Now, this is not Vedic math and no need to laugh and insult our way of
thinking from our glorious past.

Goan are reeling at the inhuman behavior of our politicians who are tank
full of greed and no longer care for reason and morality.

If I can get away with it is great and no worries - join me. The honest and
good people are welcome to go to hell.

Our eighteen frogs who have no conscience and who are poor persuaders
although overtime crooks with a passion to rob anyone and everyone need to
think again.

What does the future hold for them?

If 40 crores was given to each Judas then 720 crores was given away in all.
Chicken feed this!

The new amendments and laws and more coming will go beyond loosening suits
and ties and will involve taking off much more.

When laws to prevent protection of the environment go for a toss it means
the environment is dead meat and anything goes.

The MLAs have undergone a deep religious experience and are willing to die
for their insatiable greed - come what may!

For this reason I say Goa is gone: zero!

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