Whilst thanks to the Supreme Court, Goa Foundation & others, the illegal
mining scam has been bought to light, we must now re-visit the Mega-Project
nuisance. Whilst yes housing is required, what is happening in Goa is that
greedy builders are resorting to all sorts of illegalities to bring up
their monstrosities, so as to cater to the rest of India and for real
estate investors; with it damaging the environment, cutting hills, creating
toxic wastes, contaminating land, polluting water resources; for instance
it is known that Goa's ground water is polluted by so much
unnecessary/illegal construction. Not to mention the huge demographic
imbalance/change being bought upon the small Goan Population. What is more
upsetting is that the Government we voted to replace the earlier corrupt
regime now appears to be appeasing the builders and all their illegalities.
Even today in Goa, destructive Builders are colluding with Government
Bodies, Local Panchayat members and Senior Ministers in the current
government to make their illegalities 'legal'. I think there is a need to
start look at the 'incentives' given by these builders to "buy" people in
power and perhaps it will uncover another big scam of enormous proportions!!

Arwin Mesquita, UAE.
Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee: http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/
2. "Rape of Goa" : http://www.parrikar.com/blog/the-rape-of-goa/
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre : http://mandgoa.blogspot.com/
5. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
6. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA): http://www.globalgoans.org.in/

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