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Are we in Safe Hands? 
Mumbai never sleeps. It’s a lively, free place and if one has proper contacts 
he/she can find anything in Mumbai. This lively place has always been a victim 
of terrorist attacks since last two decades wherein innocent people have been 
killed for no fault of theirs and the recent 26/11/2008 terrorist attack forced 
a lot of ordinary citizens to question our ownselves, are we in Safe hands? 
It was quite clear that Mumbai Police was ill-equipped on that fateful day to 
fight against the trained, professional terrorists from Pakistan . What a 
fanatical act it was in the name of Jehad? Just ten terrorist robbed the 
happiness of happy Mumbai for 3 long days and if they were twenty what would 
have been the state of our beloved Mumbai on that fateful day of 26/11/2008. 
They enemies entered very easily without any problems in our country and what's 
this forces us to think? Despite of having information regarding the attack on 
Mumbai through sea and intercepting some very important telephone conversation 
regarding the attack, the information was just carried on form one concerned 
agency to another with hardly any follow-up and because of such ignorance 
Mumbai had to pay heavily. On 18th September 2009, RAW, an Indian intelligence 
agency intercepted a telephone call from a Lakshar man and an unknown person 
saying that a operation has been planned to target a hotel at Mumbai’s Gateway 
of India and a sea-route would be used. On 24th September another call was 
intercepted and this time, the Targets were named as Taj, Marriot, Sea Rock and 
Land’s end. On the 19th November, another satellite call was intercepted saying 
we will reach Bombay by nine to eleven. On 20th of Nov 2009, Indian coast 
received a message from their
 Headquarters that LeT vessel sighted at a certain position attempting to enter 
Indian waters. The missing Indian trawler Kuber all this while was on a sea 
passage to Mumbai from Karachi and despite of having so much information the 
attack on the amchi Mumbai couldn’t be averted. 
  The enemies, Mohammad Ajmal Amir Kasab and Abu Ismail opened fire in the name 
of Jehad at Chatrapati Shivaji Terminus better known as Victoria Terminus. 
Their AK-47’s did not discriminate the Men, Women and Children. Railway 
Protection force head constable, one among the few armed Policeman did a 
counter firing from his pistol consisting of six rounds and than snatched a 
.303 rifle from a constable to confront the Terrorists but the weapon was no 
match to the arms used by the enemies. Our country spends so much money on 
useless politicians and despite of witnessing several attacks in the past our 
Policemen were at misery as far as protective clothing and arms were concerned. 
We love to fight in the name of North, South, West and East Indians but we were 
handicapped when Jehadi enemies attacked our Mumbai.  It was a total one sided 
battle for quite some time. Mumbai’s top police officers were killed, Police 
jeep was hijacked, Azad Maidan Police
 station secured their doors recounts a Journalist present out there but the 
daring act of ASI Omble helped the country to arrest the lone terrorist caught 
alive.ASI, despite of being ill-equipped never got afraid of Kasab’s AK-47.He 
caught him although Kasab managed to fire multiple rounds and the catching grip 
was such that he never left him. He died a Hero’s death. 
The Mumbai Police was stuck for hours at Taj and Oberoi. They never had an 
action plan till the arrival of NSG commandos at Hotel Taj and Oberoi. They are 
very well known for taking haftas from road-side prostitutes, snack gaddas etc 
but they were badly paid the hafta that fateful day. Major Unnikrishnan who led 
the 160 odd commandos at Taj finally died a Hero’s death while firing with the 
terrorists and finally on the 29th of November three of the 4 terrorists at Taj 
were  burnt inside the hotel and one was shot after he jumped from one of the 
windows and in a similar fashion Hotel Oberoi was also secured by the NSG 
commandos and latter handed over to the Police. 
 It’s almost one year since Kasab has been held; it’s an open case, He entered 
our country with a jehadi mission, and he opened fire at the innocents and 
killed them which include the top Mumbai Police officers. Our beloved country 
pays for his advocate and it’s a shame that one of our Indian Advocate says 
that he can prove him innocent, thus proving his love for our country. Are the 
laws in our country are such that he might be proved innocent and allowed to go 
back the way he came? 
He is a part of blood-shed on that fateful day. If Jehad says to kill people in 
the name of Allah according to their handlers in Pakistan , we must say, 
torture the jehadis so that they beg with us for death and only then we might 
be on our way to put an end to Terrorism in INDIA . Every human has got his 
rights but Kasab acts left him with no human rights. He should be tortured and 
hanged at the Public so that no terrorist in future dares to touch their ugly 
hands to our holy Country. 
I conclude by saluting Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan,Havildar Gajendra Singh from 
NSG,Joint commissioner Hemant Karkare,ACP Ashok Kamte,Darling of Mumbai Police, 
Inspector Vijay Salaaskar,SI Bapusaheb Durgude,Prakash More,ASI Balasaheb 
Bhosle,Tukaram Gopal Omble,Costables Ambadas Pawar,Arun Chitte,Jaywant 
Patil,Vijay Khandekar,Yogesh Patil.Other Security personnel Inspector Shashank 
Shinde of Railway Police,Head constable M.C.Chowdary of RPF,Constable Mukesh 
Jadhav of Home Guards and constable Rahul Shinde of SRPF who sacrificed their 
lives during terrorist attack on Mumbai. 
I also remember all the innocents who lost their lives for no for no fault of 
theirs. May their souls Rest in Peace. 
They did attack Mumbai but they will never been able to stop the same from 
running.Jai amchi Mumbai . 
Is our One time very beautiful state og Goa ready to take on terrorists if 
attacked in near future?Only God Knows. 
Joel Morais 


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