Re: [Goanet] EDUCATION IN GOA [3]- Response to Bosco

2007-03-12 Thread Bosco D'Mello

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On Tue Mar 6 22:27:50 PST 2007 Joe Vaz wrote extraneously (as expected) :

 If you really want my honest response to your irrelevant questions,
 give it another try, but be civil next time.  If your intent is to get me
 down to your level of aggressiveness, name-calling and abuse, -- 
 you be rest assured I will not oblige. :-)

RESPONSE: Joe, honesty and you ?? Geez!! By resorting to counting words and 
pointing out a single typo in my earlier response, you answered the query I 
raised in my very first message on this thread. You have absolutely no 
interest to discuss Education in Goa, but are only participating in this 
thread to continue your usual self-absorbed elocution. In your convoluted 
logic of persisting in this discussion, you now feel compelled to point to 
posts of others on this subject (not thread) to console yourself.

For someone who had to resort to a 'drive-by' and who has actively engaged 
in acerbic debates on Goanet over the years, I'm surprised to see you 
pleading to be handled with kid-gloves. Did you really miss the civil 
opportunity I afforded you in my very first post to explain yourself for 
drawing me into this thread:

In response to your query, please note my kids will not go to school in Goa 
as their parents don't live in Goa. They would, if we lived there. Again I'm 
surprised by your query after you pleaded in your last message not to get 
personal. I suppose you want it one-way only.

Now since you choose to indulge in grandstanding and running around in 
circles instead of responding to direct questions, and would prefer the safe 
confines of ambiguity, I will draw my own conclusions in identifying the 
reasons for your insiduousness in this thread :

# 1 - You draw attention to Tony Martin because he said what you wished to 
say but don't have the mettle for, which is to criticize the DES.
# 2 - You started at me because I silenced Gllenda's constant abuse of the 
Catholic Church in Goa. Something you were happy was happening.
# 3 - You would prefer to intimidate me into not contesting your nonsense, 
just because I'm a member of Goanet Administration. Another form of 
# 4 - You would rather demonize than discuss as you have done here over the 

So while you state you don't have the time for frivolous exercises, you 
certainly are not one to let go of the hegemony of thought. So yes, you are 
definitely coming
back with more nebbish. So keep writingand practice the art that is 
advanced by comrade Gilbert earlier today. improve your sagacity, I've left some grammatical aberrations in 
this post for you to unearth. Good luck!

- Bosco 

Re: [Goanet] EDUCATION IN GOA [3]- Response to Bosco

2007-03-07 Thread Joe Vaz

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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On Fri Mar 2 20:07:13 PST 2007  Bosco D'Mello bospam at wrote:

In breaking with my two-posts per thread tradition, I'm back. To afford you 
another opportunity to explicitly point out what it is I said ...

Hi Bosco:

If you really want my honest response to your irrelevant questions, give it 
another try, but be civil next time.  If your intent is to get me down to 
your level of aggressiveness, name-calling and abuse, -- you be rest assured 
I will not oblige. :-)

BTW— just to let you know, I went through your last post of 1557 words.  
Sadly, I couldn’t find anything worthwhile that you tried to share in your 
post, except the abuse that you so gratuitously hurled at me.

I will let you bask in your own glory -- as one who knows all about Goa’s 
Education system, and what’s good for Goans. You sound more like Goan 
politicians who advocate an erratic education system – saying that’s what is 
good for children in Goa.  Isn’t “what’s good for the goose, good for the 
gander” as well?  Our elected representatives must learn to practice what 
they preach, and lead by example.  Ask them where their kids do/did their 
schooling, and you will learn the truth.

Nevermind what Tony Martin said about porn. Do kids in Goa own a 
Playstation or an X-Box among other gizmos?

I don’t know. Do I need to?
But I believe, you missed the recent post on the education subject, by Tony 
Martins --  Freelance Writer and Author , Galgibaga, Canacona, Goa.  If you 
cared to check the Goanet archives, you would find numerous such posts from 
other netters, against the current system of primary education in Goa.

Do you really go to Goa, like you claimed in an earlier post?

Why? Do you have any doubts, or know otherwise?

That's a cop-out! Are you really interested in a serious discussion on 
Education in Goa? I honestly cannot say that my kids are in a better school 
than any in Goa.

Oh, really?  Interestingly, you deflected the question, whether you would 
send your kids to Goa, to prove your professed theory that: education in 
North America ain’t any better than in Goa. Isn’t that what you are saying 
in your above statement?

I clearly stated There is plenty wrong with primary education systems the 
world over. Goa is no exception.

