35th Tiatr competition - Kallokhi Uzvadd
Ok, what if I disclose you this?
That JoeGoaUk is HIV positive.
I am sure, at least half of you would say ‘you dirty old fellow’
All sort of dirty  thoughts will cross your mind including me visiting 
Piccadilly brothels whilst in UK, Grant road whilst in Bombay, 
some massage parlours in Goa or visiting Tambdi Mati or Gandhi market 
or Cine Lata in  Margao or the then Vasco Baina etc etc
For most of us, HIV means Sex, I mean multiple sex partners
Whole society will give a different look including some or your 
entire family members at home. 

HIV not necessarily means multiple sex partners.
Just one time or just one mistake can lead to fatal consequences 
as depicted by Mr. Derrick D’ Mello in his well presented Tiatr 
KALLOKHI UZVADD held at Kala Academy as a part of 35th 
Tiatr Competition on  23rd Sept.2009
The only child Shenaya suddenly developes some sort of heart 
complication requiring an urgent and expensive life saving operation 
costing 7 lacs.

Unable to raise such a big amount, the family seek help from the 
church but after putting together the various contribution from the 
parishioners the amount was coming to just over 1 lac.

Seeing that no more money is coming in and the time is fast running 
out, Carol the Shenaya’s young aunt  decides to phone and meet  a  
rich man NRI South Africa, only to say ‘yes’ (who had earlier shown 
interest to marry her but kept silent as she was already into 
relationship with a Hindu boy Ravi).  Charles (NRI) ask her to meet at Miramar. 
7 Lacs?  No problem says he  ‘come to my bungalow’ and take the 
money. Where he rapes her and gives the money too.

Inside the money packet, there was also a small note saying 
‘Welcome to my HIV world’
and when Carol disclosed to her family that she is HIV Positive the 
whole family started looking at her differently without even given
 her chance to explain as to how she acquired it.
Carol brings back the light in the family by saving her niece and 
she herself goes into the darkness unknowingly.

Well received tiatr by the house full audience 
It was a presentation by Serula art and Culture Academy, 
Professional tiatrists were  Xavier Almeida, Dolla and some child 
actors like Mindroy, Benzer, Sevil – who sang a trio on M Boyer- see pic
UK born Gemma Fernandes too acted in the tiatr but this time a minor 
role –see pics Her brother Ashley Fernandes headed the band.
All tiatr were supposed to start at 7 pm sharp and the PVT ad   in  
H too says  7pm sharp but it actually started at 6.50pm. Many missed 
the starting part including the opening chorus.  Tiatr was houseful 
and many had to go back home disappointed.
I like one song sung by Antonette Pereira  (a  middleage lady, 
see pic) about the present day children and how they treat their 
elders when they grow up.
And there was little but very promising Cameron (see pic) singing 
solo on ‘uddta to buddta’
The star of the show was smart little kid Shenaya – see pic
JoeGoaUk’s best actor prize goes to her for her child role and her 
singing talents.

In the senior category, Derrick D’Mello get’s best actor’s prize.
 He earned more marks as as a bad boy – see pic
It looks like there are two groups this year from Penha-de France
another one being Britona Dramatic Academy

See the tiatr schedule here
Some stage pics
Bad boy brother, sister and Kitchen help – Com.64
Mother, son, daughter and God Child Gemma

Mother/daughter at Christmas
Sister Gemma of Mother Tereza order

all family at one place including the would be son-in-law

smart Kid or a fashion victim?

Kids trio

this one looks like ‘all kid-sisters trio’


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