Join in solidarity with villagers of Dhulapi who will commemorate 25 years of 
BHOPAL DISASTER on December 03, 2009 at 4.00 pm. 
Dhulapi in Corlim Panchayat in Goa's Tiswadi taluka is facing industrial 
disaster due to Swiss multinational pesticides factory – SYNGENTA.
MONDAY MUSE (30 November 2009)
Yesterday, 45 workers at the Kaiga nuclear plant in Karwar, Karnataka suffered 
from radiation from contaminated water. While the Atomic Energy Commission may 
allege an act of sabotage, the worst fears are coming true for all who were 
opposed to the setting up of the plant. Sadly, we refuse to learn the lessons 
from man-made disasters. 
Twenty-five years ago, at midnight on 3 December 1984, it was a tryst with 
fatality for over 500,000 people in Bhopal. The Union Carbide plant released 
methyl isocyanate gas and other chemicals, killing nearly 10,000 in 72 hours 
and thrice the number have since died from gas-afflicted diseases. Even now, 
390 tonnes of toxic chemicals abandoned at the plant continue to contaminate 
the ground water in Bhopal and affect its residents. 
Here in Goa, hazardous wastes from polluting industries is released into 
surface as well as ground waters. Man made disasters are a creation of callous 
corporates for whom profits are a greater priority than the lives of human 
beings. Our natural resources and human resource are under attack by the pied 
pipers of economic prosperity. The appreciation of wealth of a few is resulting 
in the depreciation of the health of many. 
It is only at our peril that we can ignore the menace, of ‘toxification’ of our 
ecosystem. Any act that worsens the condition of land and lives cannot be 
accepted as development. But plain indignation by the citizens can never 
suffice. It would be better to commit ourselves to real actions to ensure that 
there are no more Bhopals! We must treat all man made disasters as acts of 
bio-terrorism and counter them, their promoters and apologists as such.
To BE BETTER at learning the Bhopal lesson,
We must treat man made disasters as treason!
 - Pravin K. Sabnis 

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