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Revised Goan Chefs on British Television - Bake off Finals 2020

To create a banquet fit for a King and Queen and feed 80 people with stopclock 

Are you a pastry chef, chocolatier or patisserie chef by trade, and want to 
test your skills against the very best in the business? Apply now to Channel 4 
British Television Bake Off the Professionals or forever hold your peace.   
Clanny Rodrigues from Ponda and Ryan Pinheiro from Louitalim in Goa State in 
India did just that representing the Ivy, a very high end five star Gold award 
restaurant, with many celebrities as patrons in London, England.   The 
restaurant serves British and International dishes.

After nine gruelling episodes, Clanny and Ryan, on Tuesday 28 July 2020, centre 
staged Cuisine from Goa, a little dot on the map to a worldwide audience, as 
they were tasked with creating a banquet fit for a King and Queen and enough 
for 80 people.   The pressure was on them, with their theme “ a day in the 
countryside”.  Theit final  presentation was a Goan Boater style beach hat with 
intricate Raffia style  design woven in chocolate complete with a hatpin made 
up of  what looked like a display of lily and lialac.  The sweet was Pyramid 
shaped bite size portions of Bebinca garnished  with Cashew and Cinnamon Barfi 
sitting on Jelabi.   The centrepiece was a peacock, the National Bird of India.

We all 2.75 million viewers on multiple screen viewing  platforms such as 
television computers and smartphones in UK and around the world missed a 
heartbeat along with Covid 19 survivor Matilda Sequeira when disaster struck in 
the final minutes capturing the moment the centre piece sugar coated wing of 
the peacock fell off.   Said it gave her memories of her younger days.

Click Here or paste on browser if link fails to open

Photo Credit Matilda Sequeira, (Viewing figures from Broadcasting Audience 
Research Board –BARD)

Another Viewer Sharon Pinto commented” it was interesting none were British in 
the final, but the contestants had to wow the judges to get to where they were, 
she also commented on how she missed her mums very nice bebinca.

Viewers also noticed Ryan’s perfect pyramid shaped bebinca it was good to hear 
he was using his mums recipe.   Must have made her and indeed whole of Goa and 
Niz Goykars around the world  very proud to see this product in the Finals.

May I take this opportunity to thank Café Heraldo and Lens man Lui Godinho now 
based in London for the tribute and close up picture of the cake.

Click Here

There is a Hollywood/Bollywood style video tribute to stars Clanny and Ryan, 
apologies I do not have details of the Musicians and Singer.

Thank you anyway

Today 1 lAugust I hear there has been a tradition in Goa  brought down fron 
generations to eat jaggery and Coconut the first thing in the morning it keeps 
sickness at bay.

On 19/20 August World Goa Day, share with us the celebration of your heritage 
with men in the kitchen preparing a small family Banquet – not just for 

Melvyn Fernandes

Thornton Heath Surrey

1 August 2020

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