Re: [Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-04-07 Thread Alfred de Tavares

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

> Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2009 05:46:04 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

> Hi,
> Some people on Goanet will always be 'hypocrites' and hide under some non 
> logical nonsense. It seems to be a 'trait' developing under a feeling of 
> 'inferiority complex' with some persons. They know who I mean! 
>  See you Roland! I will be coming to Canada and soon, again this year, I have 
> two weddings etc.
> Cheers!
> Nascy Caldeira



Pls don't minf my sticklerishness, but doese'nt "non logical nonsense" violate 

principle of two negatives achieving something or the other?


Hopefully, I am confused beyond my ken; it is past m'night..


Alfred, copiously nonsensical...more often than not...


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Re: [Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-04-07 Thread Santosh Helekar

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

--- On Mon, 4/6/09, Nascy Caldeira  wrote:
> Some people on Goanet will always be 'hypocrites' and hide
> under some non logical nonsense. It seems to be a 'trait'
> developing under a feeling of 'inferiority complex' with
> some persons. They know who I mean! 

Those who do not know who Nasci thinks he is superior to, he is referring to 
lowly primitive conservative uncivilized Indian vegetarians who do not wear 
western clothes. They also worship snakes. 

Nasci, Roland...etc., etc. - a pretty good coalition we have out here. 




Re: [Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-04-07 Thread Nascy Caldeira

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Some people on Goanet will always be 'hypocrites' and hide under some non 
logical nonsense. It seems to be a 'trait' developing under a feeling of 
'inferiority complex' with some persons. They know who I mean! 
 See you Roland! I will be coming to Canada and soon, again this year, I have 
two weddings etc.

Nascy Caldeira

--- On Sun, 5/4/09, Roland Francis  wrote:

Please do not move the goal post.

What is under discussion here is not Saudi Arabia's freedom of
religion but rather the Persian Gulf's setting up of restricted
standards of non-Islamic faith practice and abiding by those

And I repeat, since you have sidestepped the issue:
India is a secular and democratic country, the Persian Gulf states are not.
I leave it to the readers to judge who wears the mantle of hypocrisy
in the matter of persecution of minorities


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[Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-04-06 Thread Mario Goveia

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Mario Goveia wrote:

> Anyway, if you can make a few phone calls and ask your Hindutva buddies
> to cut it out and go find something useful to do because they are 
> outnumbered by millions of sane Hindus, we may be able to move on to 
> some other topics:-))

Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2009 19:17:56 +0530
From: "Dr. U. G. Barad" 

Yes, are right ... We must move on to some other topics :-))

Mario adds:

Dr. Barad,

As the only voice on Goanet for reason, truth and peace, I knew you would 
respond to my appeal and make the phone calls I requested:-))

If the Hindutvas respond as positively as you did, some of our friends will 
have nothing to write about on Goanet:-))

Re: [Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-04-05 Thread Santosh Helekar

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

--- On Sun, 4/5/09,  wrote:
>Here is a list of countries ranked in order of how badly they persecute 
> Please note that Saudi Arabia is at the top of this list,
> second only to North Korea. 

Here is the link on persecution of Christians by Saudi Arabia and other 
countries that was inadvertently left out from the above post:




Re: [Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-04-05 Thread chimbelcho

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Roland Francis wrote:
>No to mention that Saudi Arabia the country and custodian of Sunni Islam's two 
>most >holy places is a studied exception to the rest of the much more liberal 
>Persian Gulf >countries. Even so, the report does not have any mention of 
>persecution of non-Islamic >faiths by Saudi Arabia.
>And I repeat, since you have sidestepped the issue: India is a secular and 
>democratic >country, the Persian Gulf states are not. I leave it to the 
>readers to judge who wears the >mantle of hypocrisy in the matter of 
>persecution of minorities

It is disheartening to see that anybody could be so soured against and 
contemptuous of his own native democratic country as to lose all perspective in 
trashing it, while finding excuses to defend a theocratic state whose official 
policy is to discriminate against other religions and religious sects. Even 
this contrived defense can be easily shown to be hollow. Here is a list of 
countries ranked in order of how badly they persecute Christians:

Please note that Saudi Arabia is at the top of this list, second only to North 




Re: [Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-04-05 Thread Mario Goveia

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Santosh Helekar wrote:

> As for the comical defense below of the mythical protection of other 
> religions and justice in theocratic states of the Persian Gulf, here is 
> a link to what Human Rights Watch says about the situation in Saudi 
> Arabia regarding "Freedom of Religion and Religious 
> Discrimination", "Freedom of Expression", "Women's Rights", "Migrant 
> Worker Rights" and "Arbitrary Detention and Unfair Trials":

Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2009 02:27:31 -0400
From: Roland Francis 

India is a secular and democratic country, the Persian Gulf states are not.
I leave it to the readers to judge who wears the mantle of hypocrisy
in the matter of persecution of minorities

Mario observes:

It is amazing how some folks deflect attention from a topic by taking it into a 
completely different area - without changing the subject line.

I looked at the title of this post and then looked in vain for any reference to 
the abuse of Catholic nuns by Catholic priests - instead a spirited debate 
about the relative treatment of religious minorities in the Persian Gulf versus 
India, the gist of which seemed to be the ludicrous proposition that religious 
minorities are worse off in India than in a Muslim dictatorship.  Why?  Because 
you knew you would be a third class person before you went there, whereas you 
are officially presumed to be a first class person in India. 

To begin with, it is news to me that the Government of India is attacking or 
condoning attacks on religious minorities, though individuals and groups of 
individuals might be.

In the meantime the two most powerful politicians in India today are a Catholic 
and a Sikh and India has had THREE Muslim presidents and currently even has a 
Goan Catholic as a state governor.

[Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-04-05 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)


This message is in response to message: 10, dated: Sat, 4 Apr 2009, from:
Mario Goveia on the subject as mentioned above. 


Yes, are right ... We must move on to some other topics :-))

Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad


[Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-04-05 Thread Mario Goveia

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Date: Sat, 4 Apr 2009 10:01:34 +0530
From: Marshall Mendonza 

The day christians start killing, raping, burning people alive, destroying
homes and property, vandalising places of worship, intimidating and
threatening weaker sections, causing communal riots, spreading hatred, etc.
you will find me taking as strong  a stand against such actions as I am
doing against hindutva atrocities.

Mario responds:


You are still not getting it.

This thread is not about the atrocities committed by Hindutva extremists.

It is about atrocities committed by Catholic priests, while a Catholic Cardinal 
did nothing about it.

I think you are old enough to walk and chew gum at the same time.

Evil is evil, regardless of who commits it.

As a Christian you have no credibility when you focus on the atrocities of 
others while so doggedly trying to whitewash the atrocities within your own 

Marshall wrote:

Are women in our homes treated any better? Please read the surveys conducted by 
various magazines and you will find that a large number of women in India are 
treated like servants in their homes.

Mario asks:

So, why have you ignored this issue till now, which presumably affects far more 
people than the targets of Hindutva extremists?

On the same subject:
Date: Fri, 3 Apr 2009 23:35:53 -0700 (PDT)
From: Carvalho 

People like this will detract you and sap the energy from your very being. My 
advice to you, please continue with exactly what you have been doing because 
there are lots of people in the Diaspora that appreciate the information you 

Mario observes:

What?  Now we have an Indian woman deflecting attention from the abuse of 
Indian women, including Catholic nuns by Catholic priests?

BTW, nice to see that the Hindutva extremists have enabled you to discover 
Christianity again:-))

[Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-04-05 Thread Mario Goveia

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Date: Sat, 4 Apr 2009 09:13:05 +0530
From: "Dr. U. G. Barad" 

Mario, I never knew that you have taken up the job as - Spokesperson to
Marshall :-) :-) :-). 

Any way Mario, my question to Marshall still stands i.e. OK, let me accept
that I am not a sensitive person.  Does Marshall also accept that he too is
not a sensitive person? Will Marshall reply to this? 

Mario responds:

Arre, kya karoon, Dr. Barad!  As the only voice on Goanet of reason, truth and 
peace, I had to speak up because you will get an answer right after hell 
freezes over:-))  I don't think an insensitive person like you can wait that 

As I reported recently, there are some Goenkars concerned about global warming 
who had put out the fire down there and were trying to install airconditioning, 
so we may still see the place freeze eventually:-))

But seriously, if you read between the lines, our friend has spoken quite 
clearly based on everything he has written in this thread, which he is still 
trying to divert to his one and only special agenda.

I have been privately warned that this issue is getting so contentious that we 
now have agnostics re-discovering the beauty of Christianity, and that they and 
the other Holy Joe's may soon label me a Hindutva activist if I keep trying to 
draw attention to the abuse of nuns in Kerala:-))

Anyway, if you can make a few phone calls and ask your Hindutva buddies to cut 
it out and go find something useful to do because they are outnumbered by 
millions of sane Hindus, we may be able to move on to some other topics:-))

Re: [Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-04-04 Thread Roland Francis

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Please do not move the goal post.

What is under discussion here is not Saudi Arabia's freedom of
religion but rather the Persian Gulf's setting up of restricted
standards of non-Islamic faith practice and abiding by those

No to mention that Saudi Arabia the country and custodian of Sunni
Islam's two most holy places is a studied exception to the rest of the
much more liberal Persian Gulf countries. Even so, the report does not
have any mention of persecution of non-Islamic faiths by Saudi Arabia.

And I repeat, since you have sidestepped the issue:
India is a secular and democratic country, the Persian Gulf states are not.
I leave it to the readers to judge who wears the mantle of hypocrisy
in the matter of persecution of minorities


On Sat, Apr 4, 2009 at 3:20 PM, Santosh Helekar  wrote:
> As for the comical defense below of the mythical protection of other 
> religions and justice in theocratic states of the Persian Gulf, here is a 
> link to what Human Rights Watch says about the situation in Saudi Arabia 
> regarding "Freedom of Religion and Religious Discrimination", "Freedom of 
> Expression", "Women's Rights", "Migrant Worker Rights" and "Arbitrary 
> Detention and Unfair Trials":

Re: [Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-04-04 Thread Santosh Helekar

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

--- On Sat, 4/4/09, Roland Francis  wrote:
> A question not worthy of a man of letters. This is only the
> latest in a long line of utterly clueless comments you have been
> making on this subject.

I guess a person who does not buy a particular jaundiced view about India 
cannot be expected to voice his opinions here without being subjected to 
innuendo and insults. As you can see below even that person's profession is 
dragged in as a prop for ridicule.

As for the comical defense below of the mythical protection of other religions 
and justice in theocratic states of the Persian Gulf, here is a link to what 
Human Rights Watch says about the situation in Saudi Arabia regarding "Freedom 
of Religion and Religious Discrimination", "Freedom of Expression", "Women's 
Rights", "Migrant Worker Rights" and "Arbitrary Detention and Unfair Trials":

Contrast this to what it says about India at the link below with regard to 
"secessionist conflicts", "Protests in Jammu and Kashmir", "Violence in Manipur 
and Other Northeastern States", "Naxalite Conflict", "Impunity", "Protection of 
Vulnerable Communities" and "Human Rights Defenders":



--- On Sat, 4/4/09, Roland Francis  wrote:
> To answer your question:
> India is supposed to be avowed secular. Therefore what is
> happening in
> India is not to be expected.
> Most of the Persian Gulf countries are avowedly Islamic.
> They make no
> bones about it. You go there knowing what the situation is.
> That is
> not your country. You are a guest-worker there. Yet, having
> said that,
> they make sensible concessions to people of other faiths.
> They
> suppress fundamentalists who are against such concessions.
> They will
> enforce law and order and punish any zealots of their faith
> who will
> attack those of other religions. Not that such enforcement
> has been
> necessary. The mere knowledge of the consequences prevent
> such
> anti-religion attacks.
> With your knowledge of scientific facts, how to gather them
> and arrive
> at scientific conclusions, I am disappointed you don't make
> use of
> such processes when asking such questions in matters of
> non-science.
> Roland.


