Re: [Goanet] Sameer Salgaocar has thrown me out of CHESS

2008-08-23 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Sandeep Heble wrote:
 There are times when people get carried away by propaganda that is
 based, not on facts and logic, but on misrepresentations and emotion.
 This is one of those times. A lot of falsehoods, masquerading as
 facts, have appeared here in this forum for some time now, but in the
 end, as Mahatma Gandhi would always say, the truth will always win.

 I was honestly very disappointed when I read the above response from
 Francis Rodrigues, trying to unnecessarily turn this debate into a
 communal-secular one.


I agree with you, Sandeep.
For those of you who are not aware, Samir Salgaocar is Hindu, his wife 
is a non-Hindu and Samir has a brother-in-law who is Catholic. 

Ask a question on any topic and get answers from real people. Go to Yahoo! 
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[Goanet] Sameer Salgaocar has thrown me out of CHESS

2008-08-22 Thread Sandeep Heble
S. Sawaikar writes:
Today only I have heard that nobody form chess ariana were there to
receive World champion Ivana Furtado at Dabolim Airport.

Francis Rodrigues writes:

Back to the pavillion -Why is there such a slant in favour of Bhakti
Kulkarni in Mr. Salgaocar's reports on Goan chess?? Even if Ivana
Furtado wins gold in her section, and Bhakti silver in hers, the first
two paras are always devoted to Bhakti!!Now look at the travesty in
Mr. Sawaikar's message below -Why is Ivana continually being slighted
by this communal-ridden GSCA?


There are times when people get carried away by propaganda that is
based, not on facts and logic, but on misrepresentations and emotion.
This is one of those times. A lot of falsehoods, masquerading as
facts, have appeared here in this forum for some time now, but in the
end, as Mahatma Gandhi would always say, the truth will always win.

I was honestly very disappointed when I read the above response from
Francis Rodrigues, trying to unnecessarily turn this debate into a
communal-secular one.

I may not know Samir Salgaocar well enough but I know for sure that he
does not differentiate between a Bhakti and an Ivana. Those who choose
to see Bhakti as a Hindu and Ivana as a Catholic are actually the ones
who are living in glass houses. They should not throw stones at

I chose to defer my reply to this as I was trying to locate the press
note that had appeared in a local daily sometime back. I took some
time off this morning to go to the Municipal library, where I found
the same in the 1st August issue of the Navhind Times.

Nothing can hit harder than hard facts. I have uploaded a copy of the
Press note, which should set the records straight. The relevant
portion of that press note reads:

Ivana and her father Mr. Elly, who doubles as the manager, were
welcomed by President of the Goa State Chess Association, Mr. Samir
Salgaocar, Vice- President, Mr. M.R. Naik, Secretary, Mr. Suhas
Asnodkar, Joint Secretary, Vasant Naik, and member Mr. Damodar

Please click the link below for more on that:
Use the zoom button to make it easier to read.

I also spoke to Samir on this, who informed me that almost the entire
'GSCA' committee camped patiently at the Airport for nearly two hours
to greet Ivana on her wonderful feat. Now, instead of lauding him and
his committee, there are people who choose to call him communal. It
looks like they have their own axes to grind.

Incidentally, the one person who was conspicuous by his absence was
Mr. Shrikant Barve, who always brags at every given opportunity that
he was Ivana's first Coach. None of the other members from his
Taleigao Chess Academy were there to welcome her too. Now I
personally have no real problems with this, since each one is busy in
his own personal life, but it is quite clear from the above that those
who have problems with such trivial things are directing their ire in
the wrong directions.

More on other related issues - - -later!


[Goanet] Sameer Salgaocar has thrown me out of CHESS

2008-08-01 Thread Francis Rodrigues

Back to the pavillion -

Why is there such a slant in favour of Bhakti Kulkarni in Mr. Salgaocar's
reports on Goan chess?? Even if Ivana Furtado wins gold in her section,
and Bhakti silver in hers, the first two paras are always devoted to Bhakti!!

Now look at the travesty in Mr. Sawaikar's message below -

Why is Ivana continually being slighted by this communal-ridden GSCA?

Onto the AICF -

1983 - Viswanathan Anand, a 14 yr old prodigy from Madras wanted to
play in the National 'B, but the AICF rudely blocked him, insisting he
qualify through the year-long district championships. The wily Madras
District Chess Association discovered a loophole, and quickly created a
special teen team, the Madras Colts, and entered them in the National
Team Championships at IIT, Mumbai, with Anand on the top board.

Anand crushed all to win the top board prize and a direct seeding to the
National 'B' championships. He never looked back, and today is world
champion, primarily responsible for the current chess renaissance in India.

Is the AICF still shameless - when taking away Shri Barve's livelihood??

Sameer Salgaocar's silence is deafening -

I have no quarrel with him - but THE RIVER PRINCESS MUST GO !

