Re: [Goanet] Rachel Maddow rips Cheney a new hole

2010-01-05 Thread Mario Goveia

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Date: Sun, 3 Jan 2010 16:34:08 -0500
From: Venantius J Pinto

I have also always believed that I for one do not need to seek depth to
every issue,

Mario observes:

Perhaps you should reconsider this do not need when a person's character is 
being ripped a new hole by a political adversary with an axe to grind.

Venantius wrote:

Maddow's segment Rachel Maddow rips apart Cheney, GOP attack machine, via
DailKOS Tv was of course not
Goa-related; yet, as I have repeatedly done -- presented to Goans (fully
aware that they are very aware) -- various ways of seeing, confronting, and
learning responses to their own socio-religio political EXISTENCEs and
interests in INDIA.

Mario responds:

Here is the totality of your original post:

You have not seen anything like this.
Observe the level of analysis, fact checking, quality of journalism.
Rachel Maddow rips apart Cheney, GOP attack machine

I don't get it.  How did this present to Goans (fully aware that they are 
very aware) -- various ways of seeing, confronting, and learning responses  to 
their own socio-religio political EXISTENCEs and interests in INDIA.???

You wrote, Observe the level of analysis, fact checking, quality of 

They don't know anything in India or Goa about the Daily Kos and Rachel Maddow 
and their political agendas and her ability to rip a political opponent by 
misconstruing what they and others have said.

Venantius wrote:

To rip a hole (a la Cheney) does not automatically imply a new sphincter.

Mario responds:

Of course it doesn't.  Anyone familiar with slang would know that.  In the 
context of the link you posted and its contents, the meaning of your title 
would amount to Rachel Maddow subjects Cheney to vehement criticism or attack 
in the Queen's English.  Attack and obfuscate is precisely what Maddow tried to 
do in her typical scurrilous way.

Venantius wrote:

No axe to grind, although I can proverbially and physically use most weapons, 
including the Parshu/Tabar for that matter. That's just another slice of info 
about me, to go along with my brush wielding skills. Surely worth a snicker.

Mario observes:

If you insist, snicker:-))  Must remember to keep a safe distance from your 
Parshu/Tabar in case you decide to use it to make one of your opaque 
philosophical points:-))  

I have seen your awesome brush wielding skills.  Why don't you share those with 
us on Goanet through some sort of internet website.


Re: [Goanet] Rachel Maddow rips Cheney a new hole

2010-01-04 Thread Venantius J Pinto

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


I respect conviction. Particularly about who are regarded as serious
observers and the use of the juvenile acronym LOL. And that slang/acronym
does cower many people.

I have also always believed that I for one do not need to seek depth to
every issue, even if say one remarks positively or negatively about my work
-- as close as it could get. But it is also true that I do see depth in
things that many of you do not care much about. Equanimity is a worth
considering here  remember, pleasure and pain. Talking and getting
roiled up with talking points was never my path. I post what I like on
Goanet and if I saw anyone say something interesting (within my frame of
beliefs, comprehension AND egalitarianism)*, and I would post that as
long as it ALSO* gives a sense of who I am in artistic labor. My range
is broad enough -- I have posted on sexuality, and other topics. Now, that I
realize that they do not merit as being seen Goa-related even by a voiced
minority -- I stop; although I will continue my other posts.

Maddow's segment Rachel Maddow rips apart Cheney, GOP attack machine, via
DailKOS Tv was of course not
Goa-related; yet, as I have repeatedly done -- presented to Goans (fully
aware that they are very aware) -- various ways of seeing, confronting, and
learning responses  to their own socio-religio political EXISTENCEs and
interests in INDIA. That is the difference here, and had been always. I
thought that was clear, although I may have on occasion interjected a
marginally harsh subject line. Again, on my part I will stop aiding towards
making any analogies (please continue this process though in your minds),
and am comfortable with that. Actually that would be perfect. Time to do my
bit to attempt to ween off anybody being tempted towards ridicule

