Such pleasure to hear Deviya Rane speak up for Poriem and the Goa Forest
Corporation (where she is Chairman) in the assembly sessions earlier this
month. The debutante legislator was not always right – such as her
suggestion that Goa emulate Haryana’s highly dubious “jungle safari park” –
but she conducted herself with dignity, grace, and the assured capability
that comes with solid qualifications. By itself, that is most welcome
change from the highly degraded business as usual, but it also highlights
two glaring gaps in our state leadership: an abysmal lack of professional
expertise (Ms. Rane’s MBBS is an extreme rarity), and the near-total
absence of women’s voices (they are three out of forty MLAs, but all serve
alongside much more powerful husbands).

Make no mistake, this is an emergency which costs Goa heavily. During the
Covid-19 crisis, the entire world has been reminded again and again that
women make far better decisions under pressure, as states and countries
with female leaders markedly outperformed others: Jacinta Ardern in New
Zealand, Angela Merkel in Germany, Teacher Shailaja in Kerala (where she
led the state’s remarkable pandemic response as Health Minister). Harvard
Business Review says “at all levels, women are rated higher in fully 12 of
the 16 competencies that go into outstanding leadership. And two of the
traits where women outscored men to the highest degree — taking initiative
and driving for results — have long been thought of as particularly male

The conspicuous irony in India’s smallest state, which ranks so high in
economic and human development, is - of course - that Goan women have
outperformed their male counterparts in every professional and academic
field for at least 30 years. Well over a decade ago Goa shot past Kerala
for the highest percentage of female enrollment in higher education in the
country (most likely over 70% now), and when it comes to higher
qualifications – postgraduate degrees – the numbers are similarly
impressive: 60% women to just 40% men. Yet, in leadership and power, all
those numbers fade to oblivion. Women literally disappear.

“Indian women are trained to habitually delete themselves” says Deepa
Narayan (an international poverty, gender and development expert who has
worked at the World Bank and United Nations) in her superb *Chup: Breaking
the Silence About India’s Women*, which was launched at the 2018 Goa Arts +
Literature Festival. About the research for this brilliantly insightful
book – it’s based on over 600 interviews – she writes ruefully that “over
and over I would shake my head in disbelief that yet another smart and
smartly dressed woman, an artist, a business manager, a financial analyst,
a professor, a dentist, an engineer, a lawyer, a researcher, a scientist, a
teacher, an educated stay-at-home mom was so unsure of herself. Or that she
sounded, after the obligatory gender equality claims and sometimes
passionate lecture, like her mother would have sounded thirty or forty
years ago.”

Narayan says “we thought that when women became educated, they would be
valued, free and unafraid. They are not. We thought they would speak up.
They don’t. We thought that when women earn their own money, violence
against them would stop. It has not. We thought that when laws change, and
women have rights to property and maintenance after a divorce, they would
become independent and safe. Women are still not safe.” She concludes that
“while it is deeply satisfying to focus on the outer independence movement
of women – we can count the changes – this approach is deeply flawed. It is
misleading and, worse, it is diversionary. Just because women are visible,
it does not mean they are not invisible at the same time. This focus on
visible external change assumes that the cultural ideology that kept women
invisible, and even denied women life itself, has evaporated. That
assumption is wrong.”

After “thousands of hours of listening to girls, boys, women and men”,
Narayan developed “one unifying idea that helps make sense of the hundreds
of definitions of a good girl or a good woman and a good boy or a good man,
our cultural and moral compass.” That is, “our culture trains women not to
exist. Being a woman itself is taboo. Not allowed. Invisibility is just one
manifestation of this cultural training. One way of ensuring that women do
not exist is to kill them. A safer and less crude way is to train women to
disappear. This helps explain the hundreds of ordinary, everyday
behaviours, proverbs and admonishments that are part of a cultural morass
that sucks us all in to perpetuate a culture of non-existence for women.”

Narayan says we are all complicit, “because nobody talks about it. It is a
nameless cultural secret. It is so unpalatable that it is disguised and
buried, otherwise women would surely object. Instead what we see is
hundreds of cultural practices that we learn so naturally growing up that
hundreds of young women say, ‘Ma’am, this is normal.’ Why is it normal for
young girls not to tell anyone that they have been sexually molested or for
a girl not to be kick-ass strong or for a woman not to share her opinions
in front of men?” She details how “girls are trained in seven cultural
habits of non-existence. They are - deny the body; be quiet; please others;
deny your sexuality; isolate yourself; have no individual identity’ and be
dependent. It is deep training in these habits that makes so many women
feminists in belief but not in behaviour.”

Another person who thinks deeply about these issues is the highly acclaimed
Mumbai-based social entrepreneur ElsaMarie D’Silva - founder and president
of Red Dot Foundation (India) and Red Dot Foundation Global (USA), whose
Safecity technology platform crowdsources and maps sexual violence in India
and abroad - who happens to be in her ancestral Goa this weekend to launch
a new initiative. She told me “it is tragic that highly qualified Goan
women are being left behind. This is part of the patriarchal mindset which
is so ingrained in our culture. When we think of leaders, we have not yet
reached a stage where women are being considered before men, even though
they may be much more highly qualified. We talk about empowerment but no
one raises an eyebrow about this - our unconscious bias which clearly
prefers and promotes men in positions of power.”

D'Silva says “our Constitution guarantees us the right to equality but are
we practically allowed to live it? Goan women are extremely capable but it
is their men who are probably holding them back by not making space, not
supporting them and not giving them the platform to thrive and be
themselves.” In the end, it is society and the state that suffers because
“leaving women out of development means you are choosing to ignore 50% of
inputs and lived realities. You empower a woman, you empower a community.
We have seen that time and time again through our programmes. Most women
invest their resources back into their businesses, they want to create more
jobs and prosperity and want to improve lives. How could this be ignored?
We are choosing to harm ourselves by leaving women out.”

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