Re: [Goanet] Global alert!Backdoor privatization of heritage monuments-After Reis magos it would be Cabo de Rama (Kholgad) fort

2010-06-24 Thread soter
We appreciate the concerns of Nandkumar over the silent privatisation of 
Goa's monuments for commercial purposes. All said and done the people of 
Khola will agitate but in the wrong place. We have the expert service 
providers who will descend in Khola to explore the market for social issues. 
So much time and energy is spent by often not so well to do village people 
but only to give fodder for the newspapers. This gives them a 'feel good 
factor' only till such time as their energies last.  Meanwhile, the looting 
and hooting goes on unceasingly but in the end things are where they were 
and in fact worse. Often, all because they have be enemployed in barking up 
the wrong tree.
We are in an age of  'market economy'. It is an age where social work is no 
more 'social'.  It is as anti-social as the corporate world.
Just like we have corporate tycoons we also have NGO giants. Both claim to 
be 'of the people and for the people'.

This is my Global Alert.

-Soter (Gaunti Goan) 

[Goanet] Global alert!Backdoor privatization of heritage monuments-After Reis magos it would be Cabo de Rama (Kholgad) fort

2010-06-23 Thread Dr.Nandkumar Kamat
Could  people who welcome restoration but oppose privatization (superstore,
shopping mall, film institute et al) of old GMC building have a separate
yardstick for privatization of Reis magos, Cabo de Rama and Chapora (or what
ever is left there) forts?.
I salute Heraldo and the vernacular language dailies for highlighting the
concerns and anxieties of Khola villagers..I had expected this. The CM and
his officers had been hiding these facts. The decision is already made.
Khola locals red over govt plan to handover Cabo-de-Rama fort

Why this issue is not being discussed?. Is it because eminent people are
blessing the business deals and MOUs?.

I am in favour of scientific restoration consistent with UNESCO charters. I
am in favour of full transparency when Rs. 200 millions of 12 th finance
commission are involved for heritage conservation. I am for open bidding and
global tenders-not pick and choose, the selective treatment given to INTACH.
Has anyone seen the master plan INTACH  has prepared?. where are the copies?
who would spare them to us?. The archives director avoided my questions.
After restoration with public funds shall we surrender the monuments for
private profit making interests?.  Already TATAs are holding to land ( 2. 75
lakhs sq.mts.) worth Rs. 2500 milliions on Aguada plateau without paying the
government the lease rent of Rs, One crore (10 millions) per year since
1998. Civil society does not ask them any questions. Why , because they give
us  NANO. where is their promised Disneyland, the entertainment park?. Why
the lease deed is not cancelled and the land taken back to set up a public
funded convention centre, for which central government promised Rs. 500
crores + ( you need to visit the panoramic helipad area to believe the
importance of the land leased  to Fort aguada hotels)...
I am in favour of joint management of restored monuments in association of
local authority- a people's management trust, a  peoples' cooperative. Let
us not underestimate Goan entrepreneurial spirit.
We have seen the status of private engulfment of the defense structures of
Fort Aguada.
I am closely monitoring the systematic attempt of backdoor privatization of
scenic heritage ( esp. Indo_Portuguese) monuments. The new business deals
seem to be acceptable to NGOs and activists. Please get a copy of the
tripartite MOU between INTACH, Goa Government and the lady Helen Hamlyn
Trust. Prajal Sakardande got one for me and then I alerted him. ...the
intention is sound but it is all like the useless expensive jetty built at
Kala Akademy (for fashion and film shoots and eventually to cater to  a
powerful five star hotel's  clients in Sinquerim and Panaji)( the same
hoteliar now wants the height of old bridges on Santa inez creek to be
raised to permit boating a la venice style...that would also explain why the
creek needs suggested by CCP. keep the track of these interesting
developments in Panaji around Campal-St Inez area)
I wish to tell my good friend Padabhushan Mario Miranda- the government had
the funds, Rs. 200 million and we did not need Lady Helen Hamlyn's money. I
had vehemently opposed this move since the beginning. The MOU was done
hurriedly in an  election year. The lady could have given the money to Goa
INTACH  to restore the crumbling houses of some great Goans, esp. Franciso
Luis Gomes ..but we know why the lady had fallen in love with that fort...
we also know that if the donation was indeed a gift for goa'  the same
money should   have been made available to restore St.Anne's
Indian Baroque masterpiece about which I had written after many visits...I
trust my good friend arch Ketak Nachinolkar who is helping INTACH to restore
the majestic church. I wish him success...
Mariobab, you would not be able to do anything once the Reis magos fort is
restored and the new business model is implemented..because INTACH would
claim that they restored the fort with their money... we have seen what
has happened to Fort Tiracol and ramparts of Fort aguada... fort of cabo de
Rama and Chapora-scenic, lovely , saleble spots would be aggressively
marketed and these would be well secured gated privatized monuments
Of course I need to wait patiently before the scenarios which I am depicting
come true and then the society begins to agitate on the same
Globalization is now truly enveloping Goa-now comes the backdoor
privatization of the monuments!
 the usual argument would be -whether the state govt. has funds to maintain
the monuments?. I had given the solution-establish village heritage
councils, multistakeholder trusts. This official report is being incubated
because powers to maintain heritage monuments were decentralised to PRIs.
Govt. was favouring private interests (check decision on Casinos, online
lottery etc.)
Counter question:_How much is spent for 10 days