[Goanet] Religion and Politics.

2017-09-02 Thread Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão

This is in reference to a letter published on a couple of newspapers  in 
respect to Religion and Politics. The writer in fact compares the article on 
‘Renovação’ as a  misuse of Freedom of speech , when in fact, what he states in 
the letter as facts, have absolutely no truth, a clear falsification of history 
 that smacks of ignorance or ulterior motives.
Germany during the Nazi Regime was no more Catholic  as it is at present, which 
is around 30%, which definitely is not  Catholic Dominated as Poland.  History 
also says that the Church did fight against Nazi regime in its own way, maybe 
not by publishing articles, if that’s what the writer meant.  It is very 
glaring that the letter criticises the Church for publishing the article in the 
Church magazine, and in the same stride criticises the Church of being silent 
during the Nazi regime.  The writer and others who criticise the Church on this 
issue, specially Catholics, need to know that most Nazis were brought up 
Catholics but in adulthood  had turned hostile towards her.  Catholics were 
persecuted during Nazi regime, and infact many Catholics rescued Jews. History 
cannot be changed, but can be manipulated to the ignorants.
And lastly, There's a deep ravine that divides Politics and Social Injustice, 
and cannot be confused for one another.

Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.




2013-05-31 Thread Aires Rodrigues
On 27th May the voters of Periyapatna Assembly constituency in Karnataka
voted to elect their MLA. The high light on the polling day was a scuffle
after the Congress candidate K Venkatesh tried to perform Puja on the
Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) at the polling booth at Kittur in Punada
village. Why do these political demons make a mockery of religion?

Such candidates must bite the dust.  The constituency has witnessed a
record polling of 83.84% in a mainly triangular fight between the Congress,
JD(S) and the BJP. The votes are scheduled to be counted later this

This constituency did not vote at the May 5th Karnataka Assembly elections
as the election to this constituency had to be postponed following the
death of BJP candidate Sannamoge Gowda.

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372


2013-05-31 Thread U. G. Barad

After reading the message (appended here below), I'm convinced that religion
and politics is a recipe for disaster! 

I find religious outfits in Goa taking active part in Goa politics as if
almighty have created them only for doing this! Can the writer of the
message take some couching camps educating these religious outfits and avoid

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

On Fri, 31 May 2013 Aires Rodrigues airesrodrigu...@gmail.com wrote:

On 27th May the voters of Periyapatna Assembly constituency in Karnataka
voted to elect their MLA. The high light on the polling day was a scuffle
after the Congress candidate K Venkatesh tried to perform Puja on the
Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) at the polling booth at Kittur in Punada
village. Why do these political demons make a mockery of religion?

Such candidates must bite the dust.  The constituency has witnessed a record
polling of 83.84% in a mainly triangular fight between the Congress, JD(S)
and the BJP. The votes are scheduled to be counted later this morning.

This constituency did not vote at the May 5th Karnataka Assembly elections
as the election to this constituency had to be postponed following the death
of BJP candidate Sannamoge Gowda.

[Goanet] Religion, Science Politics!!!!!!!

2009-05-04 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad
I believe Goanet and Goanet members are Secular(!). 
Based on this assumption I would like to conclude above subject saying
“Religion at no cost can be intermixed with Politics”. 

Secondly “Religion can never and ever get intermixed with Science” 

If at all any personality is trying to say that “Religion, Politics and
Science” can make a cocktail……I would only say “Sorry for such thinkers” 
Best regards,
Dr. U. G. Barad

[Goanet] Religion or politics?

2008-05-06 Thread marshallmendonza
Sachin Phadte wrote:
The issues that HJS is taking are not rooted in the past. The issue of ethnic 
cleansing of the Kashimiri Pandits is within the last twenty years. The issue 
of conversions by some of the churches is of the recent past. Could the HJS 
have taken up the issues in a 'dignified' manner? Perhaps. But for this to 
happen, we should not disucss only the manner in which the discussions are 
taken, but also the content. For example, on the Kashmiri Pandit, even today 
they are saying that the various governmentes, including the NDA, have badly 
let them down. I have read in the papers that many Kashmiri Pandits have been 
killed over the last twenty years - but not a single person has been prosecuted 
for the crimes.


