There is a pandemic panic, and  but it is written DO NOT THROW YOUR PEARLS to 
But what about the swines throwing their "pearls" (chouriços) into your palate?
Who is who?  And when swines sneeze the swine flu spreads as far as Swindon in 
But wait a minute!
Are we behaving like swines in these days when everyone is impatient, the 
garbage is at a
level where everyone talks about garbage and NO ONE wants to take the 
Are we we behaving as pigs, or acting like them?
Interestingly, before we pass on the bucks and buckets like the "gorement" 
netas do, one must analyse, that a Swine is an animal who was designed to clean 
the dirt, it has a tremendous immune system. The Jews were expressly prohibited 
pork could not be eaten. But to-day Goans cannot do without pork and 
I know a few people who are addicted to sausages and pork derivatives and one 
finds the butchers hanging around behind St. Jerome's church Mapusa each sunday 
after the "spiritual food", they go for the swine flesh! Someone jokingly 
remarked: "if you want to get OSAMA bin Ladin feed him with Goa sausages".... 
There are three kinds of persons, those who will heed warnings and abstain from 
meat specially of cows and swines, and go vegetarian, those who relish the 
filthy meat as good for you knowingly or ignorantly and the third those who 
could not care drink and be merry!
The cow disease has just gone, the bird flu too, but now these dirty pigs are 
creating havoc!


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