Re: [Goanet] Cruz Milagres

2012-11-16 Thread Alfred de Tavares

RE: [Goanet] Cruz Milagres‏ 11/14/2012 



 Alfred de Tavares
JC, I had posted infra to GOANET a couple of days ack. P'haps the comptrlers 
afeared a libel action from my partner, the said Pe. Joaquim Loyola. It never


To GOANET Lists, Goa Net Organization

Dear Ana Maria Fernandes,

Must be very interesting to be accountant to the priests (only of Goa?).
Does the accountancy extend all the way up to the Prelate?

And these various banksare they all in India only...or, do they
include those elusive ones in Switzerland...LinchtensteinCayman 
Islands.perhaps even Banca Ambrosiano?

Please, dear Ana, share with us these titilating tid-bitsthey tend to
so light up our drab lives...

I would be particularly interested to know how many crores my friend,
Reverendissimo Padre Joaquim Loyola, has accumulated; you see he & 
I have a patnership...a clear understanding, albeit without any duly signed 
MOU, and are, supposed, to share equally all the commissions that accrue 
from sales of church-lands, etc

The small change that, occasionaly, trickles into my chronically overdraft
account is so niggardly that I have begun suspecting the fellow of welshing
on me& that simply wont do...will it...can it?

Moreover, my grapewine, most alarmingly, informs me that my partner has 
been seen, lately, to hobnob, rather more intimately than I stand to care for, 
with that sleazy Shettye that our Aires so much warns us about!

Of course you will be generously compensated for your great service @ the 
generous terms obtained from services rendered by the Bank of Africa, BOA, 
at Burkina Fasosay 60-40 %. I could also deposit any moneys I stand to 
through your sleuthing into the same bank...or, wherever

Yours, ever so thankful in confident anticipation,

Alfred de Tavares, aka the universal Chacha...always out to ensnare chamchas.
Stockholm, Sweden, 0046 70 295 4091

> Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2012 14:21:53 -0500
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Goanet] Cruz Milagres
> [1] Ana Maria Fernandes wrote on Nov 3, 2012
> The church has been advertising cruz milagres a 20 crore retreat
> house. Most of our priests have lots of money in the banks. Not one
> bank but serveral banks. They will never put a pie during the sunday
> collection nor donate anything for the church projects which a dozen
> by dozen. I would be happy to know how much will our bishop Fr.Filipe
> Neri contribute for that project from his personal account and from
> the bishop's palace account.
> [2] Ana Maria Fernandes wrote on Nov 12, 2012
> Dumping Cruz de Milagres 20 crore project on goans is nothing but
> murder of freedom. We christians are really fanatics or nana boil.
> tokli halloi re boila, halloitam saiba. How much will our priests and
> religious contribute ? Mea culpa somia
> [3] Devak Argham wrote on Nov 14, 2012
> Looks like people go to banks to see the bank accounts of our Clergy
> or they have people working in banks who leak information to them.
> After retirement the Priest have no one to look after them other than
> the Clergy Homes run by the Church.  If one does not belong to the
> Church, kindly do not remove the splinter from the others eye.
> Service  rendered by the Clergy is much more valuable than monetary
> contributions.  Sure, those who demand from clergy to contribute
> monetarly, themselves do not contribute a single paisa.
> All three posts (above) make interesting points. The following is my take:
> 1: There is nothing wrong with questioning the church. This is
> specially so when it comes to the sale and purchase of real property.
> I believe that the 'church' belongs to the people who are shareholders
> in that 'company'. There should be free and fair consultation (of the
> polite nature ...which some among us may not have seen or heard of).
> Open dialogue promotes tranparency and good will; it also prevents
> rumours and hostility. Furthermore, IF the 'church' receives
> tax-benefits and other grants from the Govt, even non-sharholders have
> a right to know what is being done with the funds.
> 2: The clergy provide a valuable service under harsh and restrictive
> conditions. We expect them to be super-human, and do ALL what we want
> them to do and yet, expect them NOT to live as humans. And then,
> we criticise them, harrass them and even accuse them falsely for stuff

Re: [Goanet] Cruz Milagres

2012-11-14 Thread Alfred de Tavares

Dear Ana Maria Fernandes,

Must be very interesting to accountant to the priests (only of Goa?).
Does the accountancy extend up to the Prelate?

And these various banksare they all in India only...or, do they
include those elusive ones in Switzerland...LinchtensteinCayman 
Islands.perhaps even Banca Ambrosiano?