Tomorrow -

the fictitious GSCA website.


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2008
Subject: [Goanet] Sameer Salgaocar has thrown me out of CHESS

Dear Mr. Sandeep Heble,

Now let's find out who is this OSAMA who is making shield of Mr. Shrikant
Barve and attacking AICF  GSCA in the interest of good chess in Goa, don't
u think.

On one side u somewhat agree the things Mr. Shrikant Barve is doing is right
and on other way u say him Mujahideen Suicide Bombers. To whom u are
trying to prevent, or u are confused, please make it clear please.

Today only I have heard that nobody form chess ariana were there to receive
World champion Ivana Furtado at Dabolim Airport.

S. Sawaikar

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[Goanet] Sameer Salgaocar has thrown me out of CHESS

2008-07-31 Thread S SAWAIKAR
Dear Mr. Sandeep Heble,

Now let's find out who is this OSAMA who is making shield of Mr. Shrikant
Barve and attacking AICF  GSCA in the interest of good chess in Goa, don't
u think.

On one side u somewhat agree the things Mr. Shrikant Barve is doing is right
and on other way u say him Mujahideen Suicide Bombers. To whom u are
trying to prevent, or u are confused, please make it clear please.

Today only I have heard that nobody form chess ariana were there to receive
World champion Ivana Furtado at Dabolim Airport.

S. Sawaikar

Re: [Goanet] Sameer Salgaocar has thrown me out of CHESS

2008-07-29 Thread Francis Rodrigues

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India

Time to gird up the loins -

We are told Sameer Salgaocar has spent 15 lakhs of his personal
funds to sponsor Goan chess. Doesn't self-publicity demean a 'gift'?

Let's move on.

Salgaocar's grounded River Princess has destroyed our northern
coastline in an ecological disaster a shade shy of genocide. Our
marine life has been pulverised, the sea-face polluted, fishermen
annihilated, bathers seriously injured by the the rusting shrapnel.

What does one have to do with the other?

A conscience. Remember the steward in the Good Book? One cannot
trumpet altruism on the one hand, and promote mass evil on the other.

Therefore -

Is the money saved on the River Princess, used to promote chess?

The questions before us remain the same:


The AICF is no saint either. More on that tomorrow.

One step at a time.


Message: 5
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 09:12:10 +0530
From: Sandeep Heble 
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Sameer Salgaocar has thrown me out of CHESS

Dear Mr. Barve,

Whatever the merits/ drawbacks of the said AICF Circular, the fact
remains that you are in a sad minority in this. You seem to be the
only one, not only in Goa but in the whole of India, fighting and
wasting time over it, while those who you feel are going to be
affected just do not seem to be interested. You have been unable to
garner even token support for your supposed worthy cause and it is
something you have been unable to come to terms with.


Re: [Goanet] Sameer Salgaocar has thrown me out of CHESS

2008-07-28 Thread Sandeep Heble

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India

Dear Mr. Barve,

Whatever the merits/ drawbacks of the said AICF Circular, the fact
remains that you are in a sad minority in this. You seem to be the
only one, not only in Goa but in the whole of India, fighting and
wasting time over it, while those who you feel are going to be
affected just do not seem to be interested. You have been unable to
garner even token support for your supposed worthy cause and it is
something you have been unable to come to terms with.

In your Internet discussions and in the emails that you have sent to
all and sundry, you have made quite a few derogatory statements
against AICF Officials, including accusing them of having a hidden
agenda of siphoning of funds. You must consider yourself fortunate
that they have not pressed for defamation charges against you in the
Courts at Chennai, which would have put you in a bigger soup. Whatever
the merits of your statement, it will be difficult if not impossible
for you to prove your accusations and you will only end up losing your
time, your efforts and your money, which is not worth it.

I hold no brief for Sports Associations and I have my own problems
with most of them but battles are not fought the way you are fighting.
First and foremost, we garner support for the cause that we wish to
stand for and only then we try to take on the Associations. Your
method is nothing but a method of madness.

I would equate you with one of those Mujahideen Suicide Bombers who
too believe that they are the warriors of God, and are willing to
kill, and die, for the cause that they believe in. They do not realize
that in the process they are causing themselves, and humanity, grave
harm by their actions.  I do not know who your own 'Osama' is, but if
you do have someone behind you, he/she is a bad Advisor.

In your own book The Right Move, you have preferred to call Samir
Salgaocar the Good Samaritan, whereas you now feel that he some kind
of a Villain, conspiring against you. Instead of trying to blame
others for the mess you find yourself in, it is high time you realize
that you have harmed yourself considerably by your own actions, and
the faster you come to terms with this, the better it will be for your
own interests, and for the interest of chess in Goa.


