A literary bombshell from a writer who aimed to create his own school of
aesthetics and literary criticism in Marathi

I have never waited so eagerly to pounce on the oven fresh copy of Prof.
Bhalchandra Nemade’s latest and much awaited Marathi novel-
“Hindu-jaganyachi ek samruddh adgal’. This novel would change many
stereotypes in Indian literature. (please view  his interview in Chennai's
the Hindu.

I booked a copy with Mr. Mahesh Angale of Sharadiya Vitaran and almost every
day I bother him. I may get in a day or two. It seems that first edition was
sold out last week- a record in Marathi, but not something unexpected for a
language of 100 million speakers.

I shared beautiful moments with Prof. Nemade when he was at Goa University
for a few years. While I was residing at Calapur-St Cruz he was staying at
Merces and he used to often give me ride on his old scooter. I have
dedicated a Marathi poem to him. When I was elected as president of Post
graduate students union at Goa University, we felicitated him for joining as
a  new faculty. He was all for support of small languages like Konkani.

A lot of publicity hype has been created on this novel-but the Anglocentric
world is unaware of this new cultural phenomenon. It may generate a fresh
debate on nature of Hinduism and how it has been distorted over
centuries...Dr.Nemade has virtually dropped a bombshell in Maharashtra...the
ripples would now spread across the Hindi belt..

Sequels are likely to follow as Dr.  Nemade promises. He is now 72 and very

At present I am reading Selma Carvalho’s book on Goan dispora. First
impressions are good after finishing 20 pages. We know very little about our
Goan brethern abroad. More such thematic writings are required from Goans
settled all over the world. Their present nationality does not matter. A
true 'goenkar' would always remain a 'goenkar' at heart.  I wish this book
could be translated in Konkani. Goa Konkani akademy may be pleased to
support. More about Selma's book after I finish reading it...and more about
Dr. Nemade's novel once I devour it.....

Dr. Nandkumar Kamat, GOA
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Read Selma Carvalho's warmly-received book *Into the Diaspora Wilderness*, a 
journey through Goan life in Africa, the Gulf, England and North America ... 
gripping and well-told real-life stories. See 
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy in Goa via Broadway Book Centre, 
Panjim. Ph 9822488564.

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