

from Goa Chitra. Kindly publish the attached press note in your esteemed News
paper with regard to the “Annual harvest celebration” at Goa Chitra held to
commemorate World Food Day. Thank you for your continuous  support.


With best

Victor Hugo



Press Note


World Food Day



World Food Day celebrated globally on 16th of Oct brings to
fore issues related to our own xetcamoti and the state of
agriculture in Goa today. The Food & Agriculture Organization [FAO
of UN] theme for World Food Day 2012 is “Agricultural cooperatives
– key to feeding the world” . It has been chosen to highlight the role of
cooperatives in improving food security and contributing to the eradication of
hunger. Interest in cooperatives and rural organizations is also reflected in
the decision of the UN General Assembly to designate 2012 “International Year
of Cooperatives.” 


With a dual purpose of
reviving traditions and educating while having fun; Goa Chitra celebrated World 
Food Day
with their harvest. Harvest is a time of celebration, for mother
earth is fertile with bounty, for humans remember that it is the red soil that
gives them food and we need to give thanks. Thus as an annual feature; this day 
marks the hard work
of the farmers who toils our land to produce the grains on our table. Members
and friends of Goa Chitra, of all ages and from all walks of life were invited
to work side by side with the xetcamoti.
The idea prompted by the curator of the museum Mr. Victor Hugo Gomes is to
create an appreciation of traditions in a set up that is holistic.  “We never 
realize how much efforts go before
the rice grain reaches the shelves of supermarkets and finally on our dining
table” explains Mr. Victor Hugo Gomes with a sickle in hand while beating the
harsh sun rays. It is difficult work but very satisfying he continues,
“Threshing alongside the xetcamoti
helps not only our children but also their parents to value farming and
somewhere it also gives an opportunity to our young children to appreciate
their agrarian roots”. 


day began early as enthusiastic parents and their children alongside the 
xetcamoti bent over with their sickles
to cut the ripe stalk of grain for harvest and mark
the significance of solidarity of struggle against hunger. Mothers
were seen helping their children while Jude’s five piece brass band churned 
tunes of encouragement to motivate the
enthusiastic young and novice farmers to dare the hot sun. 


For academician
Mrs. Theresa Almeida spending time in such an environment is rewarding. “Such
an enriching experience this is for the kids” she opined with Dr. Belinda
Veigas Muller nodding in agreement. 


traditional snacks and traditional juices being served, the harvesting
continued with a short break for traditional pez (kanji) served in a podggo
with crunchy pickled mangoes and dry fish (karem).


The freshly harvested rice corn was
brought to the threshing yard where it was threshed using a manual threshing
machine and by the traditional threshing method. Activist
Jayesh Raut  could not help himself, and
took the modkul (threshing stick) from the farmers to thresh and
commented “I kept myself free this afternoon so I could be part of this
experience”. Architect Parvesh Sardesai and Dr Neha A. Khadpe were seen guiding
their children thresh the paddy on a manual threshing machine. For Parvesh such
an experience brought back memories of the past, which she considers it of
great importance to pass it on to  her
children. She adds “In a time when the world is combating the conflicts of 
living, such an experience is morally educative and enriching.” For Dr Neha A. 
Khadpe “this efforts to keep alive
traditions is commendable” 


the process of threshing was winnowing, and then followed by traditional
parboiling of previously harvested paddy.


afternoon kept getting interesting for the guests, who was were made to gather
around a huge Tawa for the traditional smoking of mackerels on harvested hay, 
with binda solam and green
chilies. Mr. Sanjit Rodriques
could not help relive his childhood memories as he was seen explaining to his 
the delights of such cuisine. 


The hard day labour was
well rewarded with the guest being served authentic goan culinary treats. A
community effort orchestrated by  Aldina
Gomes, Director of Goa Chitra, the 
buffet consisted of  ukde tandol(
boiled rice), samarachi kodi with dry
prawns , chicken xacuti, shark amotik, roasted meats, pumkin baji and
attol. For all the guests, the
efforts of toiling and threshing were worth the food! The celebration ended
with guests singing folk songs with Robert Vaz and architect Carlos Gracias on
Guitars. END                                      

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