The controversy between Goa and
Karanataka over the Mhadei river basin
has opened a new front of a challenge for
the Bharatiya Janata Party, which rules
both states.

Pamela D’Mello
UPDATED: Jan 14, 2023 12:31 IST

The Mhadei/Mandovi river basin spans 1580 sq km, nearly half
the Goa's total 3702 sq km area that calculates to 43 per
cent of the state's area.  (Representative Image/Reuters)

By Pamela D’Mello

The Central Water Commission (CWC), which approved
Karnataka's Detailed Project Report (DPR) for the contentious
Kalasa-Bandura water diversion project on December 29, has
placed the BJP government in neighbouring Goa in tight spot.

          The project plans to divert Mhadei/Mandovi river
          system waters into the Malaprabha reservoir is a
          huge emotive red flag in Goa.

In the past fortnight, the Goa opposition has vehemently
opposed the BJP government's failure to stand up to its
Central leadership or party colleagues in Karnataka.
Initially, there were calls for all 40 MLAs and the chief
minister to resign to reaffirm Goa's strong sentiments on the
matter.  BJP Union Minister of State and Goa MP, Sripad Naik,
offered to resign before going quiet on the issue.

After the Mhadei Interstate Water Disputes Tribunal's August
2018 award, granting Karnataka 13.42 tmc (thousand million
cubic feet) for its projects, the state has lost no time in
preparing DPRs [including to divert 3.9 tmc (110,435.715
million litres) to the Malaprabha basin].

And as the saffron party in Karnataka seeks to woo the
poll-bound state, the approval to the DPR for water diversion
seems to serve the electoral purpose.


          While it may be viewed as just another knotty
          inter-state water dispute to the rest of India, in
          Goa, the Mhadei/Mandovi is considered a lifeline of
          the state.  Every chief minister, including current
          CM Pramod Sawant, has sworn to protect every last
          drop of the river Mhadei.

What is it about the river that gets Goans riled up?  That
any thought of its freshwater being diverted, is viewed as an
‘Apocalypse Now' moment?  Geography has much to do with it.

          The Mhadei/Mandovi river basin spans 1580 sq km,
          nearly half the Goa's total 3702 sq km area that
          calculates to 43 per cent of the state's area.  It
          runs 76 km in north Goa, 78 per cent of the
          Mhadei's total 111 km.

It passes through 194 (Goa has 334 villages) of its most
populous villages and towns, including the capital, Panjim.

The Mhadei/Mandovi is critical for the region's water supply,
agriculture, fishing, irrigation, navigation and tourism in
six of the state's twelve sub-districts.  Religious, cultural
and daily practices are also woven around the river.

Nirmala Sawant, president of Mhadei Bachao Andolan (MBA) in
Goa, also a multi-term former Congress state President and
former minister, spoke on the public angst and said that Goa
was treated with great injustice.

          "Goa has been treated with great injustice by the
          Centre, simply because we are small and have just
          three parliamentary seats, compared to 28 (Lok
          Sabha seats in Karnataka).  But should it be a
          number game?  Goa has just two major rivers --
          Mandovi and Zuari.  Karnataka has 20 rivers,”
          snapped Nirmala.

Most of Goa's rivers are salty seawater.  In the
Mhadei/Mandovi case, salt water enters from the Arabian Sea,
occupying 69 per cent of its upstream length in Goa.
Therefore, it gets essential to ensure that the remaining
length stores the fresh water.

Within the state, there is an inherent awareness that
diversions of the Mhadei's freshwater flows could adversely
impact the state.  Especially the biodiversity hotspot areas
of the thickly forested Western Ghats sub-districts on the

The Mhadei runs through and sustains three wildlife
sanctuaries and one national park -- the Bhagwan Mahavir
Wildlife Sanctuary and Mollem National Park, Bondla Wildlife
Sanctuary, Mhadei Wildlife Sanctuary, and Salim Ali Bird

Goa, for this reason, has highlighted the outcome of the
Mhadei river diversion as a matter of concern not just for
Goa but for the world.


Goa has steadfastly opposed any diversion of Mhadei's waters
outside its basin, 78 per cent of which is in Goa, 18 per
cent in Karnataka and 4 per cent in Maharashtra.  But over
the past two decades, it has complained of being bullied.

Proposals to harness the monsoonal flows of the rain-fed
Mhadei first came up around the seventies and eighties, when
the upper riparian state of Karnataka sought to generate
hydropower from the Mhadei waters.  These got pushback from
the Union government when Goa was a union territory and later
by the governments led by the Congress party.