“Two wrongs do NOT make a right - or does it?

Another cop-out! There is no need to get defensive. While you may have the 
aptitude, you lack the ability to DECIDE anything about Education policy in 
Goa. The only ability you have is to decide which school your child 
attends. The last government withdrew funding for several schools and there 
was barely a wimper.

Right! “wimper” (?) No; not even in “Hinglish.”

Earlier Bosco said thus:

We are talking about Education here. Not the job market. I don't think the 
economy and the related job market are part of this thread.

And later he said this:

So what is it that you are inferring but don't have the conviction nor the 
gumption to say directly? And how do you know who is paying taxes in India 
and who is sending money by hawala?

Are you are saying that Education and Employment are NOT related, but 
somehow “hawala” is?   “Hawala” is an illegal activity, I’d think.  Are you 
seriously advocating/introducing the “hawala” system vs other means of 
sending money?

You may have voting rights; how many times have you voted? Having the right 
is one thing; exercising it is something else.

Now, why would you be so concerned whether I vote(d) or not? Does it really 
matter to you in North America, on how many times we vote in India?

Never mind your rights, which you are unable to exercise. You belie your 
own purported altruistic intentions by choosing to repeatedly eschew 
answering a simple question I asked you ?

Are you saying you are psychic now? How do you know, I am unable to exercise 
my rights. Do I really need to reply to your provocative and gratuitous 
abuse? Can’t I exercise my right not to reply to frivolous and irrelevant 
questions? :)

When was primary education in vernacular languages introduced in Goa? NOW? 
Are the problems being observed NOW?? A decade and a half later?? Or are 
you waking up NOW because somebody in your family is being directly 
affected by this policy?

Hold your horses, Bosco.  Don’t get personal about this. Before making false 
and preposterous accusations, and realizing you’ve ‘put your foot in your 
mouth’ --  why don’t you review 

Re: [Goanet] EDUCATION IN GOA [3]

2007-03-02 Thread Bosco D'Mello

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

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In breaking with my two-posts per thread tradition, I'm back. To afford you 
another opportunity to explicitly point out what it is I said that lead you 
to make a string of inferences about things I did not say.

 But please don't raise your hopes - that people
 will take your sagacious advice seriously, based
 on your educational experiences in North America.

 Get this: If Goans were Eskimos, they would be
 living in igloos. ;) [Nothing against Eskimos,
 but don't expect people in Goa to live a lifestyle
 of the West.]

RESPONSE: Get real! What kind of lifestyle are the people living now? What 
kind of language are you propagating they use as the medium of instruction 
in schools ? Hinglish? What kind of movies do people watch ? How are food 
consumption habits and dining patterns changing? What kind of clothes are 
the youth wearing these days ? What tools are students using while 
researching on the the internet ? Are youth going to internet cafes for 
research? Nevermind what Tony Martin said about porn. Do kids in Goa own a 
Playstation or an X-Box among other gizmos? What is all this - not a 
knock-off lifestyle of the west?? Do you really go to Goa, like you claimed 
in an earlier post?

 Interestingly, you make some perplexing points,
 based on borrowed advice (hearsay).

 If Goa's education system is as robust as you
 (and your western proponents) say, why don't
 you consider sending your children to Goa for a
 primary or higher education?

RESPONSE: That's a cop-out! Are you really interested in a serious 
discussion on Education in Goa? I honestly cannot say that my kids
are in a better school than any in Goa. Provincial results on standardized 
tests were announced yesterday for Grades 3 and 6. Not exactly something to 
crow about for many schools.

 This will help test your professed theory:
 that alls well with the education system in Goa.

RESPONSE: Would you please point out when I stated the above? When did I say 
that alls well with the education system in Goa?

 Now, you are saying that since North America is experiencing high dropout
 rates, makes it okay for Goa to have phenomenal school dropouts?

RESPONSE: I did not espouse the above. But you are welcome to twist what I 

 BTW- in the US there are cases where students carry guns and shoot fellow
 students; so using your above analogy, what advice would you dispense to
 students in Goa?

RESPONSE: School shootings in US / Canadian schools is not an everyday 
phenomenon. I have no advice for the students in Goa. What I have is advice 
for people like you who have their heads buried in the sand. Besides 
violence in schools in Goa (which already exists at different levels - no 
guns involved yet) there are/will be more 'improper' activities ongoing or 
ocurring in schools - remember the case of the kids in the Delhi school and 
the magical cellphone camera and other such vices. All imported from the 
west? I suppose no bullying goes on in schools in Goa. Still wearing your 
blinders? Check out how some youth are spending their Sunday afternoons at 
the internet cafes - you may classify that as indulging in entertainment of 
the west! Well, couch-potato kids in the west end-up leading unhealthy lives 

 But your position is that nothing is wrong with Goa's education system.

