I am hoping that even after AM leaves Quepem for the brighter lights of 
Dar-es-Salaam, Pyongyang or the UN Square in Manhattan, he continues to regale 
us with his takes on sustaining water and agriculture in parched lands, 
managing the expectations of Kim Jong Un’s sister or advising John Magufuli on 
ambassadorships or the economy.

Before he burst on the scene, my imagination of Quepemcars was coconut 
tree-climbing, pond-fishing Novas Conquestadores, but now I know them better as 
men of the world with the international touch, not averse to drinking strong 
local brews and making friends with the village hoi-polloi.

Long live the professor of manifold talents, of heavenly humbug and virginal 
nonsense who makes this cyberspace a much better place to be during this 
otherwise debilitating pandemic.


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