Re: [Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-04-04 Thread Roland Francis

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

A question not worthy of a man of letters. This is only the latest in
a long line of utterly clueless comments you have been making on this

To answer your question:
India is supposed to be avowed secular. Therefore what is happening in
India is not to be expected.

Most of the Persian Gulf countries are avowedly Islamic. They make no
bones about it. You go there knowing what the situation is. That is
not your country. You are a guest-worker there. Yet, having said that,
they make sensible concessions to people of other faiths. They
suppress fundamentalists who are against such concessions. They will
enforce law and order and punish any zealots of their faith who will
attack those of other religions. Not that such enforcement has been
necessary. The mere knowledge of the consequences prevent such
anti-religion attacks.

With your knowledge of scientific facts, how to gather them and arrive
at scientific conclusions, I am disappointed you don't make use of
such processes when asking such questions in matters of non-science.


On Sat, Apr 4, 2009 at 2:29 AM, Santosh Helekar  wrote:

> --- On Fri, 4/3/09, Marshall Mendonza  wrote:
>> People working in the Gulf are far tuned to what is happening here.

> How does the widespread religious oppression and lack of religious freedom in 
> India, described in the above post, contrast with the secularism being 
> practiced in the Persian Gulf?
> Cheers,
> Santosh

Re: [Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-04-04 Thread Santosh Helekar

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

--- On Fri, 4/3/09, Marshall Mendonza  wrote:
> People working in the Gulf are far tuned to what is happening here.

How does the widespread religious oppression and lack of religious freedom in 
India, described in the above post, contrast with the secularism being 
practiced in the Persian Gulf?




[Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-04-04 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

This message is in reply to message: 11, dated: Fri, 3 Apr 2009 from: Mario
Goveia on the subject mentioned herein above. 

Mario, I never knew that you have taken up the job as - Spokesperson to
Marshall :-) :-) :-). 

Any way Mario, my question to Marshall still stands i.e. OK, let me accept
that I am not a sensitive person.  Does Marshall also accept that he too is
not a sensitive person? Will Marshall reply to this? 

Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad

[Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-04-04 Thread MD

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Message: 7
Date: Sat, 4 Apr 2009 10:01:34 +0530
From: Marshall Mendonza 
Subject: [Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

You are right.  Even my mindset of my native place is of the early 70s and
it will be hard for me to understand how come all of a sudden this
communalism has taken over peaceful and friendly co-existance.  Although our
church forbade us from attending any Hindu rituals, visit to temple etc, it
was quite normal to see our Hindu brethren to light candles, collect holy
oil (whereever provided) during our annual parish feasts.  Faith was not an
issue at all. One could not imagine attack on Catholic churches in Mangalore
for that matter.  Because, during captivity of Mangalorean Catholics during
the regime of Tipu, many Hindu neighbours have given refuge to some of them
and even a church in Moodbidri was saved on the behest of the Hindu ruler of
that area and we had always enjoyed excellent relations with all sects of
our Hindu brethren.  Alas, power hungry politicians have sowed the seed of
communalism and we are too few numerically to have our voice heard and do
not enjoy or have politial clout.

It is like me sitting in an airconditioned room abroad and thinking of the
native place, oh! how much I miss that.  However, if I land there during
summer, I know how difficult I find to live there, because neither can I
bear the heat and humidity nor the mosquitos in the evening/night.  The
power situaltion is as irratic as it was decades ago and I would want to get
out of the place as soon as possible.  So there is vast difference between
imagination and reality.

However, the subject of priests ill treating nuns can be brought to the
attention of the superior of any particular convent at the same time there
are few instances where the nuns themselves ill treat novices and or convent
servants, display different attitudes towards rich and poor students.
Priests do not like auditing the financesthe list can go on.

What more can be greater than CEOs, CEs bonus is linked to their employment
contract rather than the perormance of the company!! Strange but true, is it

Maurice D.

Re: [Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-04-03 Thread Carvalho

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

--- On Fri, 4/3/09, Marshall Mendonza  wrote:

> Mario,
> The day christians start killing, raping, burning people
> alive, destroying
> homes and property, vandalising places of worship,
> intimidating and
> threatening weaker sections, causing communal riots,
> spreading hatred, etc.
> you will find me taking as strong  a stand against
> such actions as I am
> doing against hindutva atrocities.

Dear Marshall,

People like this will detract you and sap the energy from your very being. My 
advice to you, please continue with exactly what you have been doing because 
there are lots of people in the Diaspora that appreciate the information you 



[Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-04-03 Thread Marshall Mendonza

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)


The day christians start killing, raping, burning people alive, destroying
homes and property, vandalising places of worship, intimidating and
threatening weaker sections, causing communal riots, spreading hatred, etc.
you will find me taking as strong  a stand against such actions as I am
doing against hindutva atrocities.

