A while ago I read the news of the proposal to build a huge statue of
Jesus Christ on the lines of the one in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.

I was puzzled at the time, and still am.

Is the building of statues the pinnacle of a politician's creativity?

Imagine if every politician had a statue of his favorite religious
leader or hero built to enhance the politician's ego, what will be the
condition of the economy of India.

The statue of Jesus Christ The Redeemer in Rio was built by an
organization which held the belief there was too much Godlessness in
Brazil at the time.

And, it was almost a hundred years ago. Only a Goan politician can be
inspired by it.

Is the proposed statue in Baga along the lines of Jesus Christ The
Redeemer going to become a tourist attraction?

What exactly is the point?

During the century since the completion of the statue in Rio it has
proved to be expensive to maintain because of its height.

Also because of strong winds there has been severe damage to the
structure, and even a lighting attack.

There was a proposal to build a statue in Cansaulim where the Three
Kings Festival is held annually but the idea thankfully did not take

During the previous five decades the office of the US president has
been packaged and sold to the United States voters as it continues to
this day.

Is Jesus Christ next in line?

Is this the vision of a large number of Roman Catholics in Goa or
simply one wayward MLA and his followers?

Is this religion or political cynicism at its peak?

Calangute, as is well known, is a festering wound of drugs and prostitution.

Thousands of illegal structures have been built and used for doing business.

It is an embarrassment for law-abiding people who live there, and who
espouse an upright way of life.

We celebrated World Environment Day this week and the people missed a
great opportunity to show their displeasure.

They should have all dressed in black to mourn the death of their
so-called village. But, then, there is always next year.

Who is responsible for allowing and promoting illegal activities on
this gigantic a scale?

We know how through the decades the locals have built an enormous
number of illegal structures including in CRZ causing massive
environmental damage.

Today, even the water from the wells is no longer drinkable!

Is this what we want for the whole of Goa?

Are we going to regularize these illegal structures with pride? Is
this our religion? Do wrong and regularize!

Is this the way to go? Is this intelligent planning?

Almost every politician wants to go down in history and secure a place
in the history books.

He or she wants to be the person who has built a unique monument,
statue, road, building, bridge or whatever.

A kind of political syndrome, no doubt a very unhealthy one!

A great number of complaints are heard from Roman Catholics in Baga
regarding the famous Retreat House which was built in 1952.

Now it has become a victim of noise pollution by tourists who visit the shacks.

This is nothing less than an attack on a famous Roman Catholic
meditation and prayer center.

The Retreat House has been in Baga since 1952. It is, no doubt, a
landmark in Baga.

The shacks make a lot of money and bring in wealth for the shack
owners and their supporters and so they have a right to make a lot of

Do the people who go to the Retreat House to meditate, pray, and seek
solitude have no rights at all?

Finally, with the proposed statue, is Jesus Christ no more than
another ingredient in the tourist pie in Goa?

Aren't the old and historical churches in Goa enough of history for
the tourists?

Do we really need an instant Jesus tourists attraction?

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