* G * O * A * N * E * T **** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible


This story is bull crap from this writer. Salazar ordered the destruction of 
vital points so as to stop the advancement of the invading forces. Governor 
Vassalo e Silva was prudent enough not to complete all the operations. For this 
he paid a heavy price in Portugal after being maltreated in the concentration 
camp run by the invading forces. (Gen Silva was well received by the Goan 
populace upon his return to Goa in 1981. He was probably the best governor 
Goans have ever seen). 
Besides, instead of sending guns and munitions to troops in Goa Salazar sent 
sausage tins and postas de sardinha. (Ref.: Fim do Seculo - Goa, Damao e Diu). 
He wanted his troops to fight to the end and probably enjoy a good meal before 
they were all dead.
Chao en Lai invaded northern Ladakh in response to bharat's invasion of Goa.
We all know how much Saddam Hussein (28/4/1937-30/12/2006,) the late President 
Iraq, loved the Kuwaitis. He loved them so much that he decided to destroy the 
country by setting Kuwaiti oil wells ablaze. Fortunately, experts from the US 
other countries were successful in extinguishing the fires and saved Kuwait 
total destruction.

Similarly, António de Oliveira Salazar (28/4/1889-27/7/1970,) the late 
President of 
Portugal, loved Goans so much that he ordered his men to destroy Goa before 

He had also sent warships to finish Goa but the late Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru's 
(14/11/1889-27/5/1964) friend, Gamal Abdel Nasser (15/1/1918-28/9/1970,) the 
President of Egypt, did not allow the ships to cross the Suez Canal; or else we 
would have been doomed. Keep in mind India was no where on the world stage when 
liberated Goa. In fact, it suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of China 
following year.

The Portuguese did succeed in blowing up and destroying some bridges before 
were purged from Goa.

Just like Saddam Hussein


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