To ,
The editor
Herald Publications

                                                            * KINDLY PUBLISH
Dear Sir,

 the Bomb Blast at Margao is an eyeopener to all Goans - it is a harbinger
of things to come and happen in Goa. First and foremost how were these thugs
allowed to operate from Goa under the guise of a social organisation
supposed to be committed to the welfare of society . How were they allowed
to acquire such big tracts of prime Goan land at Ponda  and conduct their
clandestine operations from here inspite of being implicated in the Malegao
bomb blasts . Now they had planned to plant bombs in Goa and create chaos
and communal strife . why did they target Margao only - is it because the CM
hails from that constituency. Maybe some other political organisations are
involved in this whole conspiracy . Lucky for us the blast took the life of
the mole himself .
But I call upon the police to be extra vigilant regarding all migrants and
the functioning of rightwing organisations like Sangathan Sanstha - who are
trying to copy the SS thugs of the erstwhile Nazis . Police should now take
care during all congregations of people especially melas , feasts like Old
Goa feast ,etc.
Government should ban these organisations who are extremists and communal as
the future already looks bleak for Goa. Police should also verify if these
elements had any hand in the temple and church desecrations that happen so
often. All those funding such organisations should also be questioned and
all culprits brought to book.Functioning of  Organisations like Sangathan
Sanstha, Bajrang Dal , Hindu Janajagruti etc  should be looked into as now
it is evident that they do not seek any welfare or good of the people except
want to create strife and communal disharmony.
*Col.Cyril P.D'Souza ( Retd.)*
Gauravaddo - Calangute

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