Re: [Goanet] Sameer Salgaocar has thrown me out of CHESS

2008-07-27 Thread Sandeep Heble
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

2008 Toronto International Goan Convention
Theme: Goan Identity And Networking Today.

Mario Miranda Festival, July 24-26,  2008 Old GMC Building

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
A lot of people on Goanet have had their own say on the raging chess
controversy that has been going on for some time now. In the more
recent posts that have appeared, I have found the tone a bit harsh and
one-sided, unfair and based more on emotions rather than on facts or
reason. Before I comment further on this, I shall take note of Mahatma
Gandhi's words. He said before we do any act, we need to ask ourselves
if it is the truth and if it is fair to all concerned. In this
response, I shall therefore try to be as truthful as I can possibly be
and fair to those concerned in this whole episode.

I somehow got dragged into the whole chess controversy after I posted
my response to one of Mr. Shrikant Barve's posts on Goanet. I
initially threw my weight behind Mr. Barve lock, stock and barrel;
primarily on the grounds that his rights under Freedom of Expression
were being seriously vitiated.

The deeper I got seeped into, the murkier this whole thing appeared.
As many twists and turns as Dev Anand's Jewel Thief. Equally
entertaining stuff! Anonymous mails, impersonation, defamatory
statements, conspiracies and here were all the ingredients of a
Bollywood thriller.

Man, it is said, is the maker of his own destiny and I wouldn't be too
off the mark if I were to say that Mr. Barve scripted his own by
deliberately choosing to fish in troubled waters. The whole
controversy erupted after Mr. Barve aired his views on a particular
AICF circular, on a remote internet community. A Yahoo
Question-Answers Forum that neither Mr. Salgaocar nor the other
bigwigs in the AICF would have read in the first place, had not,
strangely, Mr. Barve sounded them off about the same himself. In other
words, this was the beginning of him digging his own grave. The Goa
State Chess Association (GSCA) got into the act, organized a meeting
to discuss this issue, and distanced themselves from Mr. Barve's
comments, leaving it up to the AICF to take any action against Mr.
Barve as they deemed fit. This issue would have been laid to rest then
and there itself, but more twists and turns were yet to follow.

In the next few days, through my discussions with the 'GSCA' President
Samir Salgaocar and a few others involved in chess, all the other
murky things - - hidden from public glare, and perceptions and issues
that I was disconnected with - - began to surface. Mr. Samir Salgaocar
had received a whole lot of anonymous unsavory mails, some taunting,
yet others defamatory. In fact, a couple of mails were sent
impersonating an office-bearer of the 'GSCA', clearly intended to
trigger a fight between the two. Since Barve was the one who was
making all the noises against the 'GSCA', the doubts of suspicion were
placed on him. Barve denied his involvement when I confronted him on
these.  The sleuth in me got me to carry out my own undercover
investigations, but we will leave that story for a different day.

I tried my level best to get the two to bury the hatchet. Samir did
not event know me, except for our limited interactions over email/
telephone, but I felt he was pretty reasonable and considerate. In
fact, he even tried to go out of his way to try and iron out the
differences, by offering to take Barve along with him by flight,
entirely at his own cost, to attend an AICF meeting; so that whatever
reservations Mr. Barve had vis-à-vis the said circular could be aired
before the right authorities. Mr. Barve declined the offer but
promised not to post anything more on the Internet forums.

In the next few days, a meeting was organized where we were to sit
together and discuss these issues logically and amicably, but just
before that Mr. Barve went back on his word. The posts against the
AICF continued, not before the right authorities but before the
wrong ones, with Barve spraying his posts on various Internet forums,
and e-mails marked to all and sundry in the chess world - -the
Grandmasters, the International Masters, perhaps even to Vishwanathan
Anand. It is pertinent to note that in these posts, defamatory
statements were made against the 'AICF' Administrators, statements
that have been referred to in Barve's Life Ban letter.

Hence, contrary to the picture that Mr. Barve has tried to present, he
is hardly the tortured unfortunate victim of an orchestrated
propaganda against him.  It is Barve's stubborn postures; and silly
nay foolish behavior that has got him to where he is now. And contrary
to the picture that has been made out here on this forum, Mr. Samir
Salgaocar is hardly the villain that he is made out to be.

If Chess is on the upswing in the State today, the one person who can
be credited with 

[Goanet] Sameer Salgaocar has thrown me out of CHESS

2008-07-27 Thread SHRIKANT BARVE
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

2008 Toronto International Goan Convention
Theme: Goan Identity And Networking Today.

Mario Miranda Festival, July 24-26,  2008 Old GMC Building

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Dear Sandeep,

My all postings are first sent to Hon. Secretary D. V. Sunder All India Chess 
Federation. These  has been followed since very long back. 

After over throwing Koya as Honorable Secretary and may be CEO of AICF in 2005, 
This Executive body which has come unopposed on June 20 2008.