About wisdom, John Stuart Mill (and before someone pipes up, the Unitarian)
In the case of any person whose judgement is really deserving of
confidence, how is it become so? Because he has kept his mind pen to
criticism of his opinions and conduct. Because it has been his practice to
listen to all that could be said against him; to profit by as much of it as
was just, and expound to himself, and upon occasion to others, the fallacy
of what was fallacious. Because he has felt, that the only way in which a
human being can make some approach to knowing the whole of a subject, is by
hearing what can be said about it by persons of every variety of opinion,
and studying all modes in which it can be looked at by every character of
mind. No wise mind ever acquired his wisdom in any mode but this; nor is it
in the nature of human intellect to become wise in any other manner
John Stuart Mill

To rip a hole (a la Cheney) does not automatically imply a new sphincter. I
would have said exactly that if I needed to. Having said that, I have rarely
seen so much as any sort of pithy contrition when warranted, on various
issues I posted and then had to re-present via specific explanations. But I
will not jog my memory any further. I am finally accepting that its not
within my bandwidth to point things out. This was yet another try. Language
is not about having a good sense of grammar. That is why we, and I too look
at Chomsky -- who many deride vociferously. Many of us keep silent, and in
our silence on many ideas, views and possibilities -- we snuff ourselves, or
allow ourselves to be snuffed out by vociferous voices. We make these

Thank heavens I was born in a simple family. No axe to grind, although I can
proverbially and physically use most weapons, including the Parshu/Tabar for
that matter. That's just another slice of info about me, to go along with my
brush wielding skills. Surely worth a snicker. I have nothing to add. Poor
me. All along I thought I had a good grip on things.

Things happen for a reason. I think I found mine at the start of the New

Abfuehren Ja! Time to flush a few things.Dad passed away about ten years
ago, but I feel that he with all his 4 Std (no idea whether he finished)
education would have appreciated this post.

venantius j pinto

[Goanet] Rachel Maddow rips Cheney a new hole

2010-01-02 Thread MD

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Rachel Maddow says:
Now, as is often the case in politics, when attacks from one side go
unanswered for a long time, when one side gets the platform all to
themselves, that side can sometimes get over-exuberant. They can
overplay their hand.

Quite true.  Expect counter responses, accusations etc. Mr. Pinto.


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 1 Jan 2010 05:38:43 -0500
From: Venantius J Pinto
To: Goanet Mail list
Subject: [Goanet] Rachel Maddow rips Cheney a new hole
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

You have not seen anything like this.
Observe the level of analysis, fact checking, quality of journalism.
Rachel Maddow rips apart Cheney, GOP attack machine
venantius j pinto

Re: [Goanet] Rachel Maddow rips Cheney a new hole

2010-01-02 Thread Mervyn Lobo

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Venantius J Pinto wrote:
 You have not seen anything like this.
 Observe the level of analysis, fact checking, quality of journalism.
 Rachel Maddow rips apart Cheney, GOP attack machine

venantius j pinto,
This Cheney guy has gone totally wacko after losing power. 

Like all wacko's, he is interesting. 

And especially so to republicans.


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Re: [Goanet] Rachel Maddow rips Cheney a new hole

2010-01-02 Thread Venantius J Pinto

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


 No worries MD. To accuse with valid reason, in the context in which
 Maddow presented is an impossibility, other than if someone was to
 mistakenly attempt a tone analysis of her voice, or seek the vociferous in
 her delivery, or glint/gleam in her eyes, body angle, or something of that
 sort. But strange things happen in phenomenology.

Thanks for the warning. Hopefully, you did not intend it as a bait, and
hopefully it will be not be seen as such by anyone. It is what it is,
including what I said about rips Cheney a new hole --- perhaps not the
best of metaphors.


Message: 5
Date: Fri, 1 Jan 2010 22:41:03 -0500
From: MD
Subject: [Goanet] Rachel Maddow rips Cheney a new hole

Rachel Maddow says:
Now, as is often the case in politics, when attacks from one side go
unanswered for a long time, when one side gets the platform all to
themselves, that side can sometimes get over-exuberant. They can
overplay their hand.

Quite true.  Expect counter responses, accusations etc. Mr. Pinto.


