29 June 2013
Why are we doomed to carry govt deadweight?

We have said this out loud. And it is time for Goa to rise in chorus.
Can we continue to fund a salary bill of 3025 crores annually to
57,000 government employees, twenty percent of whom are officially
redundant because they are non-functional. It will also be very fair
to assume another twenty percent occupy positions and do jobs that
merely 5 percent can do.

As a newspaper that is closely watching government spends on its own
people from the taxes we pay, we discovered that our financial
engagement continues after government employees stop serving,
officially that is. With the numbers of government employees added to
the rolls with absolutely no need assessment, the financial damage
last longer than their tenures.

Currently the government pays pension amount of Rs 240 crores and a
superannuation amount of Rs 288 crores annually, taking the retirement
payout bill to Rs 528 crores. These amounts can fund Goa’s health and
education. It is five times higher than the fifty crores the Chief
Minister plans to give as grants cum interest free loans to fifty
schools. The amounts paid as pension alone is enough to fund the
government mid-day meal scheme and new schemes like foster care and
for technical courses to rehabilitate sexually abused victims.

Therefore, the amount that is being paid out to sustain the fat in the
system is at the cost having funds available for welfare and people
oriented schemes. A mere reduction of Rs 500 crores in the payouts to
government servants keeps borrowings and interest on them under
complete check.

There were many in the government who were stunned to read the figure
Rs 3025 crores as what we pay as government salaries. Senior
secretaries in the government have confided that the real redundancy
is far higher than twenty percent that the government admits to. “Five
people do the work of twenty at middle and senior levels. That is a
fact,” a senior officer remarked. The government should immediately
make rationalising the government work force its top most priority.
Having done that, it needs to commission an independent, international
human resources (HR) agency to do an HR audit to determine the exact
workforce in every department, corporation and autonomous or
semi-autonomous corporation. A massive downsizing plan should then be
out in force, keeping in mind the need to adapt to technologies like
cutting on paper, scanning and mailing documents, the acceptability of
digital signatures and a trackable file turnaround system. The target
should be to downsize governance by half and you are suddenly left
with Rs 2000 crores annually.

Tragically the biggest impediment to this will be the system itself,
where MLAs ministers and government officials will get together to
ensure that a good system does not come in the way of the now
established template of governance. The Congress manipulated dates on
appointment letters to issue back dated job letters when the code of
conduct for the assembly elections set in, in December 2011. As the
election code kicked in, those who got jobs on manipulated appointment
letters flooded government officers, not knowing what their jobs were.
So they sat outside the offices, soaking in the sun, reading
newspapers, playing carom and coming back home, while so many ordinary
men and women with good degrees struggled to get call letters from
companies for respectable white coloured private sector jobs, which
the people of Goa do not fund with their taxes.

But it’s a system for the powerful all right. It’s a system where a
retired and much loved school teacher from Karmali Vilas Naik, dies
waiting for his pension from the very school he served almost all his
working life, while the son of the Civil Supplies minister gets
another shot at applying for the post of mamlatdar at his daddy
dearest’s civil supplies department, after missing out in the first
attempt with daddy dearest cancelling the first round. It almost
reminded us of our childhood when a cricket game would be called off
if the boy who owned the bats was given out.

A bloated bureaucracy is the biggest impediment to our progress and
yet the ruling class feels removing this impediment would knock off
the biggest perks of a politician - giving government jobs to
supporters and supplicants.

The Goan will continue to bring you the big picture on this and
perhaps more importantly, the smaller pictures and stories of
deadweight in governance that we are doomed to carry, unless we the
people stand up now.


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