Please, dear Ana, share with us these titilating tid-bitsthey tend to
so light up our drab lives...

I would be particularly interested to know how many crores my friend,
Reverendissimo Padre Joaquim Loyola, has accumulated; you see he & 
I have a patnership...a clear understanding, albeit without any, duly signed 
MOU, and are, supposed, to share equally all the commissions that accrue 
from sales of church-lands, etc

The small change that, occasionaly, trickles into my chronically overdraft
account is so niggardly that I have begun suspecting the fellow of welshing
on me& that simply wont do...will it...can it?

Moreover, my grapewine, most alarmingly, informs me that my partner has 
been seen, lately, to hobnob, rather more intimately than I stand to care for, 
with that sleazy Shettye that our Aires so much warns us about!

Of course you will be generously compensated for your great service @ the 
generous terms obtained from services rendered by the Bank of Africa, BOA, 
at Burkina Fasosay 60-40 %. I could also deposit any moneys I stand to 
through your sleuthing into the same bank...or, wherever

Yours, ever so thankful in confident anticipation,

Alfred de Tavares, aka the universal Chacha...always out to ensnare chamchas.
Stockholm, Sweden, 0046 70 295 4091

> Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2012 14:21:53 -0500
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Goanet] Cruz Milagres
> [1] Ana Maria Fernandes wrote on Nov 3, 2012
> The church has been advertising cruz milagres a 20 crore retreat
> house. Most of our priests have lots of money in the banks. Not one
> bank but serveral banks. They will never put a pie during the sunday
> collection nor donate anything for the church projects which a dozen
> by dozen. I would be happy to know how much will our bishop Fr.Filipe
> Neri contribute for that project from his personal account and from
> the bishop's palace account.
> [2] Ana Maria Fernandes wrote on Nov 12, 2012
> Dumping Cruz de Milagres 20 crore project on goans is nothing but
> murder of freedom. We christians are really fanatics or nana boil.
> tokli halloi re boila, halloitam saiba. How much will our priests and
> religious contribute ? Mea culpa somia
> [3] Devak Argham wrote on Nov 14, 2012
> Looks like people go to banks to see the bank accounts of our Clergy
> or they have people working in banks who leak information to them.
> After retirement the Priest have no one to look after them other than
> the Clergy Homes run by the Church.  If one does not belong to the
> Church, kindly do not remove the splinter from the others eye.
> Service  rendered by the Clergy is much more valuable than monetary
> contributions.  Sure, those who demand from clergy to contribute
> monetarly, themselves do not contribute a single paisa.
> All three posts (above) make interesting points. The following is my take:
> 1: There is nothing wrong with questioning the church. This is
> specially so when it comes to the sale and purchase of real property.
> I believe that the 'church' belongs to the people who are shareholders
> in that 'company'. There should be free and fair consultation (of the
> polite nature ...which some among us may not have seen or heard of).
> Open dialogue promotes tranparency and good will; it also prevents
> rumours and hostility. Furthermore, IF the 'church' receives
> tax-benefits and other grants from the Govt, even non-sharholders have
> a right to know what is being done with the funds.
> 2: The clergy provide a valuable service under harsh and restrictive
> conditions. We expect them to be super-human, and do ALL what we want
> them to do and yet, expect them NOT to live as humans. And then,
> we criticise them, harrass them and even accuse them falsely for stuff
> they could not possibly defend against. We arrange this by poisoning
> the jury pool in the  court of public opinion. And yet, there is
> almost always a personal and financial reason why these priests are
> harassed. When 'we' achieve our goal, we attack the next target.
> 3: This is NOT to say that ALL that ha

Re: [Goanet] Cruz Milagres

2012-11-14 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo
Or, how much she contributes to society, especially to the poor and 
"Whatever you do to the least of my brethren, that, you do unto me" (Matthew 

>From: "J. Colaco < jc>" 
>Sent: Thursday, 15 November 2012 6:21 AM
>Subject: [Goanet] Cruz Milagres
> Perhaps, Ana
>will start by telling us what she puts as her contribution to the
>Sunday collection.

[Goanet] Cruz milagres

2012-11-11 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes

The church has been advertising cruz milagres a 20 crore retreat house. Most of 
our priests have lots of money in the banks. Not one bank but serveral banks. 
They will never put a pie during the sunday collection nor donate anything for 
the church projects which a dozen by dozen. I would be happy to know how much 
will our bishop Fr.Filipe Neri contribute for that project from his personal 
account and from the bishop's palace account.