Matanhy Saldanha - The last of the idealists - by Edwin Pinto

To me, the passing away of Matanhy Saldanha certainly signifies the end of an era for Goa and Goans. For Matanhy, in a manner of speaking, was the last of the idealists - that rare breed of activists who walked a tortuous path through long seasons of uncertainty and turbulence as they struggled with unwavering commitment against a government and a system skilfully configured and heavily weighted against the people and the land.

It was during the Anti Meta Strips campaign in the year 2000 that we first came in contact with Matanhy Saldanha. This was one of Goa's more intense convulsions, where the surging anger of the people resulted in head on confrontations between them and an intransigent government who tried to suppress the movement through the use of state machinery. Needless to say, movements of this magnitude certainly do not leave time for genteel nurturing of relationships. We were thrown together - people living in the affected villages around the factory, clueless, but full of good intentions - never, ever envisaging where our campaign would lead us. It was Matanhy who took charge, explaining, encouraging, motivating and guiding us through the various stages of this tumultuous movement and putting steel in our spines when the chips were down. In fact, he led from the front, imbuing a group of ordinary villagers who were total novices to such campaigns, with the unbelievable ability to withstand a thirteen day fast that brought the government of the day to its knees, compelling it to close down the factory, even though it proved later to be a temporary measure.

For Matanhy, the land and the environment were sacred community resources, to be used for the collective good. He loved Goa with an intense passion and willingly sacrificed many other dimensions of his life for his beloved motherland. Matanhy did not believe in spit, polish and sophistication. He was a votary of people's empowerment, clearly understanding that any movement, however worthy, which was not fuelled with the energy of people at grassroots level, was bound to experience extreme difficulties in fulfilling its goal. He was therefore driven to shape a community that he hoped would be alert, empowered and vigilant. For he firmly believed that such a community would ultimately form Goa's most impervious defence against the machinations of vested interests.

In our very many interactions and discussions with Matanhy, some admittedly heated and tempestuous, we gained an insight into the depths of his personality. He had a enviably sharp intellect, that could analyse any situation thoroughly and grasp its very essence. His world view and understanding of environmental issues, enabled him to come out with quick and well thought out questions and responses to ill considered government policies and laws imposed on the state, that have undoubtedly saved Goa from even worse degradation than that it is experiencing presently. He lived with the courage of his convictions, strongly believing that laws were made for people and not the other way around. Hence he staunchly defended the rights of fishermen to enjoy their traditional habitations within the CRZ zone.

Matanhy, more than most, understood the near impossibility of fighting against a state equipped with the might of the system. With limited resources at his command, he relied on his intellect, his sharp understanding of the system's modus operandi, but most of all on the support of the ordinary people, whose roots in the land he believed, gave them a better feeling and perspective of the problems. He understood how important it was for a community to preserve its special identity, even as it fused with the peoples who made up the rest of the nation

Even when most of us at some stage got caught up in the problems and situations of our own lives, we could always rest in the assurance that Matanhy was always on the job, unceasingly watchful, always on guard as he looked out for his beloved Goa and Goans. Right from the early days of the legendary Ramponkar's Movement that toppled a mighty government, to the Konkan Railway, SEZ, and any major environmental issue that rocked Goa, Matanhy was a household name - synonymous with Goa and Goan issues. It is indeed a tragic irony of fate that he won this election, was given charge of Ministries close to his heart in a Government that was unhampered by the constraints of coalition politics, only to be called away before fulfilling his destiny.


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