1. More Muslims have suffered and died in the Kashmir violence than Hindus.Does 
this matter to the HJS?(refer to the last issue of Outlook for more stories on 
Kashmiri widows)
2.The issue of conversions is a bogey raised from time to time to beat and 
subdue the christians.Please cite cases where prosecutions have been launched 
and also cite how many convictions have been carried out in the last 50 years.
3.The BJP was in power for 6 years. Dr Farooq Abdullah was a partner in the NDA 
govt. Please explain what stopped them from rehabilitating the Kashmiri 
Pandits. Or is it that they are being used as fodder to secure votes and build 
vote banks, just as the victims of the Godhra train fire?
4.Muslims have been victims in Gujarat, Bhiwandi, Ajmer, Hyderabad, Sikhs have 
been victims in Delhi, Christians have been victims in Orissa, Gujarat and 
several other parts of India, Dalits have been victims all over the country for 
over 2000 years. Why does the HJS heart bleed only selectively? Are the others 
any less? 
5. Besides inciting hatred, has there been any postive contibution by HJS in 
building a peaceful and harmonious society?
6.Please refer to the Times of India of 5th May, 2008 which carries reports of 
the UPA govt announcing a rehabilitation programme for the Kashmiri Pandits.


Marshall Mendonza

Re: [Goanet] Religion or politics?

2008-05-05 Thread Sachin Phadte

In her post, Selma Carvalho asks me: Do we really want to be mired in the past 
forever? I do not think anyone sensible would only answer the question as NO. 
However, the past should not be sanitised to suit any purpose, and truth should 
always be told. In this respect, I am told that Rev George Soares-Prabhu wrote: 
Whether mediaeval as distinct from modern Hinduism was 'exclusivist' or not, 
it was certainly not intolerant in the way that Christianity and Islam were. 
Hindu sects may have thought of themselves as superior to other sects, in that 
they possessed the 'true' interpretation of the Vedas, but (unlike Christianity 
and Islam) they rarely felt the need to eliminate them! There is nothing in the 
history of Hinduism or Buddhism to compare with the obsessive ferocity of 
Christianity and Islam in their persecution of other religions or of dissident 
groups within their own religious tradition.

In this respect, the question of secular wars and communal wars come into 
picture. The invasion of Alexander of Macedonia would be considered to be a 
secular war. While the Portuguese, and most followers of Islam, were indulging 
in communal wars. Alexander's interests were territorial, while the interests 
of these others were primarily religious.

The issues that HJS is taking are not rooted in the past. The issue of ethnic 
cleansing of the Kashimiri Pandits is within the last twenty years. The issue 
of conversions by some of the churches is of the recent past. Could the HJS 
have taken up the issues in a 'dignified' manner? Perhaps. But for this to 
happen, we should not disucss only the manner in which the discussions are 
taken, but also the content. For example, on the Kashmiri Pandit, even today 
they are saying that the various governmentes, including the NDA, have badly 
let them down. I have read in the papers that many Kashmiri Pandits have been 
killed over the last twenty years - but not a single person has been prosecuted 
for the crimes.

Sachin Phadte.

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Re: [Goanet] Religion or politics?

2008-05-05 Thread Carvalho

--- Sachin Phadte [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

There is
 nothing in the history of Hinduism or Buddhism to
 compare with the obsessive ferocity of Christianity
 and Islam in their persecution of other religions or
 of dissident groups within their own religious

Please let's not display a complete tunnel-vision when
it comes to analyzing religions. Hinduism grew on a
subcontinent, with hardly any competing force. Despite
this, there is ample evidence that Hindus held
non-Hindus and foreigners with enough contempt to
label them mleccha. There is also evidence that upon
raiding and sacking territories, they converted
indigenous populations to slave-labour conditions
(giving impetus to the caste movement) heaven help
them if they were dasu (dark-skinned), and they either
annihilated their local deities or absorbed them into

Islam, Christianity and Judaism on the other hand had
to continuously compete with each other for
superiority and much of the mayhem they wrecked was on
each other during the medieval era. 

Touting the superiority of one religion over another
is just self-delusion.