[Goanet] Rachel Maddow rips Cheney a new hole

2010-01-02 Thread Mario Goveia

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Date: Fri, 1 Jan 2010 05:38:43 -0500
From: Venantius J Pinto

You have not seen anything like this.
Observe the level of analysis, fact checking, quality of journalism.
Rachel Maddow rips apart Cheney, GOP attack machine

Mario responds:

For anyone to concoct an analysis to try and show that President Bush and 
Vice President Cheney were soft on international terrorism in any shape or 
form, compared with the fierce warrriors [snicker!] of the Obama administration 
would not even pass the smell test with most serious observers, who would LOL 
at this notion!

Even before reading it I knew the contents of this link that Venantius has 
posted on Goanet for reasons that escape me with respect to the Goanet Rules on 
relevence to Goa and Goans were bogus, distorted, and taken out of context, 
simply because of the reputation of the analyst, Rachel Maddow, and the far 
left wing blog the Daily Kos, who are both well known in the US for 
deliberately distorted political spin from the far left wing taken out of 
context to make it sound reasonable and logical.

After reading the so-called analysis I believe I am right. 

One fact to remember is that anyone captured in the US, whether citizen or not, 
whether friend or foe, has to be tried under the US Constitution in either 
civil or criminal courts, with all the endless protections in favor of the 
miscreant and against the prosecution.

Thus the Blind Sheikh who planned WTC-I in 1993, Richard Reid, Zacarias 
Moussaoui and now Abdul Muttalab, must be tried under the most powerful 
protections ever devised by a country for the bad guys.

What the Obama administration has changed is to give foreign enemy combatants 
who were captured on foreign battlefields the same rights as those captured on 
US soil, instead of trying them under military tribunals in Gitmo.  These have 
never been granted the full protection of the US Constitution before, which 
includes full legal representation at taxpayer expense including appeals all 
the way to the Supreme Court.

Here are some of the most egregious examples from this so-called analysis in 
Quotes, followed by my comments:

Dick Cheney’s comments today probably the worst among them. He said, quote, He 
seems to think if he gives terrorists the rights of Americans, lets them lawyer 
up and reads them their Miranda rights, we won’t be at war.

Comment: What Dick Cheney was talking about was foreign enemy combatants and 
not those captured on US soil.  He was criticizing the Obama administration's 
lax attitude towards international terrorism, by calling the  War on 
International Terror an Overseas Contingency Operation and calling 
terrorism a man-caused disaster, all sophistries that are causing much 
amusement among the terrorists.

Remember Richard Reid, the so-called shoe bomber? Richard Reid was arrested 
December 2001, when a man named Dick Cheney was vice president. The Bush 
Justice Department let him, as they say, lawyer up, and Mr. Reid later pled 
guilty in federal court.

Comment:  The Bush administration had no choice under the US Constitution, just 
as the Obama administration has no choice with respect to Abdul Muttalab the 
most recent terrorist who tried to blow up the Delta Airlines plane on 
Christmas Day.

Remember 9/11 co-conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui? Same deal. Given American 
rights, tried in the federal courts and convicted, all while a man named Dick 
Cheney was vice president.

Comment:  Since Zacarias Moussaoui was captured in the US the administration 
had no legal choice.

What President Obama is doing right now with this case is the same thing that 
was done with the same type of cases while Dick Cheney was vice president. But 
Dick Cheney isn’t letting anything like that hold him back, saying, quote, Why 
doesn’t he want to admit we’re at war? President Obama’s first object and his 
highest responsibility must be to defend us against an enemy that knows we are 
at war.

Comment:  The problem with this analysis is that Cheney's comments are taken 
out of context.  He was not criticizing Obama for trying people captured on US 
soil under the US Constitution.  He was referring to enemy combatants who were 
captured on foreign battlefields being held at Gitmo
who did not qualify for trials on US soil under the US Constitution, like 
Khalid Sheikh Mohammad and another five of his colleagues, until the Obama 
administration decided to do so, with NO precedent in US history for doing so.

The Bush/Cheney 

[Goanet] Rachel Maddow rips Cheney a new hole

2010-01-01 Thread Venantius J Pinto

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


You have not seen anything like this.
Observe the level of analysis, fact checking, quality of journalism.
Rachel Maddow rips apart Cheney, GOP attack machine
venantius j pinto