I would expect you to understand and realise that India faces many problems,
some minor, some major. It is important to focus on the major issues which
affect the lives and safety of many of us. Living in the USA, you have no
clue to the problems minorities like christians face in the country today.
People working in the Gulf are far tuned to what is happening here. Things
are not the same what they were when you left the country 38 years
ago. Perhaps in states like Goa and Kerala where they are in large numbers,
they do not face the kind of problems that they face elsewhere in the
country. As Eddie put it very rightly, what has been reported in the media
and which I have been posting are only the tip of the iceberg. There are
daily cases of harassment and intimidation and violence that christians and
christian institutions face. Sometime back the mobile clinic of the
Missionaries of Charity sisters was attacked by Bajrang Dal workers and they
beat up the driver and destroyed all the medicines and equipment besides
threatening the nuns. The nuns did not file a police case because they
wanted to continue working among the poor who would have been deprived and
did not want to get into a confrontation. In another case, the principal of
a school who refused to give admission on a recommendation of a shiv sena
politician, was arrested on trumped up charges of molestation. Prayer
meetings are disrupted. Permissions to hold open air services are withheld.
The carol festival in New Bombay had to be shifted out as the HJS/SS workers
objected. They have tried to impose a ban on cow slaughter in the north-east
where eating of pork and beef is a staple diet.

Recently, another principal of a school, a nun, was arrested on false
charges of 'illegal confinement' when some parents who did not want to pay
the school fees filed false charges. In another case, VHP / BD workers
barged into the school and threatened the principal asking why the portrait
of Veer Savarkar was not hung up. In states like Gujarat, Orissa, MP,
Chhatisgarh, Rajasthan and now Karnataka where the BJP is / was ruling,
harassment and intimidation of christians has almost been institutionalised.
Cases are filed on the flimsiest of grounds, they are made to run from
pillar to post, staff and workers are instigated to create trouble so that
the time, money and attention of the administrators are taken only to run
from police station to government offices and courts. And I could go on and

We need to differentiate between a behavioral issue (of nuns being treated
like servants) and a social issue where the peace and tranquility of
citizens are disrupted.

Are women in our homes treated any better? Please read the surveys conducted
by various magazines and you will find that a large number of women in India
are treated like servants in their homes. Many of them do not only have to
go to work, but also have to take on responsibilities of child rearing and
housework in addition. While emancipation of women is certainly taking
place, it has a long way to go. I have spent some time in the north, where I
have seen women being treated worse than cattle, even educated ones. Ask any
woman who has lived in Delhi to narrate to you their experiences.

The discrimination against women has been universal. In England, women were
given the right to vote only in the 19th Century. Clubs like Bombay Gymkhana
did not admit women members till they fought a legal battle. The RSS does
not admit women members. They have set up a separate cell for them where
they are brainwashed to think that housekeeping and child rearing are their
sole responsibility.



[Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-04-03 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)


This message is in reply to Message: 5, Dated: Tue, 31 Mar 2009, from: Fr.
Ivo C da Souza, on above subject. 


Fr. Ivo writes under point No: 4: It is Christianity, not Science, that has
empowered women, wherever society was enslaving them, including in India.

It was a gradual process. Christianity (for that matter also other
religions, to some extent) has enlightened the Barbarian hordes and has
given us today a place where we can live in a human, rational way, where
Science can evolve freely, responsibly and ethically.


My response: Yes I fully agree with you on what Christianity is. Having said
this I go a step forward: you are not answering the right question under
debate. Yes, I do understand all fathers and brothers of Christian fold are
also human beings.but that does not allow them or give them right to treat
Nuns like servants.nor it gives them any right to put them under any
pressure... and yet you call Christianity has empowered women.. Please be
convinced that Nuns are Women not your slaves no matter whether you are
father or brother of Christian religion. They too serve for Christianity. 


Best regards,


Dr. U. G. Barad 



[Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-04-03 Thread Mario Goveia

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 12:07:43 +0530
From: "Dr. U. G. Barad" 

OK, let me accept that I am not a sensitive person.  Does Marshall also
accept that he too is not a sensitive person?

Mario observes:

Dr. Barad, thanks for confirming what we already knew about you:-))

However, Marshall, too, has already confirmed how "sensitive" he is when he 
wrote in:


Regarding the matter of the nuns, I had made myself very clear, that I
prefer to post / comment on social issues which affect the  peace and well
being of the wider community. I do not generally comment on religion or
intra- religious matters as I believe that they are better sorted out from
within the communities where there is greater acceptance. But since you have 
been persisting for a response, I will make an exception.

Nun's case: Here is my take on the subject.
1. There is no compulsion on anyone to join the convent. It is purely
2. If on joining, one finds that life is not what it is made out to be, one
can freely opt out. No one can bind you or tie you in there.
3. The nun spent 33 years in the convent.Why did she continue to be in the
convent all these years? Why did she keep silent all these years? Why did
she not bring this to the attention of her superiors or bishop or any higher 
ecclestical authority? Why did she not report to the police in case she felt 
intimidated within the convent? Why did she not think of changing her order?  
We need answers to get a clearer picture.
4.I find it difficult to believe that lesbianism or sexual harassment is
rampant as is being made out. There are over 2500 nuns serving in various
institutions and capacities all over India. This is the first case that has
come to public attention. It is entirely possible that there was a one off
incident which in any case can be traumatic for the victim. It happens in
homes and families too. I sympathise with the victim and hope she can
overcome the trauma.
[end of excerpt]

I've been trying to get Marshall to not be so sensitive so that he can use the 
same standard for bad Christians that he uses for Hindutva extremists. 

[Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-04-02 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)


This message is in reply to message: 6, dated: Wed, 1 Apr 2009 from Marshall
on above subject. 


In his response to my message he typically evades the issue.  Instead he
prefers to ask me about sensitivity, instead of dealing with the topic


OK, let me accept that I am not a sensitive person.  Does Marshall also
accept that he too is not a sensitive person?


