[Goanet] GSRP Press Release for kind favour of publication: NGT Goa Bench.

2014-06-11 Thread floriano.lobo

June 12, 2014

The Goa Su-Raj Party hails the decision of CM Manohar Parrikar to seek  NGT 
Bench for Goa and urges him not to rest until this is provided.  Goa has the 
entire sea coastline as well as the labyrinthine internal River fronts under 
CRZ with hundreds of violations reported.  Not having the NGT Bench in Goa 
did not make good sense if the Government was interested in curbing chronic 
mega CRZ violations.

Speaking on the acute necessity of NGT Bench for Goa, Mr. Floriano Lobo, 
General Secretary, GSRP said: "The fact is that NGT has raised hopes of most 
CRZ activists in Goa confronted  left-right and center  with CRZ violations 
and are helpless when matters reported to the High Court of Bombay at Goa, 
the same being re-directed to NGT. The chronic violators of the CRZ 
regulations, especially the mega hoteliers, and certain  politicians turned 
hoteliers,  have reason to rejoice when most activists are reluctant to 
approach NGT for the inconvenience caused to make costly trips to Pune 
and/or Delhi. "Personally", he says " I have two gross CRZ violation matters 
for the NGT but have been very reluctant to approach the NGT Bench; one 
being  the disposed WRIT PETITION 580 of 2009 against 3 mega hotels in the 
Calangute-Baga area originating from the earlier WRIT PETITON 236 OF 2007, 
where the three separate orders of the GCZMA are challenged  but  the 
Petitioner directed to file 3 separate Writ Petitions to challenge each 
GCZMA order which have, not surprisingly,  gone in favour of each respective 
Respondents,  contrary to the facts reported even by the Collector, North, 
in the said Writ Petition 236 of 2007;  the second being the  disposed  suo 
moto PIL  2 OF 2006 against HARA Builders at Calapur, Santa Cruz which 
matter is now abuzz with the Panchayat issuing Construction Licence, 
reportedly under 'political pressure' which is a necessary  matter for the 
NGT's attention of how low lying eco-sensitive zones are converted to C2 to 
help irresponsible builders to destroy Goa. "

for Goa Su-Raj Party-GSRP
Floriano Lobo
Gen. Secretary.
Mob: 9890470896
Website: www.goasu-raj.org 

[Goanet] GSRP Press Release for kind favour of publication

2014-05-15 Thread floriano lobo

GSRP supports Furtado and Silva on the ban on two-wheeler riders covering their 

In a Press Release, the Goa Su-Raj Party has  fully supported the ban called on 
two wheeler riders covering faces by Furtado and Silva and  expects  that all 
self-respecting citizens will join in to demand this action by the concerned 
authorities which makes a laughing stalk out of the Traffic Police in Goa.

Speaking on this subject, Floriano Lobo, General Secretary, GSRP stated  that 
he was one of the first persons to object to this fad, specially,  by women 
two-wheeler riders to cover up their faces, not leaving even a square 
centimeter free when it initially started and slowly picked up. Unfortunately, 
the reasons attributed for women riders to do by some respectable persons  was 
that the fair sex is protecting their facial make-up, skin, etc,  which reasons 
do not hold water. If that was so, then these riders should be wearing face 
protection screen helmets instead,  which will go a long way not only in 
protecting their faces but their skulls too, in case of accidents, which are 
dime a dozen in today's context.

GSRP hopes that the Traffic Cell will  wake up at least now to enforce traffic 
laws after the lawmakers have come out strongly against this fad which is fast 
attaining epidemic proportions and not let Goa get into the  'Guinness' or 
'Limca' Books of Records to be yet again the number-one state to have alien 
spider women  flaunting our roads indiscriminately and with ease.

Floriano Lobo
Gen. Secretary

Definition of a GOAN Secular Democratic Political Party:

"One that has no religion, caste, color,  but has respect for all.
One that does not look for votes but which is voted in.
One that will go about giving good governance whether it pleases or hurts 
One that will want to gain the confidence of  90% of the served public, 
striving hard to make it 100 %.
One that sees 'GOAN' in the faces of its people and not their religious/other 

You have just been introduced to GOA SU-RAJ PARTY-GSRP, the Goa's own 
blue-blooded political party of fourteen years standing, that has been born to 
look at GOANS  and GOA, FIRST.

