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*Much to the chagrin of some Goanetters, the Nobel peace prize winner is...*
*Sat Oct 10 11:23:46 PDT 2009*

From: Carvalho < elisabeth_car at
 >>* There is something seriously wrong with this Nobel Peace committee to
award* barack obama, the Nobel peace prize even before he could say Camp
David oreven smell the coffee at a >serious peace accord conference. This is
simplyridiculous and too insane for words. Infact from now on the Peace
Prizemeans dirt to me. I wouldn't be surprised if Mickey Mouse is >awarded
thePeace prize next.
Joao observes: After the Nobel peace prize was awarded to Henry Kissinger
how can you say something like this? Anyway, let's move on. The day Obama
became President of the U.S. he should have been awarded the Peace prize.
The greatest office on this planet has been won by a brown man (most of us
Goans and Indians should be especially proud!) although  Americans who are
colour blind refer to him as black as the only colour of value over the
centuries has been white. Yes, We Can is more than a mere slogan, it is a
call to people all over the world, to all minorities all over the world,
irrespective of colour or caste or whatever to demand their rights as
human beings. Meanwhile, we, who belong to a country of more than one
billion people should continue to ponder and wonder: Can India do an Obama?

>* best,> selma* In modern India, we Yindians have coined a special term,
tailor made justfor such occasions : "MATCH FIXING" ;-)Salaams and may you
be 'baraka'Tony-- o .

. o o_.__' Cheers! \~~~~~/ \ / '-.-' Tony de Sa | M: +91 9975 162 897 _|_
Ph: +91 832 2470 148 `"""` tonydesa at
gmail.com<http://lists.goanet.org/listinfo.cgi/goanet-goanet.org> W.
Somerset Maugham: "I always find it more difficult to say the things Imean
than the things I

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