During this four years this Ex. Body has accumulated surplus of Rs.90 lacs. 

In these four years 30X4 children between 8 to 15 represented India as official 
entries at International tournament. There are many more donor entries 
representing India for International tournament. Many of these children have 
won medals for India. 
None of these get any training facility through AICF. 

It was said in Coaching program circular that 10 children from each of the 35 
Association will be given special training.  It was also announced “Big Boost” 
on March 27 that (19 coaches which include 4 GM’s) has applied for coaching 
these children. 

Where is that Big boost? It is more than six months from the issue of Coaching 
program circular  by All India Chess Federation. No posting about Coaching 
program schedule on AICF web site till date. 

That remuneration circular is harm full for progress of CHESS in India. That is 
the only reason why I am targeting that circular. I am doing this from the day 
it came to my notice may be on January 20 2008.  

[Appeal to Our Senior Players / IMS' / WIM's / GM's / WGM's / FM's and coaches

AICF proposes to short list the names of coaches who are interested to coach 
our players and prepare them for National and International tournaments. Those 
interested are requested to send a mail to AICF with their Bio-data and 
achievements in coaching if any. The AICF shall pay Rs.10,000/- for GM's and 
RS.7,000/- or Rs 5000/- for others for a ten day coaching programme. For 
outstation coaches AICF will reimburse, on production of tickets, third A/c 
train fare and shall take care of the local hospitality. Those interested may 
kindly send your mail immediately.]

My reservation were quoting those amount figure [The AICF shall pay Rs.10,000/- 
for GM's and RS.7,000/- or Rs 5000/- for others for a ten day coaching 
programme.] in that circular .

When peanuts are offered how one can expect good coaches to come forward! 

Parents and children are not suffering! With Rs.90 lacs in kitty…what is the 

Coaching Program is total failure and I have also received Life Ban. Circular 
may go some day but my life ban on me will remain…as per your understanding of 

Feb 26 2008 Notice received through email from Goa State Chess Association was 
on my posting in Yahoo Q/A.

May 19 2008 Show Cause Notice received from AICF was on misquoting income of 
AICF on Gomantak Times. Which said that “suspension pending enquiry”. 
I replied on next day May 20 asking for Constitution of AICF to give proper 

Life ban notice received from AICF as gift on my 48th birthday July 21st 2008 
based on my posting available on given below…

Why so much hulla gulla by AICF?

I have officially as well as personally asked for a copy of AICF constitution 
from Sameer Salgaocar to give proper reply of Show Cause Notice but…

There has been no official or unofficial communication to me to visit AICF 
office for any reason till date. 

I would have answered other thinks also quoted in your letter but I don’t want 
to divert from Core Issue…
Core issue
This was a good circular/notice…. uploaded on the AICF website may be on 12 or 
13 Jan 2008
I as a Secretary of Taleigao Chess Academy by my email dt. Jan 13, 2008 (copy 
enclosed) had congratulated AICF for coming out with coaching programme. Copies 
of this email had been sent to Acting Secretary as well as President of GSCA. 

This is the bad circular/notice uploaded on the AICF website may be on 17 Jan 
Appeal to Our Senior Players / IMS' / WIM's / GM's / WGM's / FM's and coaches
In respect of above circular/notice came to my notice on 17 Jan 2008. I have 
informed the President about my reservations may be on Jan 20 and repeated 
there after. 

Shrikant Barve

  Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now, on 

[Goanet] Sameer Salgaocar has thrown me out of CHESS

2008-07-21 Thread SHRIKANT BARVE
Dear Goans,
Today I have received a letter from All India Chess Federation informing  that 
You are expelled from all chess activities.

copy of letter

It was started by Sameer Salgaocar by issuing first 
Action contemplated against Taleigao body

Para which was quoted in AICF letter is from my following article.
Why so much hulla gulla by AICF?

I have received Show Cause Notice on May 19 2008 which I have replied on next 
day May 20 and had asked for copies of AICF constitution.[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2507824871/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2508612526/
It was stated in notice that I have been suspended pending enquiry.

I have send several reminders to AICF asking for Constitution. Few friends also 
visited and met Hon. Secretary D.V. Sunder on my behalf. But till date I have 
not received Constitution and I could not reply.

That notice also said that an enquiry but I was not called for any enquiry till 

It also states that Legal action against Federation shall be instituted only in 
the courts at Chennai.

Sameer Salgaocar as Vice President of All India Chess Federation has shown his 
colors. On my part I who have been giving my life to the game which has given 
me my livelihood, but Sameer Salgaocar has Succeeded in throwing me out from my 
passion  livehood. 

I am not in a Position to fight legal battel in Chennai. Its upto Goan whether 
they want my services as CHESS coach or not. 

Shrikant Vinayak Barve

  Explore your hobbies and interests. Go to