Dr. U. G. Barad 


[Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-04-01 Thread Marshall Mendonza

I am indeed touched by the sensitivity and concern displayed by you for our
nuns who have been badly treated by some priests.

Did you feel similarly for the nun who was raped at Kandhamal, Orissa. Or
for Rajni Manjhi, the hindu orphan girl who was set ablaze alive by persons
who share your ideology. Or for Fr Bernard Digal who was beaten up so badly
that he later died from his injuries? If so, I must have missed your



[Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-04-01 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad
Dear GN Members, 


Allow me to post my views which I have expressed in GN forum much earlier. 


Best regards,


Dr. U. G. Barad 



My posting to GN: 

A nun in Kerala has written a book in which she narrates her very unpleasant
experiences in the church, with respect to her non-spiritual duties.  


On this issue, Marshall writes: "The nun spent 33 years in the convent. Why
did she continue to be in the convent all these years? Why did she keep
silent all these years? Why did she not bring this to the attention of her
superiors or bishop or any higher ecclestical authority? Why did she not
report to the police in case she felt intimidated within the convent? Why
did she not think of changing her order? We need answers to get a clearer


I personally found this to be a very insensitive response.  It would seem
that Marshall has doubts whether the charges made by the nun are correct.


There are many people, in all sorts of situation, who bear unpleasantness to
the extreme.  This happens all over the world, and it is not only in
religious lives.  Based on what I have read, it does seem that the nun
brought her experiences to the higher-ups in the church. But nothing seems
to have been done.


Once again, I would like to state that Marshall has not been fair in this


Dr U. G.  Barad



Re: [Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-03-31 Thread Fr. Ivo C da Souza

From: "Sandeep Heble" 

Fr Ivo wrote:

Can you mention just one? Are there "many" priests who are, according to
you, "treating the nuns like servants" using the Bible?

You are already attributing an error to the Bible, namely that the Bible
"demeans women". Do you want me to teach you the biblical statements on
empowerment of women in the Jewish society? What was Jesus' attitude 
towards women?


My response:

A quick Google search directed me to several links. Here are just a
couple of them which could answer your queries though I cannot vouch
for their authenticity.

Books like the Bible (and those of most other religions) were figments
of human imagination written in times when male society was highly
dominant treating women like inferior citizens. Concepts like equality
were obviously alien in those dark ages. Some of them were even
political doctrines intended to subjugate and conquer other races.

When science has grown by leaps and bounds, why then does religion
stagnate and refuse to grow and evolve? We need to stop taking our
holy books to be the infallible words of God. There is a need for a
scholarly research of all the religions of the world. The scriptures
need to be purged of all instances of hate speeches, irrational
thoughts and discriminatory verses. A modern liberal society needs to
undertake this kind of an exercise. This is the least it owes to

***As you already admit, you "cannot vouch for their authenticity", when you 
directing us to several links provided by Google search and expecting 
answers from them.

A random Google search cannot answer our quest for God.
Let us be critical. I am answering you from the Jewish-Christian 

since we are discussing
about the teaching of the Bible on women.

1.Bible is the Word of God. God has made in history a covenant with the 
people of Israel
and with the whole humankind. Bible is infallible as far as the saving truth 
is concerned.

It is guiding the world even today. I have no doubt about it.
2.Scholarly research on biblical exegesis, history, archaeology, 
hermeneutics is going on in the Universities throughout the world.
3.Scriptures have to be interpreted, not "purged of all instances of hate 
speeches, irrational thoughts and discriminatory verses"
that you may find there with your lenses. (As you admit, you will not be 
able to vouch for the accusing statements).
4.It is Christianity, not Science, that has empowered women, wherever 
society was enslaving them, including in India.
It was a gradual process. Christianity (for that matter also other 
religions, to some extent) has enlightened the

Barbarian hordes and has given us today
a place where we can live in a human, rational way, where Science can evolve 
freely, responsibly and ethically.
5.In the links provided by you there are several basic errors about the 
Bible and quotations from the Bible.

The quotation attributed to the biblical scholar,
Father Roland de Vaux, does not give the teaching of the Bible, but the 
situation of the women in the Jewish society,
which was also in the rest of the world. In India there were (and 
unfortunately there are) worse crimes against women and children...
6."Male chauvinism" has always been there. It is there also today. But there 
is a transformation through Gospel values throughout the world.
It is being translated in international laws and declarations of human 
rights. Jesus has been a Revolutionary in the empowerment of women and 
ostracised people. The Church continues the work of her Master. I do not 
know what you have to say about it. I shall need more space to comment on 
the links that you have provided.
India has a lot to do in this field. Religions should help us to do that 
Science cannot provide ethical values to the world. Reason is already 
enlghtened by Faith, that is what should continue...

This is what we are leaving to posterity.

[Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-03-29 Thread Sandeep Heble
Fr Ivo wrote:

>>Can you mention just one? Are there "many" priests who are, according to
>>you, "treating the nuns like servants" using the Bible?

>>You are already attributing an error to the Bible, namely that the Bible
>>"demeans women". Do you want me to teach you the biblical statements on
>>empowerment of women in the Jewish society? What was Jesus' attitude 
towards women?


My response:

A quick Google search directed me to several links. Here are just a
couple of them which could answer your queries though I cannot vouch
for their authenticity.

Books like the Bible (and those of most other religions) were figments
of human imagination written in times when male society was highly
dominant treating women like inferior citizens. Concepts like equality
were obviously alien in those dark ages. Some of them were even
political doctrines intended to subjugate and conquer other races.

