Greetings from Goa Chitra. 

You are cordially invited to a panel discussion on the topic titled “Private 
Initiatives in Heritage Conservation” at Goa Chitra on Wednesday 18th of April 
2012, from 5: 30 p.m., to celebrate International Heritage Day.

Mr Vishnu Wagh, MLA, San Andre and Chairman, Kala Academy, has kindly consented 
to be the Chief Guest.  Dr. Antonio Jose Marques Sabido Costa, Consul General 
of Portugal in Goa, will be the Guest of Honour.


Heritage is the shared wealth of humankind. Protecting and preserving his 
valuable asset demands the collective efforts of the international community. 
While many developed nations are regretting the complete eradication of 
indigenous wisdom and are searching for answers to face ecological challenges, 
we in the developing world the benefits to learn from these mistakes. Hence 
UNESCO has designated 18th of April as International Heritage Day.

To celebrate the Day, Goa Chitra, an ethnographic museum situated in Benaulim, 
is organizing a panel discussion on “Private Initiatives in Heritage 
Conservation”. The panel will comprise an erudite list of speakers who will 
share their own personal attempts to present Goa to the world.

Mr. Prajal Sakardhande shall speak on ‘Heritage Tourism’, highlighting the rich 
cultural heritage of Goa which presents huge opportunities for heritage 
tourism, and explaining how the heritage tourism constitutes a perfect blend of 
education, entertainment, preservation and profit.

Mrs. Maria De Lourdes Figureirdo shall share her experience on ‘Heritage Home 
Stay’.   She will the yet-nascent story of Heritage Home Stays which allow 
tourists to experience the unique culture and heritage of Goa.

Mr. Upendra Gaunekar shall share his experience in ‘Heritage Home Restoration’. 
He will explain how this activity is an integral part of heritage conservation 
and preservation.

Mrs. Margarida Tavora e Costa shall speak on ‘Heritage Homes and Traditional 
Cuisine’, which is Essential part of heritage home concept but not an appendage 
to it. Not about just recipes, heritage food encompasses time-tested old wisdom 
about food.

Mr. Victor Hugo Gomes shall speak on ‘Heritage Museums’. Museum and museum 
collections are perhaps the closet activities to the preservation and 
conservation of heritage. The presentation will highlight the painstaking 
travels, acquisitions, restoration, documentation, research and above all, 
investments that go into the creation of a storehouse . Hence, the imperative 
need to support the individual initiatives.

The panel discussion shall be moderated by historian Dr. Savia Viegas.

Mr Vishnu Wagh, MLA, San Andre and Chairman, Kala Academy, has kindly consented 
to be the Chief Guest.  Dr. Antonio Jose Marques Sabido Costa, Consul General 
of Portugal in Goa, will be the Guest of Honour.

The event will be held on Wednesday, April 18, 2012 at 5:30 p.m. at Goa Chitra 
Amphi Theatre, Benaulim.

Goa Chitra

House No. 498, Pulwaddo
Benaulim  Goa

Goanet A-C-E! 
Arts ~ Culture ~ Entertainment

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