Ah, the world is no longer a simple place. 

For example ‘salgado’ the minor gratification that was used for officials 
during the Portuguese era in Goa, often consisting of some fresh river catch or 
a bottle of Port perhaps, has completely morphed into something else. 

By the way, Salgado means something salty, a roadside snack in Brazil and 
therefore tasty, a treat. It was never a substitute for one’s government salary.

Now that Salgado has turned into huge amounts, 10 times to a hundred times that 
official’s salary, depending on the nature of the ‘favour’. From no cash, it 
has turned into a sophisticated no tax paid money laundering process often 
involving offshore protection.

So, is it any surprise that movie sex scenes have undergone a similar 
metamorphosis. From an unsupervised, spontaneous let it go where it goes kind 
of thing, calls are now being made to have the whole scene supervised. 

This might not work. Male actors were probably being drawn to this kind of role 
for its obvious perks. You love what you’re doing and you get paid for it. Not 
only that, with constant supervision and direction for the action, the male 
spirit may not be able to rise up to the occasion making the whole 
crowd-pulling shoot into a B grade flop film.

But methinks this whole intimacy coordinator idea may have other useful 
practical applications. For example for one or both parties of those newlyweds 
who have come into the relationship without testing the waters so to say, or 
have been brought up in a strict Goan religious conservative environment where 
one is taught that every action is bound to be a sin, would certainly need this 
type of tutored coordination. 

In any case, this new kind of lifeskill motivation is probably here to stay. At 
worst it may turn out to be a minor distraction in a torrid no holds barred 
film scene or honeymoon exercise and at best, it can provide ideas that the two 
parties in action never contemplated, not to mention gig employment for one or 
more ‘event coordinators’.

Who wants to say cheers to Dame Emma Thompson who has the stern bearing of 
someone who may find good use of her own idea.



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