may have 
 realised emergence of a Hindu Hardliner India, may try to misuse its nuclear 

This is as contrived and bizarre an argument about the current U.S. policy 
towards India as the previous one in this thread, which it is addressing. 

Any objective person would note that India is a stable secular democratic 
republic headed by a centrist Government comprising the Indian National 
Congress party. This is in contrast to China, which is a communist autocracy 
and Pakistan, which is a failed unstable Islamic republic. The Hindu hardliners 
were roundly and soundly defeated in the last two national elections, and the 
majority of the voting population has never subscribed to their theocratic 

The president of the U.S. is elected to defend the interests of his own 
country. He has no obligation to promote the interests of any other country.




[Goanet] Is Obama a nightmare for India?

2009-09-28 Thread Mario Goveia

Alternative Publishing - Is it viable to traditional publishing?

WHERE: Art Lounge - Sunaparanta, Near Lar de Estudantes, Altinho, Panaji

WHEN: September 30, 2009  -  5:30pm




He may not relish the comparison but it is now becoming increasingly obvious 
that Mr Barack Obama is the most hostile American President for India since 
Richard Nixon. In the eight months he has been in office, Mr Obama has snubbed 
India more than once. He has sent repeated signals that New Delhi is not 
integral to his Asian security architecture. Partly as a result of his 
country’s economic crisis, he has bent over backwards to accommodate China. His 
open advocacy of protectionism has been most visibly targeted at outsourcing of 
technology jobs to India. He headlined anti-trade legislation by saying it 
would punish those who created jobs in Bangalore rather than Buffalo, a special 
mention that was extraordinarily impolitic and did not go unnoticed in India. 
In contrast, the tariff war against Chinese tyres has not been posited in such 
stark bilateral terms. This past week, the Obama team reversed a decade of 
American nuclear pragmatism and went back
 to an outdated non-proliferation agenda that should have died, really, in the 
1990s. Once more, India has been asked to give up its nuclear weapons and sign 
the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty as a second-tier power. Most alarmingly, 
Mr Obama has swung wildly on Afghanistan-Pakistan (AfPak). At various points 
his diplomats and Generals have said different things. Yet, in all this the 
overarching political message has been missing.
[end of excerpt]