[Goanet] RSS alleges 'Islamisation' of Kashmir - India

2010-08-16 Thread U. G. Barad

Ruby Goes was kind enough to bring to our notice the following article:


From his comment, it seems that he is in strong disagreement with the
content of the article.

Perhaps he would like to comment on the enclosed article.

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

PFI trying to make Kerala a 'Muslim country', says VS
Author: Manoj C G
Publication: The Indian Express
Date: July 25, 2010



Adopting a belligerent stand against Muslim extremism, Kerala Chief Minister
V S Achuthanandan on Saturday said the radical Popular Front of India (PFI),
which hit the headlines recently after its activists were accused of
chopping off the hand of a college lecturer, was aiming to convert Kerala
into a Muslim country in the next 20 years.

Using unusually harsh language, the Chief Minister said the PFI was pumping
money to lure youth into Islam and persuade them to marry Muslim women.
Their strategy is to make Muslims a majority community in Kerala... In 20
years, they want to make Kerala a Muslim majority state, he said. The
lecturer's hand was chopped off after he had prepared a question paper that
allegedly insulted the Prophet.

The CM's comments came a day after CPM general secretary Prakash Karat spoke
about the threat of Muslim terrorism in the context of the PFI activities.
The CPM had named the PFI while talking about increase in terrorist
activities in the country and pointed out that there was an interconnection
between communalism and the spawning of such terrorist activities.

The incident had become a political hot potato in Kerala. Recently, the
Congress echoing the PFI line had alleged that the Left Front government was
targeting the Muslim community. With elections to local bodies scheduled for
September and Assembly elections less than a year away, the Congress was
clearly eyeing the sizeable Muslim vote base.

Achuthanandan said terrorists were creating major problems in the state. 
The outfit, in its earlier avatar as NDF, had given training, money and
weapons to youngsters to eliminate opponents. Now they were trying to create
a clean image by organising freedom parades on the Independence Day. Several
district administrations had already banned the parade, he added.

With the Left Front government going hard at the PFI, there is a feeling
that the Left was playing the Hindu card, hoping that there would be a
strong Hindu backlash against the spurt in Islamic extremist activities in
the state.

Recently, the government intensified a crackdown by conducting state-wide
raids at PFI bases across the state, arresting one of its senior leaders,
suspected to be among the main conspirators behind the attack on college
lecturer T J Joseph.

[Goanet] RSS alleges 'Islamisation' of Kashmir - India

2010-08-14 Thread Ruby

Jai Hind and damn the RSS. Damn the Islamic terrorists as well.
Yours truly,