Welcome  in. 'Your' participation is needed for it to stand tall and be counted 
[in 2017 Goa's elections]  to unleash all good things for GOA and GOANS which 
have been on the back-burner since 1961 and ' FORGOTTEN'  !


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[Goanet] GSRP Press Release for kind favour of publication

2014-05-15 Thread floriano lobo
GSRP is skeptical of the Parivartan Project of Investment for Goa

The Goa Su-Raj Party, in its press release, states that it is happy that the 
Goa Government is getting its act together to put Goa on the INVESTMENT  map of 
India and of the world  with this impressive splash of news report  captioned  
50,000 jobs through establishing 37 number new state of the art Industrial 
Estates in Goa on the lines of SEZs which Goa fought tooth and nail to stop.

However, the General Secretary of GSRP, Floriano Lobo,  has felt it proper to 
ask the following questions of the present Parrikar Government:

1. Was Matanhy Saldanha, the short-lived blue eyed boy of the RSS-BJP in Goa, 
who fought to stop all SEZs in Goa was agreeable to this PARIVARTAN venture 
too, before he passed away, just like it is given to believe that he was 
agreeable to have MOPA Airport, just before he passed away,  after having 
fought it since its inception?

2. For whose benefit is this Rs. 25,000 crore Parivartan castle being built 
when Goans are fleeing Goa  at the rate of 200 per month on an average by 
availing  Portuguese Passport?.

3. Are there plans in this PARIVARTAN project to establish Industries related 
to IT to benefit Goans or are these going to be opening the floodgates to all 
the unemployed of India so that Goa's Identity is further diluted through 
diluting of the demographic balance of Goa, especially when Goa is fighting for 
Special Status under Article 371?

4. Can the Manohar Parrikar government tell us the percentage of Goans employed 
in the already operating Industrial Estates in Goa and if the rule of 80% 
employment for Goans is enforced?

5. Will these new avatar of SEZ  type Industrial Estates employ 80% Goans or  
will they be allowed to be set-up first at breakneck speed, just like IFFI was 
set-up to give INOX to Goa, because Goa's Chief Minister wants to prove his 
parivartan credentials and then tell us that Goans are not available to be 
employed or taht Goans  want to go to migrate to Swindon in UK instead,  by 
getting Portuguese Passport?

6. Will the government first take stalk of the choice of employment that Goans 
would want in Goa and then go about brining in those type of Industries and 
institutions that will emply them? Goans who are making ends meet elsewhere in 
India or elsewhere in the world  against their wishes may want to come back to 
their home. Has the Parivartan considered this aspect?

GSRP is skeptical of this Parivartanization of Goa and strongly  feels that 
everything is being done to get rest of India into Goa,  not at all for the 
benefit of Goa and Goans. If at all this Parivartan means business for Goa and 
Goans, the Parrikar government will not keep any stones unturned to recover the 
loot of Rs. 35,000 crores pocketed by the illegal mining mafia in Goa that has 
been identified by the MB Shah Commission Report. If this happens, then GSRP 
will, perhaps,  look favourably on this Parivartanisation of Goa but not 

Floriano Lobo
Gen. Secretary
Goa Su-Raj Party.

Definition of a GOAN Secular Democratic Political Party:

"One that has no religion, caste, color,  but has respect for all.
One that does not look for votes but which is voted in.
One that will go about giving good governance whether it pleases or hurts 
One that will want to gain the confidence of  90% of the served public, 
striving hard to make it 100 %.
One that sees 'GOAN' in the faces of its people and not their religious/other 

You have just been introduced to GOA SU-RAJ PARTY-GSRP, the Goa's own 
blue-blooded political party of fourteen years standing, that has been born to 
look at GOANS  and GOA, FIRST.

Welcome  in. 'Your' participation is needed for it to stand tall and be counted 
[in 2017 Goa's elections]  to unleash all good things for GOA and GOANS which 
have been on the back-burner since 1961 and ' FORGOTTEN'  !


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[Goanet] GSRP Press Release for kind favour of Publication

2014-05-13 Thread floriano lobo

Goa Su-Raj Party questions the PWD proposal on Entry-Tax to Goan Vehicles

Goa Su-Raj Party termed the proposal of the Public Works Department (PWD) to 
charge entry-tax on Goa registered vehicles as an act of absurdity and a 
desperate attempt by the BJP-MGP led government to raise money through any and 
every means in all government departments.

