AIDS or HIV+:  It's Stigma,Taboo &  Misconceptions
In Goa, about 100 HIV cases detected every month (about 25 per week).
The official figure of HIV positive patients in Goa may be about 13,000 
but  there could be more than 15,000 who are actually HIV+.

HIV or AIDS is not something new to Goa. The first case detected in 1987.
By year 2000 the total was 3,619.  In 2003 it was 6,473, 2006 (9,561) 
and in 2008 there were 11,674 HIV+ cases in Goa

How do we get AIDS or HIV Virus?
The  virus is passed from one person to another through blood-to-blood 
and sexual contact with someone who is infected with HIV.
We do not get AIDS simply by touching a person.
But who is going to educate the society?
The moment we find out some one is HIV positive or has AIDS, 
we say ' Shi' or ‘AVOIS’  or say ‘he/she is disgusting’  
or we say or think all sort of dirty things about the victim.
We feel the victim is no more a  part of us so he/she should be isolated.
(even though the victim is member of the family including a child)
Children with HIV, why they are stigmatized for no fault of theirs?

The HIV related issues including the stigma or misconceptions attached to 
it are beautifully brought out in another educative tiatr ‘ASRO ZAI’ by Agnelo 
de Borim together with his troupe, Tornatteacho Ekvott, Borda Margao 
Staged at Kala Academy on 2nd Oct. 2009, as part of 35th Tiatr Competition
The main victim in this case was a little girl 
- The school does not want her (due to the pressure of the other kids parents)
- The domestic help who was a very good friend and playmate of the kid,  
would now not touch her
He would pour the drinking water into her jug from a distant 
(very touching scene).
-Her African grand father, who just come down, raised the child in his arms 
but the moment he finds out she is HIV+, he swiftly put her down (another 
touching scene).
- Wile the parent fights over the issue ,  their child come to their rescue in 
deciding whose fault it was..
She plays the game by chanting ‘Aptti Dhoptti Haymchem Pan, Gal go 
Bebi Mhojem Naum, apo jinga po kari-meri po’ which, despite playing 
twice, it  indicated the child herself.
Ok, it’s my fault. Pease don’t fight now.
The tiatr was good and it is highly recommended  that such educative tiatr are 
shown at every school  or village level to bring about the awareness amongst 
the people regarding the misconceptions  of transmission  of AIDS 
The tiatr is directed by Avisnah Chari and the main role played by Rupesh Jogle 
(Father/Victim), Jenifer Gonsalves (Mother/Victim), Baby Chiquita Fernades 
(Child/victim), Pobre Dias (Doctor), 
Domnic Rodrigues (African grandfather) 
Playwright’s brother Armando Fernandes and Natty Gomes played comedy roles.
It had about 13 songs.
Beautifully sung by sisters Preethi & Deepti Coutinho, Suzetta Pereira, 
Joslin Gracias and Matilda Colaco.

Male singers were Francis Pinto, Nazario Pinto, Conceicao Fernandes, 
Walsh Fernandes, Aflred Colaco and professional actor, Hortencio Pereira.
Now. Let the pics do the talking
Child's trick- Aptti Dhoptti Hauchem pan..
Paulu, please don’t go..
(He/domestic help,  was leaving the house/job only because they have AIDS)
NRI (Africa) grandfather put the child down the moment he finds out..
Paulu and Murkoisanv
all family together with doctor
Family doctor
Beautiful & handsome  singers (all together)
Females only
Males only

A well sung trio
a duo
Two beautiful sisters

Comedy song – Hortencio Pereira 

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