          In the nineties, Karnataka articulated proposals
          for dams on Mhadei's feeder streams, which sent
          alarm bells ringing in the small state.
          Strategically, Karnataka changed the perception and
          outplayed Goa when it now presented its water
          demand as a drinking water requirement.

It asked for the immediate release of 7.56 tmc of its share
of the Mhadei/Mandovi waters for the water-scarce regions of
Hubli-Dharwad and en-route areas.

Goa argued before the Interstate Water Tribunal that if
drinking water is a priority for citizens of Karnataka than
irrigation and other uses from water supply schemes, in that
case, it would not have to reverse the Mhadei's flow and hack
forests for the same.

Furthermore, the state stressed that the drinking water
component of the water demand was small, and the real
intention was for irrigation and other purposes.  It also
pointed out that Goa was being penalised when its neighbour
had let many of its own river stretches get polluted from
dumping sewage.

It also sought to drain the Mhadei away from Goa and into the
Malaprabha basin that was depleted from excessive use in
water-intensive cropping like sugarcane.


          Karnataka's argument is that its only demand was to
          have a rightful share of the Mhadei's fresh waters,
          much of which was being wasted and drained into the
          Arabian Sea in Goa.

          Rebutting Karnataka's claim, Goa submitted that
          besides being stored in several reservoirs in the
          state for drinking water and irrigation schemes,
          fresh water sustains the forest sanctuaries and
          prevents saline ingress further upstream, which
          would alter the ecosystem.

In April 2000, however, the Vajpayee-led government approved
the in-principle diversion of 7.56 TMC to Karnataka for
meeting "drinking water" needs after the heightened pressure
from the state.

While a BJP government in Goa, under the late Manohar
Parrikar, managed to get this approval held off in September
2022.  As Karnataka began unilateral work on the ground,
Goa's stance shifted, and Parrikar sought adjudication of the
issue as an inter-state water-sharing dispute.

He asked for an Interstate Water Sharing Tribunal to
determine flows, water requirements, interstate shares, and
closer, alternate sources within existing schemes to meet
Karnataka's water demands.

The Tribunal, constituted in 2010, estimated the Mhadei's
flow to be 188.06 tmc per annum based on earlier CWC reports,
which was contested by Goa.

It did not apportion the waters until further data was
evaluated in 2048, when the award came up for revision.  It,
however, permitted use for development activities, granting
Karnataka 13.42 tmc, Goa 24 tmc and Maharashtra 1.33 tmc for
their projects, conditional to fresh DPRs being drawn up and
cleared by the centre's technical appraisal and the projects
garnering other clearances, required by law.

          The award was a shocking setback to Goa's case, but
          the Parrikar-led government in the state claimed
          victory to evade political jibes.  It wasn't until
          the centre granted Karnataka environment clearances
          that the current BJP dispensation took an all-party
          delegation to appeal to the Centre to hold off the
          clearance.  Goa has also appealed against the award
          before the Supreme Court, as has Maharashtra and


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A fresh crisis has erupted in Goa's fight to retain the
Mhadei, but party politics seems to have overshadowed the
state's interest.  To Sawant's embarrassment, the opposition
proved there was a DPR prepared and handed to the Goa
government in 2020, which means the BJP in Goa remained in
the loop but maintained silence.

          Goa's Chief Minister Pramod Sawant claimed the
          revised 2022 DPR was yet to be officially given to
          Goa, but that's not cutting much ice here.  What's
          going down now in the public view is that
          activists, environmentalists, the MBA and civil
          society have to be vigilant about the state's
          long-term interests, as party politics could well
          sink Goa's long-term interests.

Moreover, the MBA claims that a tributary of the Mhadei had
already been surreptitiously diverted, with one riverbed en
route to Goa going completely dry.

All the developments have put Chief Minister Pramod Sawant in
a tight spot and have left him to face irks of rival
contenders.  An umbrella organisation of activists and
opposition political parties named Save Mhadei Save Goa have
placed before Sawant an impossible-to-fulfil ultimatum to
take steps to revoke Karnataka's approved DPRs by January 16.

>From initially downplaying the imminent threat and relying on
civil society to assist with a signature campaign, the chief
minister's camp has to act with alacrity.

ALSO READ | Why Goa, Karnataka have locked horns over
Mahadayi waters

ALSO READ | Mahadayi river dispute between Karnataka, Goa

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