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From: Dr.Nandkumar Kamat <nandka...@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 2:41 PM
Subject: Explanation needed
To: Hartman de Souza <hartman.deso...@gmail.com>

What's Canadian interest in western ghats?. Are Indian funding agencies gone
bankrupt?. Or is there something more than meets the eyes?
Canadian interest in mining, biodiversity etc. is inexplicable...there are
conflicts of national interests!
While you find 'conflict of interests' with my nomination on MFG , foreign
funding seems to be most welcome, we lick their boots...
I view the following statement with a lot of curiosity...
Maureen O'Neil, President, International Development Research Centre (Canada)
(the same organization which sponsored Dr. Ligia Noronha's studies on mining
in Goa and a donor to PANOS)
In her address to the Kroeger College Leadership Forum (Carleton University)
"Globalization--Is Canada Ready?" on February 8, 2001 she made this
interesting comment...
"In Latin America and the Caribbean, foreign investment in mining promises
new wealth and economic growth. Canadian mining companies are major players.
But it can also threaten new abuses of human rights, or place indigenous
cultures at risk, or assault fragile environments. In a very new project
known as the Mining Policy Research Initiative, IDRC is helping communities
in the region to define their own concerns and then, armed with new
knowledge, to negotiate on more equal terms with prospective investors. To
cite a second case: our research project that supports research on Micro
Impacts of Macroeconomic and Adjustment Policies was launched first in the
Philippines to monitor and predict how national economic policies actually
affect poor people in their own communities. Lessons learned are already
being shared with researchers and applied in more than a dozen other
countries of the South—knowledge that directly ameliorates inequalities with
better governance and that is being applied by policy-makers. "

Dr. Nandkumar Kamat, GOA

Dr. Nandkumar Kamat, GOA

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