Sachin wrote:
While the Portuguese, and most
 followers of Islam, were indulging in communal wars.
 Alexander's interests were territorial, while the
 interests of these others were primarily religious.

I'm sorry you are wrong on both accounts. Both the
Portuguese and the Arabs came as traders. The former
trying to find a route to China and the latter doing
brisk trade with India, specifically in Arabian horse.
The earliest fortifications were set up to protect
either trading posts or routes. That these early
trading adventures turned to full-scale greed on the
part of the Muslim Turks and Persian, and the Dutch
and Portuguese is testimony only to the fact that man
is a greedy beast, who uses the name of God to aid him
in everything that is vile. Muslim and Christians are
not the only ones who have a monopoly in this respect.



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[Goanet] Religion or politics?

2008-05-05 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Sun, 4 May 2008 13:48:19 -0700 (PDT)
From: Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My experience in exposing misinformation is that facts
rarely win out against a religious or political
ideology from the standpoint of its aging adherents,
no matter how intelligent, well-educated or well-read
they may be. Once a bogus cause is co-opted by an
ideology, the rational and evidence-based approach has
a very slim chance of working against it. Ideology is
more often than not much more powerful than reason.

Mario observes:

Though there are exceptions based on religious faith,
true scientific facts, by definition, tend to prevail
over time with intelligent, well-educated and
well-read individuals.  Otherwise they could hardly be
described as intelligent, well-educated and well-read.

Only when the facts are in dispute, or if the
political and economic actions that are being
recommended or demanded based on established facts are
in dispute, does a debate take place among the
intelligent, the well-educated and the well-read.

However, there are typically some ideologues on either
side of any debate who think they have a monoply on
the true facts.  Some will even go as far as to deny
that there is a debate under way.

Re: [Goanet] Religion or politics?

2008-05-04 Thread Sachin Phadte

In her comment on the rejoinders by Fredrick Noronha and Santosh Helekar, Selma 
Carvalho writes: Hindu kings have been in constant battle with each other for 
eons, spreading far in the South East, and at times showing utter ruthlessness 
in their decimation,as in Sri Lanka...

When we identify the kinds as Hindus, it would be necessary to establish that 
they justified their action on the basis of what Hinduism has taught them. It 
is quite possible to engage in secular wars, rather than communal ones.

Could Selma enlighten me about the labelling she has used?

Also, could Selma provide more information on the utter ruthlessness in the 
decimation in Sri Lanka? I am not saying that this did not happen, because I am 
not so well versed in the history of the period as Selma is.

Sachin Phadte 

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Re: [Goanet] Religion or politics?

2008-05-04 Thread Carvalho

--- Sachin Phadte [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 When we identify the kinds as Hindus, it would be
 necessary to establish that they justified their
 action on the basis of what Hinduism has taught
 them. It is quite possible to engage in secular
 wars, rather than communal ones.
 Could Selma enlighten me about the labelling she has
 Also, could Selma provide more information on the
 utter ruthlessness in the decimation in Sri Lanka? I
 am not saying that this did not happen, because I am
 not so well versed in the history of the period as
 Selma is.
Dear Sachin,
The Chola dynasty of South India, sacked Sri Lanka and
plundered their Buddhist monasteries of considerable
wealth. So ruthless was their devastation it has been
bitingly chronicled by the Buddhist monks as

I have no idea what secular wars are, as opposed to
communal ones. The moral zeitgeist of the 21st century
demands we denounce all war as morally reprehensible
unless in self-defense. Another one of religion's many
moral teachings from Christianity to Islam to
Hinduism is that war is our Divine duty and we are the
mere channels of Divine will. We have to get past
these archaic teachings. War is nothing more then a
conscious decision by one section of human beings to
impose untold misery onto another. 

Of course, I am not a 21st moral relativist and in no
way am I seeking to condemn anyone in history. The
only point I was trying to make is that whoever our
fore-bearers were, Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Jain, or
Christian, they all have blood on their hands and no
religion can stake the higher moral ground.

