Dear Valmiki ,

Very interesting reading about the Aryan invasion and subsequent domination 
over the 
Indian peninsula - however I do remember reading that the Dravidians who are 
original inhabitants of the entire peninsula spoke Dravidian languages some of 
even have links with Austro- aboriginal languages and Afro - languages like 
Kikuyu , 
etc However these Dravidians who were basically animists were driven South by 
powerful Aryan  conquerors.

Also some of the inhabitants to come to Goa were Gaud - Saraswats ( fish eating 
Brahmins ) from as far away as the East - I am certain you would throw some 
light on 
the above in your future articles which are very enlightening to those 
interested in 
History and pre- history.

Cyril D'Souza 

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