Speaking on the issue, Savio Rodrigues, Secretary & President (Youth Affairs), 
stated, "The government is a government elected for and by the people of Goa to 
work for the interest of the people of Goa and not to burden them with 
irrelevant taxes. Instead,  if the government is keen on generating-funds it 
should work towards recovering the Rs 35,000 crore illegal mining money or 
further taxing those that enter casinos in Goa."

Rodrigues further added that if the PWD Department is keen on raising money in 
its coffers,  it should stop the pilferage of water across Goa by the 
water-mafia and other corporate entities which could earn the government over 
Rs 500 crore on the minimum. But the government is keen of putting the GSRP 
expose in investigation and in committees  that has no teeth,  without doing 
anything to stop the exposed water-scam. It is common knowledge that prominent 
politicians control the water-mafia. "It is a known fact that a former Congress 
MLA from North Goa is a kingpin in his constituency in the water-scam, yet the 
PWD Minister appears to be taking a snail-pace in stopping this scam," 
Rodrigues reiterated.

GSRP had,  in the month of February,  exposed details of the pilferage at the 
Assonora Water-Plant causing a loss of revenue to the PWD Department of over  
Rs 67 crore;  Assonora Plant being  the smallest water-plant that provides 
water to Bardez Taluka.


Savio Rodrigues
Secretary & President (Youth Affairs)
Goa Su-Raj Party
Mobile: 9764447313

Definition of a GOAN Secular Democratic Political Party:

"One that has no religion, caste, color,  but has respect for all.
One that does not look for votes but which is voted in.
One that will go about giving good governance whether it pleases or hurts 
One that will want to gain the confidence of  90% of the served public, 
striving hard to make it 100 %.
One that sees 'GOAN' in the faces of its people and not their religious/other 

You have just been introduced to GOA SU-RAJ PARTY-GSRP, the Goa's own 
blue-blooded political party of fourteen years standing, that has been born to 
look at GOANS  and GOA, FIRST.

Welcome  in. 'Your' participation is needed for it to stand tall and be counted 
[in 2017 Goa's elections]  to unleash all good things for GOA and GOANS which 
have been on the back-burner since 1961 and ' FORGOTTEN'  !


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[Goanet] GSRP Press Release for kind favour of publication.

2014-04-20 Thread floriano lobo

Congress 'Baboons' needs to close shop in Goa: GSRP

Ridiculing the Congress for its inability to control its party leaders and stem 
the one-up-manship in the local unit, Goa Su-Raj Party (GSRP) opined that in 
the interest of protecting the political image of one of India's longest 
surviving political party, the Goa Pradesh Congress Committee must shut shop.

Speaking on the issue, Savio Rodrigues, Secretary & President (Youth Affairs), 
stated, "Congress leaders are like 'Baboons' always trying to prove their 
one-up-manship amongst their own party members. Not known to many, but the fact 
remains that  the dictionary meaning to the word  'Congress'  was earlier 
assigned to a 'group of Baboons'. What we see is that the congressmen are only 
being true to their monkey nature. Such parties need to shut shop. In the 2007 
assembly elections,  the people of Goa showed them the door and, now,  in the 
Lok Sabha elections, Congress tried to rely on its 'secular' mantra to fool the 
people once again. However that mantra will not work."

Further commenting on the subject, Rodrigues added, "GSRP extends its 
invitation to those members of the Congress who are  committed to Goa and the 
wellbeing of Goans to join GSRP. Congress has no value for its loyal and 
committed members. Even in the Lok Sabha 2014, Congress party had to rely on an 
Independent candidate for support who left the Congress. At the Centre too 
UPA's days of corruption and destructive governance are over.  Now they show 
their foolishness talking about BJP Chief Minister putting agents to destroy 
Congress party in Goa, little realizing that BJP-Congress are two sides of the 
same coin and Goa is controlled by politicians on both sides with vested 

On being questioned on the criticism of the Congress, Rodrigues, expressed, 
"Goa has two devils. Congress and the BJP. The Congress 'devil' is on a 
ventilator. GSRP will be doing the Congress in Goa a favour by disconnecting  
the ventilator so that it may forever R.I.P. On the other-hand, GSRP will 
ensure, in the months to come,  that the BJP's cup which is presently 
overflowing, runs dry"

Savio Rodrigues
Secretary & President (Youth Affairs)
Goa Su-Raj Party

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[Goanet] GSRP Press Release for kind favour of publication

2014-04-14 Thread floriano lobo

Date: 14 April, 2014  06.10 p.m.

