From  the Cradle of Konkani history: 4

What is Historiography? Does it mean writing about only those things of which one is aware? It cannot be denied that Historiography involves a lot of research, a meticulous and painstaking exercise to unearth and bring to light facts which may not all be in the public domain. But, in recent years, the term is being interpreted as an effort to write about only those events and happenings one personally knows, only about persons one likes while ignoring those one does not, and generally blow one's own trumpet. In fact there has been an active attempt to twist history to fit one's own agenda; this is specifically in regard to the history of Konkani language and the Konkani Tiatr. Let us bear in mind that, in effect, what is today being recorded as history is a falsification of History, a diabolical attempt at suppressio veri suggestio falsi. When the next generation comes to use this hodgepodge as reference material and bases its writing on this "history" could we blame them? Have these historiographers pondered over this aspect?

Keeping this in mind, we are bringing out a roll of persons who have sincerely contributed to the progress of Konkani and who have been, deliberately or otherwise, ignored or neglected. We do not rule out the possibility of shortcomings even in this writing of ours. But we are of the firm opinion that facts, in their proper perspective, must be truthfully recorded. Therefore, we humbly request our knowledgeable readers to point these defects and also provide any additional relevant information, in their possession or knowledge, about these personalities so that proper amends could be made. Letters/articles in this regard would be much appreciated. (- F.C.)

Dr. F. M. Rebello -  1937 - 1999

Dr. Francisco Menino Rebello, hailing from Chinchinim, Salcete, was born on September 29, 1937. Later in 1975 he established his residence and 'Rebello Hospital & Clinic' at Madel, Margao. He was one of the renowned Gynaecologist and Obstreticians in Goa. He participated in the movements for Goa's liberation as well as for retaining Goa as a separate entity. His contribution to the Konkani language is considerable. He was a founder member and staunch worker of Konkani Porjecho Avaz which was established to fight for making Konkani the Official language of Goa.

He was an enthusiastic member of Konkani Bhasha Mandal, Goa and served as its Vice-President and as General Secretary. During that time, he has also edited 'Konknni' the annual publication of the Mandal.

He was a major participant in the movement and padayatra organized to collect funds for starting a Konkani daily in Roman script. As a result, Goans were fortunate to have NOVEM GOEM the Romi Konkani daily, published from Margao. Right from its inception, Dr. Rebello looked after it like his own child. He has worked behind the scenes and spent several hours and nights in the press.

When some unprincipled dealings in the running of its affairs came to light, the culprits bolted. He then took its management and editorship on his own shoulders; he worked singlemindedly for its survival.

Besides the above, he has contributed monetarily not only to this paper but also much else; Konkani literature owes him a debt of gratitude.

Dr. F. M. Rebello expired suddenly on March 30, 1999.

A. Carvalho 1936 - 2008

Anthony Carvalho, alias A. Carvalho from Quepem was a gifted Konkani writer. A seafarer by profession, he sailed the high seas for 35 long years and simultaneously made an enormous contribution to Konkani literature. His first sailing was in 1961 and during the course of that very assignment, he staged his tiatr 'Fottkirem Flory' on the liner M.S. Dunera at the Tibury Docks, London.

His poems, short stories and articles have appeared on several Konkani dailies, weeklies and other periodicals.

He published his very first book 'Goenchea Gopantlean' in 1977. He has brought out about 15 romances. He would publish at least one opus of his pen after every one or two voyages. 'Inspekttor James Bond', 'Sasnak Tujem', 'Aiz Mhaka Faleam Tuka', 'Gilbert ani Maria' etc. are some of his more celebrated romances.

His last publication (in 2004) was 'The World of Birds' in English. It was originally written in Romi Konkani with the title "Suknneancho Sonvsar" and the same was serialized in Devanagari Konkani by the Konkani daily 'Sunaparant.' Speaking in the context of this book, the renowned Konkani author Prakash Thali referred to Carvalho as as "our own version of the legendary Dr Salim Ali."

In 1982, he published 'Fuddarache Khambe', a book which was focused on the younger generation. In 1984, he brought out "Madd ani Tacho Upeog", an interesting and very useful book of just 20 pages but containing a lot of information and data on and about the coconut tree. Mr. Carvalho stood tall like the coconut tree on the field of Romi Konkani literature; the subjects of his writing were different and varied. Another book published in 1987 under the title 'Mon'xache Hozar Rong' brings to mind the Konkani adage, 'Disvoddo khoinsorui zôdd, punn Konknni bhaxecho poilo mog kor.'

Just before his death, he was working on his romance 'Chuk' which was based on the life of a woman working in the Gulf. In an interview given a few months prior to his sad demise, he said, "A Konkani writer has to perform several functions - write, read proofs, print and sell. I doubt whether it will be possible for me to bring out this romance of mine." Thus he died without fulfilling this last wish of completing and publishing his swan-song 'Chuk'.

He left for his heavenly abode on May 5, 2008.

(to be continued)

(Fausto V. da Costa)

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