The second point I was trying to make is, if
organizations like HJS are keen on creating Islamic
and Christian bogey men carved out of history, then
let's have all our skeletons come of the history
closet. Let's talk about Alexander the Great who
plundered and pillaged India, the Huns, the Persians,
the Turks, the Dutch, the Portuguese and the British.
Let's ask for reparations and avow retribution on all
of them. Let's not dwell just on the excesses of the
Inquisition or Mogul kings. That shows a distinct
retardation in our historical perspective.

I have to wonder what the allure of such malicious
organizations like the HJS is? Surely, they tether us
to a past and prevent us from making a leap into the
future. Do we really want to be mired in the past
forever? Perhaps Sachin can provide an answer.



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Re: [Goanet] Religion or politics?

2008-05-04 Thread Santosh Helekar
We have to begin the process of telling and
retelling our history as history, not as a grievance,
a open sore to be nursed perpetually by a sense of
victim-hood. To this extent, I think there is a lot
to be done in sponsoring speakers, writers,
websites that counter the HJS type of propaganda. Let
a hundred Gadgils rise, why not let their voices be
heard through financial assistance?

When one frames such issues in political terms, such
as victim-hood and sponsoring of speakers and writers
to counter a propaganda, one is thrusting oneself in
the political arena, and inviting criticism on purely
political grounds. On religious issues one does much
worse because one exposes oneself to communal fervor. 

My experience in exposing misinformation is that facts
rarely win out against a religious or political
ideology from the standpoint of its aging adherents,
no matter how intelligent, well-educated or well-read
they may be. Once a bogus cause is co-opted by an
ideology, the rational and evidence-based approach has
a very slim chance of working against it. Ideology is
more often than not much more powerful than reason.
That is why the vast majority of people in India
believe in astrology and an equally massive majority
of Americans reject evolution by natural selection.



Re: [Goanet] Religion or politics?

2008-05-03 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- Frederick [FN] Noronha

Definitely not a good idea. It would give an excuse
for malafide interests to argue that people fight
communalism in Goa because funds come in from

It is not a good idea for other reasons as well.
Organized opposition to any kind of religious
expression can itself be politicized.
Counter-propaganda is counterproductive. It is also
prone to excesses of its own. 

There is no good solution to this problem. The only
thing that we can do is to teach our children,
preferably when they are very young (10 - 15 years of
age) the following:

1. How to think rationally and critically, 

2. How to look for reliable information,

3. How to recognize misinformation,

4. How to avoid falling prey to propaganda and

5. How and why not to believe in world-wide or
nation-wide conspiracies, and

6. How not to believe in something when there is
compelling evidence to the contrary.



Re: [Goanet] Religion or politics?

2008-05-02 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
Definitely not a good idea. It would give an excuse for malafide
interests to argue that people fight communalism in Goa because funds
come in from overseas.

The time has long come for:

1. Every concerned citizen to fund the purchase of books that help
themselves better understand the ideologies of hate, based on every
religion and trend (and even non-religions!)

2. For every expat to work to comprehend the news-behind-the-news, and
not to get taken in by hardsell that aims to give a gloss to dubious
thoughts that fuel divisions and fear of one another.

3. For all people of goodwill to work to keep track of the debate that
goes on in diverse languages, so that we are not lulled into believing
that a communal polarisation is not happening, when indeed it is.

Of course, every religion and ideology has its own bigots, and we need
to be even handed in raising issues about these. I can't think of many
persons who would do a Gadgil on bigots of their own (specially
minority) religions, and it carries most credibility when we start
with self-criticism. It is very easy to criticise The Other, I guess.

2008/5/2 Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  The time has come for us to organise more aggressively
  (pardon the use of this word), and start funding
  literature that will counter the activities of the
  HJS. There are many of us in the diaspora, who are
  thinking along these lines.

[Goanet] Religion and politics

2007-08-08 Thread Albert Desouza
   The First Konkani E-Cinema

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  Premiers at Masrah, Hawalli Auditorium, Kuwait on Aug 10, 2007


Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2007 00:36:39 -0400
From: Bosco D'Mello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Vote for Parrikar
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=iso-8859-1;

On Tue Aug 7 13:43:37 PDT 2007, Miguel Braganza wrote:
Bosco writes

My dear Albert,

Why preach what you do not practice? Verify
YOUR facts before posting them on the Net

RESPONSE: Miguel, some months ago Albert threatened to bury his computer in
the cemetery. Its quite likely his plans were thwarted by the approaching
monsoon. Since you are in close proximity to him, once the weather improves,
please assist him in carrying out his threat.