Goans voted for 'Goa'; Not on  the line of 'Communalism' or 'Secularism': GSRP

Reacting to the tremendous voting turn-out in both North and South Goa, Goa 
Su-Raj Party (GSRP) opines that this is a sign that people of Goa want a change 
from both Congress and BJP.  The response of the people many of whom are silent 
voters will show the national parties the outcome of taking the voters for 
granted for many years and swinging them like a political pendulum.

"We shall achieve the target we set out for us in South Goa. We are confident 
that people who had Goa's interest deeply at heart have silently voted for 
GSRP. Our campaign was not large and elaborate but we worked on it 
strategically and in small groups of prominent citizens in each village in each 
constituency. Many of our voters did not vote for us because they expected us 
to win, they voted for us because they believed in what our party stood for and 
wanted to give us an opportunity to pave way for the future," expressed Savio 
Rodrigues, Secretary & President (Youth Affairs), GSRP.

National parties are clueless from where the voter turn-out emerged. This 
voter-base has come-out because it now had an option to vote for GSRP and other 
cleaner candidates. "Many voters voted for Goa and not on the lines of 
'Communalism' and 'Secularism'," Rodrigues elaborated.

for Goa Su-Raj Party
Savio Rodrigues
Secretary & President (Youth Affairs)
Mob: 9764447313
Website: goasu-raj.org

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[Goanet] GSRP PRESS RELEASE for kind favour of Publication

2013-09-22 Thread floriano lobo




The Goa Su-Raj Party is overjoyed that the CHURCH in GOA has made it's final 
decision to back the Anti-Mopa agitation full force. With this commitment of 
the Church, it becomes clear that there will be no stones left unturned 
until this spurious MOPA Project is scrapped for good. It is heartening to 
see that the CHURCH has seen the writing on the wall,  that with the 
development of MOPA, the fate of Goa's Dabolim's centrally located Civilian 
Airport is doomed to hell with the invading Indian Navy landed with this 
feather in it's cap. With this decision of the CHURCH to join in the fight, 
the Navy will have no option left to it but to shut out it's 'SHAMMING 
SECURITY OPERATIONS'  in GOA and make it's permanent home at Sea Bird, 
Karwar or in Belgaum. Needless to say that Goa Su-Raj Party was hungrily 
awaiting this bomb-shell and goes on to applaud  his Grace, Archbishop 
Felipe Neri Ferrao for putting renewed faith in the hearts of GOANS to 
continue the fight against MOPA to the finish, whether the Goa Government 
and/or the Central Government likes it or not. GOA must, and will,  have 
it's Civilian International Airport  at Dabolim ONLY, which was existing 
since 1955, unshared and independent of the Indian Navy's malafide 

As regards the 'THREATENING'  statement made by Ms. Alina Saldanha, Goa's 
Minister for Forests and Environment, this Party discounts this statement 
as something that had to be said in order to make GOANS aware that  'GMFSS' 
[GOA'S MOVEMENT FOR SPECIAL STATUS] actively sponsored by her for reasons 
only known to her is not in deep slumber when actually is. Besides, this 
threat to quit the BJP if it fails to grant demand after LS win, does not 
fool anyone. She very well knows that with NaMo  declared as BJP's Prime 
Ministerial Candidate for the 2014 LS elections, a veritable THREAT to the 
SECULAR CONSTITUTION  of India, BJP is going to find itself at the bottom 
and not at the top. This seemingly threatening statement is meant to ensure 
her continuance as Goa's Minister after the LS elections, affording her to 

for Goa Su-Raj Party - GSRP

Floriano Lobo

General Secretary /Spokesperson
MOB: 9890470896
Email: floriano.l...@gmail.com
Website: www.goasu-raj.org

PS:   If the people refuse to become politically 'SANE', politics will 
remain dirty + more.


Amchem Goem