
(Anthropocene fusion poems depicting moods of nature, species, people,
capturing events)

Dr. Nandkumar  Kamat



I stayed awake the whole night;

And nights after nights;

To glimpse a few stray

Flipping greenish photons;

Of airborne creatures of light


I see a void dark fathomless;

Ashes of an ecosystem

A sodium street lamps vomits

Monochromatic photons

An ecofriendly solar streetlight

Radiates white eerie glow

The void of the night

has no creatures of light

This is extinction,

This is annihilation,

This is vinasha,

The nights have lost the glowing innocence

A monochromatic diffusion permeates


This is simplification

This is deprivation

This is epitaph

On the tomb of my existence

What tribute does one species pay to other species?

In what form?

Words, bones, ashes, blood, tears, sperms?

I still stay awake, possessed,

Nights after nights

Expecting to be bathed in that fantastic glow

Of  greenish airborne trees of life!

Swarms of Fireflies!

To seek salvation


>From chains all artificial..inhuman…insane!


:Monserrate watching a man cleaning the flooded Santa Inez creek:

I am watching Babush Monserrate- who’s

Watching a man with the head just above

The murky waters

Trying to declog the Santa inez creek;

It is a different kind of voyeurism!

It is possible that the reams and reams of

My writeups, reports

On the condemned creek,

Abused, mass raped by the builders,

Were thrown as raddi and

Have blocked the flow of the creek

What use is wisdom

In this rotten city

On the brink of a forced mass suicide

An Ecocide?


:Images of Kushavati floods:

And unquiet flows Kushavati,

She is angry, she is bleeding,

Every watershed,

Every valley,

Every bank

Every micrometer

Has been tortured,

The flat , vast sheets of turbulent waters,

Stagnated traffic,

Cursing people,

There is blood on everyone’s hand,

Every palm is stained,

Muddy waters,

Bloody waters;

Mud, blood,

And unquiet flows Kushavati,

Carrying the wet fluid wounds,

Feeling lost,




By her sons, her daughters,




June 27, 2010.

Dr. Nandkumar Kamat, GOA

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