Blend it like Wendell

Jagmeeta Thind Joy Posted online: Wed Sep 14 2011, 00:01 hrs

It is one of the world’s most acknowledged platform for players in the international organic movement. And each year, BioFach, held in Nuremberg, Germany, attracts around 2,500 exhibitors and thousands of visitors from 130 countries. While Indian exhibitors have been an intrinsic part of the four-day extravaganza in the past, the 2012 edition is going to be special as India has been chosen as the partner country. The star attraction of the Indian pavilion will be Goa-based designer Wendell Rodricks, whose work with natural fabrics and dyes has landed him an invitation to open the fair with a fashion show. “BioFach is a prestigious event and it’s an honour for me to be a part of it, especially in the India-special edition,” remarked Rodricks, who is currently putting together an all-organic collection for the show.

The organic fabric he uses has unique properties — it’s anti-perspirant and provides protection against UV rays. Though organic food and agriculture are the other important aspects of the fair, eco-friendly fashion, points out Wendell, is much looked forward to.

With ‘sustainability’ as this year’s theme, Rodricks is an apt choice. He’s arguably one of India’s first designer to go eco-chic, having started work with organic fabrics in the early 1990s. Today, he’s well-known for reviving the long-forgotten Kunbi sari of Goa. The Eco-Goa room in Wendell Rodricks Design Space offers garments made with all-organic elements and natural dyes sourced from the Western Ghats, which Rodricks helped restore along with a group of NGOs in Goa. “I have been asked to not only showcase my work with the weavers using natural fabrics and dyes, but also make a presentation on my Kunbi sari project,” he said.

The Kunbi Tribe collection was first showcased at Wills Lifestyle India Fashion Week in 2010 and highlighted his work in empowering the out-of-work weavers. At BioFach 2012, it will be a perfect example of sustainability for the world to see.

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