Villagers discovered that waste from Mapusa and Margao was being thrown in a 
secluded spot for the past six months; Alert locals catch culprits and hand 
them over to the police

Sal – a village in Bicholim taluka, away from the bustling of the town life and 
with picturesque nature -- was in for a rude shock when the residents noticed 
that some unknown persons were defacing the village by dumping waste in a 
secluded area. 

Further investigation revealed that the waste was coming not only from Mapusa 
but also from Margao and other parts of the State. 

The recently held gram sabha rocked with this issue as the residents sought to 
know from the sarpanch what measures are being taken for stopping this menace. 

When Herald visited the site there were heaps of garbage dumped at the site. 
The dumping of garbage went unnoticed for several months as the place where it 
is being dumped is away from the residential area and the main road. There is a 
single bumpy road that leads to the site and a high tension wire going over 
this site. 

“We feel that they were dumping this waste at this place for more than six 
months. We laid a trap on Sunday and caught them red-handed. We have registered 
a police complaint and proper action should be taken against them,” said Sal 
sarpanch Prakash Raut. 

The residents also feel that there are some locals who are also involved in 
this as the place where the waste is dumped is inaccessible to a person who is 
not aware of the village. “There could be some locals involved in this dumping. 
Whenever we kept patrolling at the site the trucks avoided coming and dumping 
the waste. It is just likely that the residents used to inform them in advance 
of our presence at the site,” Kalidas Raut a local claimed. 

“It is surprising that all the waste from Mapusa, Margao and other places is 
getting deposited here in Sal. If there is any epidemic in the village who 
should be held responsible?” questions Soma Raut, asking the authorities to 
take action against the culprits. 

The residents are also angry as this waste has now led to pollution in the 
village. “Some of the waste has been burnt and the water from the nearby 
rivulet has been polluted. The fish from the rivulet is also dying,” said 
Digambar Raut. “They used to come during night time and dump this garbage here 
so no one noticed this,” Raut added. 

“We have handed over the culprits to the police and their vehicle has also been 
seized. We will again raise this issue in the gram sabha and will see that such 
thing will not be repeated in this beautiful village,” said another villager 
Suresh Parab.

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