The Malls - They Are A Hurtin’

Covid has shattered the traditional role of the malls in North American
society recreation. They used to be public places where people gathered as
an opportunity to get out of the house specially in winter.

There was diverse shopping, food courts, bistros and cinema theatres which
doubled up as auditoriums.

Then several bombs dropped:
Mall owners got greedy and increased rents stratospherically. Only stores
selling high margin branded clothing could afford them. Like a one trick
 People increasingly took to internet shopping and clothing stores were
forced to roll down their shutters.
 In the US open robbery and theft became prevalent and in Canada the
housing shorting tempted mall owners to use their large parking places to
build high-rise, high-profit condominium units.

Even some high traffic, once high profit Walmart stores are closing. That
should give you an idea.

Roland, Toronto.

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