May-June issue of The Goan Review

The May-June issue of the popular Konkani-English bi-monthly The Goan Review edited by Fausto V. da Costa is out on sale. This issue contains a cover feature on Summers in Goa - Then and Now by Cursino R. Pinho besides the regular thought provoking articles by the stalwarts: the editorial - 'Mumbointlea Gõykaranchi Xokti', 'Konn Ghantti?' (Soter Barreto), 'Shiv Sena - Adim Ani Atam' (Felix P. da Cruz), 'Odhikar' (Guadalupe Dias), 'Ek Ganv' (Vincy Quadros), 'Mhoji Dusri Bail' (Prakash Thali) etc. in the Konkani section and 'Konkani Literature caught in a script Whirlpool' (Sri Govind Raju), Enterprising Konkanis Win Many positions and hearts (Dominick Rodrigues), Home Guard Rendering Yeoman Service (John Aguiar) etc. in the English Section.

This issue also features the 13th. Annual Report of Goan Review Art Foundation (GRAF), the cultural body of The Goan Review.

Priced at Rs. 15/- the issue is available at the regular outlets. For more details kindly contact: 9821228684

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