When science has grown by leaps and bounds, why then does religion
stagnate and refuse to grow and evolve? We need to stop taking our
holy books to be the infallible words of God. There is a need for a
scholarly research of all the religions of the world. The scriptures
need to be purged of all instances of hate speeches, irrational
thoughts and discriminatory verses. A modern liberal society needs to
undertake this kind of an exercise. This is the least it owes to


Re: [Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-03-28 Thread Fr. Ivo C da Souza

From: "Aires Cabral" 
Many  priests are chauvinists.
***What proof do you have? Are they many, or a few,  some, or all?

It is no surprise that they treat the nuns like servants.

***Are there many who treat the nuns like servants? On what are you basing
this statement? Are there today priests treating the nuns like servants?
When they work for the cleanliness of the churches and seminaries and
episcopal houses are they "servants"? When our mothers, sisters or wives
work in the kitchen or in the house or in the garden are they "servants"?
Are they "servants" when they stitch our clothes or wash our garments? Are
you using the women in your house as "servants"?

After all there are several passages in the Bible which demean women,

and these  are used by these priests to treat women as third class citiziens
( second class citiziens are lay men).
***Can you mention just one? Are there "many" priests who are, according to
you, "treating the nuns like servants" using the Bible?
In India there are people, including husbands, who are treating their wives
like servants, are they rooted in the "several passages" found in the

Can Fr Ivo enlighten us with his comments in the matter.

***What comments do you expect from me? That the Bible teaches us to
"demean" women"? That the priests are obeying the Bible, if and when they
"treat nuns like servants"? That the Indian husbands "treating their wives
like servants" are following the Bible, the saving Word of God?

After all he has said in one of his comments that the Bible is newer

***You are already attributing an error to the Bible, namely that the Bible
"demeans women". Do you want me to teach you the biblical statements on
empowerment of women in the Jewish society? What was Jesus' attitude towards
women? Did I use any time the unqualified statement that the "Bible is newer
(sic) wrong"? Bible is the Word of God, it teaches saving truth. We do not
speak about inerrancy, but about the biblical-saving truth, because Bible is 
not teaching Science or history or

geography. But it contains historical nucleus, it has its own geography,
because Revelation is historical and spatio-temporal. It has come through
the prophets and through Jesus, of Nazareth, the Messiah, the Son of God. It
entails pre-scientific and semitic conceptions about the constitution of the
world, it corrects mythical conceptions about the origin of the world, and
it has its own theological conception of the creation of the Universe (which
does not contradict the scientific theory of Evolution). I believe that this
is enough for you...

Re: [Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-03-24 Thread Venantius Pinto
I personally would like, those who post urls to make a point or two on
occasion as to what strikes them about the news/info found at the links they
provide. All postings are not equal or for that matter self-revelatory--as
to the interest of the poster.

One is not asking for a preface but something on the lines of "I was moved
to hear of this" OR "Hey people, this bothers me" Or "Its sad to see the RC
going through this" OR "Who gives a damn" Or "Serves you good", and so


From: "Bosco D'Mello" 
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests
> Barad has posted an article on a subject that was highlighted here a month
> ago by
> Goanet News:
> What is Barad's misdeed in this instance??
> - B

Re: [Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-03-23 Thread Mario Goveia

> Mario responds:
> To see why Jason Keith came in for opprobrium in graphic
> detail see the following post 
> which you seem to have missed or failed to understand.
> Since you apparently know Jason Keith so well, instead of
> making snide comments, why don't you defend his column and
> the "smackdown" by his critic, if you dare?

Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2009 13:55:38 -0700 (PDT)
From: Carvalho 

This is the most bizarre conversation ever on Goanet. Jason Keith wrote a 
column about caste in Goa. Rajan Parrikar in his usual style thought it fit to 
rip into Jason. And now you, who have for years on Goanet hailed yourself as 
the champion of casteist indignity, "smackdown" on Jason?

I can't follow the logic but I leave you to your own devices.

Mario responds:


To follow the logic of a verbal exchange it helps to understand the underlying 

It's not that hard if you put aside your pet peeves and pre-conceived emotions 
and focus on the current debate, not some past discussion you may have had with 
an individual.

For example, you were in such haste to denigrate Dr. Barad that you completely 
missed the contents of the article he posted on the abuse of Catholic Nuns, as 
well as who was alleging the abuse - it was Catholics, not Barad.

You chose to "smackdown" Dr. Barad based on your pre-conceived notion that he 
is anti-Christian - and ended up with egg all over yourself.

Here, see if you can follow this.  

1. The column by Jason Keith in the Gomantak Times and his "smackdown" by Rajan 
Parrikar is in the archives for all to see.

My only involvement in this as Goanet's only voice of reason, truth and peace, 
was to observe Rajan's pawky technique of using another unregulated forum to 
use fiery language on Goanet that would not pass muster here.

2. Regarding caste, I am not a champion of casteist indignity - I am exactly 
the opposite - I am an opponent of any delusion by Christians that they belong 
to some mythical caste.

3. What you are describing as a "smackdown" of Jason by me was a mild pat on 
the rear end asking why someone like Jason, Marshall or Padre Ivo, all of whom 
must have seen the report on the abuse of nuns in the Times of India were not 
outraged enough to post it on Goanet, condemn the findings, excoriate the 
Cardinal for keeping quiet all these years, and demand that the errant priests 
be brought to justice and expelled from the Church.

We have still not heard from Jason Keith on this, whom you apparently know 
better than most, or from Padre Ivo, still busy trying to jigger the English 
language to make up look like down and black look like white and mystical 
feelings look like science in the Beauregard experiments.

We did see a feeble attempt by Marshall to excuse himself by diverting 
attention to Hindutva and stepping on himself by suggesting that 
"intra-religious" issues be best left to the religion's adherents, leaving me 
to wonder if he was a Christian or not.

No clarification yet from Marshall as to a) whether he is a Christian, and if 
so, b) why he avoided this Christian issue after relegating it to only 
Christians to handle.