RESPONSE: Again, you choose to misquote me. That's your prerogative. I 
clearly stated There is plenty wrong with primary education systems the 
world over. Goa is no exception.

 Will the North American and UK settled Goans not
 allow those in Goa the privilege to decide what
 is best in their interest?

RESPONSE: Another cop-out! There is no need to get defensive. While you may 
have the aptitude, you lack the ability to DECIDE anything about Education
policy in Goa. The only ability you have is to decide which school your 
child attends. The last government withdrew funding for several schools and 
there was barely a wimper.

 BTW- Bosco, don't you think that I have the right
 to project my views based on my first hand experience
 in Goa, considering that:

RESPONSE: Never mind your rights, which you are unable to exercise. You 
belie your own purported altruistic intentions by choosing to repeatedly 
eschew answering a simple question I asked you ? Are you really interested 
in discussing Education in Goa or grandstanding?

 1. I studied in Goa, and by virtue of that fact I'm speaking
 from my 

Re: [Goanet] EDUCATION IN GOA [3]

2007-02-27 Thread Joe Vaz 

This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

  If you would like to sponsor Goanet's operations contact:

  Herman Carneiro - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Bosco,

Thank you again for your most enlightening post, as expected. But please 
don’t raise your hopes — that people will take your sagacious advice 
seriously, based on your educational experiences in North America.

Get this: If Goans were Eskimos, they would be living in igloos. ;)
[Nothing against Eskimos, but don’t expect people in Goa to live a lifestyle 
of the West.]

Interestingly, you make some perplexing points, based on borrowed advice 
(hearsay).  If Goa’s education system is as robust as you (and your western 
proponents) say, why don’t you consider sending your children to Goa for a 
primary or higher education?   This will help test your professed theory: 
that alls well with the education system in Goa.

On  Mon, 26 Feb 2007 02:02:06 -0500 -Bosco D'Mello [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

As expected, you had to take the cop-out!!

…you came back with a second round of sanctimonius absurdities.

Nevertheless I'll indulge you with a response.

On Sat Feb 24 10:04:19 PST 2007, Joe Vaz wrote:
 You say education is a societal issue and how did the society inherit
 this issue/problem?

RESPONSE: Santosh has provided some social (societal) reasons. Sunith Velho
has espoused some dramatic reasons.
# 2) There is plenty wrong with primary education systems the world over. # 
3) Dropout rates in rural areas will always be greater than urban areas

the world over. Don't micro-manage Goa, only. Look up statistics for North
America; they will mirror the information provided by Santosh (not to that


Now, you are saying that since North America is experiencing high dropout 
rates, makes it okay for Goa to have phenomenal school dropouts?  Great 
advice from the west! Any takers in Goa?  BTW— in the US there are cases 
where students carry guns and shoot fellow students; so using your above 
analogy, what advice would you dispense to students in Goa?

Goa’s Education Minister recently made a remarkable move to make amends to 
the education system, and Goa’s Archbishop has encouraged the steps in that 
direction. But your position is that nothing is wrong with Goa’s education 
system. Will the North American and UK settled Goans not allow those in Goa 
the privilege to decide what is best in their interest?

BTW— Bosco, don’t you think that I have the right to project my views based 
on my first hand experience in Goa, considering that:

1. I studied in Goa, and by virtue of that fact I’m speaking from my 
experience in Goa and its education system.

2. I have worked in Goa (temporarily), and I know the employment situation 
in Goa, which BTW has not drastically improved since past decades.

3. I have interacted with students in Goa, and to a certain extent 
helped/help them in enhancing skills, time and opportunity permitting.

4. I have interacted with teachers and parents in Goa, who confirm their 
students/wards are facing problems in schools more now than ever, with the 
introduction of primary education that is totally in vernacular language.

The fact that private English-medium schools are growing at a phenomenal 
rate, undoubtedly proves that a BIG majority of parents want their kids to 
take up primary level studies in English teaching schools, even though it is 
highly expensive.

5. I am a taxpayer in India, with full voting rights and interest in Goa.

Let those who wear the shoe say whether it fits or not.  It is always 
convenient for those who do NOT have a stake in Goa’s education system to 
“sanctimoniously” pontificate what is good or not, for Goa.

Best wishes,

Joe Vaz
Feb 27, 2007

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All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced 
that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth. – Aristotle
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