At some time or other you must have heard this comment: Goa is not India!
It is a cliche, and we all know a cliche is a truth - a self evident
statement of fact. A secret everybody knows!

The Portuguese were in Goa as the British were in a large part of India.
Some Muslims ruled parts of India; Muslims societies were and are
conservative in India and abroad.

The position of women was not strong in Muslim societies where the men
controlled the women. The British women were goddesses.

And, the men were of course gods. They were representatives of a higher
race whose job was seen as the white man’s burden. They did not mix with
the locals.

The Portuguese were not racists unlike the British. They mixed freely with
the locals and embraced the culture including the local Goan women

Now this mix of Goan and European blood made, as they say, the dish spicier
than ever and became popular with the Portuguese and Goans too.

Viewed in this soft romantic light the words Goa is not India is easily

The Goan woman especially needs to be appreciated for offering her open
heart and soul and body to the Portuguese men, our colonial masters.

Had she not done it we would have heard something like this today: Goa is
no different from other parts of India.

No. Goa is not India!

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