When Albert writes about christianity, one wonders if Albert is a Christian.

When Albert writes about politics, one wonders if Albert lives in Goa.
George Pinto was right afterall - Nowithstanding living in Goa, does Albert
know what is going on in Goa?

- Bosco
Albert writes
The computer that I wanted to bury was from the cyberage scheme of the Goa 
govt but that I could give to the ghanti children to play because most of 
the computers are like that.
I am not a hypocrate not to practice what I preach. Because I practice I 
like to  tell you what is correct.
I am for all purpose in Goa and know my geography and history very well. I 
do not  believe in gossip to blame parrikar or babush monserate just because 
the newspaper says so or my padre says so or the neighbour sitting in the 
bar in the evening from 6 pm to 10 pm says so or another neighbour who sits 
at the chai shop to sip hot tea and eat baji says so. I am a christian and 
lived with priests and nuns and christians and hindus for thirty long years 
and worked with them and know everything of which matter they are made of . 
I have also discovered why your bishop wears a red cap and also found out 
why in the past padris used to receive a crop cut in the size of a coin on 
the back of their head. At least my name suggest that I am a christian may 
be outstanding christian probably because of my presence outside the door of 
the church /I am a person who likes to watch Miracle net though some holy 
people have instructed me not to, and find statues are nuisance in the 
church as their presence is not according to God's will. I have also 
discovered that those who write big stories about the politicians do not 
know where the Assembly hall is situated and many of them do not know why 
they are called goans. Many people prefer congress govt because of their 
selfishness. If any one of our goanetters have ample proof to say Parrikar 
and Babush Monserate are evil forces in goa let them write it openly in the 
net giving evidence for their actions? just not write something wild in the 
air. This is the reason why Mapuca is stinking today . It is because of this 
attitude that catholics are seen in courts everyday fighting against 
themselves and divorces are on the increase because goan catholics are 
philosophers who roam with lighted lanterns in the day and go without it at 


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Re: [Goanet] religion and politics

2007-06-05 Thread Carvalho
Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

--- Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ  ्रेडरि 
क नोर  ोन्या 

 Okay, this is beyond my depth. Have a good day
 a;nert. And don't let
 that Selma block your right to free speech :-) Even
 if we all must
 talk a bit of nonsense at times...

Moi FN? Block Albert's right to free speech? Au
contraire mon ami. I love Albert. It is my earnest
desire that Albert learns the lambada. Then he will be
less concerned with homosexuals, procreation with
contraception, abortion, Catholics who worship Mary,
Churches who don't provide jobs, etc, etc. It is my
belief, that people who learn to lambada actually find
the answers to a lot of the esoteric questions they
pose. Perhaps it is something to do with the gyrations
of the dance that lends itself to sublime learning.

Albert do the lambada and you'll see the light.:-)

PS: Am I the only one who gets Frederick's name
completely garbled on my email. That's been happening
of late. The letters are replaced with ^*%$#. 


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[Goanet] religion and politics

2007-06-04 Thread Albert Desouza
Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

There are many things going on in my mind which no one wants to solve.Many 
times we roman catholics feel that we are superior and that we are following 
religion which has descended from Jesus and that st peter is the first pope  
.Can any one prove  this? Why do we roman catholics criticise the christians 
of other denominations? in what way is our religion ie roman catholicism the 
right  religion? If some one can prove these I wil lbe  happy, and if any 
one writes oh albert you are influenced by believers, or tujer deumsar 
bosla,then i will take my computer and burry it outside the cemetry.Many 
times I  try to reflect the life of Jesus.30years he remained at home and 
only three years he went out to preach.He told  openly that if you want to 
reach to my Father come to me.He went to the synogue and read the scroll and 
preached on it.He never spoke of Mary  at all except told John this is your 
mother, woman this is your son.He never spoke about praying to saints.All 
our prayers are Mary based and not directed to the Father.