Re: [Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-03-23 Thread Roland Francis
Aires, to be fair to Fr Ivo, it is you who must quote or refer to the
"offending" passage of the Bible and then let him either put that
passage in context, or let him defend what I am sure you consider the

There are many interpretations of the Bible. Not everything seems to
be what one can discern from the first reading. There is a layman's
interpretion, a scholarly interpretation and a believer's
interpretation. There is no wrong and no right here, it is what you
want to understand.

I would be interested to join the discussion once you have pointed out
what seems to you the passages that demean women.

I sincerely hope you will confine yourself to the New Testatment. That
is more relevant to us, rather than the Old Testament which 1) Christ
came to improve upon and 2) which you have to understand in a much
deeper perspective than the later books of the New.

As for Fr Ivo saying the Bible can never be wrong, again I would put
the onus on you to tell us  which passages are "wrong".

Roland Francis
+1 (416) 453.3371

On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 6:56 AM, Aires Cabral  wrote:
> Many  priests are chauvinists. It is no surprise that they treat the nuns 
> like servants . After all there are several passages in the Bible which 
> demean women, and these  are used by these priests to treat women as third 
> class citiziens ( second class citiziens are lay men).Can Fr Ivo enlighten us 
> with his comments in the matter. After all he has said in one of his comments 
> that the Bible is newer wrong!

Roland Francis
+1 (416) 453.3371

[Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-03-23 Thread Aires Cabral
Many  priests are chauvinists. It is no surprise that they treat the nuns like 
servants . After all there are several passages in the Bible which demean 
women, and these  are used by these priests to treat women as third class 
citiziens ( second class citiziens are lay men).Can Fr Ivo enlighten us with 
his comments in the matter. After all he has said in one of his comments that 
the Bible is newer wrong!

Re: [Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-03-22 Thread Bosco D'Mello
Barad has posted an article on a subject that was highlighted here a month ago 
Goanet News:

What is Barad's misdeed in this instance??

- B

Re: [Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-03-22 Thread Carvalho

--- On Sun, 3/22/09, Mario Goveia  wrote:

> Mario responds:
> To see why Jason Keith came in for opprobrium in graphic
> detail see the following post 
> which you seem to have missed or failed to understand.
> Since you apparently know Jason Keith so well, instead of
> making snide comments, why don't you defend his column and
> the "smackdown" by his critic, if you dare?

This is the most bizarre conversation ever on Goanet. Jason Keith wrote a 
column about caste in Goa. Rajan Parrikar in his usual style thought it fit to 
rip into Jason. And now you, who have for years on Goanet hailed yourself as 
the champion of casteist indignity, "smackdown" on Jason?

I can't follow the logic but I leave you to your own devices. 



Re: [Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-03-22 Thread Mario Goveia

--- On Sat, 3/21/09, Mario Goveia  wrote:

> Why wasn't this posted by one of the vaunted defenders in
> India of everything Christian.? Did Marshall not see
> this?? Where is Fr. Ivo?? Where is Jason
> Keith?? Don't any of our Indian Goans read the Times of
> India?? I'd like to know what they have to say for
> themselves.

Date: Sat, 21 Mar 2009 15:53:25 -0700 (PDT)
From: Carvalho 

I'm not quite sure why Jason Keith has suddenly come in for a lot of abuse 
lately on Goanet.

If I can't defend Christianity then at least let me defend Jason Keith. I can't 
recall him ever being a defender of anything that ails the Catholic Church and 
I assure you Goveia, I know him a little better than you know him.

Mario responds:

To see why Jason Keith came in for opprobrium in graphic detail see the 
following post 
which you seem to have missed or failed to understand.

Since you apparently know Jason Keith so well, instead of making snide 
comments, why don't you defend his column and the "smackdown" by his critic, if 
you dare?

No one said you can't defend Christianity.  What I said was that your pretense 
of defending Christianity was uncharacteristic since you have worked quite hard 
at making clear to everyone on Goanet that you are an agnostic.  What you were 
actually doing was attacking Dr. Barad, oblivious to the contents of his post, 
just as you were oblivious to why Jason Keith was being dressed down.

Having said that, what you were implicitly defending when you attacked Dr. 
Barad, was not Christianity but an evil, un-Christian practice by some Catholic 
priests  who have been found - in investigations by the Catholic Church, not 
some Hindutva group - to be abusing and oppressing Catholic nuns, while a 
reprehensible Catholic Cardinal was content to do NOTHING until it occurred to 
him to mention it in his memoirs.

Since you seem to be having a hard time grasping what is going on on Goanet, in 
my post I was wondering why Jason Keith, in addition to Marshall and Padre Ivo, 
were not the ones who were outraged enough by the contents of the report in the 
Times of India to have brought it to our attention and led the charge against 
this abominable situation.

If that is an attack on him, he richly deserves it.

To see what a REAL attack on him looks like, please see the link in my first 

[Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-03-22 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad

What a joke! It's like saying in Hindi - Billi chali hazz khake sau chuhe.

This replies message No: 3, date: Sun, 22 Mar 2009 on above subject.

Best regards,
Dr. U. G. Barad

Re: [Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-03-22 Thread George Pinto

The treatment of nuns by priests reflects the world-wide second-class treatment 
of women (with few exceptions). By and large we still live in a patriarchal, 
male-dominated world. Look around you and see the treatment of women. Work 
towards equality starting in your home, your community, your town, etc.


Re: [Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-03-22 Thread Carvalho

--- On Sun, 3/22/09, Dr. U. G. Barad  wrote:

> Person with jaundice eyes always see everything yellow as
> is the case with
> you. Check out your own writings to Goanet. 
My own writings? I am a Christian by baptism. It is incumbent on me to seek 
reform within Christianity. Criticism from outside the religious membership is 
welcome and necessary to affect change, but as long as it is done with the 
proper spirit; to better society as a whole. That unfortunately is not your 
intent. You have an agenda to provoke and cause communal discord. 



[Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-03-22 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad

Person with jaundice eyes always see everything yellow as is the case with
you. Check out your own writings to Goanet. 

This replies message No: 2, dated: Sat, 21 Mar 2009 on above subject.

Best regards,
Dr. U. G. Barad

Re: [Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-03-21 Thread Carvalho

--- On Sat, 3/21/09, Mario Goveia  wrote:

> Why wasn't this posted by one of the vaunted defenders in
> India of everything Christian.  Did Marshall not see
> this?  Where is Fr. Ivo?  Where is Jason
> Keith?  Don't any of our Indian Goans read the Times of
> India?  I'd like to know what they have to say for
> themselves.
I'm not quite sure why Jason Keith has suddenly come in for a lot of abuse 
lately on Goanet.

If I can't defend Christianity then atleast let me defend Jason Keith. I can't 
recall him ever being a defender of anything that ails the Catholic Church and 
I assure you Goveia, I know him a little better than you know him.


Re: [Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-03-21 Thread Mario Goveia

--- On Fri, 3/20/09, Dr. U. G. Barad  wrote:
Date: Sat, 21 Mar 2009 00:07:51 -0700 (PDT)
From: Carvalho 

I notice that perpetually you forward articles that show Christianity in a poor 
light. If I were you I wouldn't worry too much about what ails other religions, 
I'd concentrate on my own.

Frederick Noronha fredericknoronha at
Sat Mar 21 11:50:41 PDT 2009

Selma, I think you're misreading things. Dr Barad obviously has a deep 
(possibly sub-conscious) love for Christianity that he would like to 
perfect its failings, and make it a better religion/ideology. We should 
appreciate his efforts and thank him unhesitatingly for all the efforts 
he puts in!

Mario observes:

Selma & Fred,

Other than verbally kicking a hapless Dr. Barad in the rear end, you may have 
done a dis-service to Christianity in general and Catholic nuns in particular 
with your uncharacteristic defense of Christianity.  The article was published 
in India's national newspaper of record, not some hostile blog.

Dr. Barad posted the link without comment, for which he is to be commended.  He 
could have gleefully quoted explosive excerpts from the article, as I have done 
below, but he did not.  I'd like to see someone accuse me of being hostile to 

Why wasn't this posted by one of the vaunted defenders in India of everything 
Christian.  Did Marshall not see this?  Where is Fr. Ivo?  Where is Jason 
Keith?  Don't any of our Indian Goans read the Times of India?  I'd like to 
know what they have to say for themselves.

The article in the Times of India was not about what some critic of 
Christianity had alleged, but what a very senior Catholic Cardinal in a 
position of leadership had said in addition to what a study by the Catholic 
Church had found.  What they found made me about as sick as when I first heard 
about the pedophile atrocities.

They found a disgraceful, long standing situation, similar in its evil nature 
to the priestly pedophile atrocities, and it is Christians who must be in the 
forefront of exposing such atrocities, making sure the culprits are exposed and 
brought to justice, and the problem fixed once and for all.

My question to Cardinal Varkey Vithayathil is, "What the hell were you doing 
all these years if you knew this was going on?  Why do we have to learn about 
this in a book by one of the victims and a book by YOU, who was in a leadership 
position and could have exposed this and stopped it!  Why was this not reported 
to Pope Benny - or was it?"  I'd sure like to know.

Read this excerpt and weep:

Early last year, a study by the Catholic church found that 25% of the nuns in 
Kerala were unhappy with life inside the four walls of a convent. More 
recently, a former nun dropped a bombshell revealing in a book about sexual 
abuse and mental harassment she suffered in the order. Now,there's further 
confirmation of their misery and it comes from the leader of India's 

Cardinal Varkey Vithayathil, who is president of Catholic Bishops Council of 
India, says the nuns are humiliated by priests and they live in fear.

The cardinal's views have appeared in his biography, much like the nun's own. 
If Sister Jesmi's book was called `Amen! Autobiography of a nun', Vithayathil's 
book is titled `Straight from the heart'. The cardinal tells his biographer 
Paul Thelakat, the spokesperson of Syro-Malabar Church, that the time has come 
to free the nuns from the "pitiable situation'' they are in.

"I would say to a great extent our nuns are not emancipated women. They are 
often kept under submission by the fear of revenge by priests. That's how the 
priests get away with whatever humiliation they heap upon them. It is a 
pitiable situation from which somebody has to liberate them,'' says the 
82-year-old cardinal. 
[end of excerpt]

Re: [Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-03-21 Thread Frederick Noronha
Selma, I think you're misreading things. Dr Barad obviously has a deep 
(possibly sub-conscious) love for Christianity that he would like to 
perfect its failings, and make it a better religion/ideology. We should 
appreciate his efforts and thank him unhesitatingly for all the efforts 
he puts in! FN

Carvalho wrote:

--- On Fri, 3/20/09, Dr. U. G. Barad  wrote:

I notice that perpetually you forward articles that show Christianity in a poor 
light. If I were you I wouldn't worry too much about what ails other religions, 
I'd concentrate on my own.



Re: [Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-03-21 Thread Carvalho

--- On Fri, 3/20/09, Dr. U. G. Barad  wrote:

> dinal/articleshow/4272890.cms
I notice that perpetually you forward articles that show Christianity in a poor 
light. If I were you I wouldn't worry too much about what ails other religions, 
I'd concentrate on my own.



[Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-03-20 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad

Cardinal Ananthakrishnan G says: Nuns treated like servants by priests


To read more click on the link provided here below:



Best regards,


Dr. U. G. Barad