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Interesting article On yoga enclosed.

Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad

Author: Govind Kamat Maad/TNN
Publication: TOI
Dated: October 7, 2009

Dr Venkatesh Hegde is a doctor armed with an MBBS degree and a roaring
practice in Mar-gao. He, however, swears by yoga, and 'sudarshan kriya' -Que
of the forms of breathing techniques-is his forte.

An ardent follower of Sri Sri Rav-ishankar of the Art of Living, Hegde says
that the deepest secret of life lies within one's breath.

"The way to reach your mind is through your breath. And that's ex-actly what
you achieve by practicing sudarshan kriya. By regular practice of pranayama
and meditation, one is able to experience a state of mind which in turn
builds up your resist -where one is happy unconditionally. 
Your happiness does not depend any longer upon external worldly factors;
it's a supernal experience. Healing happens faster in a person experiencing
such a state of mind, as there is harmony even at the hormonal leve1. A
peaceful and happy state of mind stimulates the hormones in your body to
function in a balanced manner," Hegde said.

The soft spoken doctor lays more stress on mind management of his patients
while treating an illness. "Mind management plays an important role in
treating stress related diseases. While treating a patient, I first
determine whether he needs more of mind management or disease management. If
it is mind management that he needs, I advise him yoga and breathing
techniques. While pranayama enables strengthening of the muscles and expels
toxins from the body, meditation relaxes the mind and induces creativity,
enthusiasm and a profound sense of wellbeing. 
Meditation is a state of mind where you are restfully alert, which in turn
builds up your resistance power," Hegde adds.

Interestingly, in the course of a conversation with TOI, Hegde revealed that
he has also mastered the practice of what could be termed as a "blessings
therapy" and claims that "good wishes" too have a therapeutic effect on

"A doctor can bless a patient provided he is stress free. Stress is a
contaminant, and a doctor who is stress free is able to transmit the power
of good wishes to his patients though his grace. But for a doctor to achieve
that 'grace' he has to undergo a lot of 'sadhana' (penance)," he says

Hegde takes pride in the fact that 'even super-specialists refer cases to
him for yoga therapy and mind management.

He has been practicing sudarshan kriya for over 12 years and has conducted
over 200 courses on Art of Living during the past eight years. 

"I have imparted training in such breathing techniques to over 6,000 people
for the last several years by conducting such           courses across Goa,"
he said.

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