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[Goanet] Religion and Politics

2007-05-30 Thread Miguel Braganza
Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

Dears,  A leader of a party that makes the construction of a Ram temple in 
Ayodhya a party election plank and uses the Hindutva distillate of the 
religious 'opium of the poor' is now seeking to SEPARATE the STATE from 
What the CSJP is actually asking the faithfull is not to vote for people of the 
same religion BUT to weed out the CORRUPT  and the COMMUNAL. So where is the 
  What Venkaiah said he should go tell the Marines...and the RSS cadres in his 
home state or UP or Rajasthan or Gujarat. We do not need his advice in Goa, 
irrespective of what religion we practice.
  Viva Goa.
 India News  BJP criticizes Goa's Catholic Church on its political stand
  May 30, 2007, 8:00 GMT 
';   var PageContent= 'Panaji, May 30 (IANS) Goa\'s Catholic 
Church, which claims the allegiance of about a quarter of the local population, 
has been criticized by the Bharatiya Janata Party for its suggestions  to the 
state\'s voters in the run-up to the June 2 assembly polls.
The church has advised the people of Goa to think about their future, Goa\'s 
environment and \'not consider candidates who are communal, who use the 
government machinery to threaten people and people who defect from one party to 
another for the love of money.\'

BJP leader M Venkaiah Naidu has criticized the local church\'s stand against 
communal candidates. Naidu argued that religious institutes and people should 
focus on religious discourses or work for social transformation, leaving 
politics to people in public life.

Incidentally, in the past, the BJP had found the church\'s anti-corruption 
stance favourable to it when it seemed to go against the saffron party\'s main 
rival in Goa, the Congress.

Goa\'s complex ethnic mix has an estimated 65 percent Hindu population 
comprising different castes and some migrant communities as well. Christians, 
mainly Catholics, make up a quarter of the population and could play a major 
role in swinging the results in parts of the state.

This time round, the BJP, making a desperate bid for power, has been focussing 
on a two-pronged strategy to dent the Catholic support, which has traditionally 
gone to Congress politicians.

The BJP has been supporting prominent Catholic, or other, non-BJP candidates in 
areas where it has no hold of its own. It has also been successfully playing on 
middle-class Catholic fears of corrupt Congress politicians ruining Goa\'s 
charm by allegedly being hand in glove with the real estate lobby.

\'Save Goa\' slogans have been surfacing this election, heightened by the 
playing-up of the issue by the media.

Some church priests have been criticised for blatantly promoting certain 
politicians. Father Maverick Fernandes of the church\'s Council for Social 
Justice and Peace said political lobbying by priests, before, during, or after 
mass, is taboo.  

Block voting has taken place depending on the threat perception of minority 
communities here. However, the reality is that caste factors within 
Catholicism, regional influences in different parts of the tiny state and 
opportunism among politicians from the community also play a key role in 
deciding trends in voting.
© 2007 Indo-Asian News Service';   PrintArticle();//--  Panaji, May 30 
(IANS) Goa's Catholic Church, which claims the allegiance of about a quarter of 
the local population, has been criticized by the Bharatiya Janata Party for its 
suggestions to the state's voters in the run-up to the June 2 assembly polls.
  The church has advised the people of Goa to think about their future, Goa's 
environment and 'not consider candidates who are communal, who use the 
government machinery to threaten people and people who defect from one party to 
another for the love of money.'
  BJP leader M Venkaiah Naidu has criticized the local church's stand against 
communal candidates. Naidu argued that religious institutes and people should 
focus on religious discourses or work for social transformation, leaving 
politics to people in public life.
  Incidentally, in the past, the BJP had found the church's anti-corruption 
stance favourable to it when it seemed to go against the saffron party's main 
rival in Goa, the Congress.
  Goa's complex ethnic mix has an estimated 65 percent Hindu population 
comprising different castes and some migrant communities as well. Christians, 
mainly Catholics, make up a quarter of the population and could play a major 
role in swinging the results in parts of the state.
  This time round, the BJP, making a desperate bid for power, has been 
focussing on a two-pronged strategy to dent the Catholic support, which has 