Hi, I'm Mayabhushan.

If you're curious to know about the universe in which my
debut novel Goa > 2075 is set in, here are a few pointers
which will help sort that out for you.

          First of all, Goa isn't Goa anymore.  Goa has been
          re-branded as Go-aah by a Democratic Corporation
          which now runs the State.  Why?  Details in the

Secondly, there is no elected government. There is no
Opposition nor ruling representatives. The Democratic
Corporation is one uniform, homogenous entity. But how did
this come to be? Details in the novel.

Third. Goa by 2075 is divided into two broad classes of
people. The Overlords, who live on the surface, and the
Subterraneans, who live below the ground. Why has it come to
be this way? Details in the novel.

The fourth thing: it's also a story of five people, in 2075,
who want to make a difference to the world around them. Do
they succeed? It's a long story, but details in the novel.

          It's a completely different world waiting for you
          out there.  For those who want to read the novel,
          that is.  Fifty years later is a world which could
          very well be a consequence of our individual and
          collective actions or inactions.

* * *

“Goa < 2075” is a live, interactive multimedia novel set in
the year 2075, largely written in the pulp genre, with a
little bit (crime, politics, sex, vengeance, empathy, humour,
environmental and social degradation) of everything.

Twice a week (and sometimes thrice) a new passage from the
write-it-as-we-go-along novel will drop via our social media
handles.  We urge you to like and follow us to be a part of
the story

Happy reading!
#Goa2075 #Multimedia #Novel #Dystopia #DystopianGoa #Subterranean #Overlords


You can tune in to three easy-to-understand explainer videos,
which break down the concept of a live, multimedia novel, the
world that Goa lives in 2075 and more about the author.

Please like, follow and subscribe to this page to stay tuned
for what's coming.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/goa2075
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/goa.2075/
LikedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/goa-2075/

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